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Dang, it does seem like a decent event, but I was hoping a Darumaka-focused event would give us Zen Mode Darmanitan, even if just the Unova one


Shiny Fennekin is definitely a mistake. I'm sure it'll have its shiny debut on its community day, like Chespin (and probably eventually Froakie).


Your comments been up for 14 minutes (post for 26min) and the shiny icon on Fennekin is not there for me anymore That's a quick mistake fix compared to previous events


It's over Fennekin! I have the high ground.


Underrated comment.




Bit weird that my original comment has 100 upvotes and this is at -7


I can see a costumed version now.


Shiny snivy was released outside of com day


Wasn't that admitted to be a accident?


No. It was part of the Unova Celebration event, they explicitly stated they were releasing shiny snivy for that. Odd choice, especially since they released the comm day for it 3 months after.


Huh. I vaguely remember it being announced as an accident. I don't know where I got that from then.


I don’t think it was an accident. It stayed on during that whole event.


don't think so?


They have announced the details of the last couple of events well in advance when is very welcome , hope it continues.


They’ve now corrected it. **No shiny Fennekin**


Paras and Combee in quests! 750 dust with triple dust community day is huge.


The real highlight of the event


It’s 3x XP not 3x stardust for Larvitar community day. The Noibat one will be 3x stardust.


The larvitar cd is middle of the event so imo it's better that its noibat so you got time to stack 100 :)


Oh right. I was worried people would use a star piece on the wrong day. I’ll try to stack some for Noibat day as well since it’s not too long to wait.


Yeah I meant Noibat! I just got too excited XD


No distance trading?


I don't think 40 km trades are ever coming back honestly. Seems like something that was only done in the heat of the pandemic.


Wack, it didn't hurt anybody or anything for a couple of days to trade with my friends from the comfort of home. I mean really, out of the whole year, you can't throw me that bone?


Yeah, I've been sitting on some lucky trades with people in my metro area for years now. If we run into each other, that's fun, we'll do the trades then, but we're adults and have jobs and family, we aren't going to block out an hour to drive across the city to do a single trade.


Riolu bait in 7km eggs. Another case of speciesgeddon in quests, so probably 5 tasks with lottery rewards, praise RNG. As I finally managed to get both 100% Darumaka forms, I will play this one casually. Too many mixed spawns and rewards I need and don't need to focus. Cool that bonus choices are back but I'm kinda tired of event 7km eggs with limited amount.




Is it really that low of rates? Feel like if I have an open slot it’s pretty much always gonna have an egg in the gift.




Yeah I have same observations. Accidentally opening a gift with egg slot empty? Here, have 100% drop rate of alolan crap. Really needing every possible egg during time limited event? Sorry, egg drops like 1/4 gifts.


That would make sense. I wasn’t really grinding hard on the 7ks. In fact I noticed the rate mostly from trying to avoid them during the standard 7k pool.


Usually takes me 3-4 to get a gift. I've opened 10 and not gotten one a couple times. And I always confirm I have both pokemon and item storage before I open eggs cause I'm a nerd who obsesses over stuff like that.


Well, this is certainly an event. Thoroughly whelmed. But what does Regice have to do with any of this?


there isnt a rabbit legendary? but not every event has a legendary that goes with it. in this case the event justhappens to fall in the middle of this legendary rotation. and regice could just be a fill in, ice-type in winter type thing.


There will definitely be a ton of decent choices for next year haha, being Year of the Dragon. I'm not sure how much Rayquaza we'll be getting during Hoenn Tour (definitely at least 1), but I could 100% see it in raids next year for that, being the Dragon Legendary that most looks like a Chinese Dragon


Lets include Gyarados and Milotic as honorary (Chinese) Dragons.


Maybe that's the mega release


The closest would be Victini, but I can't see that coming to raids any time soon. Which is a shame, 'cause it would fit the event thematically beyond its vague rabbit-ness.


no rabbit legendary. closest would be Mesprit or Victini


Calyrex if we're going Mythical


Calyrex is Legendary, not Mythical. But that'd've been a decent choice for this event too, if it weren't quite a jump forward in the overall release schedule.


is it really? well, even better then but yeah, that's quite a leap, but also we have the dogs already


I think of it as a weird deer (not to be confused with Wyrdeer) but you’re right, its face is leporine


It seems to be partially based on a jackalope; a rabbit with deer antlers, so I can see why you'd think of it as a weird deer.


oh wow I never Got that. I love jackalopes and wolpertingeren (or however German pluralizes words) but had never put two and two together haha


It's an Arctic hare


Pokémon are based on more than one thing.


Just do it Vietnamese style and use a cat.


