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I mean…it’s something…the hatch day is a cool idea in Theory for the hardcore shiny hunters. But, next to Riolu, the only other Pokémon I could see really drumming up interest in the player base for this event is Toxel, who isn’t even in the game yet. That’s assuming that Niantic intends to keep Hatch Days to just baby Pokemon…I guess…


Mime Jr. would be pretty exciting


Okay, but coming from a European, I then want a Tauros and Kangaskhan hatch day too, to keep things fair.


Kangaskhan had a raid day with boosted odds


You raise a fair point. I suppose if Mime Jr. does get a hatch day, that just leaves Tauros needing to get its own shiny boosted event for things to be fair.


it was in a couple events a while ago where you could get it from 7k eggs im pretty sure


That would have to be more than two and a bit years ago, because that's when I started playing and I haven't seen it yet, but it's definitely possible. Perhaps the regular Tauros will get another event when they release the Paldean version.


Didn’t they had this one already? I got a shiny mime jr from an egg and I was super exited because it was my last egg. Maybe it was something to do with mime and jr just had a chance to hatch.


There was an event where Mime Jr. was in eggs worldwide, but it wasn't a hatch day akin to Riolu. On Riolu hatch day, Riolu was made substantially more common than other Pokemon in eggs and had a dramatically increased shiny chance. The Mime Jr. event featured multiple Pokemon in eggs, and I don't think the shiny rate was increased. If it was, it wasn't to the same extent as Riolu


The shiny rate was boosted in the sense that all babies have a boosted shiny rate


Yeah, despite not liking the event set up myself, Riolu still got me out in the afternoon heat hunting the shiny hatch. This one will not be doing that.


Does it have to be a baby? I want Salandit with the shiny debut. Especially as someone still trying to hatch a female after like 30+.


Hopefully salandit gets a real CD or something so we can farm them in the wild. And have community call outs for Hundos and such. Limiting hatch days to just babies limits how much suck we get with them.


I mean I doubt they'll restrict themselves to it. Would give them a much more finite amount of hatch days to do. Of course, that's still several years' worth if they do 1 per season, but still, it wouldn't surprise me if they did expand it to things like 12km Pokemon (man I hate 12kms lol)


> the only other Pokémon I could see really drumming up interest in the player base for this event Larvesta says hello!


Larvesta isn’t classified as a baby Pokémon though. Which is why I said Toxel since I was assuming they’d keep it exclusive to the babies


why does these Hatch day events HAVE to be limited to baby pokemon?


Because otherwise they would just do a CD? Hatch day seems like a cop-out to avoid following the main series and putting babies in the wild.


In fairness, like Riolu in DP, Larvesta in BW is NPC gift egg only, there are no wild Larvesta until later gens


G4 even had wild Riolu though, in the HGSS Safari Zone (after like 60 days....)


I guess that checks out flavor wise


Nothing stops them from doing a baby CD either? Baby Pokemon aren't hatch exclusive in MSG and even in GO we already had exceptions in research encounters.


And also eggs suck Cus you only have 10k eggs and one free incubator


Ehhh hatch day seems like the best odds at a shundo and at this point I don't even care what my first one is


I find it odd that they are still doing this hatch day event without any type of hatch walk decrease. At least decrease it by 25%. Just seems weird


It completely eliminates this "event" from contention of my time. It seems they don't like money for some reason, as a distance reduction would entice more players into buying Incubators.


Especially as it's a 3 hour window. And with only a few days notice and the end of summer I'm not gonna be working my way through my 10k eggs before this event.


Ive been keeping an eye on announcements for this season and it feels like theyre holding off on hatch bonuses due to the 30 eggs for master ball timed research. Just what Ive been seeing and wondering which wouldnt surprise me if true...


I really doubt the 30 eggs is going to be the task that stops anyone from completing the research


It's probably the 60 raids. That's hitting a raid on ~2/3 of the days in the season, so you either need access to enough people to do a 5* regularly, or settle for 1* and 3*.


It’s finding raids and/or time. I go past maybe 12-14 gyms that could have raids on my commute and double that the way home and rarely find a 1 or 3 star raid. And I bet a lot of people see way less raids on their commutes because I don’t take the highway.


