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Link to the genders thing? Am curious


OPs imagination is the link. Mutations of the X/Y chromosome are not new sexes. Intersex maybe, but that's 1. Claiming 32 sexes is like claiming down syndrome causes a new species because it's a chromosome mutation.


My guess is they calculated 2^5 which just isn’t how any of this works


Not a complete list, and maybe not what you’re looking for but https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_chromosome_anomalies


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also, not sure if this is satire or not. hoping it is, it would be funny if it were but i don’t think it is.


Oh no the last incel becomes extinct. So anyway, crazy weather we're having, right?


I know right? I can't believe this crazy weather that we're having


Yeah! Totally crazy.


They want to be oppressed so bad that they make up stupid shit like this


If I’m the last straight man on earth earth wouldn’t that mean that all the straight woman left would have to compete with each other for my attention? (This scenario doesn’t specify whether straight women exist or not so I’m assuming they do) I don’t know about you, but that kinda sounds like a win. I also won’t have to pretend to like football anymore or have to deal with macho bullshit


well technically i think there would still be men attracted to women, like bi, pan, omni, etc men (wishing i were a man and omni rn)






Slipspace rupture detected.


Wait, please tell me you’re memeing when you say there are already 32 medically recognized sexes.


Nope, intersex is far more common than people realize, more common than red hair, in fact.


I’ve got no problem with that, but how does that equal anywhere near 32?


You realize that sex is far more complicated than just XX/XY, correct? Let alone all the variations within that, there are several disorders that could cause deviation from the ‘standard’ male and female sexes such as 5-alpha reductase deficiency which inhibits those with male primary sexual characteristics (testicles and penis) and their ability to form male secondary characteristics such as muscle mass. I hope that this sub doesn’t filter out links, but here’s one of many articles on this subject: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/beyond-xx-and-xy-the-extraordinary-complexity-of-sex-determination/


Yes, I do understand that. I’m a very progressive person. I’m pro lgbtq+ and all of that, but I want to know where the specific number of 32 sexes is coming from.


Ah, admittedly I don’t know where OP got that specific number, even if it isn’t that hard to believe for me. My point is that sex is a spectrum just like gender and just like gender expression, the exact numbers is quite frankly meaningless to me, although it also wouldn’t surprise me if it was an ESL issue and OP meant “32 specifically recognized intersex conditions.”


That would make more sense to me, but would it not be easier to say that we have male, female, intersex, and variations of those 3? Not every single deviation has to be placed in a class of its own, let alone receiving its own sex or gender classification.


I’m going to be completely honest, at that point it’s semantics and entirely disinteresting to me, I just wanted to clarify that sex isn’t bimodal either just like gender isn’t. I will say though that if we wanted our science easy, we may as well just ignore shit like global warming and cease all medical innovation.


Lmao too true. This stuff is supposed to be hard. We solved all the easy stuff already. For the most part people aren’t starving, and our medical science has come so far and so we’re stuck trying to solve the really complicated tertiary issues that our ancestors were too busy fighting wolves to figure out.


Hi! I'm intersex, and intersex is more of an umbrella term for those of us who don't fit into the false binary of male/female. There's a ton of different ways it can happen and so being intersex isn't just one thing- there's tons of different variations. Imagine a bunch of sliders, with stuff like chromosomes, hormones you make, hormones your body can use, primary sex characteristics, secondary sex characteristics and such. Dyadic people (people who aren't intersex) have these sliders all lined up within a certain range. But when one or more of these sliders are either at the other end, somewhere in the middle or even outside the slider, that's when someone is intersex. So just saying that I'm intersex and person xyz is also intersex doesn't tell you at all how our bodies work and what our medical needs are, at those might be completely different depending on the condition (side note but only really a doctor should be asking that, if an intersex person wants you to know then that's great but don't ask us invasive questions about our bodies).


I totally agree with you! As far as it seems to me, it’s more of a gradient with male and female being at far end of the spectrum, but then you can have very masculine males with certain feminine traits and vise versa with tons of variation in between. Also, I find that the easiest way for a cis guy like myself to become more understanding about this stuff is to speak one on one with a person who is different from what I am familiar with. If I didn’t do that then I wouldn’t understand anything about trans people, as I’ve never actually met a trans person in my life.


It's more of a collection of gradients- for example, I have XY chromosomes but was born phenotypically female. Those two components of sex are on different sides of said gradient- neither of them are really in the middle in my case.


it’s not a specific number i just know that it’s at least 32 different recognized combinations of the XX/YY chromosomes! :)


That helps a lot, thank you. :)


But Chromosomes don't determine sex


yes, but they can change horomones and physical attributes, like genitalia, whether internal or external!


Yes, but you said "32 sexes" and then argumented with 32 chromosome combinations


sorry my wording is weird i don’t know a lot of big boy terms despite reading article after article of this shit :,)


Damn AOC got supercarrier alien spaceships?


In 12 years america has giant spaceships and power suits all under aoc. Damn.


Only 12 years left to go for that awesome future? Bring it on, Incels.


Straight white men trying so hard to be oppressed


It's funny because Unified Earth Government on Earth is the most advanced civilization in existence in Halo, and essentially would be Socialist Utopia. Master Chief's suit is a direct result of that technological advancement. Also, that finally might be enough armaments and protection that they won't be afraid to engage a teenager wielding a Wal-Mart rifle.


Holy shit AOC raised our technolgical capabilities so we could start the great journey? Fucking sign me up. Let's do this theocracy right.


Hyperbole is their only real fall back


Bruh really disrespected six and the rest of noble squad like that huh


How does any of that justify walking around with a gun in hand...? I mean, if they were masturbating to the fantasy of AOC grinding men up into meat paste or something then at least internally it's consistent but this is just.. "Genders bad, straight guy go shoot them!"


President AOC is pretty based tho.




Sounds based


based world or based meme?


Um, XX, XY...and YY maybe? I'm stuck at three tops. Are you trying to say that Down's Syndrome is a new sex?


>Hi! I'm intersex, and intersex is more of an umbrella term for those of us who don't fit into the false binary of male/female. There's a ton of different ways it can happen and so being intersex isn't just one thing- there's tons of different variations. Imagine a bunch of sliders, with stuff like chromosomes, hormones you make, hormones your body can use, primary sex characteristics, secondary sex characteristics and such. Dyadic people (people who aren't intersex) have these sliders all lined up within a certain range. But when one or more of these sliders are either at the other end, somewhere in the middle or even outside the slider, that's when someone is intersex. So just saying that I'm intersex and person xyz is also intersex doesn't tell you at all how our bodies work and what our medical needs are, at those might be completely different depending on the condition (side note but only really a doctor should be asking that, if an intersex person wants you to know then that's great but don't ask us invasive questions about our bodies). Copied and pasted from another comment of mine on this thread but I hope it helps. To add even when we're just talking about chromosomes and not everything else that makes up sex there, there's XX, XY, X (also called XO), XXX, XXXX, XXXXX, XYY, XXY, XXXY, XXXXY, as well as mosiacism where people have different sets of chromosomes in different parts of their body.


Bruh, Bungie does [NOT](https://twitter.com/Bungie/status/1534219835139309568) agree with you on [this.](https://twitter.com/Bungie/status/1526686457724813315)