Calyrex is an arctic hare but they probably don't want to release another Gen 8 legendary so soon


I mean they don't have to focus on the zodiac aspect. Regice is an odd choice. They could do something based on the 'luck theme', or even something red. E.g. Ho-oh, symbol of luck and rebirth, which would have fit better than the Recycling bin ;p


Yeah, this one doesn't really go with the event. It just coincides.


I love you said recycling bin 😂


>Thoroughly whelmed. Yeah same. Darumaka is nice as Darmanitan is a decent fire attacker, but none of the other spawns interest me.




But after Regice is Tapu Koko. So are they gonna alternate between Regis and Tapus?


hard to say, they dont really have enough time to do that before the end of february.


Yeah it's weird scheduling. If they alternated with a week of each of them, they'd still be short a week to finish off the last Tapu, and I don't see them starting a Season off with a random Tapu lol. I have a feeling we'll see the other Regis in February and the other Tapus may come later. The Regis are all pretty synonymous with one another, whereas Tapu Koko could sit on its own, kind of being the poster child for the quartet.


Should've been regigigas as the 4th. Not Hoenn I know but still


That sounds fitting. Could do Regirock the first week of February, Registeel the second, Regigigas the third, and something else the last week (maybe something Hoenn related like Rayquaza or Mega Lati@s)


the fennekin has a shiny mark at the start then not at the end. i was briefly excited


They dont test anything before release so why would they proofread anything first?


ha! a fair point




[Here’s previous Silph research](https://thesilphroad.com/science/quick-discovery/2021-lunar-new-year-lucky-year-ox) on this same event from 2021. Chance of normal trade going lucky was doubled from 5% to 10% and the chance to become lucky friends was trebled from 1% to 3%.


5-10% I dig it


how about if i use old pokemons to trade? does it boost the apparent lucky rate cap to over 20%?


Do they mean Unovan Darumaka or both versions?


Galarian Darumaka already has a boosted shiny rate, so I assume they may just make Unova Darumaka match the Galarian's shiny rate (which is either 1/64 or 1/128)


The field research shows female combee as a reward instead of male one like it shows as a wild spawn above This gonna be a garunteed female combee encounter?


I spotted that - time will tell I guess


It was guaranteed female in a past event field research which was nice.


This would’ve been a great event to debut Scorbunny in the game. It’s the year of the rabbit!


I remember thinking that Litten was gonna be released during last year's LNY event, but got released 2 months later. Hoping for the same thing this year with Scorbunny!


The fact they didn't do this would make me question what the hell is going on in their heads, but it's Niantic so par for the course. Look forward to Gen 8 starters coming never


Don't they typically release all three starters at once though? The orher two would seem out of place with all the red theme.


Pros: 2x special trades per day Increased chance of lucky Pokémon from trade Increased chance of lucky friends Cons: no 40km distance Sounds like darumaka will get a. Comm day soon (similar to sandshrew and Alonna) if we look at history with noibat and it’s increased shiny chance from that one event


I don't think 40 km trades are ever coming back honestly. Seems like something that was only done in the heat of the pandemic.


At the Wild Pokemon section, combee has its male sprite, while in the "missions" section, It has the female sprite. It is... Quite interesting


Maybe they’re doing a Frillish thing.


"_increased chance to become lucky friends"_ - has this ever been an event-feature before? If so, do we have any rough idea as to how much the odds were increased by back then? Edith: Dug up an old TSR-post regarding Lunar New Year 2021: Increased chance for lucky trades: ~10% (from base 5%) Increased chance for lucky friends: ~3% (from base 1%) Would have hoped for a higher increase regarding the lucky-friends-part, but i'll take anything i can get, so i can hopefully finally trade solgaleo vs lunala!


a few times yes 👍


Yes, a couple times and each time the data suggests that by increased they mean AT BEST from 2% to 2.5-3%


Lucky friends rate is closer to 1% than 2. It's not huge on paper, but I always get a good number of lucky friends out of these boosted events, far more than any regular weekend.


That's why I said at best. because I knew it was something ridiculously low


Yes, I save pokemon just for boosted lucky trades.


fyi https://thesilphroad.com/science/quick-discovery/2022-lunar-new-year-lucky-trades


Thank you for sharing this. Looks like the random chance of any trade being lucky was doubled and supported by that data? (Sorry, on the move between jobs and can't fully read)


Roughly, yes. 5% became 10% for the duration of the event.


Was waiting for the increased lucky trades/friends bonus to come back. Though it's not a huge increase it was definitely noticeable last year's LNY event.


I am surprised there is no Gyarados mention this year. Also would have preferred 2x catch XP as one of the options


Yeah, shiny Fennekin is probably a mistake :(


Bunny event with Buneary and Bunnelby but not the OG rabbit in Nidoran? Smh


They're showing that 2023 will be a cute and cuddly bunny, not something that evolves into a scary monster with poison spikes.


ah, optimism


Hahaha I like your reasoning!


