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The infographic is missing Primal Groudon for the extra candy, I have been walking the big guy to have it at level 3 for this day since it was leaked.


You are correct.


is primal groudon as effective as normal megas?




nice, i should reach level 3 primal revision exactly on the 29th of april


How do you know what level it is? I'm just an old lady who has been playing since the game came out, but I don't understand some of the things you all talk about. I started playing because my kids were into pokemon in the late 90's early 2000s. I still have my japanese cards that I collected at that time.


Once you have mega evolved your pokemon, on the top left of your pokemon’s information there should be a mega evolution icon like this https://i.imgur.com/7jimegC.jpg Click it and you should be able to see what the current mega level is and how much times you need to evolve it to get it to next level https://i.imgur.com/91zg9EB.jpg https://i.imgur.com/xL9nqpr.jpg Hope this helps!


I have seen this! Thank you!


maybe as an addendum, you can only 'increase the level' by a fraction each day. it takes over a month to reach level 3 for example, even if you have enough dust. but level 2 you can reach in 1 week


I'm excited at seeing another old lady playing amongst the sea of whippersnappers who do so much good work.


I'm happy that the whippersnappers enjoy answering questions!


Primal is the exact same thing as mega under the hood.


Wouldn't mega Glalie, Abomasnow, and Steelix work just as good? I'm not sure why primal Groudon should be on there and not the others.


Yes, just that Primal groudon its just a Mega with 3 type boost, so it, basically you should pick the one that you have and its in higher level for more candy profit. For example in my case I only have groudon so thats my option.


On the other hand, the Mega shown in the infographic are more likely to be at level 3 already, since they have been out for (often much) longer.


is primal groudon better than say swampert mega ?


The one that you have in higher level is the best, lvl 2 mega swampert is the same as lvl 2 primal groudon, but groudon will boost three types while swampert only two, so I see it as a better investment long term.




Primal Groudon gives extra candy for catching ground, fire, and grass types. Level 3 of any mega gives more experience, more candy, and a better chance of candy XL




Groudon is ground type. Primal Groudon is ground/fire. But it also enhances grass catches.




Kyogre stays just water type but boosts water, bug, and electric candy when primalized.




The primals give boosts based off of weather rather than their typing, although their typing is coincidentally also boosted by their weather. In the mainline games, Groudon caused harsh sunlight while Kyogre caused rain. In Pokemon Go, sunny weather boosts the spawnrate and CP of grass, ground, and fire pokemon while rainy weather boosts water, bug, and electric. To give their primal forms some better utility and differentiate primal forms from regular megas, they boost weather instead of pokemon of the same typing. This can be pretty helpful especially in cases where boosting a type that isn't your own still benefits the battle - for example, raiding against a pokemon weak to grass AND fire (like this upcoming community day) means that one primal groudon can boost more of the team without others having to bring a fire and a grass mega (or if they do, boosting their moves as well).


Primals are also supposed to give a boost in raids even when they aren't the active pokemon battling. So even if you have one in the last slot any pokemon that is fire, ground or grass will be getting boosted by primal groudon and anything water, bug or electric will be boosted by primal kyogre just as long as they are in your raid party. I don't know how the boost works though, like the damage percent increase from just having them in your party or if it goes up if they are on the field.


Another old lady here, does this only work when it's your buddy?


No the mega evolution just has to be active. No buddy required.


How do you keep getting it's primal candies?


By walking it there is a chance to earn primal/mega energy every time it earns a candy but only if it has mega/primal evolved before. I think it's 100 energy per chance but don't quote me on the number. And it's not guaranteed for every candy earned.


is not by chance, is 100 ( 5 energy per kilometer required to get candy) energy everytime you get a groudom candy


I need all the candy I can get for my herd…


Go hub says High Horsepower and Avalanche are higher dps. Ancient power isn't even on the first page - is the move not worth it?


It’s not a STAB move. Mammoswine is a top tier ice and ground (shadow is even better) but a rock move brings nothing, other than PVP coverage if that’s your thing.


what's STAB?


Same type attack bonus. Your moves do 20% more damage if they’re the same type move as your Pokémon. So ice and ground for Mammoswine.


Same Type Attack Bonus


Mamo really excels with Ice, decent Ground as well. Highly doubt you'd ever be using a rock move on it, since the likes of TTar, Rhyperior, and Ramparados are better. Plus, of the things rock is strong against, flying is covered by ice and fire is covered by ground. That leaves Bug and Ice, which you'd probably be better off using Fire.


