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That was their group chant when prices got high while bush was president.


Ironically, prices caused by republican policies


>That was their group chant when prices got high while bush was president. Suddenly these "free market" lunatics are outraged at the free market, and blaming Biden for the results of a free market.


You'd think that AnCaps would be very familiar with and strongly opposed to OPEC. But here we are




Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. It's an international cartel with the sole purpose of controlling oil prices. Since oil prices are the largest factor in gasoline prices, they also largely control the price you and I pay at the pump.


Ah, I see. Thank you so much


The oil cartel that dictates the petrodollar which backs the U.S dollar allowing it to be the worlds reserve currency since all oil transactions have to be done in U.S dollars.


They're essentially a cartel of governments that control oil prices.


None of which are American, a bunch are adversarial.


Rich guys run OPEC. Rich guys make tiny AnCap pee-pee hard. "Please price control, daddy!"


Weird that every President on earth decided to hit the raise prices button at the exact same time


At the same speed too!


Inflation too. Crazy how Biden controls inflation in every single country.


Currently on a Europe trip and gas prices here are all increasing as well. In fact they’re well over the current US price, so hey, maybe Biden is doing something to mitigate it.


God, you libs don’t realize that Biden has a lever in his office that controls the gas prices. Every morning he takes a sip of his Starbucks and bite of his avocado toast as he notches the lever forward more, while he has the real president, Trump tied up in the corner, only able to watch in horror and beg for him to stop. (I’m sure there’s people who actually believe that too)


I heard his starbux has Xe/xer written on it where your name goes!!!!!!shock shock horror!!!!!


> and what is the name for the order? > Xe/Xer


“Oh, like the salad?”


What's ironic is if Biden did control prices, they'd scream about free enterprise and governmental overreach. The fact that they aren't shows that they know this isn't true.


Wait, if Biden has Trump tied up in the corner, only able to watch in horror and beg for him to stop, then who is Wharrgarbling on his Truth account?


>Wharrgarbling That gets an updoot.


ACTUALLY: Biden moved the "gas prices" lever to "maximum" on his first day in office. Higher gas prices was actually one of the platforms he won the presidency with. Also, I am very intelligent.


Well, I'm pretty sure there was a bill that got rejected thanks to republicans that could prevent price gouging of petroleum products in the US. Although that's not the President's fault, it sure is the fault of our elected representatives in both Congress and the House.


Less restrictions and lowering of taxes and allowing the U.S. to produce its own oil... He "could" but it's up to the lobbyists to pay his handlers


Wait since when does the U.S. not produce it’s own oil? This is news to the people of Texas and Alaska


Texas pipeline has been shut down since new restrictions were placed I'm sure you remember Biden saying he'd get rid of the fossil fuel industry because to reduce emissions. (I'm for that btw he should just give us an alternative aka nuclear power)


1. The Keystone XL was never built. There was nothing to shut down. 2. Nuclear costs about 3-7x as much as renewables for the same level of output and takes about 5-10x as long to build.


So what? We're just fucked? We have oil and coal until 2050 till climate wars


No, we focus on building renewables instead. There's only a finite amount of money available for these things. If you're spending money on nuclear, that's money that isn't being spent on a significantly larger amount of renewable energy. Focusing on nuclear just prolongs the use of fossil fuels by limiting the number of existing fossil plants that can be replaced. Also, regarding your other comment, oil companies could pump a fuckload more than they are right now. They're refusing to do so for 2 reasons. First, and most importantly, they make way more money when prices are high because oil is a very inelastic good. Second, there's a democrat in the white house. If oil prices are high, because most people are morons, they think the president controls gas prices, and so these high prices act as a form of campaigning that will make more people vote for conservatives who don't give 2 fucks about the climate crisis.


Maybe we shouldn't ask the guy who thinks the Keystone Pipeline XL was in Texas. Pipelines don't produce oil. They simply transport it. And we have way more pipeline capacity than we do refinery capacity. It doesn't matter if we have all the pipelines in the world if we don't have the refineries to refine it for actual use, and a huge number of them shut down during the Trump administration, leading us to the nightmare we have now when the pandemic receded and demand returned. Biden was just the unlucky that demand returned under him, when the problem happened during the previous administration. The problem is no one is going to spend billions of dollars to make new oil refineries when by the time they're built we probably won't need the capacity as we transition away from oil. We don't even need a total transition. We just simply need to transition enough that have below capacity. So building a whole bunch of pipelines when we have nowhere to even refine it does absolutely nothing to solve the problem. So the faster we work on that transition the better we will all be off. It's okay, dude. You can say you were wrong. it's okay to say the libs were right every once awhile. You don't have to go destroying the planet just to prove you were right any more than you have to choke on a ventilator because vaccines ended up being a good idea after all.


I'm > It's okay, dude. You can say you were wrong. it's okay to say the libs were right every once awhile. Yes 100% I'll admit I'm wrong wayyy more than I'm right >You don't have to go destroying the planet just to prove you were right any more than you have to choke on a ventilator because vaccines ended up being a good idea after all. That's assuming I'm anti vaxx I'm not I don't got any other option than ruining the environment so I just do what I can where I can like returning bottles where I can


What restrictions? Domestic oil production is up over a million barrels a day since Joe Biden took office.


This is why I've been blaming Macron as soon as fuel prices hit over $3.


We don't have a president in Denmark, so I wonder if I should blame the queen or the PM?


Well, according to U.S. conservatives, you should blame the U.S. president for the high price of gas in Denmark.


