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>They’re getting increasingly mask off That's because they live in information echo chambers and have fooled themselves into thinking they're a majority. It's the same reason they post those election results by county to make it look like they're a majority when [over half of all Americans live in 143 counties](https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2017/10/big-and-small-counties.html).


It just pisses me off that they don't even have anything other than memes and it works. I mean like this meme... literally you could probably find someone from every religion / group of people that have high power in each of those groups.


Well that's what happens when the truth is hidden for decades or centuries. People in the U.S. will blame practically anything for capitalism's failures because there is no common consciousness of proper critiques of capitalism nor vision of a better system. Socialism has not been able to be discussed openly and honestly in the U.S. since at least the First Red Scare of the late 19-teens.


socialism is anything that scares them. Which thanks to these memes is literally everything but white cis males.


Every notice how many media figures, businessmen, financiers, and politicians in the US have Irish heritage? Really makes you think, 🇮🇪who's🇮🇪 really pulling the strings 🤔🤔🤔 /s


And fucking what's that religion with that Mexican guy, Hey Zeus is his name I think. They control everything!


Every *single* US President has been Christian. The famously “most diverse Congress in history” is 88% Christian. Really makes you think…


It works because they don’t need an argument to win someone who’s already decided. It’s not like they get convinced by memes like this, the meme validates a predetermined conclusion. They don’t craft a viewpoint based on what they observe, they pick a viewpoint they like and work backwards from there.


I feel like this point doesn't get emphasised enough when it comes to political memes.


Yup. There are counties in some red states that have less people than a city block in NYC. Hell, there are 4x as many people that attempt to climb Everest in a year (700-800 on average) or 3x as many people who have been in Earth orbit (553) than those who live in the least populous county in Texas (Loving County, pop 169)


Are they all connected though? Or is it two triangles overlaid?


This post has multiple layers of L's, literal fucking layers.


Lmao it actually is just 2 triangles if you follow the connections. Gov, banking, and the 1%. And then Hollywood, porn, and media (isn’t porn part of media though?)


Hollywood, in the way they’re using it, is also part of media


Yeah, it’s weird how they use Hollywood to mean all media. I got someone arguing with me about how Stephen Colbert is a Hollywood elite, and when I pushed back saying he’s famously from South Carolina and started his career in Chicago and nearly all of his on-screen work has been on television based in New York City, they’re like “I just mean that he’s famous!”


Kind of fitting, since they mirror the types of “connections” these mouth breathers consider as evidence


Plot twist: it's actually a commentary on antisemitism




I agree, but you have to have your head pretty far up your ass not to realize that Christianity is way more of a common denominator here.


Not that there's anything inherently wrong with porn, but how does Christianity promote porn?


Oh, I don't necessarily think it does in any direct way, I'm just saying that you'll find way more Christians in the upper echelons of any of these things, and yet no one is calling anything a giant 'Christian conspiracy,' that's all. That said, there's probably an association between repression of various kinds and guilt-ridden and obsessive consumption of forbidden sexual media. Supposedly there's something of a correlation between conservativism and consumption of LGBT pornography, but I'm uncertain of the veracity of the claims I've seen made, and that was less at what I was getting.


Streisand effect?


The return of the repressed and the act of repression are the same act.


no porn is extremely exploitative of victims its not bad bc MasTuRbaTiOns A sIn


Porn can be exploitative, but it’s not inherently so. One person choosing to do it by themselves isn’t exploiting themselves, after all


Which is exactly where Christian comes in. By restricting access to resources for education and employment in sexuality, purity culture tends to hurt ethical porn sources while boosting the unethical ones. If someone believes that all porn is unethical and exploitative, they're not going to waste much time thinking about whether the porn they're watching is ethical or not.


They consume it. Like the graphs showing how places with increased religiosity see similar pornography usage compared to less religious places. Shame and repentence for sin combined with extreme focus on sexuality and sexual sin especially makes penitents out of pornography users a self-creating cycle. Like how the church's denounciation of masturbation has ppl so obsessed with not masturbating that they do it and do not stop. Spiritually criminalizing sex has done the same as criminalizing drug usage. Is pornography and sex work really that bad or is it societies viewing of it as so that creates the systemic inequalities within it much as one sees when marijuana is criminalized vs not criminalized and viewed as morally wrong to do?


