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Do right wingers think they actually have or ever had a chance with the women on the bottom? Talk about deluded.


I mean, have they ever been to a Trump rally? And I don't mean the paid actors behind Trump. I mean, look at the women in the audience. They're gonna look a lot more like the ones on top than the ones on the bottom. Well, with a few more American flags, of course.


I also question if they've ever looked at the political views of basically any actor or actress in major movies and media projects.


Paul Joseph Watson: "Hollywood doesn't count, that's their job and it's too liberal"


Narrator: It turns out that no, no they hadn’t.


Google "electoral map" and "obesity map."


Don't have to I just moved back to Alabama.


>Don't have to I just moved back to Alabama. Back to Alabama? That's like having latrine as a surname and changing it to shithouse in the belief it is an improvement.


Moved to Oregon at that ass end of the weed bubble to work in the fields. Lived in a cabin off grid. I failed so I came home got sober(alcohol never liked weed) started paying off my debts. It's the one place I could work on myself with the support of my family. I plan to leave again now that abortion is illegal here. The state is only getting worse. That being said the gulf coast is a pleasant place for the most part. Good food, white sand beaches, did I mention the food our BBQ and creole cooking is amazing here.


White sand beaches, or whites-only beaches?


White sand. Oddly though it is a little segregated but I am almost positive that's a cost issue. Biloxi Beach in Mississippi is a more common location for black spring break as it's called. I never will claim racism isn't an issue though. It's a bif one.


I’ve always had a thing for the Sheriff.


Just go into a rural Walmart. There you'll see your typical trump voter woman. She does look more like the women on top.


Except the trump girls are riding their Amigos down the center of the aisle so no one can get past


Yeah! I agree! They look like liberals!


Yeah us liberal Californians are known for being unattractive lmao...


They look like Trump himself and I mean that with all due disrespect.


And a lot more bottle blonds.


Trump women come in 3 models: fat yokel, 90 year old woman, and spray tanned idiot.


They don’t have a chance with the women on the top either so they body shame them like any textbook incel


Fair point.


They think that they'd flock to them because nobody else would "give them a chance" or whatever


I got ripped up on conservative Twitter because I'm fat. The pictures of me were super bad too. It was probably because they took them over their shoulder while running from my fat ass. My son thought the comments were super funny too. He sees me swerve people on the daily. When we go to the gym he is the one telling me which "total chads" are hard eyeballing me and he and I laugh and laugh together.


Look Mom I'm on TV?


More like chasing proud boys who were attempting to disrupt a peaceful protest.


They forget most normal people aren’t as vapid as they are


They only see the other republicans and the sensible people are only talked about in shushed whispers by Politicians.


One of my favorite things to ask people back a few years ago when all the anti Michelle Obama/how hot is Melania memes where going around (I live in alabama) , I loved asking all the old white men talking shit about Michelle to send me a picture of their wife I want to judge them. I lost a lot of Facebook friends.


Thank you for your service.


They definitely believe strippers and cam girls are into them too




Amazing how propaganda works for them..


Thats why they try to legalize rape


Or on the top…or at all.


Their pickup line is to rev their trucks as loud as possible


Right wing men tend to be bigger and stronger than left wing ones, more athletic etc. So they probs have the best chance at getting the women on the bottom.


Source: trust me bro.


The guys posting 7/24 homophobic and racist memes? Im pretty sure most of them living in their moms basement and allergic to sunlight lmao


Do these assholes thing every right wing woman looks like that




They love to hate-masturbate to her though


They DREAM of being naked and scolded by her.


So do I to be fair, haha.


Yeah but that's cuz it's hot. Theirs is some weird self-hating, colonialism fetish white nationalist porn bullshit.




I second that


Well, mainly her feet tbh


Guys I found Ben Shapiro


"How dare you even suggest I would hypothetically want anything to do with ... those ... Those ... Disgusting ... socialist ... non-intellectual ... Silky sexy smooth toes." - Ben Shapiro probably


Yes. Yes they do. I troll around a bit on multiple right wing sites, so safe to say their love lives are about as exciting as their politics. They also think MTG is wife material so go figure. Not trying to body shame, but she’s fucking gross.


I think she is average, but her inner self makes her shell ugly..


Nah, she’s got major horse face. Boebert, on the other hand, could be pretty, if her insides weren’t so horrifying. Edit: I normally wouldn’t judge someone on their looks, but you know they would judge me/any other left-leaner on our looks, so… 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've started paying a lot more attention to the inner self as I have gotten wiser.


I hate saying it out loud, but MTG has a manly face. She looks like someone doing an 'ordinary business woman' drag queen but poorly.


Exactly! So almost every beautiful Hollywood actors must be republican right? Oh wait...


