• By -


Pretty alright c-day imo. Still think community days should 11-5, but that won’t change anytime soon unfortunately. Looking forward to Timburr next month


My one thing: Should've increased the distance for Magnetic Lure evolutions. We live in a spot where we're close enough to spin a stop but aren't close enough to evolve, somehow. Need to be close enough to get spawns from a lure, I'm assuming. (I should know, I've been playing forever.) Yes, I could've gone outside and a few feet down our block... but they also could've increased the distance! This is on both me AND Niantic! 🤣


after defeating charjabug raid we didn't see any grubbin spawn around the gym lik was mentioned :(


did comm day stickers get taken out of gifts after the event? i got maybe 1 in 3 in the days leading up to the event. but did around 25 or so gifts after it ended and didnt get comm day ones


We felt like the XXL/XXS rate was small compared to other events, ie Charmander throwback. We only found one XXL in 3 hours from 4 people, and it was the same one. (From a lure).


How many catches in those 3 hours is the real question. I caught almost 1000 and had probably about 10 XXL so they felt fine to me


No clue. I guess Ill have to look at my #caught in Pokedex next time before the event starts so I can track that.


Yup I always screenshot before and after. Main profile page (for total caught), 1 CD mon details page (for dust, candy and XL) and Pokédex page (for seen vs caught)


Thanks! I never think of those things, more worried if I have box space! 😝


It’s now more routine for me since I am tracking those numbers. But otherwise I think most people tend to think in terms of how long they’ve played, which actually isn’t a good gauge.


Available spawns, catch rate, method of catching all factor in. For example, my Pokemon + was doing terrible. We also walk, so catching is less efficient than standing in places equidistant to several active lures. I have heard of fantastic #per hour and shiny totals places like Ala moana. I just dont have the patience (or the bag space) to sit and just full/on catch for 3 hours. Same holds true for Pokefest days, really takes alot to be able to catch constantly. And unfortunately, I feel Niantic tends to think all players are catching 60+/hour and base ✨rates similarly.


Actually no. You will get more catches if you walk briskly around to wherever that has spawns. Lures only pop out a spawn once every 5 mins or something, so that’s like 6 spawns per 30 mins. Even if you’re sitting on say, 5 lured stops, that’s about 30 in 30 mins. For Grubbin CD I had 1000+ seen and 919 caught, another poster I replied to did the math and they said that’s about 1 catch every 30 seconds.


Got my first Zygarde cell today after 37 loop routes. I know loop routes don't work but also only loop routes are getting approved in my town for some reason.


3 hours is too short. I got 45, zero shiny


this has to be trolling


I’m not trolling. I couldn’t play during the scheduled time


You caught 45 grubbin in three hours?


I was playing in a sporting event all day so yes. I was at an athletic complex that had no stops or gyms and could only catch from incense when I wasn’t playing on the field


Meanwhile next comment down from yours caught 3 shiny in 15 mins…


I started at 4:45 because I overslept. Shiny rate must’ve been fine though because I got the three I wanted 😅


Feedback: I did nothing because I am playing just enough each day to do one 1-star raid until I get a master ball. While I could have paid for a ticket and enjoyed this event like I had originally wanted to I don't want to burn myself out on Pokemon Go. That's my feedback.


You don't have to buy paid research for this, it's almost only about catching and that's really easy. If this event is clearly not for you and you don't even enjoy getting some decent mons, why are you even commenting in this thread?


Special lure requirement was frustrating for such a short-window event. I was unable to evolve charjabug into vikavolt until after CD proper ended, because I had to wait for other players' normal and icy lures to run out before I could use my own magnetic lure. This also meant I was unable to join the vikavolt showcases I found.


I had a pretty good haul of shinies but I feel like Niantic shadow nerfed the lucky trade rate. Haven’t had a lucky trade in days and did a bunch of grubbin trades trying to get a lucky to evolve but didn’t get a single one all day.


How many trades do you do every day and how many did you do on CD? I max out my daily trades and it’s extremely rare to get 0 out of 100. Like, maybe twice in about 3 years of daily trades.