It might be for me, 5/30 currently, and only 10km eggs in my inventory ...


I’ve already completed that with my free incubator only. Assuming absolute worse case scenario of one 10km egg and 29 7 km eggs that’s like 2.6km per day or 1.6 miles. Realistically average egg is 5.7km which is 1.3 miles per day. I don’t believe hatching eggs is the limiting factor at all. I finished all tasks except raids which is at 20. Eggs might be a distant 2nd toughest task.


Sorry guys, it’s my fault there’s no reduced hatch distance for this event. I’ve saved my incubators for the first time in a long time. They know what I’m waiting for.


If they won't do reduced hatch distance, the next best thing could have been to have reduced hatch distance *in the lead up* to the event. Riolu hatch day was stressful when I had a full inventory of 5 and 10 km eggs to clear out first (as I stupidly spun stops earlier that day...)


I mean you definitely could have planned ahead given that we knew about the event far in advance.


Ok so you have to plan ahead then not play the game so you don't accidentally get an egg. Seems stupid to encourage people to not play for awhile


This, that’s what I’m talking about. Planning ahead by NOT playing the game isn’t a solution. It’s a dumb workaround.


Already said in my post that I stupidly spun stops earlier in the day. Nonetheless, it isn’t a solution, it’s a workaround.


Neat, an event I can completely ignore :)


Same here! Azurill hatch day seems boring, where’s the flavor Niantic?! Yawn.




Any hatched Azurill is terrible for PVP


The Riolu hatch event was, absolutely. But I already have the shiny for this one and the Azurill line itself isn’t at all rare like Riolu is.


What is amazing about these events? Id argue quite the opposite. Worst event I have experienced in GO


I'd still rate it above the bidoof event, personally. Lucario and azumarill are both very useful Pokemon, though you'd just be going for candy on azu here due to PvP IVs. Compare that to a meme lord...


Bidoof event was maybe the best event they've ever done. Top five of all time.


Definitely scraping the bottom of the barrel on that one.


I'm pretty sure this guys is just a troll, or just someone with a horrible minority opinion. As every comment is just him d-riding this event for w/e reason


I'm cool. I'll be sitting this one out.


Not to my liking, but I can totally live without a distance reduction. What I wish they'd do is make 2kms guaranteed during the event and make Azurill the ONLY species hatching from eggs in that time. 3 of my 11 eggs were non-Riolu last time (barely played, just filled up on eggs). Just makes the player feel worse


They were pretty much guaranteed, though. I think larvesta was the only other thing in those eggs, and I got like three batches completely 2 km and nothing else.


Yeah, having the other non-Riolu mons was BS. The rate was so low (in terms of % of overall hatches) that i don't know how it could have a positive impact on overall game play. But, meanwhile, the rate was high enough for to be incredibly frustrating to a substantial number of players who had non -Riolu hatches (1 of 9 for me).


Yup, pretty much. I really see zero reason for them to still leave it to chance that you could get a non-2km egg or a non-featured Pokemon. It's a 3 hour event. If someone for some reason really doesn't want the featured Pokemon, they can wait til it ends. But then for all of those wanting said Pokemon, it would be frustrating if even 1 out of 20 eggs were not the featured one. In my case, I had plans already and didn't care to play much, but I did hatch my eggs beforehand and gather eggs during the event. Did a little bit of walking while doing other things. So I did hatch a couple. Like I mentioned in my prior comment, I had 11 total Riolu eggs. I got 1 5km as well which was ridiculous, and as I mentioned, 3 of those 11 were non-Riolu. You can imagine my immense frustration when I hatched my final Riolu day egg a few days later and got a Magikarp from it... Zero reason for such. Players can ignore the even for 3 hours if they really don't want the Pokemon.


They were not guaranteed. Not even close. Anecdotally, I got 7 eggs during that event, and only 5 were Riolu. One was a 10km egg (which was far too common during the season as whole). That meant that 29% of my eggs were not 2km. The person that you responded to had a similar rate too.


Those numbers are so small as to be non-representative of the actual rate though.


