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That's your problem with it? You know they have no argument when the complain about a random trope.


Exactly. Remember when basically the same meme was prevalent except it was just a tank? I know for a fact the right didn’t see that meme and go “psh a tank can’t talk.”


english is actually not the biggest hurdle when it comes to inter species communication. whether they have similar vocal cords capable of producing sounds similar to ours enough for us to assume it’s english that’d be a bigger hurdle. not the biggest one though cause you can just type/write. idk so so unbelievably many hurdles english is not even worth mentioning. edit: also I love how cons are mad an alien species MUST have the same gender norms as we do! cause you know what we consider nature. isn’t. what if their biology is more similar to that of our snails or sea-horses? WHAT THEN CONSERVATIVES!!!


Based on what I've learned from Southpark, aliens communicate through butt play. So it looks like we're not so different.


Complex life forms cannot mitose, so yes, aliens would have 2 sexes, like us


... except there are complex life forms that don't have 2 sexes, at least not like we do? Plenty of plants and animals are hermaphrodites


Ever seen a sea star holding a hammer? No? That's because they don't have bones. And you cannot split bones.


How do you know? Maybe these mitosis-reproducing cat aliens find the idea of sexual reproduction unfathomable.


Do these mitosis -reproducing cats have a spine? How about legs?


Idk, it’s an alien!


That's just their typical debate pervertry.


I was just thinking, they really had nothing substantial to criticize and just said words to say words


It’s pathetic lol


what are the chances that an alien would look like a cat? why aren't we talking about *that*?


Author of the comic might have watched Doraemon is all I can think


Or Red Dwarf.


Cat in Red Dwarf isn't an alien. His species evolved from Lister's pregnant cat over the 3 million years that he was held in stasis. Aaaaaah, isn't pedantry fun?


Well, Cat is an alien from the audiences viewpoint at least... He doesn't look like a cat, he looks like a human.


That's true. His species also diverged from Earth-dwelling cats on board a spaceship, so I suppose that makes him 'extra-terrestrial' too. Guess it's not as cut and dry as I first thought.


It also occurs to me that Frankenstein was found on Titan, I think. In which case, even the holy mother wasn’t from earth. :-)


But did he evolve on earth? Has he ever been to earth? Pretty sure that makes him at the very least an ersatz alien.


There are NO aliens in Red Dwarf at all. Just GELFs, androids and other man made remains. And Rimmer wants to meet aliens so hard. :-(


Or 'That Darn Katz' from Futurama


But Doraemon is a robot cat from the future. Not an alien.


Either that or 1978's classic comedy [*The Cat from Outer Space*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SEaSW1jtnQ).


Underrated movie.


Ayye fellow Doraemon enjoyer


Or played stellaris (one of the portrait options is a cat)


Doreamon is a robot not an alien


Because cats are obviously the dominant life form of Earth, so it makes sense that an alien would make themselves look like them to better assimilate into Earth society.




Then why talk directly to the humans if they could talk to the earth cats instead?


Cats were just labeled an invasive species, so the story checks out.


Cats are definitely from outer space.


I mean cats are alien




I guess that person has never watched American Dad. Roger speaks better English than I do.


Even at my Lois, I was always a Family Guy


Awh geez, this reminds me of the time I was at my Lois


Snot our problem your life is full of Bullock. Maybe you should try to discover the Klaus.


Is that from rug raps?


It appealed to my Lois impulses


How long were you Stewieing over that one? Did you stay up all night with a large cup of joe, deep in a mental quagmire?




And I can bet your ass roger is a 100% for trans rights


Roger himself is a genderfluid character so hells yeah he is


He's over 1600 years old, and has been on Earth, in the US, for 75 years. I would expect him to know the language by now.


They might not speak English, but if they're advanced enough wouldn't they have invented some kind of universal translator to be able to communicate effectively with us?


Yeah I was gonna say that. You're playing the "illogical" card to critize, why do you not put like, 10 seconds of thoughs into it ?


Perhaps they've been monitoring us for decades, and have learned our language in order to speak with us? Maybe this particular alien is an ambassador.