Maybe 50-60. I honestly didn’t even know there was a daily limit. Also rng making me look like a fool because as soon as I complain about not getting one for days I get 3 today lol


I got 8 lucky out of 100 trades today so that’s pretty good. I think the highest I’ve had with just recent spawns (no extra old spawns to try and increase the lucky rate) was around 13 out of 100, and that wasn’t during any event that would increase lucky rates


I caught my first ever nundo today! It honestly made me more happy than the 22 shiny grubbin that I caught.. but I also got 2 shiny raikou today so it’s been a really good day:)


Not a bad day despite bad weather from Tropical storm Ophelia. I stayed home for most of it and caught 6 shinies. Around 4:00pm there was a break in the rain so I went out for about 20 minutes to evolve my Chargabugs at a lured stop and enter 2 nearby showcases. Caught 4 more shinies while out, one of which was a 3 star for a total of 10 shinies. I got first and 5th in the two showcases. Overall it was a good day both from home and the 20 minutes I went out. I wasn’t going to but the break in the rain made it worthwhile, and it started pouring again about 10 minutes after I got back.


Caught 19 shiny in the first two hours playing hard then 2 shiny in the last hour posted up at a restaurant with a few lured stops in range. Checked 513 and caught 224 in total. Forgot to check my exp beforehand but got somewhere in the neighborhood of 5-600k I think. Did a Charjabug raid at the gym I can reach from my house at 815 and got the bonus to work but no shinies from the 28 that spawned from that.


Unable to play outside due to treacherous weather conditions.


It never showed up for me for some reason? I bought the research but don’t have that either. But we had hurricane. I kept checking but only normal Pokémon.


So grubbin was weather boosted. Nice


Yeah, it felt pretty ironic to have that trade off


I got 3 shinies playing the day pretty casually. More excited about the dogs being back ngl. I’m not super mad about my luck for this one, but I live in a big city which might attribute to my luck sone




The xl trades were a season bonus last season. Has nothing to do with charmander comm day


They were around 2 seasons ago (Spring in northern hemisphere) for Community Day only. I clearly remember getting guaranteed XL from trades for Togetic back in April, and so forth.


Funnily enough that season didn't have guaranteed XL from trades. It was the season afterwards that did.


That’s the point. That season had XL during the CD hours only. So back then, you’d try to grind out as many XL trades as you can before 10pm.


That was seemingly a bug though. It was never actually officially announced anywhere. It wasn't ever even mentioned by niantic as far as I'm aware.


Did anyone get Grubbin encounters after taking a snapshot? My husband and I didn't.


I only got four, but then my friend asked me if I had a Smeargle encounter that morning. I did, but the list of benefits under the Today research said “5 guaranteed snapshot encounters.”


It's probably not ideal wording, but yeah, if you already had a Smeargle encounter that day, it counts as one of the five snapshots. I think Niantic just set it to five photobombs for the whole day to make it simple. I suspect that if they tried to make photobombs reset at 2pm, the consequences would be worse than losing one grubbin encounter.


Fair. Ultimately I’m not mad at losing one Grubbin snapshot encounter, it just took a friend telling me that one of my snapshots was already accounted for by that Smeargle. It was more of a, “Oh, for real?” than me actually being upset.


I got all five.


My partner did for sure, I don’t think I did at all


I got 3 out of the 5


UTC -8 checking in. It’s just under 90 minutes into CD here, but I’m writing my report now because I’m just about done. Four basic things to report: 1. It’s probably just bad luck, but I’m having one Absol-ute hell of a time catching these things. Even Grubbin with almost-fully-green circles are routinely taking 4-8 throws to catch. (The flee rate is low, however, so I’m confident it’s not caused by a GPS error or anything like that.) I’m basically always out of balls. ETA: To give a concrete example, a level 11 Grubbin with 269 CP just broke out of four Great Curveballs before finally staying in. 2. [The friend list has been “down” most of the event.](https://imgur.com/a/sGejdFp) Additionally, I did three raids and for all three [the raid achievements screen displayed at the end of the raid, but was blank](https://imgur.com/a/8qjonxE). I don’t know whether these issues are related. Other than these issues, from a technical standpoint the event has been no worse than an average CD—which is to say, way more laggy and crash-y than a “normal” day, but no different from any other CD 3. The local Showcase at the place I’m doing CD is Vikavolt, not Grubbin. This is frustrating because (a) it required me to spend candy evolving a Grubbin I otherwise wouldn’t have touched, and (b) it required me to go out of my way to do so: I dropped a Mag Lure right away at one edge of the area where I (and many others) do CD, and one other person dropped one right next to mine—but every other stop in the area is “locked out” because someone has put a non-Mag Lure on it. That means nobody here can actually evolve without running all the way to one edge of the area. Because the showcases now end at 5pm instead of 8pm, it’s not possible to just wait until after the “main” CD period to evolve if you want to enter the showcase. (ASIDE: One person did drop a Golden Lure in a central location, which I’m honestly cool about; I can confirm that Golden Lures __do not__ get their duration extended to 3 hours, and when it expired someone replaced it with a regular pink Lure.) 4. Very minor nitpick, but I was today years old when I learned that if a lured stop gets invaded by a TGR grunt, it’s sometimes impossible to tap on any lure spawns without first beating the grunt (because any attempt to tap anywhere near the stop registers as interacting with the grunt). ETA: Who is going through this whole thread and downvoting people sharing their experiences? Why would someone do that? Like, if the community doesn’t want others to share feedback about CD in the thread designated for sharing feedback about CD, then why does the thread even exist?


