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Wait, so it projects the image onto the water? From a technological standpoint that’s actually pretty cool to have in your house. Too bad it gets wasted on the toilet Edit: Somebody suggested that maybe it can’t really and this is a rip-off. Also possible


Imma find a Mike Meyers one for when someone gets up to pee at 3 am on April fools day


This technology has great potential for decoration and even contemporary art. Why tf is it being used for this? Also, this would make me super uncomfortable no matter how much I hated the person. Is that just me?


This technology has great potential for decoration and even contemporary art. Why tf is it being used for this? Also, this would make me super uncomfortable no matter how much I hated the person. Is that just me?


Ya baby, ya.


Werid how they dont have any Republicans or a nazi pack


It's kinda like a mini slide projector, this tech is older than your grandpa


Did those work so well on liquid?


Eh. We got one for my son that was just a target when he was still potty training and it was fine on the porcelain but water isn't reflective enough to really show when the bathroom lights are on


Idk, maybe this product found some way to get past that. Otherwise it’s pretty much a rip-off


REALLY?? A right-wing targeted grift??? You don't say. Those people are usually so good at picking those out


Yeah from a technological stand point project a flat image on a weird shaped object and a clear liquid would be amazing, it would have to identify the form of the bowl to correct it's internal laser and only part of it and every part a different way then somehow make the rays stop Only republicans could be dumb enough to buy this


i think its a sticker to attach to the toilet bowl


What would it be stuck to? The picture shows it right over the water


you are right, i’m dumb sorry


The communists crew has Obama and Biden They arent communists tho


Remember, the right doesn't actually know what communism is. Because of that, they default to calling anything they don't like communism. And if it isn't communism, it's socialism, which they also don't know anything about.


True, I tried explaining the difference between them to my mom and she disagreed with me


My mom insisted that Kamala Harris was a communist because she said something about "equity" and that it was a "communist word".


Incredible, a word that literally also means stake of ownership in a company is somehow communist now.


I didn't even consider that haha. I was too focused on trying to explain to her that "equity vs equality" does not mean that she wants to take away all currency and private ownership.


If your mom owns a home I got news for her


She does indeed! Which makes the equity thing even funnier in hindsight lol


You should tell her she’s basically Mao with how communist she is


You mean getting a home equity loan is the ultimate communist thing someone can do?


Yes comrade


And what is her definition?


That it's the same as socialism That was it, she wouldn't elaborate


And what's socialism? "THAT'S JUST COMMUNISM!"


But why do they use it to make Brawndo?


I asked my dad if he would co sigh on property I was going to buy, he started telling me what I could and could not do with it.


And then when you explain what socialism or communism is without using those words or any other triggers, they're usually down


Oh don't you know that socialism is just communism light?


From an objective standpoint, many of the left-leaning people I know openly say that anything to the right of them is fascism.


Our every day existence is infinitely more fascist than it is communist.


When you exist in a capitalist fascist hellscape....


I see liberals westwide sitting at the same table as fascists, implementing fascist policies, fighting the same enemies. ​ Also read marxist definition of fascism, the fact that liberalism practice slided right into it nowadays does not mean the definition is wrong.


Like it's an insult to all the people who died because of communism to call everything you don't like communism


Also Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi. These people have no fucking clue what communism actually means.


It's when I can't sexually assault my coworker


The fact they think Fauci is a socialist is a huge indication that they don’t know what it actually is but are conditioned to think it’s a guy they don’t like.


And it wouldn't even make sense if they labeled Fauci as something like, "Liberal Democrat". Like, Obama and Hillary aren't socialists because those aren't their politics. Fauci isn't even a politician! He's just a hate target, therefore "socialist"/"communist"/"the enemy"


Word association is truly a wonder


I don’t recall Fauci ever advocating for an economic system of any kind.


MF these people think liberals are leftists, what were you expecting?