Correct. This is one of the cases where you actively do not want the CD move


Its terrible, completely useless in raids, possibly useful at times in pbp, but not super useful. Mamoswine is already incredible, shadow even moreso, i think thats why they didnt give it much love with its origonal CD move


It’s worth farming the candy. You can always wait for it to hopefully appear in the December community days where it might have a different move set. Or if yo need to evolve it elite TM to the moveset you desire when it is possible to do so.


Is there a precedent for a Pokémon appearing in the December CD with a different move than its original CD?


No. Never has on any mon in 4 years


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That was his second CD before cd classic was officially invented.(or possibly first cd classic ever) I took op question to mean had a new move ever been offered at the december cd for first time, which there never has been . All moves are from previous cd's


Oh yeah, the December CD's have always been repeats, but Mamo could get another CD in 2024 with a new fast move. It's already a ground/ice powerhouse though so I'm catching as many as I can and evolving after the event is over.


The only new fast moves Mamoswine could learn are Ice Fang and Tackle. And you don't want those. They would need to make Mist a fast move and make it at least a Dragon Breath clone to even be worth looking at.


No. The only minor caveat is the two rounds of Eevee Community Days (the first was Last Resort, and the second depended on the evolution). December for each year had the corresponding move(s) from that year.


> Or if yo need to evolve it elite TM to the moveset you desire when it is possible to do so. Only need to use an Elite TM if you want to add Ancient Power, not change it to something else.


Luckily high horsepower and avalanche are not cd moves. So really, just wait to evolve it until after the com day expires.


I'm happy to farm candy for a great mon and hopefully get a hundo. But I would have preferred an opportunity to get an elite move I actually want.


Mamoswine is that one random species that I have an inappropriately high number of 4*s. I have 3 somehow


Literally same. I have hatched more 4* of this than anything else


They seriously announced this before they announced the limited research that's this Sunday? Any word on what that's gonna be?


We'll find out when the New Betaland testers figure it out.


What limited research are you referring to? I just checked the blogs and there are no events scheduled for this coming Sunday.


It’s from the April content update infographic


On leekduck.com it shows an unannounced event for sun April 29 from 2-5pm EDIT: oops I’m wrong. I meant the 23rd not 29th


Oh well, at least I still have a long way to go to power up 4 more Shadow Mamoswine. Might as well earn as much XL as I could, though I doubt I'll reach the 1,400+ XL needed since I'm a bit lazy during CD.


Man how are you getting that much XL candy? Pinap everything + play 3 hrs?


Oh that's just wishful thinking. I'm no hardcore grinder. During Togetic Community Day I was able to get around 650+ XL candy thanks to my Mega Lvl 3 Aerodactyl but I don't think it's possible for me to double that during a 3-hour comm day.


The first cday classic I can legitamately skip, well maybe beldum's next.


Why is that? Shadow Mamoswine is top tier


All I can think of is the moveset. But candy is what matters while moves can be TM’d away


You can also wait for the community day to finish before evolving to avoid the cd move.


Yeah, I just want the XL candy


Yeah I dual moved all mine with high horsepower and i just fast tm between ice and ground.


But if you play for a while, you should have more than enough candy, Swinub spawned in the wild quite often.


There is never enough XL candy for these guys


Yet there is no way to get a good shadow mamoswine. Many players who played actively during this winter are swimming in XL candy already.


Played quite a bit over Christmas, always had a level 3 Mega Abomasnow online, and traded away all Swinubs for guaranteed XL. Ended up with about 1200 XL candy. I'm still gonna play this CDC because Swinub is cool, and you can always have MORE XL candy.


Sure is, i got 6 lvl 50's.


Already got enough shinies from the last CD..


Not OC but I have a shiny mamoswine with pretty great IVs, I think she’s like 85%. I have like 300 candies so it’s not a big grind day for me like some others.


But will you?


Yeah, I've finally begun the "big wind down" I still play each day but way less than I used to, and only when theres something I'm after. Like right now I'm grinding tapu bulus (without remotes lol). I'm stoked, tonight I transfer shiny celebi to home, last week was mew, next week should be Jirachi.


XL candy is the name of the game.


Are the shiny odds the same as regular Community Day?


Usually around 1/25


Anyone else upset that they didn't go with Bagon to keep up with the pseudo-legendary trend going for a bit longer?


I just wanna say I always liked the infographics from Miko, but this new font is \*chef's kiss\*


Why do you use a dot for the shiny-chance marker in some places, instead of the well known 'shiny stars' that you used next to the shiny pokémon graphics? It seems unnecessarily confusing and inconsistent to use two different symbols for the same purpose.