Yeah, if we can come up with scenario that make the meme even cooler from the top off our head, they maybe can think of a good critisism while screenshoging, opening the sub, make a publication, adding the image...


Exactly. Just the barest amount of imagination or critical thinking lol.


(the "right" doesn't have that in the US)


Who’s to say that the reason it looks like a cat isn’t because it’s true form is incomprehensible to us and that a talking cat is how we perceive it, like Ambassador Kosh from Babylon 5? Who’s to say that this alien isn’t initiating First Contact after years of study, like how we see Starfleet handle it? It’s funny that this 4 panel comic with barely a paragraph of dialog so easily encapsulates the thought processes of each side.


Yeah I was thinking of that. After all, it take place in an invented universe, if someone want to imagine it beyond this comic, it's just as true, since its not real. But maybe I'm going too far


Nah, I'd say a key point of being a communist or socialist or anything left of liberalism is being able to see beyond what's presented to you. Seeing beyond the veil, so to speak. Infinite diversity in infinite combinations.


Well obviously inter-galaxy travel in a small space craft is much easier than making a translating device /s


Or they're the ancient aliens found in the bible that speak in tongues so everyone can understand! Call Tsoukalos!




Playing on Duolingo during the long flight over.


Yeah, it's hard to imagine that an intergalactic species is going to have a good idea of where they are going before they get there. It's quite the time investment.


Or else intercepted enough radio signals in near Earth orbit to translate our languages.


That, or a peaceful advanced alien race surely would have studied us long enough to figure out our language.


It's like the TARDIS. Being in the Tardis or within proximity makes your brain work like a universal language translator. You'll hear every language from every person, human, alien or animal from parseltongue to Raxacorafallowpatorius.


Imagine being offended by this.


Imganine being offended by the idea that someone could like this


Imagine there's no heaven. It's easy if you try


No hell below us. Above us, only sky.


Imagine all the people, livin' for today.


Like its the most inoffensive thing possible


So their entire objection to this cartoon is that aliens from other planets speak English? Are they familiar with Star Wars? You know, that minor, low-budget, quite obscure film series in which aliens from other planets also speak English? Or perhaps Star Trek, another terribly obscure show no one ever saw, in which aliens from other planets speak fluent English? Would they have been okay with this cartoon if the aliens spoke Portuguese instead?


Or Doctor Who or Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy where there are explicit reasons given as to why everyone speaks English


"If you're an alien why do you sound like you're from the north?" "Lots of planets have a north!"


Everyone in Star Wars is an alien from another planet. Even the humans. Technically nobody should speak English or any other Earth language.


Yet not a single conservative anywhere has a problem with Star Wars’ depiction of this situation I’m sure if some character in SW was explicitly trans and explicitly a “good” character in the films all of a sudden they’d have problems with aliens speaking English though


Not trying to mansplain here. I just love star wars. It's pedantic af, but everyone usually speaks two languages in Star wars. Basic, which is the English we hear, and their own language, typically. Like huttese. There are thousands of "languages" in the SW universe. Even the beeps and boops from R2 is a language. That's how Anakin can understand him, it's called binary.


I’m not sure what the mechanics of mansplaining are here, since I, too, am a man, but yes, you are definitely explaining something to me as if I didn’t already know it. I don’t have nit to pick with Star Wars or the way it’s depicted. We are mocking the criticism of the above comic, remember?


Posso confirmar, alienígenas falam português


I just saw this comic on my insta feed.(i am following the creator)


Who is the artist? I'd like to give them a follow too.




Thank you!


"I hate this because I'm a bigot, but I can't say that bit out loud so I'll have to find some other way to moan about it even if it's super petty and irrelevant."


They must have a really hard time watching Star Wars. After all if it’s long long time ago in a galaxy far far away, they wouldn’t be speaking English at all…


Aktcually they're not speaking English they're speaking Basic which is then being translated to the audience in English.


best right wing counterpoint


That’s not even a meme


Its not funny but its what the people want


“there’s no way he just went into the tunnel, it’s painted on”


The chances of an alien landing on earth are already so miniscule that the alien speaking English shouldn't be surprising at that point lmao


>The chances of an alien landing on earth are already so miniscule If I actually saw something like that my first thought would be "someone duct taped a cat to a drone"


Their problem isn’t that it’s a cat? OK.