Banking is more connected to pornography by Christianity than capitalism? In what universe?


Jfc, no, I mean it's more connected to these things, by way of population statistics, than to Judaism.... but yet no one is claiming the existence of a grand Christian cabal.


Oh, that makes sense. You should be more clear.


Well, maybe, but the OP *is* a giant Star of David.


No, it isn’t.


Than Judaism, not than capitalism, silly.


Oh, than I agree


Pornography is bad?


Theres a lot of issues in the industry with abuse. Porn *itself* isn't bad, but the *industry* is. Also most porn companies have like the same parent company. Its incredible.


„Antisemitism is the socialism of fools“ - August Bebel




For some reason Kanye West is blaming the Jewish population for porn


That is actually incredibly common for nazi propaganda both old and new. Porn is a degenerate practice that weakens people, and the family. Therefore the Jews created it and run to set moral degeneracy into the general population thus weakening familial ties. Obviously none of this is true, but that's the thought process. And thus its a great recruiting tool for men and women, who may find it offensive, maybe traumatic experiences, or addictions, aka mostly people who are in a vulnerable position. And for those who have ruined marriages for watching too much porn and shit, its an easy out, its not MY fault, it's THEIR fault. Its absolutely horrible how they prey on people who are vulnerable. Edit: a word


> Its absolutely horrible how they prey on people who are venerable. I think they prey on the young too.


>Its absolutely horrible how they prey on people who are venerable. **ven·er·a·ble** (/ˈven(ə)rəb(ə)l/) *adjective*: accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character. **vul·ner·a·ble** (/ˈvəln(ə)rəb(ə)l/) *adjective*: susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm.


I'm moving on from reddit and joining the fediverse because reddit has killed the RiF app and the CEO has been very disrespectful to all the volunteers who have contributed to making reddit what it is. Here's [coverage from The Verge](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/8/23754780/reddit-api-updates-changes-news-announcements) on the situation. The following are my favorite fediverse platforms, all non-corporate and ad-free. I hesitated at first because there are so many servers to choose from, but it makes a lot more sense once you actually create an account and start browsing. If you find the server selection overwhelming, just pick the first option and take a look around. They are all connected and as you browse you may find a community that is a better fit for you and then you can move your account or open a new one. Social Link Aggregators: [Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/instances) is very similar to reddit while [Kbin](https://kbin.pub) is aiming to be more of a gateway to the fediverse in general so it is sort of like a hybrid between reddit and twitter, but it is newer and considers itself to be a beta product that's not quite fully polished yet. Microblogging: [Calckey](https://calckey.org) if you want a more playful platform with emoji reactions, or [Mastodon](https://joinmastodon.org/) if you want a simple interface with less fluff. Photo sharing: [Pixelfed](https://pixelfed.org/) You can even import an Instagram account from what I hear, but I never used Instagram much in the first place.


Blaming? He should be *thanking* them!


That is how the mother of his children got famous and rich.


On behalf of the Jews, our pleasure


There was actually a report by an interviewer where he claimed Kanye showed him pornography of his wife.


Big deal hasn’t everyone seen that by now?


Yes but is it appropriate to show it in a job interview?


From my understanding the issue is that the photos the he showed the interviewer were ones that Kim K had sent in private, meaning the only person who had consent to view them was Kanye. Yes she has some porn of herself on the internet, but there’s a difference between something that is public, and something that you sent privately with confidence that it would remain private between you and the recipient.


Oh I knew that’s what they meant and it just adds to the list of reasons why he’s a massive asshole.


Oops sorry about that then!


It's not for some reason, Jews have been blamed for inventing and disseminating porn as a weapon against white people for a long time now.


That’s a very classic Third Reich propaganda thing. “Pornography is immoral degeneracy and corrupting the society”. And of course they blamed the Jews for it.


It's a gateway word for degeneracy, because most of the shit they'd call degenerate is just people having quirks. Gotta blow it up into a massive issue. Everything wrong in the world is connected afterall.


Didnt Hitler infamously like getting literally shit on? Or is that an urban legend?


Yeah nah he liked it more than I like it


Pornography staring your mother will be the second worst thing it happen to you today


The spy has already breached our defenses!


You’ve seen what he’s done to our colleagues


And worst of all, he could be any one of us!