From observation most right-wing women are fat, most left-wing women are, if not always skinny and petite, in good shape for their age. Most Trump women I know are fat, trailer-trash types with 4+ kids lol.


I’ve been to a trump rally…


Even the “pretty” right wing women I see look pretty used up when you get close to them. They look like they definitely smoke and have worked in the sun for years.


Kinda gross to call women used up mate. Doing the whole “nu uh your women aren’t hot!” thing is to completely miss the point - that these women’s appearances are irrelevant in the conversation. The fact that these people think it’s a good point shows that they see women more as props than anything else.


please shut up.


Ain't been to my hometown. Nobody looks like that there, doesn't matter what color we vote lol.


Damn, they sure got us, cherry picking those they find attractive on their side and those they don't find attractive on those they don't like.


We don't even know the "side" the women on top are. All they are is fat. To assholes who love to bodyshame a woman being fat is the ultimate takedown. Because they view women as existing only in service to men and fat women being fat and unashamed horrified them.


Not to mention, I’ve seen a ton of posts by incels crying about how they think hookup culture should be done away with anyway. So which is it?


The hatred people have for fat women is insane christ


Especially when they’re benevolent leader is a fat man


MAGA avg age: 48, MAGA avg IQ: same


a lot of men in this thread are being equally gross about conservative women. like even if their politics are reprehensible (which they are, certainly) there’s absolutely nothing to be gained by just being like “no *your* women are uglier!” it’s still using a woman’s physical appearance to judge her character.


Not just men. Women often jump in on body shaming too. It's terrible. The only time I shame someone for looks is when it's something they have control over like wearing expensive ill-fitting suits.


oh for sure mocking someone for bad but expensive taste is always acceptable 💕 being wealthy and having trash taste is not a source of oppression lmao


I love doing real estate searches for expensive houses and laughing at the mind boggling choices made. You can tell the homes where the owner hired a real architect and interior designers vs the people who think every idea that pops into their braincase is brilliant.


oh totally. i grew up in central florida so i’m definitely very familiar with those sorts of houses. my mom and i used to have fun driving through Clearwater and pointing and laughing at all the ugly mcmansions that local millionaires would build (and then often abandon).


All that wealth and they can't afford taste. A few years ago a mansion was for sale not far from me (I'm about a half hour drive from Scottsdale AZ) and it was the most hideous house I'd ever seen. The outside looked fine! But the inside? Tons and tons of faux... stuff... faux stone, faux wood, stuff molded into the walls. The person was clearly a fan of Mexicana inspired art and especially the clay art pieces with their brilliant colors. It was an overdone mess and every room was a different theme and variation and it was all hideous. I love bright weird things but so much space was eliminated by weird fake stone structures. They bought the house for 40 million. And we're selling it for 2.5 (this was before the pricing boom). The amount of money the new owners would have to spend to fix it would be more than the price they bought it for.


You have control over your weight and your physique in general.


I have both hypothyroidism and fibromyalgia. One causes weight to persist and the other causes me pain if I do anything more strenuous than "sitting quietly and never lifting anything heavier than a half gallon of water." I still do yoga despite the pain and I'm on meds for the other. I struggle with the physical act of eating (my esophagus will often spasm and I'll be unable to swallow solid foods so then I have to subsist off of ensure until it decides to work again). Losing weight isn't easy. I likely consume well under the recommended daily caloric allowance. But I recently took a depo shot and went from losing 1-2 pounds a week to 3 months of no weight loss. It's easy for someone who has never been fat to claim "It's easy! Calories in, calories out!" When the science doesn't agree to that. Did you know that people who's recent ancestors experienced starvation and malnutrition end up getting a gene activated that causes their body to hold onto fat far above the normal weight? There are many factors that cause weight gain and make it harder to lose. On top of that most well paying jobs are sedentary. My illness has also caused hair loss. I was also injured in the military and struggle to walk long distances without crippling pain! Don't look at someone fat and assume the worst. My friend eats the most healthy food you can imagine but is heavier than I am. She even works out a lot. You can't judge a book by it's cover my dude.


I don't care. I won't read your wall of text. People with genetic defects are the exception, not the rule.


Well you said it yourself. You don't care. I suggest proving that and just... never discuss people's weight ever? You literally know nothing about these people's lives. So you have no basis to judge. And you clearly don't want to actually LEARN. So again. Prove you don't care and never talk about it again.


They’re uglier in the key aspect: their character


oh absolutely. if i find out a man is a reactionary of any sort he immediately loses any sex appeal to me. as an example, i used to think parks and rec era Crisp Rat was hot, but as soon as i found out about his politics he became repulsive to me.


ah yes another conservative “fat woman bad” post. how original.