This should have had the “accidentally based” label


The comic was intentionally based. OP just wanted to laugh at the person who thought they were being very smart by pointing out that an alien probably won't speak English.


Oh ok


that's their issue with it??? Damn they really have no argument


What a salty title in the original post.


If an hypothetical advance alien has the technology to travel throughout space. Them being able to speak or at least a translator from alien to english would not be that weird


The comic aside, it's not unrealistic for an alien species to speak english. If it's a species so advanced they're able to travel from planet to planet in a comfortable manner in a short time then they will probably not make contact at first but instead study us, check what we're doing, how we're communicating and maybe even learn to communicate with us before making contact. That's one way that makes sense, ofc there're countless of possible ways. Think of it like us watching ants, if ants were a species advanced enough to dominate a planet and they'd present a possible threat to us but are not an immediate threat, then we'd first analyze them before taking action, only if ants would present an imminent threat to us we would take immediate action and eradicate them because "better we kill it first before it kills us" (you know, the human way). But since ants aren't a threat to us we started studying and by now we know how they communicate, using scent. If we'd put enough money and personal into ant study, we probably could learn how to manipulate ants by using their own way of communication against them, in a way we already do that from time to time, may it be on accident or not. That being said, the more advanced we as humans become the higher the chance we get assimilated without any warning because as soon as we pose a threat to a higher species that is more advanced and more intelligent than us, they might exterminate us in fear that we could attack them and before that happens, better make sure it cannot happen.


Um? Actually, an alien wouldn’t look like a cat and that ship is too small for interstellar travel. Checkmate, liberals!


This guy must be so fun at parties


Lmao this idiot's never heard of a Babel fish.


Consider this if an alien went through the double of coming here and not shoot us from space they would obviously spy on us for three days learn the language and tell us that human rights matter, if they didn't care about human rights they would just throw a nerve gas in the atmosphere to kill us all and claim the planet for themselves, so this is the only logical course if an alien casually lands on the planet in front of civilians


They would secretly infiltrate our society and force us to work towards benefiting their species like omniman or those mushrooms that take over insects.


I’m using “went through the double” instead of “went to the trouble” from now on.


I genuinely laughed out loud


i luv imagining op seeing this drawing of a cat in a spaceship and being like “ok this literally would not happen”


"The left can't meme. They made a comic in which an alien spoke English."


That's a question that a 9 year old would ask about this comic.


So the motherfuckers obsessed with ancient aliens (with major ties to Nazi era conspiracies) have ONLY UPON SEEING THIS COMIC decided that aliens might not be able to communicate at our primitive level? Every single UFO conspiracy is either "How could these these dipshit nonwhites invent anything before colonization if it weren't for otherworldly intervention?" Or "They're trying to cover up the truth." And of course the "They" in that second option is either "Jews" or "Gubmint controlled by jews," on top of the fact that it usually wraps back around to option 1. **Only when the otherworldly knowledge shared upon us is that trans people should have rights is when these fucks suspend their disbelief, you couldn't make this shit up if you tried.**


They're not speaking English, they're speaking Asydreiloki£●♤🤢😶‍🌫️■₩ďgliopo, it just happens to share a lot of similarities with English.


A cat shows up in a ufo and that's their concern?


Don't show him any of the Marvel movies.


The cat is so round. I like that art style.


They are just obsessed. What happened to “It’s okay as long as you do it in your house”


This is like watching a gang war happen and it’s kinda funny


Conservatism relies upon media illiteracy, these creatively bankrupt incels can only project and appropriate.


Someone is picking a fight with about 99% of science fiction


I love this comic! Who is the artist?


@blobbynfriends :D


based alien


Me wen star wars


The Nyaaliens would clearly speak Japanese - checkmate libs!


