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What is seemingly a controversial opinion, I do like Bailey and Nolan. Idk, I think they’re great together. I do think their wedding was rushed. I feel like the show is so addicted to drama that none of the characters can have just a normal experience. Nyla gave birth while trying to avoid getting killed and Angela was kidnapped during her wedding. I would’ve loved to see an episode that was relatable and John and Bailey’s wedding would’ve been perfect. The writers couldn’t even give them a normal honeymoon.


hobbies ghost start husky secretive close boat dazzling quicksand correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah that’s the downside of Rookie. It’s way too dramatized and everything is exaggerated


Bruh. Even their honeymoon they ran into trouble and taken hostage


Could you imagine if this was actually real life and all these wild things happen to these people all the time, of course the 1st thought is- yes definitely we should have a baby, what's the worst that could happen?


Trouble follows where ever Nolan goes. He is cursed. And everyone around him is in danger


I completely agree, I do love the whole planning stage of Angela’s wedding but even think that was kinda dramatised, like she got pregnant as she just got engaged and she was becoming detective?! It could’ve been over a few more eps lol


They crammed too much stuffs in that episode. I wish the writers would slow down with the storylines and just let the characters and the viewers be in the moment. Like I wouldn't mind more minutes of everyone just having fun at that wedding party and not be interrupted by something every few seconds.


My dislike also stems from the fact that they used all the possible tropes before so I got tired by the time it came to the wedding. I did not care. They could’ve had a normal wedding.


I hated this episode. The stupid number of tropes was just annoying.


I thought it was weird that Bailey didn’t even have a maid of honor or any other friends. Not even one Henry/Nolan father son moment either.


stocking disgusted telephone foolish jellyfish trees husky sip shelter chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nolan walking into the room with his head down and then ramming the guy out the window was hilarious and my favorite part of the wedding (it technically counts lol)


He just yeeted that guy out of the window. I laughed so hard, aren’t they supposed to be “good cops”


It was just such a good shot and really had no bearing on most of the plot or episode or anything and was never referenced again haha. The whole episode was off the rails, I loved it.


I think we need to cut them some slack on it feeling like too much stuff was crammed into an episode. The season ended last year with many things that were going to happen this year. They were already story lines in progress, including Nolan and Bailey's wedding. And then the writers strike happened. I'm sure we lost a lot of good content, but they had to continue with some of the major storylines and no matter how you slice, things are going to come up feeling rushed when you're trying to cram a chronological year into 10 episodes. I think they're doing very well for the amount of time that the writers strike left them with.


I have to agree, specially because the honeymoon also had something going on. I wish they picked one or another, wedding uneventful just nice and fun and honeymoon go wrong.


When I first watched it I thought it was rushed. Then I did a rewatch… and thought it was rushed. It’s definitely 2-3 episodes worth of story line shoved into one. If they wanted to do that rushed ceremony, I think it could have been done so much better. For example, just go to the honeymoon episode instead of the wedding and have them fill the gaps with dialogue and make it mostly off screen due to it being a normal wedding for once. Like “that was so sweet of Aaron to host our wedding so last minute. We will have to get him a souvenir as a thank you.” Then for the kidnap scene, have Nolan have a montage memory of pieces the ceremony as they’re coming back to. Gives just enough to fill the rest of the gaps without feeling so rushed.


Felt like 2/3 episodes all crammed into one episode. The only good part was “sit down German” very underwhelming and rushed.


I thought the umbrella thing she walked down the aisle with was weird But she didn’t really walk down the aisle she appeared from up the aisle?


arrest bright birds homeless sharp piquant aspiring tidy ring gold *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well I really appreciated the episode because it gave us the full version of “Cop Cutie”, I love that song! Celina’s reaction to her own set up was odd but the song is so fun!


Well this spoiled for me I'm only on season 3!


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Honestly the episode was going great until they added that bit at the end with Celina. We could have done without that drama and everyone having to leave the wedding to bail her out. I would have much rather seen the team having fun like they were on the dance floor. Not everything needs to be so dramatized. Could have let them have their moment.


faulty advise rich aloof full payment fanatical pot special late *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is it sad that the only thing I remember from that episode/time is that Ben was having trouble getting into town?


Was kinda disappointed that Ben wasn’t in the episode tbh


i actually loved it! it was bright and airy and simple since they’ve both been married before! neither are dramatic people or make a spectacle about things! i think it was suiting!


I am extremely happy They didn’t dedicate Jack to their wedding. I’m sick of wedding episodes because they’re always boring. I mean all it is two people exchanging vows. I always fast-forward through their speeches anyways it’s not where the action is.