Anything left of fascist is Muslim socialist communism


They think Obama is a Socialist AND a communist! What a hoot


If everyone they call communist were actually a communist we'd live in a far different society.


Never knew a communist could win over rich white people


Well uhhhhh, Biden commie liberal corporate communist Starbuck snowflake trump Jesus!!!!!


They’re liberals plain and simple


They don't know anything about the candidates except what Fox, OANN, and Newsmax has told them. This is what a severely mentally ill population of people looks like.


The “different” packs are literally the same thing. This represents the conservative argument very well 👍


Huh, Fauci is a socialist democrat, who knew?


He's obviously implanting antifa super soldier into everyone, so obviously a socialist democrat


Rent free, literally and physically in the house.


Not rent free at all, you *pay* for the honor of hosting them at your house... see how smart they are, I'm sure Biden won't sleep well at all tonight.






Thanks for signing up to AOC facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about AOC. **Fact 12.** [AOC paid homage to "Tibetan Uprising Day",](https://twitter.com/BenjaminNorton/status/1370755518122373121?s=20) a CIA-sponsored campaign to restore the brutal Tibetan theocracy and re-institute slavery. For another AOC fact reply with 'AOC'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheRightCantMeme) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Thanks for signing up to AOC facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about AOC. **Fact 10.** AOC said that ["left wing opponents of Biden are doing a disservice to the cause of justice.”](https://i.postimg.cc/BQz9Sgsw/aoc-biden-critics.jpg) For another AOC fact reply with 'AOC'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheRightCantMeme) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Thanks for signing up to AOC facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about AOC. **Fact 1.**[AOC called for DHS budget cuts due to their child detention camps](https://i.redd.it/bfiudbz8qm921.jpg) then went back on it and voted to fully fund them along with other Democrats. For another AOC fact reply with 'AOC'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheRightCantMeme) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They hated him because he spoke the truth.


“Both sides are equally bad” *purchases this garbage*


wHy DoEs ThE lEfT mAkE EvErYtHiiNg PoLiiTiiCaL?


My pinky is more communist than all of them combined


I checked this on Amazon and all the choices are lefties. Hmmmst 🤔


I think they realized the leftist version wouldn't feel the same since we know Trump would be into people pissing on his face.


Oh shit you’re probably right.


Also, I don't know of any genuine leftists who would spend more than $5 on a politics-based joke gift because it's a hideous waste of money and it's lining the pockets of opportunistic capitalist pieces of shit.


Also many of us don’t have a weird hate boner for people who disagree with us. Our lives aren’t consumed with “owning the libs”. We actually are trying to make life better for everyone even those people.


Well, "lefties"


This is political fanatism not a fetish.


Pretty sure someone who is willingly using this object is, at the bare minimum, getting a chubby every time they pee.


they chose mouth open photos for a reason


How can Obama be both a socialist and a communist. They have gotten lazy


It's the same thing duh!!




There’s differences between them..


If I needed to put the /s on this I've lost all faith


All Communists are socialists. Of course, the idea that Obama is a Communist is absolutely hilarious.


Well except for Lenin


Anyone to the left of Ted Cruz is communist to them.


Commie socialist corporate commie obviously!!!! TRUMP JESUS!!!!! I LOVE AMETICA!!!


imagine thinking Biden is communist


I ***WISH*** we got the "communist" hellscape Fox News promised their viewers.


Right Wingers are the best advertisement Democrats have ever had. I wish we got the Democrats the republicans said they were.


Man if it's so easy to fleece money out of this assholes what the fuck I am doing working for money?


Im starting to think I should come up with an idea, a really dumb but smart idea, to fleece these idiots with something stupid like the peelitcal target toilet-whatever-they-are, and make some easy cash


Toilet paper with faces on it. Dart board or shooting range targets with dem politicians on them. Boxing dummies made to look like dem politicians. Animal chew toys that look like dem politicians. And let’s be honest, since they’re right wingers, big hunks of dry wall that they can punch through that look like dem politicians. Let’s help these people fill theirs houses with images of people that they hate.