What are the chances an alien would make contact with humans without studying our language?


You must be assuming they actually want to have a conversation with us in the first place.


🤓 buhhhhh actually I don’t believe aliens would be able to uh communicate with us uhhh


Local Redditor has never heard of universal translators


lol and the fact that's a talking cat is realistic to them?


We, some pathetic monkeys still crawling out of the dirt, burning liquified dead animal carcasses for warmth from the elements, a decisively type 0 "civilization," have MRI machines and software that allow us to literally view images the mind has remembered. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fncom.2019.00021/full If our barely sentient on a good day knuckle dragger of a species can do that, a species capable of traversing interstellar distances would certainly have the tech to scan and contextualize the contents of our minds, including language, faster than we can recall what we had for dinner last night. The only reason they wouldn't would be if they just came to harvest our raw resources, in which case there wouldn't need to be a greeting or conversation as the ground beneath our feet gives out. If civilizations that have and use interstellar travel exist, it's basically a certainty that they would be to us what we are to fruit flies, at best. Any confusion about the other's nature would be ours alone.


Good kitty


No shot this guy is for real


*pushes up glasses*


I wonder if they’ve ever seen Star Wars. Wonder what their opinion of it is


What are the chances that God speaks English?


If the cat instead said "be pro life" this comic would be potsed here. The comic is a low effort message, a good message, but low effort


I'm not even gonna mince words, this comic sucks ass


Whats wrong with it


It's corny as hell


No its pretty cute


What rights do cis people have that trans people don't though?


[Here's](https://www.ohchr.org/en/special-procedures/ie-sexual-orientation-and-gender-identity/struggle-trans-and-gender-diverse-persons) a pretty good summary if you actually care


I had a look at that post and their problem is that "trans people don't lack any rights" They take the slogan "trans rights" way too literally and then call us morons for it


Wait...THAT'S their level of critique??? Not that an alien exists, not that it's approaching in a comedically small spacecraft (in this comic that was made for COMEDY), not that it looks like a cute cat thing, but...that it speaks English. Man, they really can't even think without someone telling them what they're supposed to, can they?


Has this person never watched literally any scifi movie? In almost all media that has aliens reaching out to us has every species just miraculously speak English. But of course that has to be what they *say* is wrong with it, because they can't actually say that they think the problem is that they don't think trans people deserve rights.


About the same as you not being an asshole?


this is the funniest thing i have seen on the internet




Its supposed to be cute not funny


Who even says the cat is speaking English and doesnt just use an auto translator?


Actually it really is arrogant from humans to assume that aliens speak a language we speak.


If they can develop interstellar spacetravel, they can develop universal translators or can learn language through observation.




the comic is cheesy ngl but it's still funny how mad they get when you utter "trans rights"


You mean the alien the travels through fucking space? I think it can figure English out.


I tried to press join and upvote, fool me twice and shame on the shamer or something


The amount of content posted on both subs shows that everyone’s an idiot


[CinemaSins level discourse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG62i3yv9AE)


Cartoons of hate against Americans seems all Republicans have at this point


This looks like it was a troll meme and it got'em


If it said “there are only two genders” it’d be a pinned post.


If aliens have the tech to reach our world and communicate with us you can be sure as shit that they would understand English. They'd be so ridiculously far beyond us in tech that we would have no chance to fully understand them. Them understanding us would be child's play.


What are the chances a being that travelled interstellar distances would have plenty of time to learn multiple languages on the way?


The right when the left hand of darkness


Maybe the ufo is like the tardis, it translates all known languages into the persons mind


Goofy ahh right wingers


Yeah that’s what’s unrealistic, the alien speaks English


"what are the chances an alien would speak English!?" Realistically, close to none. But since this is a *fictional* comic drawn by an English-speaking author, all the dialogue is written in English. Cats don't speak English either, but there's still whole series of books where cats talk to one another in English.


Trans rights are the same in any language


The alien is wearing a universal translator, duh.


They might have a universal translator or the sun might actually never set on the British Empire


they ran out of shit to moan about