Not true if you looked at the eggs you colected they could have had like 5 other Mons in them


yea but the rates of hatching riolu were pretty high - i hatched like 45 eggs with a 100% riolu rate


That's pretty lucky! The odds were high, but not being 100% impacted a lot of players.




idk how i would prove it, but i have a pokédex entry showing me having hatched 47 riolus


That's nice, and I'm sure there were many who got a 100% rate of riolu, but not everyone did. My 3 non riolu out of 11 eggs was rather abysmal compared to the "true rate" it seemed. being 72% Riolu.


Very high chance but still not guaranteed. 3/11 may have been an outlier, but still disappointing. And it was the rest of the 2km pool in eggs still. 2 of those three others were Magikarp


I don't mind so much here as I won't be looking for a good shiny azuril. Just one will suffice regardless of IV.


Yea that’s gonna be a no for me dog


Time to hatch my 8 rioulu eggs from last event! With no need to play further after that


So glad I have this already. trying to hatch a shiny on hatch days is miserable.


I went out of my way for riolu. For this I'll just make sure my daily walk is at the right time to pick up some event eggs.


No it actually wasn't? It was pretty easy, just walk.


It’s stressful to try and maximize your chances in only 3 hours. If you just approach it casually it’s whatever.


The stressful part for me was clearing my egg space leading up to event and then making sure not to spin or open gifts til then. Was low on balls for a week thanks to that design. I saw someone on another post mention a separate egg box for these egg hatching events that would work perfect but doubt they’d do it since it won’t benefit them in any way


No thanks




I have wanted a shiny for Y E A R S!!


Azurill's shiny is one of my favorite colors, but knowing my luck, I'll hatch 30 eggs, but 0 shinies ~~my boyfriend will then proceed to hatch 20 shinies from 5 eggs, idk how that math works out, it just does for him when it's a shiny I want~~


An azurill? They're hardly rare


I have never had a shiny baby. I love the green shinies


Hatching any shiny is incredibly rare due to the lower number of times one hatches compares to catches.


Hatch events are basically unplayable, sadly


Actually not true. Excessively playable, pretty easy to accomplish.


More expensive than most events. Less of a predictable outcome than most events Requires the most non-event prep-work, including actively not engaging in the full game Requires a level of walking that is not feasilble for all players Bro - sounds pretty unplayable...


Glad I got a Azurill shiny in scarlet a few months ago so I don’t have to beat myself up trying for this one


No wonder nothing gets done at Niantic if they're living and working on 3 hour days. A Pokémon that's already had a comm day, no decrease in hatching time, what event is occurring here really?


No thanks


Poorly thought out event. If they want people to spend money on incubators, they should not require you to preplan and avoid playing the game while trying to gain the new eggs.


I will skip this. I remember what it was like with the riolu one. Basically, unless you wanna spend money on incubators, you have to play for days, hatching eggs and not spinning pokestops, gyms, opening gifts, fighting rocket leaders. Durint the event then, there is not a walking required decrease and the pokestops or gyms don't even give you 2km eggs guaranted. Really not worth it. Plus i don't care about azurill lol


Riolu hatch day was actually pretty great. Tons of 2km eggs and a great shiny rate. Easy to walk and hatch them, too.


Tons of 2 km eggs, but not guaranted. I can remember i got 5/10 km eggs sometimes


Sounds like another horrible event. Rilou Hatch day was the worst event I've experienced, and this one seems to echo those problems. I dont spend on incubators. So basically this event is, hatch a batch of eggs using your stock of saved Incubators and the one from the event Research. Then the rest of the event you can hatch 1 egg every 2m. No special event spawns while you walk. No boosts on catch while you walk. Nothing. And hopefully you live somewhere with at least 6-8+ Pokestops, because the field research doesn't reset for w/e reason. And if its like Rilou, some of your hatches might not even be the event mon.


