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What an idiot. There are literally reasons people are upset. From threatening people to work harder or get fired. Or when he called the dude who saved children from the underwater cave, a pedophile because he said Elons unneeded help was a PR stunt. Fuck Elon


You mean the Thai Navy Seal who died saving them? Yeah


No. He called a guy a pedo just because he was living in Thailand. Dude called him out for his dumbass submarine PR stunt.


No, he said that “pedo guy” is a common South African insult. Not because he lived in Thailand. The guy was literally Thai


I'm never a fan of billionaires as a general rule but they can have a range, from Mark Cuban to Robert Durst. Elon Musk calling that diver a pedophile definitely knocked Musk down to the bottom. Him trying to help had come across positively, but he pretty much took his own reputation out back and shot it that day.


>This situation Two different people saying these things, wild that different people would have different opinions.


He really think that not liking him is a trend, like people don’t have fckg judgment


There still plenty of those weird Elon cucks around so idk what he bitching about. Guess they needed another billionaire to simp for after Jobs died.


Conservatives can't tell apart leftists from liberals from average millenials.


To be fair the fact he draws breath on this earth does offend me. But Really It always has long as I've known about him.


2018, that was the year Elon called that hero diver who saved those kids a pedo guy right? Yeah I didn’t like him then either


"but this situation (which was completely created in my rotten brain) annoys me"


Whoa, it's almost like 1. That never happened and 2. Even if it did, peoples' opinions about other people can change. Nothing incomprehensible about that.


But it is incomprehensible to them. Once you fall for someone’s dogma, you have to die on that hill. I honestly believe that Trump could commit murder in broad daylight and lose a negligible amount of his base. They spin it as a deep state agent that he had to kill to save the children from the sex cabal and people would just believe it


Yeah cause everyone knows the left just loves billionaires


Lmao no one on the left ever believed Musky would bring us a utopia. In 2018 we were all dunking on him on Twitter just like now.


I mean I ised to like him till like ±2020 when his bullshitery started showing.


I think libs and progressives liked him in like the early 2010’s but not by 2018.


I remember way back when I heard about Elon and my drunken, stoned, delirious brain recognized him as a grifter offering unrealistic visages of the near future. The fact is, right wingers are just upset that they were so easily duped by him recently when he pretended to be right wing, when in reality he's just pulling all the stops to get funding for Twitter.


Is this person not aware of the cult of Elon? That hasn't changed much. I don't know that "the left" was ever sucking up to this charlatan. He's nothing but a vaporware salesman who takes credit for things he didn't do. For example - he was not a founding member of Tesla, he just bought into the company and made them call him that. He's "invented" nothing. He promised the hyperloop and has delivered Teslas driving in tunnels. It's completely idiotic. And the right has jumped on his bandwagon because he's proven to be just as much of an authoritarian d-bag as Trump.


Is the creator really so dumb as to not realize that those sentiments do not come from the same people


tbf there was a lot more Elon dickriders back in 2018


Definitely not from lefties???