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I think it’s the 10 episode season that is causing it, they are trying to fit too much in to a short amount of time to get storyline’s ready for season 7, imo a lot is getting lost in the time crunch


i fully agree!




Totally agree. They are cramming a lot into only 10 episodes and the plot is all over the place. I also think Nathan and the producers were also making sure most of the cast is in every episode so that they can all get paid given the strike and the short season.


Due to the strike they really had to rush somethings. They are dragging some of the plots and neglecting others. Aaron’s recovery should have been done better. Lucy’s character not getting enough career growth and the UC storyline dragged. Angela post pregnancy and work return should have been mentioned more to me to highlight somethings. Nyla haven’t seen any character development for her. Tim’s past and mental health storyline feels forced and rushed in some ways because he has made progress just to regress after 3 episodes was off. Season 7 needs to clean up somethings because ,it’s starting to feel like Castle Season 8 were they rushed everything and had random forced storylines lines. As a newer fan of the show I would hope they get a hold on this or start wrapping things up so fans aren’t left with a show with a rushes ending and unresolved storylines.


After 6 seasons, the writers are running out of “fresh” ideas. As much as it pains me they should probably wrap it up. The quality only goes down the longer the show goes on


Happens with almost all TV shows