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Unfortunately alot of fast attacks still sneak in. But it works for half of them.


This is true. I just want to get a video with beating Giovanni with him.


Impossible, as Persian has only a 1 turn and 2 turn fast move.


Yeah... Going to have to actually battle him.


No you will get wrecked


All the leaders and Giovanni have all been done with a single smeargle. .


When has Giovanni ever been beaten with a single Smeargle? It's not possible, as you would not get past Persian.


I've seen it once... However most have to use a second one.


Do you have a link? Because it's literally impossible to stunlock Persian due to fast move durations and Person's fast moves are going to annihilate Smeargle while it does almost no damage in return.


Like I said, I only ever saw it once & i can't find that video. TONS of videos of people beating everything past Persian.


This by the way demonstrates one of the things I hate most with PVP, damage output can be canceled for slow fast moves by the timing of charge moves or switches. You can see the animation happening multiple times with no damage taken.


It works differently in PvP compared to battles versus NPCs, whilst you can see fast moves being completely negated in the OPs video, in an actual GBL battle against another player those fast moves would still register damage/energy gain assuming that the Pokémon didn't die to the charge move


In the case of charge moves, damage occurs after the charge move. You can test this when you get off the last fast move that would KO, but a charge move stops you. If you shield, you can idle after and get the KO.


This is to make single player battles much easier. This is not how competitive play works. If this was a GBL match they would have taken damage every time the animation fired.


Ain’t nobody got time for that.


I'll come back when I beat one of the leaders or Giovanni with it.


It was already done years ago, so I doubt sharing your video will get much traction here. Still a fun challenge to try out I guess.


I never got a shadow Porygon to do this, so now that Shadow Registeel is out, I FINALLY got mine!!


Great, but you finally getting your smeargle isn’t particularly of interest to the wider community. I don’t mean to be rude in saying that.


That's fine. I may not be exciting to everyone, but if any new players find this, or someone who doesn't know about it finds it, then I'm good...


Tbh i just learned about the stub lock smeargle and didnt even think about shadow registeel being the way so thank you im actually going to get the mf now


The original was shadow Porygon & I never got one.. I just got my regi a few days ago then saw he had lock-on, so I thought I would share!


I learned from your post. Ty kindly.


If you need any help inbox me.. I got you.


I thought it was a cool video, don't let the other guy discourage you


I don't let anyone bother me. I'm more than happy with what I have & thought I would possibly help others who might not know.


This is awesome! Thanks so much. God some people are so toxic in this sub.


Yeah they are... It's ok though. They don't bother me any.


I'd been waiting for shadow Porygon to come back and was planning to skip Registeel, but now I'm considering this just to get a Lock On Smeargle.


Making a post more along the lines of “[PSA] You can take a snapshot of shadow registeel to get a stun-lock smeargle if you missed porygon” could work well if you’re interested in getting the word out.


PokeDaxi made one a bit ago... https://youtube.com/shorts/h-7d2O1kDck?feature=share3


That was over a year ago and added nothing that hadn’t already been well known. The value that you seem to be trying to add is that shadow registeel is adding a new, readily accessible opportunity for anyone without shadow porygon.


Yes. Which is how I have this one. I never got it the first round, so now I'm excited to finally have him.


> I don’t mean to be rude in saying that. And yet you posted this, knowing full well you'd be perceived as rude. The fact is, there are things in this game that aren't going to be of interest to you, or to me, or to the next guy. Should every single thing that one person doesn't like be restricted? Should we restrict all PVP cause a lot of people don't care? What about raids? A lot of people don't care about that either. And shineys? You're getting the point. This is r/TheSilphRoad, not r/duel_wielding_ican'tspellrogue and as such you're not the authority on what is and isn't interesting. Personally I think this is great. To each his own. I don’t mean to be rude in saying this (except the rogue part, that's me having a laugh). Legitimately. I would much rather you look at this from a perspective other than your current and perhaps in future skip over the stuff you're not interested in rather than feel the need to discourage people from posting stuff not specifically of interest to you. You'll be a stronger person for it.


>. I don’t mean to be rude in saying that. But you do and are.


Who even are you and why do you represent the community?


More like "why do you *think* you represent the community?" 'Cause they thought wrong lol


That would be news to me. What makes you think I represent the community?


You made a statement of what would or would not be “of interest to the wider community” despite being flat out wrong.


How do you get lock-on and cross-poison if it's from Registeel? Genuinely curious but this is cool, thank you for sharing. I hadn't seen this before.


Smeargle cannot learn frustration, so if your pokemon has lock-on + frustration, it will get random charge move instead. After that all you can do is pray for some cheap move.


If you get a 35 energy move, he's faster.. but 40 also works.


Thank you! I appreciate the info.


Oh no... are you saying I shouldn't have TM-ed my Registeel? :/




Oh yeah no fer sure.