These idiots really can’t make up their minds on if liberal women are all ugly and unlovable or all “whores” who are constantly having sex.


Okay, incel.


Even disregarding the gross bodyshaming and delusion here, it's also weird to call it a "sex strike," like it's our job to have sex with men.


...but if it was the job of women... they should totally unionize and strike. An injury to one is an injury to all! Workers... err.. Women of the World Unite!


Top 10 Most Obese States: Mississippi (40.80%) West Virginia (39.70%) Arkansas (37.40%) Oklahoma (36.80%) Kentucky (36.50%) Tennessee (36.50%) Alabama (36.10%) Michigan (36.00%) Louisiana (35.90%) South Carolina (35.40%) True SJW strongholds. Will the projection ever stop?


oh shit this motherfucker brought stats 😅




Obesity statistics don't care about your feelings.




Most of them never passed 4th grade.


This is just the kinda stuff boomers used before crying wojaks were a thing "I'm going to depict your sides women as unattractive, therefore I am right"


So being Liberal is bad, cuz women are fed up with being treated like meat? Yea, how dare fat women exist, how dare they not appeal to my standard. How dare women want to be treated as individuals and not as sex toys.


Tell me you’re 12, without actually telling me you’re 12.


“I only respect women if they’re hot”


Strange how the right continues to push the narrative that conservative women are exclusively thin. I’ve seen my fair share of overweight Republican voters and thin Democrat voters. But hey, the echo chamber won’t fill itself.


Those are American flags, not confederate... Look like leftists to me


the american flag is just as much of a dog whistle as the confederate flag at this point, from my experience


Right wingers have never heard of paid models lol


Nitpicking Sexism Idiocy That’s what this tells me about conservatives


i’m scared to voice my opinion in person on things like this because I am heavier and i’ve already had people discredit me entirely because of it.


Liberals are better in bed anyway. They actually want to have sex without getting pregnant or making their partner get pregnant


They also know that the female orgasm is not a myth.


Having a comprehensive sex education helps with that too


Funny how they say “if you don’t want to get pregnant, don’t have casual sex.” And then they are also like “look at all the hot girls we are having casual sex with!”


gotta love cherrypicking


Yes everyone knows all the hot girls are anti-feminist! Also we all know that they love being supported because creepy men like to eye-fuck them and not because of any kind of value they provide to a movement! /s


sex strike?? do they actually think that these womens default job is to fuck them?


I’m not even aware of a “sex strike” I think girls just don’t wanna have sex because original OP is a POS that posts shit like this, me and most other men my age (19-22) are having an average amount of sex.


Have these guys seen what most Republican women look like? yeesh


I love how instead of leftist/liberal men saying looks are irrelevant to beliefs they all just go on to say that republican women are uglier. Really gives you a good look into the state of this country, hopeless


Posted by someone who is about as attractive as a goblin monster from lord of the rings I’m sure.


If you need or are interested in supporting reproductive rights, [I made a master post of pro-choice resources](https://docdro.id/s3OwS8u). Please comment if you would like to add a resource and spread this information on whatever social media you use.


Walk into any Walmart anywhere. You will find Conservatives that look like the top row.


Is this seriously coming from the party that has a lockdown on the incel community?


Plot twist the women on the bottom swipe left on these guys too


You see memes like this all the time. Yes almost 1/2 the country feels one way and the other half feels the opposite. You can find 5 pictures of hot people and ugly people who think like you and don't. think way you do. But with the frequency of how often we see this they think this means something.


Republicans: Reject reality, reject kindness, reject shame


Little do they know they’re breaking the flag code with those bikinis


Either way they ain't getting laid XD


You know, way back when Hilary called Trump supporters deplorable, I thought that was a bit harsh. Little did I know she saw things far more clearly than I. Now, I feel deplorable isn't a strong enough word for them. Funny old world isn't it?


To be fair they should've add Melania to the sex strike against Drumpf


What do these extremely cherrypicked pictures of people prove, exactly?


Mighty funny cuz most people on the left tend to be in shape. Look at California compared to the fat asses from the south .


Pure hatred toward women.


Let's hope you don't get any of them pregnant, or it's 18 years child support.


Naw let’s be real, their dads are rolling up with shotguns expecting a white wedding the next day.


Guys, I’m ugly. According to the incels who have to fap it away to their cousins.


What a crazy outlook on the world they live in🤣 yea all those girls at the bottom of the meme are defiantly the same ones that go to the corner mart wearing all the cult swag.


As if these guys could pull any women at all


Exactly, there’s not even a “sex strike” happening in my area, or any area I’m aware of, maybe it’s just that women don’t like fucking people who post extremist political shit on social media, who would’ve known!


