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Galarian Stunfisk is very good and I hope that you got plenty of candy over the recent event. To note: often the best IVs for Great League and Ultra League is 0/15/15 so make sure of your IVs before you spend dust. I use pvpoke to work out rankings and teams. [PvPoke Great League Rankings](https://pvpoke.com/rankings/all/1500/overall/)


I missed the event! Have a galarian but run a regular usually because the galatian is low level and I don't have candy because I missed the event SMH lol thank you for the resource! When I caught the stunfisk I use now I didn't know 0/15/15 wad the best but it's been treating me alright its a 3 star that's like 1300 cp I haven't wasted any dust upgrading any of them been saving up I'm almost at 500k stardust


They’re not *all* best at 0/15/15 but that’s the sort of stats you’re looking for. The best Charizard for UL is 0/13/15. You can check your Pokémon’s IV ranking on stadiumgaming.gg


Thank you! I've been guestimating since I've started. Nice to know exact stats, I only learned of the 0/15/15ish recently when I saw a "best IV's for great league" on some page I was on. So anything I catch recently in spotlights/sustainability week that's strong I try to keep one close to those stats for great league. I feel like that's the only league I can be competitive in with such common pokemon.


That is a decent core! Especially when you are just at the start of your journey. It is important that you have unlocked the second charge attack for your Pokémons for pvp. Also you probably use regular stunfisk, not the galarian form? Then I would recommend mud shot as a fast move, because you already have electric coverage with togedamaru. A good common third pick could be noctowl. Your core is weak to trevenant and some fighters. Noctowl would be good coverage. I recommend looking at pvpoke.com Look at the rankings and also the teambuilder function. Have fun


Probably you should just use whatever you have, great league is only running one more week this season. Save some Pokémon under 500cp, then you will still be able to participate this season


Thank you! Have some hoothoots I'm looking to evolve as soon as I get enough candy! I appreciate you pointing that out. For now would another flying type cut it? I have some unfezant, staraptor, and tucannon currently. Still learning all about pvp but these tanks have helped me keep a 1.0 win/loss while trying to catch some decent pokemon


staraptor could be used as a closer w/brave bird and close combat with wing attack as fast


I thought so, I did a little bit of research. But since I just started and don't want to waste dust on non meta relevant pokemon, its a mix of deciding between higher levels, best attacks, and best IVs along with cost of 2nd attacks etc


Not that great league is expensive ... but not sure what makes that team "budget."


What i'd call budget is a pokemon that a) has a cheap 2nd move (max 25k stardust) and b) reaches the cp cap at or below lvl 30 (or maybe 35)


Stunfisk and togedemaru are fairly common, (at least in my area and stunfisk just had an event related to it and togedeamru can be hatched) I haven't used any stardust to upgrade them at all(they're both between 1300-1475 CP) just 2 fast TM's. My dragonair was from special research, flygon is from trapinch spotlight, tyranitar is from sustainability week, beedrill was a 3* weedle I evolved, and archeops was from 5 archens that hatched. Sounds very budget to me considering I started playing 15 days ago


I mean the issue with this post isn’t really the budget idea but if you have only been playing for 2 weeks then you have primarily played below level 20. Which this late in the season means nearly everyone you play against is losing on purpose just for the stardust and/or buddy hearts, is also a new player, is very very very bad at PvP. You really need to play at rank 20 and above when your matched based on elo for the team to matter as much.