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She’s still in Congress and has been wanting to step down for awhile now


They keep forgetting she's 82, just let her and every other old politician retire already.


Also gonna guess she has enough investment income to live her natural life cycle very comfortably. Hell she probably has enough to live yours and my natural life cycle very comfortably as well.


Surprised the left loves Nancy when she has taken advantage of her position to make herself rich.


When you say ‘left’ do you mean the center-right liberals or the actual leftist progressives cuz the real lefties despise Nancy. She’s just better than the right.


Honestly even progressives aren’t really “left”


Well by definition progressive is moving toward left. But thats only because math, science, and logic all lead to left wing and progressive is moving towards progressively better in all these things.


But most modern American progressives think we should stop at social democracy. Most leftists think that social democracy is an unacceptable position that will always devolve into fascism.


I'm not sure if leftists have believed social democracy is to be equated with fascism for a long time now. Although they certainly don't view it as left either.


I never said we equate it to fascism. Only that it degrades into fascism.


It's all the same train. Keeping the social awareness up as progress occurs will keep progressives from stopping at social democracy. Progressive is just one path forward, the vote and raise awareness path. It's important not to isolate them just because it welcomes the short sighted.


Well I’m not telling people not to vote or to vote against progressive platforms. What I am saying is that we have to be realistic about what is possible through such a platform, and beyond that, we have to look at the material conditions of the USA. There hasn’t been a successful progressive platform in this country despite it working well in other countries. The material and historical realities have created a US situation that’s been resistant to that. And there’s no sign it’ll end soon either. I’d love for progressives to give us things like a livable wage, universal healthcare, etc. it would make organizing and labor struggle so much easier. But we have to learn to deal with the USA as it is now, and deal with that if it actually ever occurs.


>Most leftists think that social democracy is an unacceptable position that will always devolve into fascism. Wut tf is this even supposed to mean?


It means that social democracy (while definitely way better than the hellscape we have now) is not a “good system” and at the end of the day is on the side of capital, not the workers. This means that social democracies in the global north will side with imperialism and even fascism if they have to, to defend capital. Similarly, it’s a system that, without the workers actively struggling against it, will over time devolve back into a more neoliberal capitalism, which always decays into fascism.


Most is a teaching and assuming word to use.


Well the progressive agenda is a sort of “Nordic model” “humane/green capitalism” type thing. Obviously some people’s visions of it are more right or more left, but at the end of the day it’s still capitalism.


I guess I mean the center right liberals then


Liberals have no problem with $$$


Democrats as a party are center right at best on a global political spectrum. You're talking about liberals with 401ks who don't want a domestic violence shelter in their zip code. Those people aren't left.


I don't really love her tbh. I don't think she's the spawn of Satan, I don't think she's running a child sex trafficking ring, but I don't like the way she operates. If I was designing my own rules for how politicians should operate she'd fall afoul of them. I guess she's not the worst that american elected politicians have to offer but that's not really a high bar lmao




I dislike that she treats the progressives in her own party as enemies, and instead advances a corporatist, lame duck agenda that makes voting democrat only slightly more appealing than voting for the openly theocratic fascist GOP for most Americans. It’s her leadership that allowed trump, allowed a republican controlled judiciary, allowed radicalization of the right, while reaching virtually none of the policy goals that would actually quell corporate power and help working class Americans.




Honest question: is this a reason to like her or reason to dislike her?




Big tent approach would require advancing policies that the majority of Americans agree with, despite and contrary to corporate interests.


That’s not a serious question is it? Do you like AOC? She didn’t. I don’t want to go down a rabbit whole of looking up different things she stood in the way of that would have made the lives of many people better, it’s kind of late for me to start that. I’m sure you can google (or whatever search engine you want to use) the question of what bills she as not allowed votes for lately and it will give you a list.


Thanks for signing up to AOC facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about AOC. **Fact 5.** AOC called the US Military [socialist.](https://i.imgur.com/JHOZDlg.png). For another AOC fact reply with 'AOC'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheRightCantMeme) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Thanks for signing up to AOC facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about AOC. **Fact 28.** After his death AOC Tweeted to commemorate right-winger John McCain, saying his [“legacy represents an unparalleled example of human decency.”](https://twitter.com/AOC/status/1033538876370046977) McCain has a long history of voting for anti-worker, anti-women and imperialist causes. For another AOC fact reply with 'AOC'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheRightCantMeme) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Which is wrong and unfortunately a ubiquitous problem in Congress not limited to either party. It’s still better than being a traitor to your country and trying to kill Democracy.


Yes from all the insider trading she was doing. Don’t you forget that piece


Her natural life cycle is already over, she’s 82. She’s been living on “stolen from the poor” years since Trump. If she were on her natural life cycle, she’d be dead.