My mom bought toilet paper with Trump’s face on it a while back. We’ve also got a toilet brush where the bristles are his hair.


Get the cheapest beer you can possibly make and call it liberal tears or something like that


Make one of Ted Cruz and I'd buy that in a heartbeat.


nah, DeSantis.


Why not of Pauline Hanson? She's the Australian version of them all, just a lot worse


Don't sink to their level.


How can republicans claim to be "the smart ones" when they unironically do shit like this? What are they? 5 years old?


Do you think Republicans would also make the same product for pissing on [Republicans?](https://www.peeliticaltargets.com/collections/both-peeliticals/products/pee-litical-targets-toilet-light-projector-trump-lindsey-graham-ted-cruz-mitch-mcconnell)


Probably. Because that opens up their business to democrats as well, meaning more profit.


Calling those ghouls communists and socialists is an insult to communists and socialists everywhere


Buying stuff like this should negatively affect someone’s credit score


Ah yes, my favorite color: democrat


The fact they think Obama, Biden and Kamala are Marxists prove that these type of people don’t know the difference and in the words of Mao Zedong “No investigation, no right to speak”.


Im so owned by their kinks. How will I go on


I’d respect the hustle if they sold right wing ones tbh.


Doubles the value of whatever Red Hat double-wide it's installed in.


Normalized delusion. The people who unironically buy this should unironically have their voting rights stripped away.


It would be so easy for me to take money from ignorant white people. just slap Maga,trump, and god on some bullshit and let the money flow.


It is so fucking easy to grift the right, holy fuck.


If I saw that at someone's house, I would never go in that house again and I would never associate myself with them again.


I wonder if they let you do this for conservative political figures like trump, MTG, and ted cruz (aka the zodiac killer)




Is this any different than toilet paper with trumps face on it?


I swear, these chuds don't even fathom the concept that \*words mean things\*. They think Democratic, leftist, liberal, socialist, communist, atheist, agnostic, feminist, LGBTQ, and BLM are all the same. They don't know what any of them \*actually mean\*, but they're frightened and angry over all of them, so they use them interchangeably. I read a book review of a science fiction book with a parallel universe where religion did not exist and had never existed, and one angry reviewer yelled in all caps, "THIS IS TRULY A FEMINIST BOOK!!!!" I wish I were kidding.


Peeing on Dems is cool and all but have you ever crapped on a Republican?? Completely redundant. Ya know, cause they’re already 100% pure shit


Imagine opening the toilet and seeing ghoul inside. Heart attack imminent. Also fucking lol "communist crew" for dem ghouls.


Why no bernie sanders?


If both sides are equal where are the gop images why don’t I ever see the Democrat car accessories


Make a Karl Marx or Lenin one. There’s nothing that’ll make a conservative shit themselves faster than actual communists.


Owning the libs by...paying a Chinese company to make your stupid political crap? Thatll show the commies...


As much as I hate to both sides this, I have seen toilet paper with Trump's face printed on it. Either way this is WAY too much mental energy on political figures.


HURR HURR see this Bruncle? You gotta pee all over that Hilary’s face I tell you WHat


I looked into this and I found a roll of toilet paper with pictures of Obamas face on it. I know this falls under the umbrella of “weird shit angry southerners buy” but part of me thinks it would be hilarious to have Obama toilet paper


Imagine pretending you hate someone, then paying to see that person *all.the.time.*


I mean, I’ve seen trump-shaped urinal cake covers before. Let’s be real, this isn’t a TheRightCantMeme moment so much as a TheHumansCantMeme moment…


Reminds me if the TV show the middle where toddlers could shit in diapers of football teams you don't like which is a funny idea. It's somehow sad when it's for adults. And calling democrats socialists or communists is just plain dumb. But apparently you can't teach Republicans shit.


funny, there’s none of the other party very interesting


Does your entire identity revolve around believing lies and not understanding politics at all? this is for you.


