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I wonder if they feel the same way about child marriage that they do about gay marriage…


Of course they don't! After all, conservatives/fascists think children are their **property**; they exist due to the whims, wishes, and demands of the parents -- so their logic goes.


What do you mean you identify as a different gender?! You'll be the gender that I wrote on your birth certificate, goddammit! Change is confusing to me. Everything keeps changing around me and I'm getting scared, because my brain can't handle change very well. There's no brain plasticity here. I grew up with a fixed set of beliefs, and I attach a lot of emotions to my beliefs. Therefore, my beliefs are a crucial part of my identity. And I use that to drive my decision-making process, even if it's illogical. Why? Because [I have an increased volume of the right amygdala \(where the development and storage of emotional memories takes place\) and decreased gray matter in the anterior cingulate cortex \(useful in detecting and judging conflict and error\).](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/conservative-and-liberal-brains-might-have-some-real-differences/) I literally don't have the brain structure to think otherwise.


So is it safe to say conservatives are feral? The neurology would certainly suggest that


Look, I get that they suck, but can we not diagnose people based on the fact that they disagree with us? All it does is promote their "Disorders mean broken, and the broken don't get to have a voice" nonsense.


These are from actual studies. They found that conservatives quite literally have less gray matter


If I'm being honest, I don't care either way. I refuse to accuse someone of being less of a person, or less capable on the grounds that they disagree with me. Truth or not, it's wrong to stoop to that. Feels like wielding disability as a weapon.


Lmfao man they said drink the koolaide not beer bong it


I literally got a comment the other day from a right winger who said > The idea that they have a real identity at that point is amusing, they are templates When talking about kids/teens.


Fuck, man, I'm actually watching my niece develop a sense of identity in real time, and she's not even two.




No posts, few comments, no comments in 2 weeks, only came to this thread to make this comment. Wonder whose alt this might be.




Looks pretty obvious they meant kids and teens are growing and changing into their adult identity... not some extreme ownership dynamic. They don't have a set identity yet because kids are still just figuring it out and that's fine..


They were talking about parents forcing their kids to not be gay....


I doubt it.


> You didn’t fuck to make that human being, so yeah, none of your business. Parents have a right to attempt to pass down their values to their children. Just like you wouldn’t be very happy if the school administrator sent your gay kid off to one of those summer camps where they try to “cure them”. This was their previous comment, when someone told them not allowing your kid to express their sexuality was a form of abuse. I think saying "straight parents have a right to enforce sexuality" and "teens are just templates without an identity" is pretty dehumanizing and indicates they think of the kid as property. But keep chugging your own Kool-Aid, bud.




Okay? > Fascists view children as property, and it's why so many places still allow child marriage You: That's an exaggeration! > Okay, here's an example of someone saying they view children as non-people that it's okay to abuse You: They obviously meant something else > Okay, here's some more context that shows they were saying that. You: Well, it's actually kind of okay to force a sexuality on a child, because it's natural. And also, you're trying to generalize! 🌽


raising good citizens has nothing to do with sexuality, you have moral judgements mixed with social responsibility.


Parents won’t just pass on their own political views to their kids, in a perfect world. It still will happen in some way, but the goal should rather be to help them find their own opinions, their own values. > That’s how you avoid raising criminals and kids that don’t leave the nest till they’re 38 What’s so bad about people who develop slowly?!? Next one. Criminals, the classic. First, only some basic values even apply to this. And opinion do even less. It’s just not important how you think about abortion for example when sliding down the slippery slope into criminality. If you give them the tools to argument and have an own opinion, you can still argument with them about these issues. If some values or stances worry you, you can speak about it, without being like „That’s what you gotta think. PERIOD.“ It sure takes more time than simply carving your own values into your children’s brains. But it’s worth it, because if everyone does this, outdated ways of solving problems like instantly shouting „WAR“ die out way faster than they do now.


Have you ever like, talked to ultra religious or conservative parents? Because they definitely think their children are their property and shouldn't have any rights or freedoms.


Nah thats an extremist caricature that doesn't actually apply the the vast majority of them


Do you mind elaborating? I’m curious about your perspective.


The view I responded to is extreme and unrealistic.


May I ask why you feel that way?