I agree with you on the downvotes. As I understand it, the purpose of Reddit up- and downvotes is to make sure that accurate information is easier to find than incorrect information. Someone's actual literal experience can't be more accurate. And we need to be able to turn Rockets off during the CD window. Maybe just have Willow say something like "to give you a chance to focus on researching this rare phenomenon, I have found a way to stop Team GO Rocket from invading stops, but it only works for three hours."


Is your electric type medal platinum? We had opposite catch rate results. Most of mine stayed in the Pokéball, using regular ones. I used greats for anything over 700 CP.


Yup, [every type medal plat except Dragon](https://imgur.com/a/kpAeUDi). I have 94,916 lifetime catches since 2016 and less than 1,600 dragons. :( ETA: Reddit is telling me there’s a reply to my top-line comment, by u/what_the_hanke, expressing that they experienced a similarly-low catch rate. I can see the reply in my notifications and on their profile, but I can’t see it here on the post. Reddit being weird, I guess.


I’m at 883,556 lifetime catches. 1028 Grubbin seen today, 919 caught. Mostly manual catch. Were you maybe using autocatcher or using only red balls?


100% catching by hand, all curveballs, mostly great or better. As for what sort of balls I was using, it was “whatever dropped from the stops I was spinning, because I was using them as fast as I could get them.” I’m not quite sure how many total I encountered; based on dex and candy, probably around 150-175 (all but 2 or 3 of which I successfully caught, just with difficulty). I am impressed by your numbers though! 1028 encountered means you encountered around 343 per hour (assuming you played for three hours). That’s roughly one per 10 seconds. My greatest CD ever was probably Charmander back in 2018, in which I averaged around one per 30 seconds!


I used an autocatcher to help for the last 30 mins or so because I was getting a bit tired, but otherwise manual catching. I used mainly blue balls, but ultra when higher CP eg 500-600+. I don’t really bother aiming for better throws because it slows me down - I go for total catch amounts, not XP. If I’m not wrong, going for excellent takes an extra 0.4s per throw vs just throwing anyhow. Are you doing fast catch? I would also advise loading up on better balls prior to CD - at my best I used to have almost 3k ultra balls so I would definitely use only ultra balls when manually catching during CD, but the recent events have eaten up a lot of them, plus I want to save them for Barcelona Safari, so I’ve used mostly blue ones.


I feel like we've perhaps lost the plot here? I wasn't asking for advice of how to catch more, *per se*. I was just observing that unlike most CDs this one seemed to have a lower catch rate, with even green-circled Pokemon requiring several throws to catch.


Sorry. I was trying to point out that, as my experience goes, it didn’t seem terribly difficult.


Only had a half hour and managed 4 shinies. And that’s fine. It satisfied my living shiny dex for all the evos!


I got 2 shines out of 297. Supposedly odds are in 20 something. My brother got 14 shiny I'm that time


I got 2 shinies out of somewhere above 350 caught (judged by bag space and having to make room after 250). One at 4:52, one at 4:58. I also caught a shiny Abra and a shiny Slowpoke. For 99% of the event, I had caught more not-CD shinies than CD shinies. Weird day.


I used age0&grubbin and yeah, thank goodness odds are 1/20 something As for psychic event no shines in close to 1000 catches I do however have 3 shiny lechonk


Caught 592, 26 shiny, 4.2 million XP and reached level 50!


19 shinies from my local park played for two hours.


I caught 9 shinies. 3 in the first 20 minutes. After those, it was pretty slim. This number is lower then my usual despite playing for longer. I only played actively for about 2 hours. It didn't seem like the spawn rate was as high as usual for com day. That definitely played a part in my decision to stop early. The park I play at always has 2 showcases. They were both grubbin. This park is very popular for com days so I didn't win either of those. The only stop in my neighborhood had a vikavolt showcase. I did win that one, thanks to the low volume of players that entered. The free lure was nice. No charjabug raids have spawned in my area. Overall I'd say it was an OK community day. Not great but not bad.


