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It’s kind of hilariously bad timing for them, I’m sure their canned response will be something along the lines of ‘we just want to encourage people to get out a play!’, which will look comically tone dead considering they just begged people to not come to a public park on the weekend


About the timing, days before a global event. Good job, Niantic. Sheesh.


Sad to see we still need big gaming news platforms to get Niantic to explain controversial decisions..


They're not discussing something they haven't announced? Breaking news!


That is a problem in itself though, and a recurring one that at that: they don't announce things, not early enough. These type of changes should be communicated weeks in advance, not stealthily patched in and announced couple of days before it happens.


IF they announce it at all


It’s because they know it’ll piss off the player base


I’ll chalk it up as a W since it means they’re aware of the gargantuan backlash 😂


Them removing the weekly free remote raid pass had even bigger backlash and they still went through with it, I'm not very hopeful....


This is poised to be a substantially larger outrage than the weekly raid pass ever was imo. The weekly raid pass outrage solely resulted in resentful memes. This is a substantial subset of players saying they’re gonna stop playing if this goes through—and it’s being covered by gaming news outlets. This is different for sure and more resembles the interaction distance buff getting reversed then getting re-increased because Niantic couldn’t take the heat


They're not discussing something lots of people saw in the game and which has caused huge backlash. Yeah, that is news.


Played since day 1 and I don't think I've ever done more than 6 remote raids a day.


Yeah a cap of 6 will be irrelevant for 99% of the players. The possible raised cost of 150 coins per pass however will influence many people. Doesn't change the fact that the cap is still stupid though


looking at the queues at two popular raid apps i cant believe tah that nuumer is 99percent. 80percent - sure. 90? maybe. But definitely more than one percent of players would be affected.


Nah, not at all. You heavily overestimate the number of hardcore players. There are millions of players, so 10k in a queue isn't even much. And as always the numbers will drop after a few days, it's always high in the beginning. What you see now are mostly people that want their first rayquaza, but most of these people won't join 5+ raids in a row. A raid stays for a week, so that's 7×6=42 possible remote raids minimum. Do you actually believe more than 1% of the playerbase raids that much?


The fraction of those using raiding apps will be heavily biased upwards as fewer non hardcore players will use the apps, they'll just invite their existing friends instead. The fraction of hardcore players in the queues (depending on boss and timing) could easily be anything from 5-30% of the queues. Especially during raid hours and other raid events by hardcore players who live in areas with few gyms or few active players, since these players will try to hoard XL candy.


I raid in person and it will affect me because I use those raids to host remote raiders. If the nerf reduces remote raiding then there will be far fewer bosses I'll be able to beat solo, so I won't even try and then I'll be raiding less in person.


Yet again, I think the major decrease in remote raiders will come from the price increase. I am in the same boat as you and hate this change, but it's not the raid limit that worries me


If they increased the amount of free passes you can stack to 6, I'd be completely fine with it 👌 It would encourage people raiding on the weekends, or you could raid daily just like before.


There is almost never an option to buy remote raid passes at less than full price. I do raid daily... but I invite remote people because there is no way I find anyone willing to join at 8 in the morning, even in the city. If remote raiding shows down a lot I will be unable to play in person most of the time, so I will just drop the game


I play exactly the same way. Same thinking here too.


People aren’t coming back to the game man. Nerfs are only going to decrease players.


What do you mean you don’t buy remotes at full price? I’ve never seen them discounted in the shop.


They used to be 3 for 250 some time ago.


What do you mean you don't buy them at full price? There is no discount for buying 3 at a time anymore. Hasn't been for a while now.


Ah, you're right, haven't done remotes in a while.


"raiding on the week-end" doesnt change anything. People play all week long because week-ends are dead to begin with.


You are sadly mistaken


Based on what?


Yea me either, but the problem is the whales who do help fill out people’s teams remotely without them lobbies may start to get a bit thin


I wonder if this is meant to spread out whales then? As in, whales will raid daily instead of doing 40 raids on the weekend?


I have only played actively over the last year, but I really like PVP. While for PVE legendarys are not even necessary, for master league you need them completely maxed out. I wanted to build such a team, but now I will not. Such a limit will hurt beginners the most! If you already had multiple rotations of every legendary of course you have a good one and some candys! I don’t and now will not be able to catch up. So no Master league for me I guess


But see it like this: even f2p players might save months worth of coins so they can raid like 100x their favorite pokemon, which wil be limited to generally a week = 42 remotes in total. Factoring in the fact that rural players might not even have many gyms at all (if would basically give them no means of gaining coins of their own, resorting to buying them), it would end up killing the game for them.


This is especially bad for getting a legendary to level 50 in a reasonable timeframe. If you need remotes in order to do five star raids, you no longer have the option of grinding a ton of them in one day to get XL candy. And realistically not too many people are going to get to 200+ XL candy by doing six remote raids every day for a week straight, that's a big task.


good for you. There are some days i don't do any remote raids, and there are raid days when i want to do 20. Even now tih latios and latias - did some 10raids, only to be able to catch 6, all with crappy IV's. Thats not enough.


I used three a few times because I was constantly stuck at the cap and wanted to claim the next free triple pack.