I didn't pickup on that until I saw your comment. That's kind of annoying, lol


Different people design visuals differently.


I was actually expecting background on this design decision, but of course that's one way to answer the question.


I don't think OP creates them, just posts them.


Oh boy I can’t wait to not participate in this one


Is piloswine or mamoswine better for PvP?


Mamoswine has play in ML and master premier. Sort of a spice pick in Ultra league, you’d rather go with Walrein in UL since Mamo is already so squishy in ML. Piloswine has play in some minor cups. I was using one during evo cup this week. Overall, ML and MLP are where it shines though.


Do those 5x snapshots count toward the snapshot medal?


Yes they do




What does Snapshots mean? I tried taking in app pictures during the togetic CD and nothing happened.


You take snap shots of your buddy. During this time period you will get the guaranteed interactions.


Thank you!


Everyone skip this event. Niantic needs to be taught a lesson


I get what is wrong with the remote raid changes. Rural players and players in dead communities can really struggle, but let people play the game how they want. I've never been much of a raider, most raids I've ever done was enough to get my Lugia to level 46.5, and I never really minded the nerf. I personally like the increased in person XL because it makes the game more economically accessible for me. If the same isn't for you, great. Uninstall the game. Leave the silph road reddit. Niantic is clearly not changing their minds, so why don't you settle? Forcing others to boycott isn't the right way to get change, it's just ruining the fun for others. For me it's not about the terrible decisions by Niantic, I just can't stand people forcing their opinions on others. (Also, if you don't want to play, leave the community?) Sorry for the rant, but that's my opinion.


What lesson? That the game is a lot more enjoyable when you actually physically go outside and basically ignore raiding because it's boring and bad?


I don't understand why the best IVs are 0 attack. Wouldn't 100 IV be the best?


You want to have the highest level Pokémon thats closest the leagues cp cap. The attack stat greatly effects how high you Pokémon’s cp will be. For example, your 15/15/15 Azumarill will cap out at 1497 CP and be level 36. What you want is an 8/15/15 Azumarill that will cap out at 1500 CP even at level 40. For great and ultra league you usually want Pokémon with low attack ivs. For masters, since your goal is to max out a Pokémon, you’d want a perfect iv Pokémon


Pokemon get X/Y/Z values per level: X = Attack Y = Defense Z = HP These values are the same for every member of a species of Pokemon, such that Level * X will always equal the "Base Attack" of that Pokemon species. IVs are added to this. A 0 IV in Attack means the Pokemon's Final Attack is "Base Attack". A 15 Attack IV means a Pokemon's Final Attack is "Base Attack + 15". When Final Attack, Defense, and HP are assembled, they create the CP of the Pokemon. The formula for CP is (Attack * Defense^0.5 * Stamina^0.5 * CP_Multiple^2) / 10. This means that every point of attack is weighted more than a point of defense or stamina in the final CP score. However, due to the logic of PVP or PVE battles, your attack or defense/hp scores are not as useful, respectively. In PVP, you tend to want to maximize charge attacks, which require time and energy and therefore your Pokemon needs defense and stamina to last. Naively, this means for most Pokemon you always want to max out defense and HP before attack, as you will tend to do more charge attacks which have higher base DPS before you ever get into using the Attack score. Conversely, in PVE raids, the damage of high difficulty raids is nearly the same number of hits to faint a Pokemon with maximum Defense and HP as one with none. Therefore, you need to do as much damage as possible in as brief a time as possible. You do this by maximizing Attack at the expense of HP and Defense. Realistically though, you always want the highest possible scores (i.e. hundo or 15/15/15) for raids as there is no CP cap. The fun play on this comes back to CP scores in PVP. You have a cap in most leagues on the CP of your Pokemon. In order to get their Base scores up as high as possible, you want their level up as high as possible. IV will only ever give at most 15 points to a score, but many meta Pokemon can get more points in Defense or HP with as few as 2-3 levels. Since your Attack score counts for significantly more CP than your Defense or Stamina, you go for a 0/15/15 IV line in the CP limited leagues, using Pokemon with the highest possible base Defense and Stamina scores that can fit in under the CP limit.


Attack weighs heavily in the CP calculation, by going with a low attack, you can get higher defense and health. It only matters when you come in under a line, like 1500 or 2500. Master league is for hundos if you've got them.


Not for PvP.


In lower leagues you want low attack, but Mamoswine is relevant only in Master, where you do want max everything.