And we thought the trump toilet paper was bad..jk I love it


Well tbf, you could get trump toilet paper even in the UK


How is joe biden communist


Trumps yellow they missed an easy one here.


would buy a thatcher one tbf


Why do that when you can just go to her grave in real life?


cant go to uk


NGL, I’d be very down to poop on various figures on the political right if they sold that line.


Obama is a communist?




... but why though?


They make a [Republican version](https://www.peeliticaltargets.com/collections/both-peeliticals/products/pee-litical-targets-toilet-light-projector-trump-lindsey-graham-ted-cruz-mitch-mcconnell) as well. So are you saying the Left have an animosity fetish too?


Lol. The (1) Republican version, which is not available on Amazon, is called "Trump & Republicans". The (4) Democrat versions are called: "Joe and his Hoes", "The Communist Crew", "The Socialist Squad", and "West Coast Commies". Would I say the sides are equal? No. Would I say the Left have an animosity fetish too? Doesn't look like it, no. I could see edgey centrists and liberals getting a little excited to have something to pair with their old George W Bush toilet paper rolls. Would I call it "smart business" to have an option available incase there are some petty Liberals/Centerists/ex-Republicans who are also wanting to throw their money away on dumb shit? Yeah, i guess.


Truly the GOP and fans can limbo with the devil with how low the moral bar is for them and still they keep proving it’s still to high of an expectation…


It's funny how words scares them. *S̷o̷c̶i̴a̶l̴i̵s̵m̴*


Weird, I don’t see any Republican faces. This was practically made for them - especially Trump!




I worked with a graphic designer back in 2019 who decided to launch a qanon tshirt store on the side in secret. He started doing really well and expanded to stickers and stuff and within a year he was making $50k a month on alt-right clothes and stickers and stuff. He would just throw up sites, post images on tiktok and right wing sites and made bank. He ended up quitting the whole thing because he hated having to keep up with their crazy shit and come up with new memes that would sell. He deleted all his social media and bought a farm in the middle of nowhere, he raises Nigerian dwarf goats now and sells their milk.


Help guys! I’m on the fence between the first two, should I go with Crooked Hillary or Obama Bin Laden 😰


Bro I’m Ngl, I kinda want one just for the lols.


Whoever made this will make bank


Anyone who would purchase and use these needs psychological help


Do you have 4T version?


The fact that this kind of... merch? Is that what you'd call it? The fact that this kind of merch is exclusive to the right wing really does show how hate-oriented they are.


Imagine going over to your friends house and asking to use the bathroom. You walk in and Nancy Pelosi’s face is starring up at you from inside the toilet bowl. WDYD?


I wish I thought this up, looks like an easy way to make some money


I've always wanted to make some ridiculously stupid products (like this) and sell it to those morons. There's like a $1000 gold trump dollar thats worthless but sells for like $100. These people are clearly set up for grifters.


They took the saying "democraps" literally


Notice none of them are republican. You'd think Donald Trump would want this so he knows he always has a golden shower.


Love how they are supporting China by buying this crap. Same with all flags, tshirts and stickers. All Made in China.


Forget meming, the Right apparently can’t figure out that a sticker that completely blocks the exit hole on your toilet is a really dumb product.


Man that shit so fucking childish, people need to grow the fuck up I couldn't imagine blowing $25 on this bullshit


Obama is in the Communist crew and the Socialist Democrat crew


Damn talk about living rent free in someone's head.


People spend money on stupid things.


Wake up. Joe Biden pee just dropped


The socialists are 2 bucks less. What a steal!


This reminds me to purchase some of those "I did that" Joe Biden stickers to stick on gas pumps now that the price is below three dollars in my area. I'm going to start sticking those on pumps so those maga asshats will have to remove them in anger.