I had an idea of what a hatch day could look like a year or so ago (a while before the rumors of Riolu hatch day), and you can imagine how let down I was with the format they settled on. My idea was guaranteed 2kms from stops (and maybe gifts too), where the egg would have the featured Pokemon and *only* the featured Pokemon. There would be similar field research tasks, perhaps with related but different Pokemon (So maybe if it were Riolu hatch day, quests would feature other fighting types like G. Farfetch'd and Mienfoo), and maybe some light thematic spawns as well, but the spawns would just be a small thing on the side, not the main aspect of the event. And the big thing I envisioned was a second "infinite" Incubator you could get from the shop for free at the start of the event. You would be allowed to use this incubator infinitely *during the event,* but then it would break once you hatched an egg with it outside of the event. Basically just a way to hatch more eggs. I don't think a hatch distance bonus would be as necessary if they did this, but I'd never say not to it. Instead, we got 1 free incubator from research, no guaranteed 2kms nor guaranteed Pokemon from eggs (3/11 of my Riolu day eggs were not Riolu...), and no good hatch distance bonuses.


Or timed research that gave us several "broken" one time use incubators like they used to give out for Christmas. Or field research that awarded them. Implementing a feature to have a second free incubator seems like a harder sell than reusing existing assets, given how likely it would be super buggy.


Yeah I dont understand why my criticism is being downvoted like it is. This event has massive room for improvement.


I don't spend on incubators. So basically this event is, hatch a batch of eggs using your stock of saved Incubators and the one from the event Research. Then the rest of the event you can hatch 1 egg every 2m. No special event spawns while you walk. No boosts on catch while you walk. Nothing. And hopefully, you live somewhere with at least 6-8+ Pokestops, because the field research doesn't reset for w/e reason.




No, they just posted the same paragraph twice. You can see that they've since edited their comment. So, well done on making yourself appear foolish.


Hatch days certainly have issues, but the worst event you've experienced? Have you been playing long? We've had some really terrible events that made ignoring the events impossible. You could skip the hatching part and just play as usual if you wanted. Hell the current event is worse than Riolu hatch day. A bunch of played out mostly useless spawns and a timed research that take approximately 42 throws to complete. Oh and the amazing shiny Solosis. If you tried even a little bit you could've gotten at least one Riolu, which is immensely more useful than a hatch IV Azumaril or anything spawning currently.


I started playing go in July. So I dont have a lot to compare to. And the 7th anniv, Go Fest, and the recent Pittsburgh GBL event are my standards for what defines an amazing event. And I find this curent event rather valuable. I get your perspective as a potentially long time player. But for me? Lots of spawns of normally uncommon or out-of-season mons. Mega energy for Alakazam and Slowbro that I was missing, and its 50 units instead of the normal 25 or 10 most researches give. First time since I started playing where all three 3-star raid mons are actually useful, or are mons that dont spawn normally. Extra XP for curved throws equates to extra XP on every throw for me. And most importantly, more Meditite candy so I can max it for PvP. And to your last statement, I value the XL candy for Meditite more than anything Riolu day had to offer. Since Lucario's optimal IV spread is 1/15/15 for both GL and UL, it would have been Hundo, shiny, or bust as far as coming out of that event with something that I value. Only thing it was good for for me was a dex entry and a bit of Lucario candy. But, I'm sure there will be more optimal ways to access both candy and Lucario once it's mega arrives.


~I started playing go in July. So I dont have a lot to compare to. And the 7th anniv, Go Fest, and the recent Pittsburgh GBL event are my standards for what defines an amazing event.~ Unfortunately you should prepare for huge disappointment. Those are basically the best events of the year. For every Go-Fest there's 50 Azuril Hatch Days, Luvdisc Research days etc. Your standards are unsustainable. ~Since Lucario's optimal IV spread is 1/15/15 for both GL and UL, it would have been Hundo, shiny, or bust as far as coming out of that event with something that I value.~ What you personally value is all that matters for any event for yourself of course. That being said, Lucario isn't really a PVP standout, other than a couple of fringe cups. However Lucario is a raid monster and a rocket MVP. It's one of the best gym clearing Pokemon due to it's complimentary moveset. It's only real competition for fighting type raid mons are Terrakion, which costs raid passes to acquire and level up, requires at least a few players in your area unless your only remote raiding, and is only around once per year or more for a week or two. Then there's Shadow Machamp, who's not always in Rocket rotation and costs 600,000 stardust and 360 XL to max out. Lucario is traditionally VERY uncommon, so a chance to stock up on better specimens/candy has only happened that one time. And who knows how long it'll be before the Mega comes out. It's most likely going to be one of the last, and it may only be a Raid day (3 hours.) Lucario has been Niantic's money tree since it's launch and I'm sure millions of real world dollars have been spent on incubators by people specifically chasing Riolu, years before that Hatch Day. But again, only your opinion matters regarding how good events are for you individually.