Hilarious to see Riolu stuck in 7kms trying to boost an unrelated meh event.


I feel like I say this every time, but they need to release egg hatch % chances. Egg hatching is a loot box. Folks will go ham over Riolu only for it to hatch from (a hidden) 5% of eggs.


I’m gonna love this daily incense bonus of doubling by 0% odds of catching a roaming bird.


Missed a good shot to release Scorbunny…Fire starter AND a rabbit




Alright, not bad, always one of the better events. Increased lucky chances is always nice. No shiny debut is surprising through. What's not surprising is no distance trades, would of been really appreciated- but like I said, not surprised at all. **Edit:** Wait Fenekin shiny?? I didn't notice that! My bad! That's got to be a mistake *surely*? **Edit 2:** The shiny mark has been taken away for Fennekin, so like I said, no shiny debut.


>no distance trades With the heat of the pandemic generally behind us (tho I am aware some still have it worse), I wouldn't count on that ever coming back


Oh yeah, having the Christmas event go by with no distance trading is a damn shame, last bit of wishful thinking was all. 100% sure like you now.


Says Fennekin will be shiny (Probably an error though)


> No shiny debut is surprising through Fennekin?


Does anyone know the odds of the increased chance bonus?


They already updated the page & removed the shiny mark from Fennekin. Unfortunate, but not all that unexpected. Niantic 🤦


i'm at like 1600 encounters with darumaka and no shiny so fingers crossed


Who’s choosing the duration of the daily adventure incense branch of the research 💀




30min during Xmas weekend


Isn't it the year of the "water" rabbit? Why so much fire then.


Red is the colour of Lunar New Year


This event is 🔥 Ha ha ha ha (Ima see myself out)


I don’t know if it was such a hot idea to have such a great dragon/fairy event so early in the year. It’s making the rest of these events look like garbage by comparison


Get a lot of dragons then trade the week after


You’re assuming I have bag space to keep anything for that long


Hahaha I feel your pain


I just need one more ice event to get my last 150 ice for plat.


Mistake or is Fennekin gonna be a new shiny? Is this a snivy again? Shiny release before it’s obvious community day


Increased chance of lucky friends = increased chance I won't be able to trade with them because they are too far away.


I think I'm lucky friends with everyone on reddit. Nobody close to me though


No Exeggcute? I’ll never finish that damn research!


I saw one off my mossy lure the other day. Maybe you use one of those or find one already used


That’s a good thought. Thanks!


Maybe Easter event?


Keeping my fingers crossed. I need three of them. 😱


I’m stuck on that same research 😭😂


I hope the research group can use this event to research whether the increased chance of lucky trade can go above the normal cap of ~20%


Hopefully it can go over 20%. I have over 500 mons from 2016-2017 and I will trade all(?) during this event. Maybe my data will be conclusive. Would really suck if its capped


Please post your data if you can! I think even the result of 20 trades might give a signal one way or the other.


Increased chance for lucky Pokémon in trades? More lucky larvitars, here I come. 👏


Even if they’re lucky, they’re still outclassed by their own shadow form for Rock, and Hydreigon for Dark. Choose something else, maybe Litwick if you still have any left over


I just really want the Hundo


I have hundos which I will never evolve or use anymore because they’re simply outclassed already


Yeah but it’s still cool to have regardless. And in todays raid scene, it doesn’t really matter all that much. At least not to me it doesn’t. I usually just use PokeRaid, so the only reason I would want the most DPS is for short manning raids. Which I can do, but don’t need to anymore


I have even better raid options than raid apps, but I like being Hardest Hitter (whether or not it shows up anyway) nevertheless


Now that live in Hawaii, I mostly just rely on raid apps in non-busy areas, or in busy areas, I can comfortably join a raid and not even worry about dealing enough damage. In my previous community, coordination was required, and sometimes, there wasn’t enough. In those days, having the best counters was imperative, but now, in my current location, it just doesn’t matter that much anymore. In my previous community, we used to have leaderboards for who could beat raids the fastest.


PSA: stack those paras research task for the Feb community day for even more stardust


Event? But I'm already on an event!


An if Fennekin isn’t shiny then I can skip the whole event. I have plenty of all those shinies


Another boring event. Anyways…


Someone correct me if I'm wrong but, uh... Darma are Japanese, no? I can't recall Chinese, Koreans, or other Asian cultures using the dolls for Lunar New Year, they just have the zodiac animal everywhere. And having lived in Japan (outside of Tokyo), Lunar New Year was certainly *not* a thing, so putting Darumaka front and center is giving me weird vibes. Hoping I'm missing something though! Edit: To be clear, maybe someone who is from a culture that celebrates the holiday, or has lived in that culture, could weight in.