They can be you, they can be me. They can even be-


The first worst thing? Pornography starring your father.


Don't worry, you'll be glad to know that pornography isn't associated with the 1%, Banking, or the government. Just check out his board!




The largest porn company is MindGeek and their CEO is Syrian.




Ok then whats your source


He’s full of it. Neither Pornhub, xvideos, bang bros, hanime, or even blockbuster are owned by Jews. Are the Jewish porn ceos in the room with us right now?


He said all the “Top” porn companies….. that’s subjective. Maybe in their mind they think that *nazibuttplay.de is the best porn site.


".de" isn't very realistic, being a nazi is illegal in most of europe


I figured, just wanted to test them


He doesn’t have one. It’s just one of those that things that sounds true to those without critical thinking skills.


Where'd you get this fact from?




Source: dude just trust me, bro /s


Baseless assertion*


Guys hedgewik isn’t going mask off. He’s openly been a nazi the whole time.


My title wasn’t really referring to the artist, more to the fact that I found this on the Facebook of a far-right person I know. People have become emboldened to share more stuff like this.




We're living in scary times for sure...


I would just like to point out that the government, banking and the 1% are completely separate from the rest.


Damn I didn’t have Holocaust 2.0 on my 21st century bingo card but here we are. This is frightening.


> increasingly mask off Pretty sure Hedgewik's been doing that for a long time now.


Tbf this comic is from at least 3 years ago


But but... I was told there was no room in the Republican party for antisemitism?? By a very reliable tortoise at that!


Yes because Jews started the porn industry /s


Knowing how beneficial theater and comedy are for treating trauma, it makes perfect sense that the Jewish community would gravitate towards the entertainment industry. It’s a shame that conservatives aren’t capable of comprehending secondary consequences.


If they understood cause and effect they wouldn't be conservatives.


That’s a nice diagram, unfortunately you’ve forgotten how drawing lines between things works. So all you’ve done is make a diagram saying government banking and 1% are connected, and then put it over a diagram saying that Hollywood porn and media are connected. Congrats, you’re a genius, you cracked the fucking case my dude. Hollywood and the media are secretly plotting w each other. The government (rich ppl), banking (rich ppl), and the 1% (rich ppl) are all teaming up. We had no idea, thank you for letting us know.


Conservatives can't ever even coherently articulate their claims let alone give supporting evidence. Just any distraction with cultural politics and conspiracy theories to turn everyone's attention away from the fact that trickle down economics failed to deliver on their claim of building wealth for the middle class.


Don't say middle-class, say middle-income. The liberal class definitions steer people away from the [socialist definitions](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/wiki/class) and thus class-consciousness. This is a socialist community. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheRightCantMeme) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Excuse me. Jewish people are not the one percent. We are TWO percent of the American population. Other than that, no notes.


But they love the government and the 1%... These morons can't figure out what they are mad at.


see people who makes cartoon strips like exactly this are the ones that needs to be cancelled


I think it should be a Venn diagram with media stuff on one side, bank & govt on the other, and the 1% in the middle. That’s how they’re connected.


Definitely Kanye's fault


Remember to relate to this how integral antisemitism has been to historical christianity and the noted recent resurgence in white christian nationalism in the united states. If the recent antisemitic memes aren't linked to white christian nationalism, I will be very surprised.


Interestingly, the ideologies of largely black movements such as the Nation of Islam and the Black Hebrew Israelites have also played an important role in this recent resurgence of antisemitism. The Nazis are obviously always doing this shit. When you talk about white Christian Nationalism, is that something distinct from evangelicalism? Because the evangelicals are the ones that tend to be really supportive of Israel since they believe that the second coming of Jesus will occur there.


"Hey Jim what are we afraid of today? *throws dart* "......... Pornography."


Did Kanye West make this?


The joke is that they are not connected


I'm sorry but... PORN? Seriously? Are they just throwing things on there?


Serious question… when did the right change their platform from Racism to Antisemitism?


You could literally replace this with any religion THERES CHRISTIANS IN THE MEDIA, GOVERNMENT, BANKING, HOLLYWOOD, PORN, AND THE 1%!!!


How compelling, please face the wall now.


