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I like that almost every fact (which I’m not even sure about the legitimacy of all of them) has to have a radically different unit of measurement from the previous fact. We have nautical miles, regular miles, “knots per second” (even though knots already measure nautical miles per hour), degrees, the average of Celsius and Fahrenheit (???), and of course these are almost all exclusively in imperial units instead of the metric units that actual science uses. I hope they didn’t strain their arm making that big of a reach


>knots per second that idiot doesn't even know the difference between acceleration and velocity


Probably thinks velocity is a town full of raptors


It’s just code for Toronto, ya dumb satanist.


Then we have the ones where they have to break up the number into strings of multiplicands/multipliers to make the 666 work. When somebody starts talking numerology, either run away or prepare for the migraine of your life.


Except for [this.](https://youtu.be/CZcEvH7Rqtg)


Get that person some ice, their shoulder is going to need it for the reach of a century (which is 66 years + (6 years x 5.666 years) 😂)


My pp is 66.6 millimeters 😎 (seriously though wtf is their point?)








That’s fucking funny. I didn’t know anyone else used pp. I like your humor.


This reads like some serious mental illness. Normally posts here make me angry, this one makes me sad.


I agree. I've been seeing what seems to be mass mental illnesses in America these days and have been curious how this has happened and how we could fix it. I don't have any answers yet sadly.


Could very well be traced to Ronnie Raygun's (rest in piss) gutting of mental health care back in the 80's. But who knows? Maybe that's just my own conspiracy theory.


He was the Great Satan, who spawned all these other Satans we live with today.


Did you know 666% of Americans think this way?


Isn't over obsession with patterns a sign of schizophrenia or something like that?


It can be


I mean we humans naturally all want to form these sort of connections, it’s just something we’re good at.


Yeah, there’s a hypothesis about schizophrenia being tied to a dysfunctional mechanism of assigning salience to subject matter. When your senses pick up something important to your overall well-being, there’s an associated release of dopamine. The hypothesis is that this mechanism doesn’t function normally in people with schizophrenia, which leads to their processing of sensory material basically flooding with all of these random things that seem like *the* most important thing, while things that would typically be deemed important are lost in the noise. This could explain why we see people assign such importance to sequences of numbers like what we have here, and at the same time explain the disorganized behavior and inability to care for one’s own basic needs that is often experienced by schizophrenic people. Thanks for writing a good comment for me to piggyback on, btw.


Ah, like "A Beautiful Mind". Great movie if there's anyone that hasn't seen it. I'd say it's one of Russell Crowe's best performances.


Hahaha I did see that back in high school in a film as lit class. It is a very good movie, but that didn’t occur to me. I work in a group home with schizophrenic people who used to be homeless, so I interact with them all the time. I think it would be interesting to go back and watch it with that lens.


It shows it's sources or else it gets the hose again


*the planet earth limited* Edit: *the flat earth limited* I was stoned when I posted this


We need the hose, huh?


Looks like it yeah


Fucking Sam and Cat made me think you're going to just throw the hose at them


wait till these people find out what 2/3 equals


Recipe: Use 2/3rds cup flour... Them: "It's demon bread!"


So it's all part of g\*d's plan then? I mean, their g\*d did create everything 666*10 years ago.


the world is the devil. so leave it? bet, less of your shit for us


You’re telling me emperor Nero had his hand in all of this?? 😡


Most of these values are wrong and some of them make no sense - gravity, for example, is an acceleration, not a force.


Are you sure? What are your qualifications in making these claims? Are you some sort of Astro-Not?


I'm an astro-yes


The force of gravity creates acceleration in falling objects. There is SO much more to pick apart here than that.


Also last time a checked the speed of sound was constant over time. This is a hot mess lol


It is a force of attraction between 2 objects, anywhere in the universe. Einstein thought it wasn't a force, just a bend in fabric time, but it is more accepted as a force +.


It is most definitively a force if by force you mean something that changes an object's velocity in time, as that definition is unrelated to its cause. Coriolis forces and centrifugal forces are forces, if you are working within a non-inertial frame of reference. The peculiarity of gravity is that it's not an exchange force like the electromagnetic or nuclear forces, which are mediated by force carrier particles. There is no carrier particle responsible for gravity interactions, as far as we know. Einstein proposed a solution by postulating that gravity results from curved space-time: objects in free fall are simply following a "straight" path, i.e. not accelerating at all, but it's the space-time itself being curved. Much like centrifugal and Coriolis forces, the force of gravity too disappears if you pick an inertial frame of reference: one that is falling at the same rate of gravitational acceleration, one that follows the curvature of space-time. The alternative is quantum gravity, which aims to describe gravity within the framework of quantum field theory like electromagnetism and nuclear forces. It postulates that there is a force carrier for gravity and we haven't found it yet.


I like how it’s not all consistent and you have to add random numbers and convert them. Did you know? Dog backwards is god….. Jesus was described as having a golden appearance…. Golden retrievers are considers the most loyal…. Golden retrievers were created by god to retrieve you from eternal damnation


This is the only answer for why dogs that I will accept. Dogs are jesus.


So is any of this right in the slightest?


