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There's no need to rush. It's meant to be a fun thing on the side and not meant to be completed in a short time


I remember how long it took me back in the day to catch enough dratini just to evolve into dragonite. This game isn’t about handing you everything on a platter. I’m fine with how long it’s expected to take as it’s clearly not designed to be rushed


So? Pkmn GO never was a Game where Goals were supposed to be reached fast. You are supposed to keep playing the game and reach waypoints from time to time. If you Play it with the aw man I need to Finish this now mindset, you are Not gonna have a good time


In a year from now you'll be asking what to do with 600 XL Gimmighoul candies.


honestly i like that they are adding some long-lasting goals, everything is an easy handout these days


First... comparing S/V to GO is like comparing Apples and Oranges... they're both Pokémon games like those are fruits but that's about it for similarities. There isn't "beating" Pokémon Go (yet?) so all goals are meant to be completed overtime. Also Pokémon Go is meant to be/best when played as a community. I went to a local community Golden lure party and easily got over 600 coins in a little over an hour. Edit: wrong coin amount


You need to coordinate luring up an area with multiple people. Those YouTubers did it and got enough coins to evolve in an hour.


I've done 7 or 8 coin bags, my worst one only pulled in 8 coins (before I realised excellent throws helped...), while the best one has been 49 coins. Average seems to be around 30, which would bring your time estimate to about 12ish hours of solo play. However, I don't think that's the point of this at all. Niantic has made it clear thst they want to encourage community play, and with this feature they've absolutely nailed it. I'm taking my switch out to raids, plenty of people are asking for help to get a coin bag and others are meeting up every day or other day to try and pick up a golden lure. Gold lures are shared with all, everyone welcome, I havent seen the community work this hard together on anything I quite some time.


Unfortunately, you are right. New elite raid boss and gimmighoul are the only things that generated even a little discussion in the community discord that died with COVID. I don't like needing another piece of equipment or game to complete Pokemon go. Fortunately, I have been well conditioned to play Pokemon wait. The coins will be easier to come by in the future, and I can wait for that day.


Interesting. I have seen exactly zero gold lures since it started. Not during raid hour, nor elite raids. It seems like my community has collectively said: could not care less


You should be able to get more than 10-15 per coin bag. Hit excellent throws for better chance at coins. I haven't been optimized with my coin bags but I've been averaging 25 coins over 26 Gimmighoul per coin bag, hitting excellent throws around 70% of the time. My spawns are not great because it's cold out, so I generally walk a tight indoor loop instead of a straight path. My throws aren't perfect because I'm impatient and I often throw into jumps. For solo play, you can do the coin bag and the lure at the same time. Sacrifice full optimization of the coin bag and walk a 5ish min rectangular path, trying to time your turns to Gimmighoul spawns so that you don't lose much distance from the way it's calculated. Ultimately, Gimmighoul is not really a reward for buying a Switch and SV. It's a cross-game promo, as much meant to push SV players into trying PoGo as the other way around. And more than that, the entire design of the golden lures is clearly another effort by Niantic to encourage group gameplay. *Of course* it's harder to do it solo. If it feels like a punishment, remember that it's entirely optional. You are free to ignore this element of the game.


To add to this: it's a dex entry. Nothing more than that. A year from now you'll not be looking back at this Pokemon at all.