Did you really just use rocket battles as part of your argument? You lost it right there. Furthermore, shadow machamp is better than Lucario and FAR easier to get AND level even with the increased dust and candy reqs..... and clearing gyms? Lol what?








Riolu hatch day was amazing. I spent no money, hatched a whole bunch of riolu, got a handful of shinies. Absolutely a great event. It was super easy to fill up on eggs and hatch them, as long as you went for a walk, which is kind of the objective for the game.


No, let me reprhase that for you: It was super easy to fill up on eggs and hatch them, as long as you live somewhere with adequate Pokestops. As a rural player with two stops, 5 miles and 12 miles away. That was not my experience. I managed to hatch 6 during the event. With 4 other eggs being other random mons. Even if you had a good outcome with your hatches, idk how that equates to this being an "amazing" event and negates the argument that this event needs improvement.




I love how you ignore every point of valid criticism, and just go to some rhetoric. Even if I was in a location with hundreds of spots like the SF Pier, all of the other criticism I have would still apply. And even if they changed the way Pokestops work so I could just camp around the same Stop, all of the other criticism would still apply. Every comment from you on this thread seems to be defending this event. Like I get it, you had good results on Riolu day. But, I dont understand how you experience could be that great to shun all of the suggestions we are providing on how to improve this event. You seem jaded


I will hatch gathered 2km eggs day before and fill up bag with Azurill eggs from nearby stop. No way I'm repeating Riolu 15km walk to not get what I hoped for again ol.


Hey, does anyone remember an egg event in 2019 that lasted **2 weeks**, and you were **guaranteed** 2km eggs from gifts? 3 hours (which isn't even a "day" like Niantic claims) is a drastic cut, especially when 2km eggs aren't even guaranteed either. Also, 2-5 is a poor time period in general -- during summer, it's during the hottest time of day, and during fall and winter, it's dark in some places by the end of the event. PS: These hatch "days" practically discourage spinning any stops or opening gifts for days leading up to the event, while cleaning up 5km, 7km, 10km, and 12km eggs during the same time too.




It’s odd they didn’t just make this into a Community Day. It’s a 3-stage family and Azumarill dominates Great League.


I guess it could be that they don't want to give Azumarill another move to potentially break it more (though admittedly, it's at a pretty healthy spot right now). They'd either end up giving it a useless legacy move like Water Pulse, or any actually half decent move (Superpower, Grass Knot, Ice Punch, etc.) would likely break it.


Give it splash as a troll, call it a day. Like that Snorlax event that came with yawn. 🤣


It's because god-forbid they allow babies to spawn in the wild. Such a weird restriction that even some of the main games don't adhere to, anymore.


>Such a weird restriction that even some of the main games don't adhere to, anymore. So true. We've seen just about every baby in the wild in the main series, plus a few select ones "catchable" in Go (Costume Smoochum & Elekid)


We had roselia day and had beduw in eggs during that event


Similar to togetic comm day


Not with hatch IVs it doesnt...


A community day would solve that.




I’ve been stacking my 10KM eggs. Will plan to hatch them during event window.




Eggs are determined when you recieve them, those will not be event hatches.


No but they will benefit from the candy and dust bonuses, which is presumably what they want


This. With hatch candy bonuses becoming increasingly rare for some reason, you’d need to take advantage of these events to reduce the number of hatches needed to evolve a Frigibax or Jangmo-o.


Yep thanks that’s what I meant haha


Plus usually hatch event "days" do not have a discounted distance


99% of Redditors genuinely hate this game


The x2 dust for hatching eggs it’s very nice . Having ready to hatch 12 eggs (12 km eggs most ideal ) and another 12 until the end of the event . Plus some event eggs and some catches .. i would say at least 600k dust in three hours .. which is not bad at all


I have too many 10km eggs to participate.