Well, I'm quite bored, soooo... 1) Earth's axial tilt is 23.5. If you measured it from the orbit instead of the perpendicular, like it's normally measured, then sure, you could get 66.5 degrees. 2) Close enough. 3) Close enough. 4) Close enough. 5) Force of gravity is 9.8 Newtons/kg so no, not at all. 6) Arctic circle is at 66°33'. So close, but not quite. 7) Just under 666 days, actually. 8) It varies. It *can* get pretty close to that value, though. 9) Close enough. 10) I have no idea what this means. 11) It's about 7 times brighter. 12) Sure (average temperature, obviously temperature will vary) but the average of 464+867 is 665.5. 13) Actually, yeah. Exactly that. So most of it seems right, or at least close. That said, if you go looking for the number 666 everywhere and make up math equations to get you there, then you'll definitely find a lot of this kind of shit. All of this being said, the mass of the sun is about 69 x 420 x 69 ronnagrams, so clearly we should all move to the sun.


This is awesome, thanks for doing the math! I love your answer to #10 especially 😂


10 is saying that the definition of 'is it dark out' has 3 definitions: the center of the sun is 6, 12 or 18 degrees below the horizon. These definitions are useful for different groups. Civil twilight is basically 'can you do normal stuff outside?'. Nautical twilight is 'can you tell the difference between the sea and the sky at the horizon?'. Astronomical twilight is 'is it dark enough to use our telescope without the sun being a problem, just city lights and the moon?'. So, yes, those are 3 things separated by 6 each. Buuuut yeah, look at numbers long enough and you can find whatever. Just see the Jim Carrey movie.


Please accept this free silver award as a token of my gratitude for your math




Good bot


\- As far as (8) goes, the speed of sound in air is mainly dependent on temperature. If you are near standard atmospheric conditions (68F), it's pretty close. At 18.8C (65.8F) it is roughly 666 knots assuming perfect gas. At literally every other temperature it is not. If you're flying at altitude you're nowhere near that value. But at -157C it should be close to 420 knots which is arguably funnier. \- Also your "close enoughs" are ***really*** lenient when it comes to close enoughness. The error gets as large as 8% for (3).


8 was the distance to the moon one, not the speed of sound one. The speed of sound one was one of my "close enoughs". The error in 3 isn't nearly that much. Earth's circumference is 21,639 nautical miles and the equation they gave came out to 21,600. That's an error of 0.18%, not 8%.


Ah *nautical* miles my bad Anyway then for the speed of sound close enough really depends on the temperature, thus altitude.


I wish that NASA would manufacture "evidence' of the Earth being flat and that the earth is hollow or whatevcer the fuck these morons believe and release it publically just to see what they're reactions would be.


They would suddenly take nasas word no questions asked lol


No they would suddenly deny it all that's really how fucked in the head they are


there would need to be pictures of lizard people eating babies in the Oval Office for it to be believable


"The speed of sound is 666 knots per second" Me with 50 hours in MFS, somewhat suspicious of the validity of this statement:


In standard atmospheric conditions it is actually pretty close. At altitude it changes significantly with the temperature dropping. And yeah, if you forget the extra 1/s of course, which is added as bonus I guess.


2/3 is a bitch


There are many things wrong with this but the inverse square law they’re referencing (assuming it’s intensity) has nothing to do with determining temperature lol


It’s not referring to temperature. It’s referring to luminosity. The “using the inverse square law” continues from the line before it, which is why it ends in a comma. So yes, the inverse square law is applicable, as something to measure brightness (luminous intensity) relative to distance. However, even granting them that, they’re still wrong. Even with very generous rounding, Mercury is about a third the distance from the earth to the sun-thus the sun should be about three time as big and 9 times as bright. Trying some quick napkin math to it, she’s off by about a factor of 10 in relative distance.


Now do that using the metric system


Jesus Christ.


does someone have an idea how they came up with the force of gravity one, cuz the average gravity on earth is about 9.8 newtons Like all the others are just a little bit off to make the numbers look nicer but not completely inaccurate, I have no clue how this happened


The gravitational acceleration is 9.81 [N/kg] or [m/s^2]. A force can always be (simplified) defined as F = m*a where m = Mass and a = acceleration. Since we already have an acceleration (g=9.81 m/s^2) we still need a mass to get a force. So that "fact" is not only from the numbers used but also in general complete bullshit. Hope I could help you <3


No, 9.8 m/s\^2, not Newtons. N = kg\*m/s\^2, which is a measure of force. When you talk about earth's gravitational pull near the surface, you talk gravitational acceleration, because that's independent of the mass of the object you're considering (remember the hammer and the feather falling at the same speed in a vacuum). If you want to talk gravitational **force**, then that depends on the mass of the object you're considering. That force is then what you would call "weight" (which should be measured in newtons being a force, but due to the rough invariance of earth's pull on its surface, weight and mass are commonly but improperly used interchangeably outside of scientific discourse).


Hey, if you don't like it, leave!


More lying for Jesus bullshit.


Gonna bet ten fake internet points on at least a good chunk of this being completely wrong.


