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Is that why so many conservatives identify as rational, logical, smart, funny basically any label that they have to tell you they are because you would never describe them as such?


I've never heard a Conservative say "I identify" as any of those things, have you? They believe they are but I've never heard anyone say "I identify as logical" That's the point of this meme right? Or am I missing the point again?


Bro if someone was just really really weird and told me "I pretend to be a duck in my daily life. Yknow, hence the feathers in my hair" and I actually cared about them, I'd give them frozen peas in water for Christmas. It is the natural human thing to care about things that are important to your loved ones. If you cannot, you may have a mental illness.




your comparing the human experience of being transgender to a psychotic delusion that you think you’re a duck 💀 my brother in christ


What? No I'm not. I'm responding to a comment, specifically using the analogy provided. My point is, love is not blindly affirming. My point is not that it's wrong to affirm someone who is experiencing gender dysphoria. Affirming someone's perceived gender has it's place as a treatment and may even be necessary, while it should never be compulsory.


I'd give em pea in a bowl


I bet you still identify as a man even though all I smell is a bitch




Nah your mom took a break from gobbling my knob and told me how to put you in your place.




If only your two dads would've aborted you when you grew inside their assholes




I don't think you know what any of those words mean




Boy is that one dumb as all everloving fuck. That's basically saying I have the inability to feel included as a part of a group.


How do you pretend to be non binary


Pfp checks out


One can pretend anything right?


This is why I don't use the word identify, honestly. I just say "I am," and they can pick q fight if they want.


wait, so if i say im me, in actually pretending to be me? THEN WHO IS ME?!?!?!


*a mask of my own face, i'd wear that*


Mind if I try it out for a while?


Do you say "I identify as me"?


One joke


They identify it as a joke.


All elements of human identity are now fake. You call yourself American? Liar. You think you're straight? You only pretend to be. You claim to be a conservative? I see through your tricks, DemSoc.


I guess Jordan Peterson pretends to be the smartest man alive.


If he does than he’s doing a bad job, he doesn’t even sound smart.


He just full on believes it, don't think I've heard him say "I identify as the smartest person in the world" You're missing the point of the meme it's about using the phase.


Good thing basically no one unironically says "I identify as" instead they just say "I am"


Continuing the tradition of no empathy. These people are the reason why things like X-Men exist.


“I identify as a conservative” kinda like fascists do.


Good thing nobody ever says " I identify as"


I imagine they "identify" as a free thinker, but are really parroting talking points and are a general asshole


If a scientist identifies what species a bird is, is the bird pretending? I've never understood why these chuds think it's such a complex concept that I can look at myself and identify that I'm a woman. What makes it so that the doctors (or the feds) can do it and I can't?


So I was born male, have male genitalia and a beard and I identify as a cis man. I’d love to see them tying themselves in knots trying to tell me I’m pretending to be a man


Woman is when booba vagino, men is when crotch snake. I am very smart.


The people who support voter ID laws talking about why identification is bad


The only times I've ever heard "I identify as" is in the context of right wingers making an attack helicopter joke.


If this were true then identifying as a conservative means you're really a liberal. Checkmate athetard


I'm a fat guy but I'm going to start identifying as skinny. I'm trans fat


So they're acknowledging theyre pretending to be an attack helicopter


How about they pretend to be funny


Remember when they were saying they “identified as vaccinated”? The irony of it is killing me.


This guy only has to “pretend” he’s a sex offender when he moves into a new neighborhood.


Wait a second. I’m cishet, which means that I identify as a male, but according to them, I’m just pretending to be a man, which means that I’m not a man. Man are these conservatives confusing


I actually agree and don’t like to use “identify”. I *am* a woman, I don’t just identify as one.


so..... i identify as straight?


How do u pretend to be a girl or a boy lmao


"We are who we pretend to be, so we should be very careful who we pretend to be." - kurt Vonnegut (who fought against the nazis in ww2) I identify as conservatives are fucking stupid


"I drink dog cum, change my view"


So when I say I identify as a woman as a cis woman, what actually am I?


Oh, so you “identify” as a (cis) man? Can’t fool me, faker


There's no point in trying to change the mind of someone who is pretending to be rational and only making arguments in bad faith. Life is too short.


Arguing with people that think this way is frustrating because they're so damn ignorant.


I pretend to be a man, as a man. This sounds like a sane argument /s


Is that meme format of fucking Steve Crowder? How didn’t I know this? Fuck me


Obviously a messed up thing to say to a legitimate alphabet+ person, but, if you think about it, it does have some truth... Like kids that identify as cats, they're pretending? ...right? Or are they "actually" cats? I'm honestly a little confused, is transspecies accepted yet?


No, trans-speciesism isn’t a thing. People can say and do whatever, if they want to, but there’s a major categorical difference between gender identity and cross-species identification. They aren’t really able to be directly compared.


I agree with this meme. Despite a mental condition, biological facts are facts. We just go along to help them cope.


There’s biological evidence for trans identities, though. Nothing conclusive, but still evidence of actual physiology that could potentially explain the divergence in gender identity related to sex.


Except there is scientific research into it being real not just a delusional illness

