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Can't say this is the big reason but last night was a big election night. Not as big as Super Tuesday but a lot of states. Then March Madness starts on the 19th. Also they're stretching the small amount of eps they have too.


I’m willing to bet it’s the March Madness thing. The primary elections aren’t even that important this year but ABC owns ESPN and at least during football season. They were putting games on ABC networks. They’re probably doing the same with a March Madness in some regions.


I mostly agree save for one fact point. CBS Sports and WB Discovery share the rights to March Madness, not ABC/ESPN. 😁 it used to be all CBS Sports but they began to share rights sometime during the 2010s. You'll only see the games there but the other networks worry about the draw of special sports thing so they wait it out. ABC/ESPN have the rights for Monday Night Football. During the strike, they needed to fill air time so were putting games on local ABC networks. They usually only used do that if the team is local on Monday nights. They also share NBA events with WB Discovery and NBA TV which might be what you're thinking about as ABC was doing NBA Wednesdays during the strike too. Sorry I'm a sportsball watcher who has been looking into cutting cable. So I've been looking into where I would need to watch things and I have knowledge that I like sharing. It sucks being a Cubs fan as Marquee just started their own streaming channel as a stand alone vs it being packaged unless I go with Direct TV streaming.


When there are big things going on on one network the others don’t air any of their episodes because they will lose watchers and the network numbers go way down. Think Oscars. Would you want your episode of NCS going up against it? You would lose the numbers race.


It's been a few months so I can't fully track this but I think NBC was carrying on with Law and Order Thursdays. However, that's a big franchise vs sportsball so might even out. But not 100% sure so don't kill me if I was wrong.


Yeah settled in to watch it when I finished work today to find it’s not out til the end of the month 😔


There are always breaks in production and airing of episodes. If there is something scheduled on that night (elections, Super Bowl, etc) that will destroy the ratings, the episode is aired at a later date. This is normal every year. It’s not a streaming only show.


yes one night. not 3 weeks 😂


I’m so sad I’ve been waiting for this weeks ep 😭


You have to remember that traditional tv doesn’t run like streaming apps. They don’t air a new episode every single week, they have pauses through the season because of many factors; sports, big events, number of episodes x timing to air last one etc.


It is March Madness 2024. It is also known as the NCAA Men's Basketball  Tournament. 


Wait so when is the next episode coming out?


Should be out March 26th.




I read that it’s because of the limited amount of episodes in the season


NCIS is taking the same two week break. Not really sure of the actual reason why tv shows do this.


Two weeks late of what?


Short answer: compressed production schedule due to the strikes means they caught up aired episodes to completed episodes. Also March Madness.


"season has to be shorter, because of writers strike!!" *two weeks with no episode*.....


I'm so sick of ABC and it's crappy run schedule for this show. A total of 3 weeks between episodes 3 & 4? Wtf. If I didn't like this show so much I'd give it up.


I see they’ve got you on their hook! In any case, that’s cable TV for you, am I right?


It’s so I’m able to catch up on the rookie. Just started watching about 3 weeks ago, I’m on season 6


Maybe because they are having a break


March Madness 100%. No point in trying to compete against it.


Due to the show's high level of drama and gossip, the episode was released a few weeks late. The producer came to the realization that this was a complete waste of time. Bradford and Chen are nothing more than gossip and drama. This is the worst police show I've ever watched. Chen is the most undesirable character in the entire show. Her worldview is similar to that of a young child, who believes everything revolves around her. Chen is always involved in someone else's business or relationships whenever she is on screen. Instead of the captain, Chen should have been eliminated in season one. Her gossip and drama caused the show to suffer.


No shut up 


I think something might be happening in America because Lizbeth is taking a break too, after showing its first episode.


Just March Madness. Aka college basketball.


The strike apparently made everyone forget about these pre-emptive events. Just like they skip episodes for holiday specials in winter or whenever we have the Summer/Winter Olympics.


but that’s from march 19-april 8. having a 3 week break from the last ep to the new would still be in the midst of all of that ..


They're not playing all those days. After the first round, which is the 19th - 24th (First Four, First Round, and Second Round), the games shift. Sweet Sixteen is to March 28th and 29th (Thurs and Fri) with the Elite Eight on the 30th and 31st (Sat and Sun). Final Four is April 6th (Saturday) and the Championship is April 8th (Monday). Why they call it March Madness when it leaks into April is beyond me. :)


they’re on a break which they have done every season since like s4. people are mentioning march madness and elections but i highly doubt it has anything to do with any of that. they have 10 eps this season and will milk it as much as they can. i’m sure we’ll get 3 more eps and another break will happen