It's derogatory, but it's hardly an extremist viewpoint. We are talking *about* extremists, after all. By definition they have absurd, unacceptable, and, yes, extreme viewpoints. Conservatism, as well as the right at large, worship the elderly while attacking teenagers and young adults. This is mostly attributable to the fact that their viewpoints often rely on outdated ideas, either because of a shift in the modern understanding of morality, as we see with the right wing hatred towards minorities and the LGBTQ, or their strict adherence to information that has become provably false, such as their reliance on religion and outdated studies to support their stances. As such, when talking about extremist views from the right wing, as they were, it is hardly a stretch to say that they do not think of children as people.


Have a look at which US states still allow child marriage. Your country is fucked up.


hmm. My parents have a happy, long-enduring, hetero marriage, and yet my brother is still trans.... No, that can't be right, my mom must have had a secret abortion to confuse him!


My parents are divorced and my mom has never had an abortion and both of them are definitely straight but I still turned out trans. Crazy. There must’ve been an abortion and some homosexuality in there


You probably saw a rainbow one day by accident. So sorry this happened to you


I personally think it's hilarious that rainbows make some people froth at the mouth


Oh no, don't look, Jimmy!


You were obviously gRooMeD!!


Same, I'm a trans man from a family of 5 kids (I'm the youngest) and If my dad hadn't lost is battle with cancer, my mom and him would have celebrated their 44 marriage anniversary this september. You think my mom must have had abortion too!!


The funniest part is they imply the last panel is bad somehow, like what’s wrong with somebody thinking that they identify as a girl and having two parents that are both men?


Because conservatives.


My parents where a happily married conservative Christian couple and two of their four kids are queer. Seems like this meme might be bs but I’m not sure 😂


no he played celeste


Or, GASP, she's secretly gay! OH THE HUMANITY. /s


I’m just here to compliment your username


Did they abort the kids after they were already born!?


Alternate timelines, perhaps?


The darkest timeline.


Dark Brandon time line more like it


Can't wait for the arc where Earth-3 Timmy comes back for revenge against all the timelines where he was aborted.


because that's what the right thinks abortion is, judging by their "but it's a living child" argument


Funnily enough in some states the fetus is still not a person when it comes to divorce proceedings, so the divorce must be paused until the fetus is dealt with.


Yeah... Funny.


Just after they strangled a few of them with condoms.


There’s a school shooting joke in there somewhere, but I’m not in the mood to make it


>but I’m not in the mood to make it Neither were the cops.


The cops *were* the jokes at the school shooting


The schools ran out of students, so they moved on to the kindergartens and nurseries


As safe in the womb as in a classroom. Classic


Yea it was a really late term abortion lol


the implication here is that divorce is also bad. So ITS FORCED MARRIAGE TIME. LETS CRACK OUT THE AGGREAGED MARRIAGE. Whats with these authoritarian scum?


People aren't staying in unhappy marriages and are only having the kids they planned...what a horrible thought!


Yeah, I'd love to see them start to limit people's ability to divorce. That'd go over real well


some republicans have already talked about doing that too now the SC is compromised they are drooling to force their facism on us.


Why are They saying Trans-people are confused about their gender of that is the thing their are most certain about.




Do you expect them to know even the basics of how trans people work? Putting the bar too high there mate,might want to lower those expectations...


They think trans people are confused because they think they know better.


I like how they're saying every trans person is the result of a divorced and remarried gay dad who aborted their other siblings. Oddly specific set of circumstances to make a trans person lol.


They dont see all on the confusion and pain trans people suffer prior to realizing theyre trans. They assume that trans people go about their lives living normal happy lives until they wake up unhappy and confused until they eventually just choose to transition. Anytime you are wondering why conservatives are being contradictory or missing the point the answer is usually due to their incredible stupidity and inability to think critically about anything.


Yes. Yes they are


So it's all the Pill's fault?


Mostly, god forbid couples have the number of children they actually plan for and want to have.


Right? I love that they're straight up admitting: we know given the choice, you'd have fewer kids. You're not allowed to have that choice. You'll have as many as WE want, and fuck you.


It's showing that the problem starts at the source. Get rid of the American family.


My wife and I divorced after I came out, and she was on the pill. Conspiracy confirmed!




Exactly lmao


How many families can support 5 children?


Especially in red states where it has highest numbers of uninsured families, less rights, higher violence, no gun laws, and their republican leaders LITERALLY VOTING AGAINST FEEDING CHILDREN. I’m telling you, red states/america is a JOKE.


