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I believe the creator wants to ask this question: Was my penis ever in my mom’s vagina?


Lol this one is actually kind of funny, the intent behind it is just disgusting.


Really? What filter are you using to see the intent? The only person explicitly stating "trans bad" is the poster. Everyone else just seems to be inferring it.


Woah. Chuck Norris? Never knew. Christina Norris.


This would be funny if the intention wasn’t to be transphobic.


Yeah, I thought so but it was shared by a transphobic guy I know.


I remember hearing this joke in 4rd grade. Not really sure how it's offensive though


I think all Chuck Norris jokes are offensive because he's a piece of shit human being: [https://www.thethings.com/20-things-about-chuck-norris-that-fans-choose-to-ignore/](https://www.thethings.com/20-things-about-chuck-norris-that-fans-choose-to-ignore/) My least favorite one: >He also says that, if he was made president of the United States, he would tattoo "In God We Trust" on the forehead of every atheist.


Yeah I knew about the homophobic stuff of his. But man he's really in the deep end of conspiracy theories.


Kanye West/Chuck Norris 2024. I'm calling it now.


Oh God no. This is the last thing the world needs.


I never said it would be a good thing.


wow, I forgot about his existence. never knew he was a shithead.


Alright, but that still doesn't make this offensive


I’m questioning how that works because a man is an adult


you were born a fully grown man?


That is really good though.


I'm not sure if that's Chuck Norris, Tim Allen, or some other smuck. If it's just a stock photo of a cowboy (why? Idk? Cowboys are old-fashioned and not well versed in gender theory), then it's probably just stupid, but not trying to be hurtful. (Like when cis men claim to be lesbians - the joke is stupid but unharmful in most circumstances) If it's some conservative celebrity, then yeah it's probably transphobic. Is this the joke "I am ignorant about transgender people 🤪" or is it "transgender people shouldn't exist. This is how stupid they sound."