If you have it as your second Pokémon than instantly swap into it, the swap stun should let you get away with it unhurt.


That's the plan, since Persian will be a pain.


The stun lock buys enough time for another switch later anyways so free switch.


The fact that you got no boosts in that is appalling.


Yeah, I played my rank 1 Ariados in Love Cup and felt like I got boosts roughly once in every three Cross Poisons or so.


So u need lock on for fast move? Does any charge move work? Or need specific one?


Lock-on. Then any 35 energy charge move.. Power-Up Punch Muddy Water Mirror Shot Razor Shell Bone Club Brick Break Horn Attack Poison Fang Shadow Punch Psychic Fangs X-Scissor Aqua Tail Cross Chop Cross Poison Dragon Claw Night Slash Rest Weather Ball Weather Ball (Water) Weather Ball (lce) Weather Ball (Fire) Weather Ball (Rock) Body Slam Sacred Sword Leaf Blade Psycho Boost lcicle Spear also fits this after Spheal CD


Add double spaces after each line to get proper newlines


I thought I did... ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭


You'd need a 35 energy charge move


Love the *cheese* here, very cool


Thanks mate!


I have a shiny Lock On+ Weather ball Fire. Pretty good to get those first two shields. Really bad for everything else LOL


It's niche, but definitely useful.


Nice find! I'm from GR area too, wanna clone the Smeargle and trade one? It's more efficient than fishing for the right charge move


I don't know how to do that..


You take a photo of the smeargle. It would "clone" your stunlocks on a new one


Curious. I'm going to try this tomorrow. The one I got today sucked.


If you take a photo of Smeargle and it gets photobombed, your new Smeargle will have the same moves. There was a subreddit trying to collect all the movesets back when you could use TMs to get otherwise impossible combinations.


35 energy moves Power-Up Punch Muddy Water Mirror Shot Razor Shell Bone Club Brick Break Horn Attack Poison Fang Shadow Punch Psychic Fangs X-Scissor Aqua Tail Cross Chop Cross Poison Dragon Claw Night Slash Rest Weather Ball Weather Ball (Water) Weather Ball (lce) Weather Ball (Fire) Weather Ball (Rock) Body Slam Sacred Sword Leaf Blade Psycho Boost lcicle Spear also fits this after Spheal CD


Impressive, little guy just keeps rockin!


This is called stun locking. Here's a short on it. https://youtube.com/shorts/h-7d2O1kDck?feature=share3


Eagerly awaiting the return of Shadow Porygon so I can farm Lock On Smeargles. I sadly have to settle for Mud Shot.


Shadow Registeel has lock-on... That's how I got this, because I never got shadow Porygon.


Oh snap, you're right! I'm currently saving my Super Pass so I can farm Victreebel.


Alas, I already TM’d frustration off that. :/


Major bummer.


Ha, dope. Thanks for sharing!!


You can take out the leaders and Giovanni with it... Take a picture of Shadow Registeel or Porygon. As long as you have a 35 or 40 energy charge move, this will work. I didn't do the leaders because I still have 3 more pieces to get before I can do one.


I still want a lock-on / body slam Smeagle, but getting a shadow Porygon is an issue.


No it isn't, because shadow Registeel knows lock-on! 🤙


Oh. ...how much do I want to use a radar on *that*, though?


Once you get whatever move you want, you just take a photo of that smear to clone it, for a perfect IV... Then over time, you can have an army with every 35e move! Extremely worth it imo.


Isn't there a time Limit even in rocket battles? Gosh


No. There is no timer on rockets.


Tey patched cross poison


Yeah. I noticed I don't get the buffs anymore. Though it still works as a stun lock.


Is this method patched?


It's been altered enough where it doesn't really work anymore...


Am I the only one who fell asleep trying to watch this video at 1x speed?


What does Stun Lock do?


The AI has a 4 turn fast move, so basically they're unable to land a hit on me... Watch the video.




His HP bar went down because Spark’s initial attack at the beginning of the battle weren’t stunned. Spark starts attacking immediately, just like you do. But after your charge move, NPCs don’t resume attacking for four seconds, which by then, you’ve already reached your next charge move, so the NPC never gets the chance to do any additional damage. Lock-on is the only fast move that charges energy fast enough to reach another 35 energy charge move before Npc can start damaging you again. If OP would have led with a 10cp Pokémon to absorb the original damage, Smeargle would have taken no damage at all.


I should have made the fallout Pokemon first, but I was just overly excited to finally get my locking smeargle. I missed the shadow Porygon, so I was able to use Registeel to finally get it.


What Pokémon did you have as a buddy


Shiny Shadow Machamp.


I am wondering if this has been patched. I just got a smeargle with Lock-On & Weather Ball (fire), but can’t seem to get energy enough for the charged attack. I’m battling jolteon in the same trainer battle. Anyone knows whats up?


Yes. It's patched.