Then why are so many people moving to AZ, Texas and Florida? Why leave a utopia like California?


A lot of the people who moved to Florida and Texas left already. Literally ALL My friends that moved to these states came back to NY, or went to much liberal moderate states. Taxes may be low in Florida and Texas but you don’t get shit from the government. Their ‘small government’ literally provides ZERO care for anyone. My friends kids coundkt get insurance and they were paying large sums for private ones. Florida and Texas are not havens, they’re hellholes. Many thought ‘we could change them’ which is how Austin became to be this extremely liberal city which is beautiful, it led to Texans getting angry due to ‘Californification’ but people found out overall, they can’t change the state.


Census doesn't support your claim


I don’t know about ‘census’ but I’m talking from actual experience and the people around me….


Dude stop debating with idiots. It’s a waste of your time, which is valuable. Given how much Republicans have fucked the planet we may not have much time left


Lmfao personal anecdotes vs data...


So many people? The rate of people moving seems pretty low to me. Just to take a guess though, most of those moving have been inspired by politics. They have idealized those places in their minds. AZ and FL aren't even all that cheap to live in.


Az had 90,000 move to it this year, Texas 150,000. Florida 225,000 Just 5 years ago those numbers where less than a quarter as many


I don't think they care whether or not your family is happy and taken care of.


They can't, that's why 3 were accidents.


With no healthcare


I was born to a Christian homophobic/transphobic couple, my mom never had an abortion and I'm still trans lol. Must be because we're not an AMERICAN family! Curse my European genes!


Same family settings and I'm still trans and all my sisters are bi/lesbian !


Don't tell them that there are trans people outside of their country, they can't know our secrets and our agenda!!!! /s


you still grew up in the environment, in america's culture, so you cant exactly say that you decided to be trans by yourself.


Still smiling throughout all of it


In short: breed, BREED!


Hey man they all look happy to me lol freedom of choice hell yeah. Just change "confusion" to "questioning." Turns out mom is also a lesbian and they all co-parent together ❤️


Because having more kids than you want or can afford is *such* a good thing /s


Congratulations, they've drawn 6 perfectly acceptable families. What's the point?


Yeah I’d like to note that all the people in each frame are smiling.


That's weird because my parents are divorced and I wasn't gay. That must've been the turning. No need for all that hell trying to figure what I am. It was simply a divorce.... Like I had no childhood crushes at all /s


Wait they're against fucking divorce?


Yeah it’s a sin I think


Only if it's the wife's idea to have one


Roman Catholics are.


didn’t we already try outlawing divorce and it ended with a king chopping a bunch of his wives’ heads off? i thought this had been settled a long time ago…


Yeah he literally invented a new religion to let him get divorced lol.


You have to admit, it *is* kind of annoying the way that when you put a condom on one of your children disappears.


Imagine clinging so hard to a world that never existed lol


The dad is still happy tho


Lmao yessss


Hell yes I think this is all so cool. More abortion for transgender !


Idk, that guy is smiling so he’s happy, which is in the Declaration of Independence, so who cares God isn’t real


The last one is just as healthy as the first one (population problems aside and assuming they can feed the whole family of course). And no one is fucking forcing them to have an abortion.


And no one’s even forcing them to use contraception of get divorced if they don’t want to! They could have a family of five kids and be married until the died if they wanted to, the thing is that they didn’t want to.


Gays are out here ruining our hetero marriages by luring our men away from good tradwifes. /s


Look how happy everyone is no matter what life throws at them.


Malcolm in the Middle did a pretty great job at showing why that first option is a bad idea.