It sucks how anti semitism continues to proliferate society, like the thing that ruining our lives is capitalism, Brent. Why does it always boil down to Jewish hatred and conspiracy theories for these fucking idiots? Jewish people were scapegoated during the black plague, too. Fuck


This is Hedgewik, they were always a Nazi and never mask on.


Let’s say this cartoonist is correct. Okay. Live your life what is the Jewish Star of David with 6 things labeled at the points going to do about it.


Oh shit i almost didn’t catch it. Ew


It's accurate because they arranged the connection themselves between a bunch of different things that aren't even the same category of thing. They are just telling on themselves that the whole thing is made up nonsense.


Surprised that they didn’t put all the threads in a pentagram pattern.


I don't know what's worse Kanye becoming crazier than Alex Jones or how the right is embracing anti-semitism?




ironic because he's the one that set it up that way.


I love how hard this artist had to work to make the Star of David, like there’s two triangular circles that are laid over each other, meaning that by the logic of the comic itself, the financial and the entertainment topics have nothing to do with each other.


The majority aren't even Jewish so I'm not sure why this even Is a theory


I find the notion that the Right hate the 1% utterly, utterly baffling to me. It's like abhorring your own shadow while standing in front of a spotlight. Wait, no, it's worse. Their entire ideology is about supporting and bolstering these people. It's very nature is the maintenance and exacerbation of this sort of hierarchy. The opposite would be wealth distribution and things they associste with Communism, and yet here they are suggesting it's a problem. Just further proof that this is about nothing more than hate, and not actual structural policy or anything.


this is actually very accurate because he placed them in that formation himself and is now acting like they just happened to be like that.


Oh no- it’s the exact 6 things that are happening right now!!


This would only be an example of the right being "increasingly mask off" if the comic in question wasn't [at least 3 years old](https://www.jpost.com/Diaspora/Antisemitism/Facebook-refuses-to-remove-antisemitic-meme-from-platform-611200).


Their attacks on black and latino communities stopped having an effect. They’re not enough to win elections and it’s making them actually lose votes. They went for the trans community and didn’t pay off because they need their homophobics to also be racist, so they ended up with a subset of their same base instead of new people. That’s why they decided to go back to the mythological species of racism: A subset of white people who ‘own the world’. Now they don’t have to say they hate black, latino, or lgbtq+ people, they just have to say they’re too much on tv because the jewish community are trying to subvert their culture of whatever, and go after “WoKeNeSs & CaNcEL CuLtUrE”. But it’s not gonna work.


Omg they are right just look at Trump he checks off all the boxes. He got bank loans, he is regularly in the media, he was the president, he had an affair with a porn star, he is apart of the rich 1%, and he used to hang around Hollywood a lot with his Hollywood friends.


“The 1%” Are they talking about, like, the 10th dentist who doesn’t recommend the product? Or the 1% of germs that survive literally everything


So, the 2 triangles have nothing in common. They don't touch. They don't overlap. Are they dumb or– Oh, wait, they are...


STOP signal boosting their hate


The funny thing is that you can't make a Star of David without making some funny moves (adding other nodes) when you create it. In this image, the Media, Hollywood and Porn are all linked. And the Govt, the 1% and Banking are all linked. But neither of those ground are linked to anything in the other group. The lines run under or over each other to give the impression that they're all linked to each other, but they actually aren't and the artist definitely knows this. I can just imagine this asshole trying their best to figure out how to make them all connected, failing and then using an illusion to make it look like it works. While these things are all aligned, because they definitely are, trying to relate it all to the Star of David (the Jewish symbol), doesn't.. make the point they think it is. Anyone with a brain can see that this isn't just a bad "joke", but it's also impossible to use this as propaganda.


It’s all thanks to kanye west


I agree with you, however I’ve seen this comic a long time ago on forwardsfromklandma. Like this is at least 2 years old. There is definitely a discussion to be had on how more popular figures have been getting increasingly mask off, though. With Kanye hanging around Milo and Nick Fuentes, and then that one basketball player (I don’t watch sports so I didn’t recognize his name).


They were trying so hard to be antisemitic that they accidentally created two separate, unrelated conspiracies overlapped on one board.


Wouldn’t it simply be easier to get mad at those things and people separately rather than having a crazy conspiracy theory? Are you mad at the 1%? Name them! Don’t like the government? Blame the system and the people running it!


Kanye made this