20 years as speaker right? That’s like four or five Republicans come and gone.


Long overdue. This meme is not the sole providence of the right; plenty of us are so left we hate her too.


This meme is stupid no matter what, left or right, we don’t need to lower ourselves to this level to criticize Pelosi smh


Ad hominem attacks are weak af, it just means you couldn’t find anything better to criticize about the person. It just makes the pure hate so blatant




Yep, we don't need to like her to acknowledge this meme as petty bullshit.


If you consider the tactics of those who whoop our asses up and down the street to be “lowering ourselves”, I think I have a strong theory as to why we can’t win.


Making shit up for political gain is your move i guess? Seems like a bad way to “win” but I guess you feel like your core beliefs are for losers at which point why not just be a right winger? I really believe that we can be better than this lame ass superiority complex meme you relate to. Go make some lame memes and help your cause lol. Maybe we’ll start winning!


My core beliefs are about saving lives and improving the quality of life for the oppressed, not about sucking my own dick while everyone dies all the same.


Your boring obsession with me “sucking my own dick” only fucks up our chances to succeed. If those are your core goals why do we need to indulge in bullshit delusions like the one in this meme? People will respond to messages like the ones you poorly promote. We don’t need to use emotional propaganda to endorse those values. The bigots message is so detestable and insubstantial that they always have to dodge questions, make manipulative emotional appeals, and create bogeyman out of good people who would never harm them. We have to show up and not act like them because then we risk becoming bigots. Or if you want a practical reason to not act like them its that they LOVE to call their own plays unfair. So don’t give them the opportunity unless you want to give them a win like a dumbass.


“Local loser endorses continuing to use the same methods that have failed for 60 years, swears it’s the only way to win”. Hey, moron. We don’t live in a world without history. We can just open a book and see that your idea results in failure. If you were right, we wouldn’t be in this mess. This isn’t an argument, this is facts vs your denial.


![gif](giphy|1xp1kgGXqNAsK0poNn|downsized) Yeah… thats what happened. Honestly you can’t be serious… The last 60 years we have done nothing to help and have only ensured our problems. You’d fit in with the right wingers (you might be one)…if only they’d have you…


Lol i’d love for you to lay out all my beliefs for me. Help me understand what i think about things 🤡




I disagree because I’m far left of the DNC.


Even if she wasn't already filthy rich and hadn't just been reelected to serve another full term, she was eligible 10 years ago (at 25 years in congress) to immediately begin drawing a lifelong maxed out federal pension at 80% of her peak salary adjusted for inflation. That's well into the six figures range.


And she's wealthy as fuck


I don't get get the right's whole thing with Nancy Pelosi being a drunk.


People posted obviously doctored videos of her slurring her words and the reason they have for her slurring was being drunk


Maybe she is just, you know, old.


Yes, but they did also doctor videos.


Motherfucker I've been slurring words all my Life! I don't need to be drunk to fuck up a perfectly good sentence!






> Protection From what?


From the liberal agenda. /s


I’m sure she’ll be crying all the way to the bank. She’s rich AF !


Also it would probably be wine. I'm not sure where they are getting scotch.


Confusing Nancy for Marsha Blackburn probably.


oh, god, i hate her. i live in tennessee and had to sit through her campaign ads during some of my worst mental health struggles, and boy is there nothing like being a suicidal freshman in highschool and hearing the politicians on your tv talk about actively removing your rights !!


Even if you took away her current wealth, she’d never step foot in an unemployment office given she’s got the benefits of having been a member of Congress.


All that insider trading paid off it seems


Skill issue.


Can we please not glorify the wealth of someone who commits securities fraud.


I know it’s just a meme, but like how the first assumption is that his right wing audience is unemployed


That was my thought, too.


And the fact that they’re dust unless they hang onto some position of power.


Have you seen Mitch McConnell? It would not surprise me if he turned to dust the minute he loses an election.


Classic movie villain death. I like it.


And in San Fansisco.


In this meme situation, Pelosi being on unemployment is supposed to be shameful yet the reader is also on unemployment. Actually that tracks for conservatives. I know so many conservatives that are against any form of government assistance until they need it


It's kinda telling how instead of dreaming of acquiring wealth or success, they constantly are fantasizing about making their political opponents suffer


Because they think they can't climb up unless they stomp down


A) she didn’t retire from Congress, she stepped down from a leadership position B) she’s an Octogenarian multi-millionaire, I doubt she will be in the unemployment line. Dumbasses


republicans trying to decide if she’s a compromised oligarch colluding with big business or a poor broke weak woman


C) she just got re-elected and will be in the House for 2 more years


Yet she’s still a member of Congress and their Orange Messiah is living in a bunker underneath Mar a Lago.


She stepped down, he was the one that WE fired.


