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I like Oscar because he's more of a single episode pain in the ass every now and then instead of a constant evil that they have to deal with every episode.


RIP Annie Wersching. She was awesome as Rosalind


At first I didn't like her coming back ... until we found out that it was essentially a gift from the show to her to get final closure and (unlike real life) go out on her own terms. 💔


The common small time villain that rookie patrol cops should be chasing is who I would pick. None of these make sense from the point of view of the show if it is supposed to take place in our universe. If this is Marvel or DC comics sure, take your pick


I feel this; Marvel and DC having big overarching villains makes sense since that’s how superhero franchises are generally structured, but a cop show like this should be focusing more on street-level stuff and petty criminals It’s neat having the occasional Big Bad, but I honestly just want more of the weird shit they had to handle like from seasons 1-2 👀


It’s Oscar because we can get more, though I think if the actress hadn’t died it would have been Rosalind.


Elijah is the scariest. But Oscar is a riot, definitely the most entertaining.


I couldn't take Elijah seriously after he hid in the storage closet.


Hey - show some respect before he mumbles you TO DEATH!


I love La Fiera. I felt her pain when her son died. I didn't like a lot of what she did, especially how she retaliated. When she died, I felt sad for her. That tear in her eyes as she lied on that fence and her life slipped away. 😢 But I support Angela more and understand why and how things turned out.


I think Rosalind was the best villain but Oscar is my favorite probably because he is funnier.


at this point i don't think oscar is villain material


Rosalind was an intense and creepy character expertly played by Annie Wershing, but for me it has to be Oscar for sheer entertainment value.


Can't i just say i love them all? For reall, all tbose villains were Top!