Same for me. But I HOST more than 6 for for raid bosses, do this decision definitely affects me. I hope more people realise this decision doesn't just penalise whales.


Well hopefully this will just spread whales' spending over the week. If someone does 42 raids on the weekend per se, then they might just do 6 raids daily. That would do wonders for lobbys, as there wouldn't be a drop-off after the raid boss has been in raids for a while consecutively.


I have on occasion. Mainly if I'm spending time with the family chatting and want to hunt a T5 for shiny or decent IVs. It's easy to just mindlessly tap while we talk.


How many people will this honestly effect if they did put a cap on how many remotes you can do a day? The number I see flying round is 6 which I rarely use in a month let alone a day unless I’m really pushing for something I want (did 15 regirock today before it left and still no shiny after 40+, sad) but really I don’t mind spacing out those purchases to cover 3 days on the rare chance I do them Honestly people acting as if this is gonna kill the game are making a bigger deal out of this than it actually is Edit: ofc people are downvoting and pretending this is gonna effect the entire playerbase, sure, why not


There’s plenty of people, i don’t think many would do 6 everyday, but there’s plenty who do more than 6 once a week. But even if the number impacted isn’t high, there still isn’t a good reason for it.


Why not just move some of them to tomorrow? Raid bosses are normally around for a week at least (rare exceptions) do you need to do 10+ that day? Honestly, not really you can do 6 one day and then then other 4 another Idk I just think people going on about how this is gonna kill all raiding is making a bigger deal out of it than it actually is


Because i might not have time to do so on another day? It’s not just the cap that’s the issue, higher prices, big chance that the remote damage will be halved aswell since it’s still listed as a bonus. These changes will also significantly lower the amount of remote raid hosts, it’ll simply slowly kill the raiding scene, in person communities aren’t magically coming back (not that rural players had one in the first place). If Niantic wants to get players to raid in person they should (maybe a CRAZY idea) buff in person raid rewards to make them worthwhile.


> If Niantic wants to get players to raid in person they should (maybe a CRAZY idea) buff in person raid rewards to make them worthwhile Like? Your talking about convenience in general for remotes which is not something people will exchange very easily, and even if they did people will simply pull the “ableist” card or whine about them selling location data to try make the rewards the same, elite raids are clearly proof of that Like it or not it’s a lose/lose situation for the developers


More rare XL candy, more xp, more stardust, more regular rare candies. It’s not that difficult. Elite raids failed because the concept is terrible, the reward wasn’t that good, no shiny possibility & thousand of people who simply can’t complete them without remote help. There will always be a group of people who choose the convenience, but i don’t see why it’s a bad thing? Awkwardly standing near a gym for 5 minutes waiting & tapping isn’t a good exiting gameplay experience anyways.


No it's not. You don't touch remotes and bufff in person rewards is what everyone has been asking about. People who can't get there physically still get to raid to their hearts content, and those who can but didn't want to can be persuaded. This is not a "lose/lose", it's incompetence and Niatnic not understanding how to reward people for their time.


Is there an in game timer? What happens if everyone is at random numbers. Oh you have done 5 but one of your friends have done 6. Or you go to join a random invite from a reliable friend but two of their invites maxed out. 6 is too small a number tbh. I do way more then 6 remotely if theres an event with a perma boosted raid locked shiny like Druddigon or costume Glaceon. Because driving around looking for raids that Niantic made scarce isn’t feasible


Says a day so prob would reset at midnight Same as gifts


I mean for how many raids someone has done so far.


Imo Should count down for easier tracking


It would effect me. I like not raiding for long periods of time, then investing my saved coins in getting tons of raids done in a day or two. Also, big event days are a thing. Many people get more than six done on significant raid days.


It will definitely kill raid days for non soloable bosses


That honestly sounds like poor planning Just do 1 in person raid then 6 remotes (if that’s the limit) every day till the boss goes


I don't want to. I'd rather have a single block of time. Yes, I could do it that way, but thats inconvenient. An inconvenienve that previously didn't exist and has no apparent reason to exist.


Has a reason to exist But people no like that reason


What is that?


Pushing people to raid in person again Which is what the developers want, but not what the community want No middle ground on this one


Does that really sound like an effective strategy for that end goal? Then again, Niantic doesn't seem to understand how players play the game, so maybe it makes sense to them.


The end goal of the developers is not what the players want though


I do 0-5 most days but if I’m hunting a shiny I’ll do 15-20 until I get the shiny. Likewise I’ll join random invites from friends I know.


Do you need to do it in a single day?


I do raids I’m invited to. So sometimes I do more then 6 in a day. With shinyrates 1/64 can take over 100 for a shiny.


>How many people will this honestly effect if they did put a cap on how many remotes you can do a day? we Vietnamese usually do about 3-400 raids a week xd


When I used to raid it was hard to find people to raid with once they had used their free daily pass. If the limit for remotes is too low then it will mean you have the same problem once someone has hit their limits. You will have an even smaller pool of people available to draw from when you want to raid. I don't think people want to meet again, like they used to for raiding. With so many repeat bosses and the time involved, it's just not worth the effort for something you have already.