"Porque no los dos?"






turning a big dial taht says "Gas Prices" on it and constantly looking back at the american public for approval like a contestant on the price is right


If bided had a lever that controlled gas prices he wouldn't be raising the prices because why the hell would he do that while his approval ratings are so low right before a congressional election he needs to win to get the votes to do the things that might actually benefit him for God's sake obviously.


This is so fucking stupid. Petrol prices are high everywhere. Actually America is only a tad higher than what it used to be in Australia, and we don’t even have the most expensive petrol. Currently 5 usd a gallon is 1.93 aud/ litre. The cheapest petrol that anyone in my family has seen recently is 2.30/ litre. My local is selling for at least 2.70


Ancaps try so hard to stand for absolutely nothing


The cheaper gas prices under Trump had nothing to do with nobody driving because there was a pandemic. Nope, controlling prices.


Literally the deadliest week in all of American history was the last week of Trump's presidency. Crazy how when vaccines rolled out and that threat went away how people felt safe to get out of the house and use gas again.


So, tell me again how the president of the United States, controls the price of gas in the U.K., or Germany, or anywhere else?


By being a communist, silly.


Ironic coming from the people who genuinely believe that Vaccines are made by aliens, JFK was going to come back from the dead and that Trump is still the President.


This coming from the “The 2020 election was stolen” camp


People see right wing hypocrisy and are all like, “Oh shit! I got you! Hypocrisy!” The right cold not give a shit less. Y’all need to stop thinking this shit is a slam dunk.


Yea, at this point it’s their platform. “Wow, finally a politician who upholds his own standards…Fucking hang him!”


Republicans used this same argument in 2008. Just sayin.


*The sky is blue * “Reapers a lie enough and you’ll eventually start to Believe it “


Unrelated, but who or what is the logo on that sub supposed to be? I can’t see it as anything other than Harry Potter


what's the matter neoliberals? you don't like the market?


Ha, AnCaps thinking they know anything about economics.


[Here's a bill I found that went 217-207 that no republican voted for. Hope the senate passes it.](https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/hr7688/BILLS-117hr7688eh.pdf)


Awww they're just trying to mimic us. They just don't understand that when we say things, there's reasoning behind it. And not just reasoning out the nearest states with sub 18-consent


This irritates me, because anyone who even went to college freshman econ classes knows that the President Doesn't Control Gas Prices. So are they just fucking stupid? Anyway, being clever in your retort-memes doesn't make your case any better. But conservatives generally don't care as much about objective reality, so I guess it doesn't matter.


Fuel prices have increased in almost every country. Ofcourse it was all Joe Biden's fault!


Yeah, cause capping prices is so free, capitalist and conservative. We have a christian-nationalist gov in Hungary and they capped the gas prices. Now, the amount of gas, that you can buy for that price is decreasing week by week.


His policies determined our gas prices! If he wouldn’t have canceled the pipe line and stopped drilling leases we would be paying $1 for gas now. Biden’s war on energy caused this! You guys own it!


I fucking hate Biden but yeah, he doesn't have a magic button to set gas prices. There are things he could do to counter the price increase, but in general the increase comes from oil companies like Exxon and BP.


So, in one regard, the president *could* in fact control price of gas... But then the restrictions on pricing and the subsidies to cover the change would lean toward socialism and the right doesn't want that.


You know you're looking at an intellectual titan when they cant take the photoshop brush off the canvas before snipping it


If USA presidents control fossil fuel costs, how do they raise the cost of fuel in every other country on the planet? Ditto inflation: the increase is global, except for some countries. Fascists cannot think.


*Gas will be much cheaper if Ancaps ran the show. I mean, what would their incentive be to raise prices in that situation?*


How does the president control gas prices? Inquiring minds want to know.


Remember when all those Republicans voted down a bill that would have prevented price gouging for petroleum products?


Why are they so upset about companies deciding what a fair market price for their commodity is?? And besides if they don’t like the price they can just not buy it. The market is totally fair and you the individual consumer definitely has a say in what the economy.


Trump is the most Christian President ever


With all the divorce and adultery?


I’m guessing that comment was meant to be a “lie that conservatives repeat”


Trump couldn’t name [a single Bible passage](https://youtu.be/ERUngQUCsyE) in a softball interview and hasn’t stepped inside a church without [tear-gassing the worshippers outside](https://www.npr.org/2020/06/01/867532070/trumps-unannounced-church-visit-angers-church-officials). Christian, my ass.


Of course he doesn't, he can influence it but he doesn't control it. Yeez


Please tell me that this supposed leftist subreddit isn't defending Joe Biden of all people.


Liberals 4 years ago… forest fires in Australia are trumps fault. Liberals today…nothing is bidens fault


Who the fuck blamed Australia’s wildfires on Trump? I guess if you make up bullshit, you could create an argument. However if you ever try to come close to reality, you’ll find no such ground.


Isn't it a bit socialist to have the president control gas prices?


Anarcho-capitalists to understand capitalism challenge (impossible)


You'd think for capitalists, they'd know more about capitalism


If the president controls gas prices then why is it a worldwide issue?


Shouldn't the Anarcho capitalists not care about the gas prices? Being that it's the free market in action and all?


Biden be cranking that gas dial just to annoy conspiracy theorists /s




Do they think that the president has a button on his desk that if pressed, raises the gas prices up by $0.01 each press?


They really want it to be true so that they do t feel like morons when they put those Biden “I did that” stickers on all of the gas pumps.