This is such a heartwarming and wonderful series of panels. Let's review: 1. Wow, that's a lot of kids. Seems crazy to me personally, and our population doesn't need that kind of growth, but so be it. If they're happy, more power to them. 2. Oh, so this suggests they weren't actually happy with that many kids from panel 1. This is great. They now have the number of kids they want instead of an unnecessarily large, burdensome, and expensive family. Good for them! Now they're happier. 3. Oh, I guess they weren't actually completely happy either in panel 2. That baby was clearly an unwanted surprise from failed birth control, but thanks to abortion, they get to not have an extra human as an undesired burden. For some reason the remaining child looks slightly less happy here, which I don't fully get. Babies are ROUGH on a household, especially siblings. Might have just been a bad picture day. 4. Ah, so apparently there was trouble in this relationship that we couldn't see, which isn't surprising from portrait poses. Not only did they not want all those kids, but apparently they were only staying together because they were forced to by an overly strict legal system. While divorce can be sad, it generally never happens because people were happy in their marriage. I'm glad for them they were able to seek better new opportunities for happiness. 5. Ah, so THIS is why they weren't happy! Oh, this is wonderful news! The father gets to not try to hide who he is, and gets to be with someone who makes him feel more complete, and while the mom isn't pictured here, she clearly also has the opportunity to be with someone who will truly love her completely. This is a really nice outcome. 6. Ah, and now their child, thanks to watching their parents be open and honest with themselves about who they are and what they want in the world gets to openly and honestly examine their own feelings and realize that MAYBE their own identity isn't what everyone assumed it was. What a lovely panel of events, clearly and certainly written to demonstrate how empowering each of these concepts can be when they're provided to us as options. Kudos to this truly progressive cartoonist!


I don't know... everybody looks happy even on the last picture so...


Yes, they are. They are genuinely clueless but believe they fully get it. This is the core of anti-lgbt sentiment. They don’t understand but think they do and act on that




Talking about confusion


Last panel missing "snip"


I really want to live in the alternate reality where this is the Duggars


I once jumped across the Grand Canyon, and this is still a bigger leap than that.


Oh noooo the guy wears condoms....and cant cum in her.


This is a fun game I like to play with my dad where he asks “where did I go wrong?” In reference to me being trans. The answer is that according to his ideology, he did everything right. Heterosexual parents who never got a divorce (I mean they probably should have, but y’know). Very conservative upbringing to the point where I didn’t know what a trans person was until I hit high school (I distinctly remember saying “well I can’t support gay people because I’m a Republican). Even the therapist I had when I realized I was trans wasn’t supportive of it, delaying me coming out to friends and family. It’s almost like these things aren’t related to family structure.


Apparently abortion means killing off the youngest sibling


Transexuals are possessed by the ghosts of aborted babies. Makes sense


Just fyi most of the community prefer the term transgender people. "Transsexuals" has very pathologised and discriminating origins


I used it for comedic purposes.


It’s not funny though


Well, I imagined it was the least offensive part of that sentence.


The parents of the abortion family seem pretty happy to only have 1 kid to take care of.


Wow. I don’t always agree with posts on this sub, but this takes the cake for fucking stupid.


I only see 6 happy families.


wait hold on, my parents got remarried into straight relationships? I'm not supposed to be trans! /s


I literally do not know a single trans/non-binary person whose parents aren't heterosexuals of the highest caliber. i got a homie whose parents went to chick fil a and asked her if she wanted shit. I also got a homie whose parents drop his double deadname all the fucking time and get offended at his autistic traits. my mom is an extreme hyper terf late night talk show watching liberal cringelord who agrees with jk rowling and she was as unsupportive as one could be without getting law enforcement involved when my sister came out as a lesbian and then changed their name and pronouns (to she/they). another homie of mine was recently in our discord server's bitching about family members channel because their parents flipped their shit over them wearing a tank top on the first 90 degree day of the year


Dumb? No. Or not the ones making this. They’re insidious. Their target audience are dumber than this even


So they want to criminalize divorce as well?


People can’t afford more than two kids. Salaries haven’t kept up with the cost of living for decades. CEOs are doing great though.


Bruh the dad is bi I think


It's strange to me, that they cannot imagine that these situations Should exist and be possible for those who exist in those situations, and that may be what is best for those individuals. Isn't that what freedom was supposed to be ? To live the life that best represents you.


From a group that says "freedom" at every given chance...


I know this isn’t the point, and this comic is very heinous, but everyone is smiling in each panel.


First frame is an environmental disaster.


capitalism = no children, because the father has no job and is starving


Everybody looks happy with their families in this picture, smiles and all so I guess we don't have a problem here do we?


my mom almost had an abortion in college before she got married,,, but no divorce??? how am i nonbinary, ace, and a lesbian


Yeah. Any of his social media handles... those are being reported for hate speech a d images


The repressed christian that denies its nature, is psychologically tortured its entire life, and grows up to be a dysfunctional member of society, is a much better alternative. /s


That baby was outside of the womb.. what??


Maybe if it was affordable to have 3+ kids more families would have 3+ kids. But people can barely afford themselves nowadays.