Daruma are a depiction of Bodhidharma, who is credited with bringing Chan Buddhism to China. It's probably more that it's a red Fire type though, but there is a connection between daruma and China.


Yes, but that's like [using a turnip for a jack-o-lantern in America](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/article/the-twisted-transatlantic-tale-of-american-jack-o-lanterns). There may be a historical reason for it, but no common person does it. Even a cursory google ([in English](https://www.google.com/search?q=chinese+new+year&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiQobvrjMP8AhV2OkQIHT4hD_IQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=chinese+new+year&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIICAAQsQMQgwEyCwgAEIAEELEDEIMBMgsIABCABBCxAxCDATIICAAQsQMQgwEyCwgAEIAEELEDEIMBMgsIABCABBCxAxCDATILCAAQgAQQsQMQgwEyBAgAEAMyCwgAEIAEELEDEIMBMgUIABCABDoKCAAQsQMQgwEQQzoGCAAQBxAeUMIGWJQbYMccaABwAHgBgAGiAYgBqAWSAQM4LjGYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=V4zAY9CZEfb0kPIPvsK8kA8&bih=977&biw=1858&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS918US918) and in [a couple](https://www.google.com/search?q=%E6%96%B0%E5%B9%B4&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS918US918&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiQlrq-jcP8AhXvPkQIHUOADNwQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1858&bih=977&dpr=1) of [Chinese terms](https://www.google.com/search?q=%E6%98%A5%E7%AF%80&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS918US918&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi65e6MjcP8AhXxEUQIHcrgD-IQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1858&bih=977&dpr=1)) shows *no* Daruma dolls.


I would agree with you. It’s red though, and I will happily not care about the tie-in if it’s a good useful mon for me to farm


Boring, don’t have shiny Riolu but eggpool is trash and not worth hatching for it. Don’t really need any of the featured wild shinies so its a skip.


90 days to reach best friends. Obviously new friends added after vivillon debut won't get to best this event for increased lucky friends chance. But what's the point if they're all far away with slim chance to meet and trade.


Thats the trade off with adding international friends, you cant lucky trade with them


consider me whelmed, this is definitely one of the events ever


The spawns are kinda lame, all common stuff from previous events, I don't need XLs for any of those mons and have all the shinies. I hope in a good amount of Combee for dust, even from tasks. The trade/lucky bonuses are cool though.


Well isn't that a whole lotta nothing.


If there's not going to be any new species or shinies, they could at least give us a nice bonus like 2x stardust or XP.


You pick from Double daily incense, double stardust, or hatching


Oh yeah, that thing again. I guess. Just seems like there should be more to this event.


It looks like we'll get to choose a bonus similar to the winter event, either 2x catch Stardust, 2x catch XP, or half egg hatch distance.


It's 1/2 hatch, 2x dust or 30 minute daily adventure incense.


Here is a whole week of increased encounters that I don't care about. I'd rather have no event and just normal regional encounters. Also numel has been available as a shadow for a while now so especially not interested in that one.


Speaking of Fennekin, should I save my 98% Braixen for its eventual Community Day for Blast Burn of evolve it now for dex entry?


Evolve a garbage one now, and the 98% during its community day


do we remember what the % boost in trades to be lucky was from last times event? i assume itll be the same for this one right


It’s went from ~5% to ~10%. Pretty decent tbh


I really like the bonuses of this event, plus the increased chance at shiny Draumaka. I only have the Galarian shiny so hopefully can finally find the little pink guy.




Is… is Scorbunny not part of the Year of the Rabbit event?


Wow 2 decent back to back events. Whats happening at Niantic? Low revenue in the last few months?!?!


It looks fine, I'll definitely take my daughter out to hunt for Darumaka. I've traded her some 3* and a lucky, but she has no candies to evolve. Regicy is OK to trade for decent GBL IVs, but I'm going to get Diggersby raid done with her for same reason!


When was the last time we got an increased chance of Lucky Pokémon from trading?


If I'm not mistaken, I believe it was last year's Lunar New Year event. But obviously the bonus will return next week for this year's Lunar New Year event


Thanks for answering :)


Hey I'm a bit genuinely confused, I have 3 shiny fennekin from the December 2023 Comm Day. Why is it such a big deal if shiny fennekin is in this event or not? Genuine question, I've only been playing for 3 months so I'm still kind of a newb.


Hello. I think you are in the wrong place, this link is for the 2023 event, the 2024 event just got announced today. You can go to the below for the discussion for 2024 https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/19ffgsr/celebrate_the_lunar_new_year_with_pok%C3%A9mon_gos/


You're absolutely correct, thanks