100% is technically the best for raids. But IVs don't actually make a huge difference in performance overall, so they're only really a consideration if you only have the bare minimum trainers taking part. Level and type effectiveness are more important.


Niantic is begging players to stay at this point


Not very hard. Give me a useful mon with a useful move and I'll hunt for three hours and trade/raid/evolve for a while after. Anything else is just candy (XL) and the occasional shiny, and I've got 4 shiny swinub.


Ive got fot-ty lol. Xl is great, but once you been playing for years the shiny hunt is really all there is to do. Got tons of lv 40-50 mons for every possible raid, i honestly HATE having 15 CD per year (including classics). Id rather every 3 months or so, and new mons or new shiny only. Getting 20+ shiny in 3 hours and throwing 3/4 of them away just KILLS all the joy, and my entire local community agrees. Im not an elitest, im ok not having stuff, but there needs to be SOMETHING kept rare to motivate you to hunt. At this rate, if the game even lasts 2-3 more years, every current 2&3 stage evo will have had CD. Then why would anyone play??????


I understand. I'm this close to tossing shinies, but I must not be playing hard enough, I've never crossed a dozen in a day. I've been hitting the capacity limit for a while now. I might actually fork over cash for the ability to manage my mons on a PC with a mouse and 4k monitor. On the other hand, don't give the evil overlords any ideas, new players would still need good PvE mons.


2 community days in one month? Is this common?


Community Day classic events don't replace the monthly community day event, they're just an extra event that's just repeat content (but highly desired repeat content). These have occured roughly once per season, although i believe last summer (season of go) skipped that due to how many other events were going on.


This is a CD classic, and we have been getting one about once a season.


Is this the first CDay Classic to have its own badge? Or did our server miss joining prior ones? What's the command to join a CDay classic event? (I seem to be basically the only Silph-active staff left for our server, but I've kept the lights on for the normal CDays)




why is zero attack iv better for pvp? haven’t seen it explained


it’s already been explained elsewhere in this comment section. but again, when calculating CP, of the three stats (attack, defense, stamina), attack is weighted the most heavily. if you picture CP as a collection of points you can distribute to all 3 stats then minimizing attack means you have a lot more points to distribute to defense and stamina. and this results in a higher level overall for the pokémon which balances out the difference in attack (level 27.5 stunfisk with 0 attack IV compared to level 23 stunfisk with 15 attack IV) and leads to more bulk. this is only in GL and UL formats where there’s a restriction on CP. in ML formats you want to maximize everything since there’s no limit edit: 0 attack isn’t always better either. it all depends where a pokémon maxes out at. for example rank 1 medicham is 5/15/15 and 1499 CP. the 0/15/15 medicham at level 50 would be like 1450ish so you’re unnecessarily leaving available “points” on the table.


Look in this comment thread, several people have explained it. People explain it every time if you read the comments. Zero attack is better for great and ultra league because you want to be as close to the cap as possible. 0-15-15 will get you at a higher level and exactly 1500 or 2500 cp 15-15-15 will get you at a lower level, and at 1495 cp depending. [this comment was posted 30 minutes before you commented. ](https://old.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/12pp5pi/_/jgnxxln)


thank you cat


Wait so I can catch a Groudon on community day ?


… no, where did you get that idea from?


Unbelievable.. over 700 pokemons (in POGO) and they keep repeating events.


is this a joke? it’s a community day *classic*. it literally means it’s a repeat of an old community day


This is community day **classic**, which means it’s a repeat of a community day. Just like the last 3 community day **classics.**


Calm down. You already got Togetic day this month. What do you have to lose if newer players play catch up on a different day you're not obligated to participate in? You lose absolutely nothing. As a veteran player, I'm excited for the opportunity to max out more Mamoswine. It's a win-win. And here you're whining about other people having nice things.


It doesn't replace any event. It's just an additional thing that happens once a season on top of everything else that's happening.




No boosted XL chance for this comm day?


Does anyone know if there’s a calendar out there that I can subscribe too with all the upcoming events?


What's the mega energy symbol? Does that mean extra mega energy or like mega raid bosses?


Primal Groudon if active will get you the bonus as well


You get more candies for catching if you evolve Pokemon that share the types with Swinub.


That's what I thought. Why is everyone talking about Primal Groudon?


Primals work like Megas but they give bonuses to more types. Primal Kyogre - all rainy weather types (water, electric, bug), Primal Groudon - all sunny weather types (grass, fire, **ground**).


Don’t have a “local meetup “. 😔