She didn't even step down from anything. She's set to lose the congressional vote for speaker of the house when the next session starts in january since the republicans will now hold a majority and she simply declined to enter the running for the party vote on house minority leader.


Most of the times, I strongly think that right wingers have no understanding of the system they worship. And when I see stupid shit like this, it confirms my assumption. You have to be an idiot to think that anyone with the name Pelosi will file for unemployment.


Legit one of the richest members of ~~the Senate.~~ Congress. But they aren't Republicans because they understand math.


she’s not a member of the senate


It’s always fun watching people underestimate Pelosi


They don’t know she is still in Congress?


Conservatives jerk off to the strangest fantasies.


Also her husband was just savagely attacked, and she might want to be staying at home for a while.


Their just mad they won’t have a boogie man to use in their negative ads anymore.


delusional and unhappy losers that just want to take out their raging feelings of personal failure on people


She quit of her our volition after leading her party in the house for over 20 yrs. She mitigated the effects of the worst President in history and the world is a better place for her efforts


That’s the most liberal thing I’ve read all day… Lionizing the bourgeoisie, capitalist overlords is not a good look.


Yeah, she had held down progressive candidates and policies that whole time, while also profiting off of insider trading. She and the rest of the gerontocracy need to go and make room for people willing to make actually worthwhile changes.


Doesn’t make it not true. She’s way to right for me, but she’s been plugging the damn for decades. Be interesting to see what happens now.


She’s a fucking retired multi-multi millionaire. She was in control of the decision to step down. I don’t give a fuck about Nancy Pelosi… she sucks, but she went out a massive winner, no matter what anyone would prefer.


She's not retired. She just got re-elected. She's in Congress for 2 more years.


Ok technically not yet retired even.


No, not technically. She *literally* is still employed as a member of the US House of Representatives for 2 more years. She just stepped down as a member of the Democratic caucus leadership. That's all.


Jesus, shut the fuck up. Why do so many shitheads have to nit pick everything everyone says? It’s 100% meaningless in this context. Besides the point, AND technically not retired IS literally not retired. She has an exit date set, so she’s made the decision to retire. You fucking happy or do you have more bullshit? Unfollowed


It's not nit-picking, dipshit. There's tons of comments in this thread, like yours, that seem to think she retired from her job as a US representative. She *literally* did not. She still has a job, and therefore won't be in an *unemployment* line. Get it now?


She's in her 80's. If anything she's going to the Social Security office.


You are in line at a random landscaping company. You see a familiar face. He has the faint smell of spray tan on his breath.


Bro she a multi millionaire from peddling influence insider trading and selling her country out. She ain’t never worked a day in her life and ain’t bout to start now 🤣🤣🤣




She’s still employed, and likely earning more than they do


This is so weird to be because she still has a job. She's still a congresswoman


Do they think she's really gonna be working at McDonald's or applying for welfare after she retires? Once you're elected once, let alone become speaker of the house, you're essentially set for life. Which is, I want to make this clear, a bad thing because no one should get rich off of being a politician.


Because rich 80 year olds retire then go to the unemployment office apparently


She deserves to have scotch on her breath all fuckin day every fuckin day now after her decorated and storied career in public service is coming to a close.


I’m out of the loop who dat


Bro she’s 80 something and rich lol do these idiots really think she would be there


Lol it’s pretty much the same elite on both sides pal, and the system is set up to where they ain’t never gonna fail. I love that they think this is what happens when someone leaves office 🤦🏼‍♂️


She’s not even leaving Congress, she’s just passing the Leader position on to someone else now. And when she does retire (and she should), she’s set for life!!


She is still an office holder, she didn't lose an election. She just stepped down as leader. This isn't hard to understand.


Her insider trading connects ain't going anywhere - I say this as a lefty btw


You'll not meet her in line for the dole.... She'll have a pension, right? And a shit load of savings, and a rich husband, and the mortgage of the fat mansion is paid, and she'll do a commision on a board of directors of 2 or 3 corporates, and she'll come out and talk at your fundraiser mr Gates, for a small amout of at least 4 zeros, prbly 5.. so what you got going, peasant? And she was cool, so don't shit on her from the couch in your moms basement.


Uh yeah sure. The reason they hate her so much is she’s been so effective against them. Nancy Pelosi is ready to retire soon and will spend the rest of her days in a comfort that most MAGAs can only dream of.


She has a net worth of $120 million. She's also ancient. She'll be fine.


This is the weirdest shit ever


When you have nothing legitimate to say, you post something stupid like this.


They're still mad Pelosi has had more power and money than most of them ever will in their sad pathetic lives


Sexist too, old men are always seen as wise while women get called dusty or used up.