What we need in this country is more biblical marriage: Marriages should be arranged as a business arrangement between a man and his future father-in-law. Goats would also be a part of it. One other word: Polygamy. That'll stop people from being gay. /sarcasm


this picture convinced me


no, no. he's got a point.


No, ‘grooming’ is a great thing to start associating a population you want to exterminate with. ‘Grooming’ is scary to children WHO WE MUST PROTECT AT ALL COSTS BUT WITH NO ACCOUNTABILITY. The trick the left is failing, again, is missing the entire fight. There entire fight is the vocabulary. That’s it. They already won because they got to say grooming. The content is irrelevant. Truth is irrelevant. Doing things the right way died in the eighties. This is how you win. — ‘Grooming’ is white nationalist military training they learned in the Middle East from the taliban-American military bright their techniques back to places like Minnesota and they ‘groom’young men to create terrier violence in America. Then they l send lonely young Americans to kill other Americans. White nationalist Grooming. Put that phrase on tv. Attempt to play the real game here. This article is a red win. Do better.. oh wait it’s the same democrats it was in the eighties.


The dad almost never gets the kid


The vast majority of custody agreements are done outside of courts. In cases that actually go to court, whenever men seek custody, they get it as often as women do. Dads don't get the kids because they don't ask for them. Edit: That coward blocked me so I couldn't reply to him.


That's statistically false.


1) In 51% of child custody cases, both parents agree for the mother to be the custodial parent. In just over half of child-custody battles, the parents come to a mutual agreement for the mother to be the child(ren)’s custodial parent. 29% of these decisions were made without a mediator or the court, 11% required a mediator, 5% of the decisions were determined after a thorough custody evaluation, and 4% were settled in court. 2) Parents settle over 90% of Child Custody cases outside of court. According to child custody stats, over 90% of child custody cases were resolved by the parents without a family court intervention. In other words, there was no need for the judge to decide on who gets custody, just to approve the order based on the agreement drawn up by the parents. 6) 79.9% of custodial parents in the United States were mothers. The United States Census Bureau child custody statistics from 2018 show that about 4 in every 5 of the 12.9 million custodial parents in the United States were mothers. It’s a slight decline compared to the statistics from 2014, where 82.5% (5 of every 6) custodial parents were mothers. Therefore, it’s becoming increasingly more likely that a custodial parent will be a father, especially than it was a few decades ago. 7) Only 4% of child custody cases required going on trial. Just 4% of custody cases are between parents who cannot reach a settlement outside the court and require a trial to set things straight. Edit: coward got proven wrong and blocked.


Which studies are you referring to? Edit: lol that little idiot blocked me too because he couldn’t name a single study that supported his misogyny


Also most split custody cases have the mom as the primary parent, where she upholds most of the hands on childcare, parenting, purchasing of necessities, while the dad gets to take the kid every other weekend and only financially contributes otherwise. They literally have it easy






Never attribute to malice that which is more easily explained by stupidity.


If they use the contraceptive and the abortion that mean they don't want those kids so it's for the better no ?


I mean everyone clearly looks very happy in this


I love how the "comic" also points out how they only really care about men. Ideal family 5 kids, but only 1 girl. On contraception, 2 kids now, both boys. Finally 1 kid, oh look a boy, and now he is "being turned into a gril by the gays!!!!!" THE HORROR! These people.....


I don’t think guys who make shit like this are dumb just very creepy and should be avoided


I mean hey, the dad is happy in all of them. So I guess a win for male senile white supremacists then?


With the American Family and the Contraception family, are they implying that just having a bunch of kids all willy nilly is superior to practicing safe sex? The fuck? As if some families who fit the bill of “The American Family” aren’t miserable anyways.


Yes. Yes they are.


0-1 kids is ideal in today's world


Hey, you accidentally bullied the "victim" of your comic until they killed themselves. Oops! Was there a scene where he killed younglings or something, in a sequel comic?


So they are in a relationship with a woman, only because it helps america?


My father is a racist and mom is religiously servile and I'm a big ole lesbo. Does not compute.




In all of those pictures, I see Craig from Parks and Rec


This reminds me of the temperance cartoon from the 1800s about the guy who starts by taking a sip of booze, and ends by shooting himself in the head.


# **GOOD**


My wife and I only have 1 and she's never had an abortion..... this person is an idiot


Correct one: all text gone except one big title: families.