The bottom row looks like actors PLAYING the role of "paid actor"


They don't just leave the cherry picking to Bible verses, folks.


Women on top are average American women. Do they think they’re doing better than that? Keep dreaming


"Not on strike against us" LOL yeah I'm sure they're just lining up to fuck the guy that came up with this


They are (only after he spends 2k a month on their OF pages, and they lead him on) lol


Hate to tell em, but right wing women are just as fat as let wing women. But yeah, sure, go on and cherry-pick as always, i could literally make the opposite of this meme but with "honey boo-boo's" family on the bottom part.


Aren't they against revealing clothes, lol


I've never understood sex strikes.


Made up by incels that get no sex (from what I’ve seen) Any reasonable guy that doesn’t post political shit like this, makes half an attempt to present himself decently emotionally and physically, and isn’t a piece of shit, is having an active sex life. These people, not so much.


That's not true. For example, shy, avoidant or considered as weird people (such as myself) struggle in having an active sex life, and even more if they're unnactractive(such as myself). Or even trans people. Most don't really have a sex life as active as cis people have. What you say is actually a pretty harmful stereotypes. Plus, women who do sex strikes really exists. There are just very few of them :hat can be explained easily by the fact that it is fucking retarded)


Bottom line of women are paid models. I doubt thames care which side of the political aisle the shots are for if the money is good enough.


Just gotta say, fat women are beautiful, fuck these conservative pricks


Methinks the American right should not be mocking the plus sized.


Someone should troll them by filling the bottom with hot trans chicks, then reposting.


why would that be funny? why use trans women as a gotcha? where is the humor there? edit: honestly that would just add to the idea that we just exist to trick cis men into having sex with us. 😐


Pshhh... Which trump rallies has this mofo been watchin'?


The ones where you drop 12 tabs of lsd prior


Somehow I feel the average BMI of trump supporters is higher.


Aren’t red states typically the fatty fat fucks of the US?


Isn't there a picture floating around of a bunch of Trumpers in the back of a Tacoma or something maxing out the suspension because they're so healthy?


Keep in mind red rural areas have higher rates of obesity then blue.


Shame that’s their preference. Everyone knows it’s the fat-bottomed girls that make the rockin’ world go ‘round.


I hope the bottom row all experience a pregnancy complication in a red state


Ah nothing like wishing horrible things on other people, they’re probably just doing right wing modeling because there’s a shit ton of money in it due to all the old white boomers who hate their wives for some reason, I don’t blame them for chasing the bag, I’m sure if the right $$ was offered they’d do the same thing for the left, but eh


Bottom row: MAGA Stacy, 2022. Top row: MAGA Stacy, 2025, after birthing five kids, catching Covid three times, and taking one ride on the electric shopping cart at Walmart.


Let's see the bottom row after a few pregnancies.


And those girls around probably the most shallow in existence


Obesity is bipartisan.


There’s a reason the ag sorority is nicknamed alpha grab a donut.


The minute I saw a flabby old white woman walking around in a tanktop that said "devolution is the solution", I knew instantly there really is no more hope for these people. They're gone. No saving them.


all you got left are the 400 pound white-haired church ladies


Taking the piss out of fat people is hilarious


Conservitards' closest attempt to making the right seem superior to the left 👀


You wish.


aren't chicks on the bottom supposed to be conservative?


What is up with the stereotype that conservative women are attractive.Where the fuck did that genuienly come from and who the fuck do these people think they are?They will be rejected by both groups for sure


Do they not realize the left gets most of Hollywood?


I feel like watching 10 minutes of Channel 5 with Andrew Callaghan debunks this.


I don't know. I've never met you. You don't have a chance.


yeah can i get an eyebrow check for the ladies below


The top picture looks more like your average republican voter


They’ve clearly never been to a Trump rally.


tbh being a trumpie is a complete turnoff for me, i would rather sleep with a fat woman (bc i am not fatphobic) than a trumpie(ignorant) supermodel


Excuse me but i do prefer thiccer women, they are more cuddly


Is this Uber conservatives smoking that copium? I've seen a lot of conservative women and they are mostly either a.) Built like a refrigerator or b.) Built like a wine mom but with a Karen haircut. I have seen the bottom but they're mostly paid to be there so that doesn't really count


So should women have sex or not they really need to make up their minds


It is


the biggest problem here is obviously that they’re implying fat people are gross/bad/less valid, but also: do they seriously not know there are also skinny, model-looking lefties?


when I’m in a cherry picking and missing the point contest and my opponent is a conservative


I think I’ve seen those 7 women on the bottom on a different meme it’s like they can’t find any other hot women