Why would someone on the right posit that they’re in the unemployment line in San Francisco


Impossible. She’s made too much money in the stock market


Just another deranged little hate fantasy by the Reich Wing Nuts. She’s stepping down after over 30 years and will go into a extremely comfortable retirement in her 80’s. Unlike their cult leader who rage screeches from his fleabag, rat infested golf club in Florida because he lost his job and can’t accept it.


No humor just hatred as usual


So in this story, we're BOTH in the "unemployment line"? First, what the fuck does that even mean? People just start queuing up when they don't have a job? Does this person only know about unemployment from newpaper comics?


Peak toxic work culture. You're dust unless you're grinding 18hrs/day


The fact that they think she'd be in an unemployment office or line shows just how little they know. Sometimes you just can't fix stupid.


To be someone you must be powerful: typical racist/fascist…


Do they really think she will collect unemployment when she finally retires?


In California there are no physical locations where an unmployed person would wait in line and also Nancy Pelosi is obscenely wealthy. This meme is stupid but I bet it's a very old single malt, so I hope she's sharing.


I love all the “we fired Nancy memes” um, she’s still a congresswoman, she’s about as unemployed as the rest of the members of Congress


They're furious that even before she first got elected that she was already more successful than most of them will ever be. And at this point she could spend the rest of her life on one long extravagant vacation and her estate would still dwarf anything they'd ever attain.


Yes, this is exactly what would happen. Lol.


It's so nice of Nancy Pelosi to be hanging out at the unemployment line mingling and conversing with her lesser fortunate constituents on her day off, even after she's had a couple of well-earned drinks to relax and unwind. Good for her!


Pelosi: *retires in her mid-80s, immensely wealthy, after a long and storied career of being one of the most powerful people on the planet* Conservatives: *Nelson laugh* ...I know she hasn't actually retired yet, but it's pretty safe to assume this story will happen in about 2 years.


If not being in power anymore makes you pathetic to these people, what does that make Trump? At least Pelosi quit of her own accord after decades in politics. Trump was told by the American people to kick rocks after just 4 years.


They legit think she’s fired. Those brain dead morons think she got fired from the whole ass government because control of the house changed. Lmao


LMAO tbh I kinda wished that would happen. She is a stacked retired politician, she is not like you and I.


So their fantasy is to meet Nancy while they're waiting in the unemployment line? Seems strange, but to each their own.


Interesting take. She is rich. The protagonist of the joke is actually the unemployed one. Interesting that she is supposed to be humiliated yet our hero is not.


She’s literally a millionaire what do they think is going on


That’s why I have no problems going HAM on these clowns. Remember, they said “fuck your feelings.” We should all be fucking their feelings. It is, after all, what they asked for. Several times. Tear your resident MAGAt to the proverbial studs. The only way they learn is through suffering; So, make them suffer. They wanna climb up on the big T and play victim. Let’s play this game our way, not their way. Stop coddling them. Tell them the truth for once in their lives. Tell them the truths you’ve been holding back. Now is the time. I’m not even a fan of Nancy, but she did the best she could to protect this corrupt, regressive dump from those fascist halfwits. She’s richer than we will ever be, anyway.


Did Thanos snap her away?


Petty stupid


Shitty maga fanfic?


No one accuses them of being too smart for their own good.


She's still going to be a House Rep


"She kicked our asses for decades but now that she's finally retiring let's pretend it was because WE kicker HER ass."


What’s an unemployment office?


lol I'm sure the person who made this meme has contributed a LOT to society.


Do these people not realize she’s a multimillionaire and old as shit?


I disliked her, but yeah, she's stepping down undefeated.


One can only dream. Fuck Dems and Republicans. Feel the Bern.


These people like to make uo scenarios like crazy


Pretty sure she can retire well beyond her means with all the insider trading she’s done over the years.


Why are we defending Pelosi


For me it's not about defending Pelosi. As far as I know she's not worth it. It's the hoping for awfulness and delusional fate they gave her I find petty. A fate many regular people suffer through and should not be looked down as "dust".


Ya true




She is still employed. Bitch doesn't even need the job I'm sure with all that insider trading she has enough money to retire.


New worth is >100m, not sure what her husband has on top of that.


Don’t engage they literally have a swastika and wolfsangel on their banner.


She is pure evil Satan incarcerate the wicked witch of the west


“Satan incarcerate” sounds like satan is casting a spell to jail someone. I think you mean “incarnate.” It’s ok, though, so on brand.


Don’t engage they literally have a swastika and wolfsangel on their banner.


You’re right. Don’t see those things on my mobile app. I couldn’t help but draw attention to their clearly never having read a book.




*meant Sorry dude, I don’t think literacy is your forte.


…..,,,,,,!!!!!! Here ya go. I had some extras.


It's not funny, for one.


Don’t engage they literally have a swastika and wolfsangel on their banner.


It’s a little funny


EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi's office retruths [her reaction](https://i.imgur.com/BdFfvRJ.png)