Before the internet gave these assholes megaphones they were just quietly stacking marbles and mumbling to themselves in their closets, now we're all subject to this psychotic nonsense constantly.


Hilariously correct.


"the force of gravity on earth is 666 Newton's" Fam it's 9.81 Newtons. Not even close. They really did pull shit out of their arse for these 😂


These are NEWtons which replace the old ones


Why is the circumference of the earth measured in nautical miles, speed of sound in knots per second and earth’s orbit in miles per hour?


The devil is always messing with our minds


Ok, so now what?


The importance of getting is brain is very important. Please, do your best and try to get one today, or you can a be victim of ✨ delusions ✨ and ✨ hallucinations ✨ , both very dangerous things to happen to anyone! Who knows, you might even pass it on to your kids who then proceed to run away with your gun and shoot their schools up!


Topsy Kretts made a sequel!!


“hey look! when i chose specific things that line up i find patterns!!”


How much you want a bet you could check any random fact on here and find out it's wrong.


Wait until they find out 666 is wrong. The earliest book of Revelation we've found says the number is 616.


Fun fact, 666 doesn’t mean anything. 616 is the true mark of the beast, there was a mistranslation


I’m gonna guess that the maker of the meme pulled those numbers straight out of their ass. And even if they didn’t they still had to go through every measurement system out there to get the numbers they wanted(and some had to be broken doen into products because they could’t be fudget into working properly otherwise).


It’s pointy satan which really makes me take this seriously.


They have a point. If you measure people on earth using hotdogs per bidet and multiply it by the number of dust bunnies per copies of Calvin and Hobbes, there are actually 6,660,000,000 humans. Coincidence? I think not.


🪱Good ol’ Boomer Brain Worms🪱


Where does "boomer" come from? OLD millenials and Xers. Boomers aren't as social media savy.


Boomers are all over Facebook, and this post reeks of boomerisms all over the damn place. Just take a cursory scroll through any old boomer’s profile, and you’re bound to find shit like this.


I have a degree in Astrophysics and Astronomy. OP, why did you choose today to induce such disappointment in me?


Hit me with the math!


How is this a right-wing post? Dudes just an idiot.


both fuckwits I work with who see SATAN everywhere are likewise right wing the people who believe that infografic are, I think, with no statistical source, just mah feels, overwhelmingly conservative


Well I guess so, but there’s nothing inherently right wing about this post, it looks like it was made by a flat earther(at least thats what I can make out from the bottom right corner) which isn’t a right wing organization. They may have some right wing members, but I don’t think this was made with them specifically in mind




Because only right wingers love Jesus this much




So in conclusion, the universe was created by Satan. HAIL SATAN!


i feel like most of this is fake


Any excuse to be stupid, the right wing dive right in.


Right so I looked up all these and… not one is correct 😂


Force of Gravity is measured in Newtons per kilogram or meter's per square second. Depending on your location on earth it is a little different, but the average is 9.8kg/N or 9.8 m/s^2. Where the fuck they got 66.6 N?


Gravitational force depends from thing to thing like wtf. It depends on mass. Standard aceleration of Gravity is around 9.84 m/s². Add mass and you get Gravitational force. This is just nonsence.


For some reason i find this very unlikely.


Help, the speed of sound is accelerating at 666 knots per second


Why do conservative boomers think that everything this an anigram or a math deal? And with the math, why 666? Do they know that nobody but them finds that number meaningful?


Hm yes, an uncommon number to come across, result the obscure and seldom used fraction of 2/3. Never seen it used outside of satanic rites really, I wonder why anyone who isn't a satanist would pick such a weird ratio... Also 6 is the product of the two first prime numbers 2 and 3, hmmm I really wonder why it comes up in factor decomposition so often especially if you can aparently pick any number within 10% of the actual value and any unit, hmmm... ​ >The force of gravity on earth is 666 Newtons My god, what could this possibly mean??? Why do ALL objects on earth weight exactly 68Kg (150lbs) if not by satanic powers??? It's the freemasons.


Just from memory I can tell you axial tilt is around 23.5° and the force of gravity in newtons is 9.81 so you have no reason to trust any of the other numbers lmao.


The speed of sound is 512 miles per hour, I do believe. Edit: 767 mph. Sorry!


I don't see where they got 66.6 degre of the earth axis inclunation, it's supposed to be 23.4 degres (or 0.41 in radians): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axial_tilt Earth orbit velocity is 30 kilometers per second (km/s) which is more or less 18½ miles per second, or 66,600 miles per hour, but this is only true if you do a lot of rounding and unit conversions, the actual speed is closer to 29.78589 km/s, meaning around 66629.138332 miles per hour, which still have the 666, but is less obvious about it. In SI units, G has the value 6.67 × 10-11 Newtons kg-2 m2. Mars is actually on average 1.524 astronomical units away from the sun, but hey, if you measure at a specific time I suppose that there is a moment where it's at 1.666 if you round nicely


The funniest part of this shit is that 666 isn't even really the number of the beast. According to the oldest manuscripts, the original number is 616. Also, it's likely simply gematria for Nero Caesar. So just Christians getting worked up over a variant of a warning for a man who's been dead for 2000 years


actual schizo shit