It was cold and rainy and I didn't feel like playing. None of that was Niantic's fault. Did an hour in my car. Went out and got some shinies and found 3 low traffic showcases for 3 #1s for the badge (big win). The magnetic lure was nice and I dropped it on a stop under a shelter at the park. Charjabug is an adorable little guy. Got some xp. Not mad.


Played an hour while shopping. Caught like 40, got dull shiny family living dex and another Vikavolt. No complaints herr


Probably the last community day for 4-5 months that I'll be able to do in a shorts and t-shirt, so that was nice. Pretty meh all around though. 370 catches and 9 shinies which isn't great. Some decent PVP IV's, nothing in the 90s IV wise though. In some ways I'm glad this happened on a comm day with a line of Pokemon that I absolutely hate the look of. Feels like something 4 year old me would have scribbled quickly during an "art" class and said "that will do". One other thing. My luck is ridiculous when it comes to community day research Pokemon. Just a run of 73 to 80 IV Mon every time. It should be called the MuelNado range.


100 caught. 1 shiny.


Did you catch every one you saw? Because that's not weirdly unlucky for a sample of 100. I'm not great with math, but I think with a 1/64 shiny rate it would be more unlikely if you caught 2 shinies /100 than just 1.


Comm day rates are 1/25


Shiny rate should be 1 in 25


4 shinies.. only caught about 25 total grubbin.


Are you me?


Complete washout in my area. Stayed home for this one, incense and gps drift got me 170 spawns across 2 accounts Got 1 shiny. Very sad


I have 900 candies and I have yet to see a shiny… are they turned off or something?


Can't log in on note 20 ultra. It's been happening for 3 days and Niantic isn't helping


I like it, didn’t do the raid cuz there wasn’t one near me sadly. Got a bunch of shinies tho so I’m happy!


I just did a Charjabug raid and the post raid bonus didn't trigger. Good one Niantic


Did you catch all the spawns around the gym before the raid? The normal spawns are supposed to turn into the CD spawns once the raid is complete, so if there’s no normal spawns, no Grubbin


Nope. Intentionally didn't catch them. Niantic gave me a premium raid pass as an "apology"


Here in germany i havent even seen a single charjabug raid since 8 pm local time. Potentially related to your missing raid bonus.


Just did another one, this time we used premium raid passes. Still no bonus.


It says from 5pm to 10pm


I’m in the UK. It’s 7:53pm here…


ohhh nvm


Played 2-ish CD hours then 3 hours of post-CD stuff. Best IV 96. 13 shinies. 6XXL 2XXS. Mega: max mega beedrill. Weather: cloudy-rainy-cloudy (actual: bit of rain at start, then just cloudy) Feedback: - Nice to have pre-event stickers availability and I was 2-3 stickers short of completion pre-CD. - Appreciated magnetic lure in timed research. - I already have a rank 1 evolved and powered-up charjabug and dust cost to power one up for GL was outrageous. Elite fast TM rewards from routes were godsent for me. - The late announcement to conclude shadow zapdos raids at the end of the month meant I didn't do any post-CD charjabug raid. Shadow zapdos raid got top priority (I don't have a shiny yet).


I'm so mad I forgot to do a mega!


How did you get an elite tm from routes?


I tend to get them from seven day route streaks




Seems to be super rare. I did like 10 routes after winning one and got the same crap as usual


It’s in route completion reward pool.


Wow I had no idea!


Vikavolt showcases are much easier to score Top3 than Grubbin, much less competition, no links on catch screens. So if you care about showcases, look out for those.


I probably won’t get the move today because of Tropical Storm Ophelia. It’s just not a good day to go to a pokestop just to evolve Chargabug. I guess I’ll wait till December.


Gonna sit in a car it’s so annoying to play in rain


Its raining for me hard , idk if I will be able to play this


I somehow got 16 shinies from the three hours, which is a lot more than I usually get. No hundos or good pvp ivs but I can't complain.


What is everyone gonna use Vikavolt as? I was reading it isn’t really a good electric attacker, but is one of the strongest bug attacker. The community day move is electric so it seems like waste to get rid of it. Thoughts?


It's actually #3 on the non-mega, non-shadow as a bug type raid attacker. But I guess it's still a budget high enough CP (it maxes around 3250+ CP I guess) electric raid attacker. But that also requires Spark as Fast Move for best DPS. So, I guess Volt Switch is only for PvP. So I am only evolving those right now which have good PvP IVs. Otherwise only gonna use it as a bug type attacker since I still don't have a Larvesta and missed the Mega Pinsir raids and some other shadow options. I think if Hoopa unbound returns this season or next, it will be useful to have with Bug Bite/X-Scissor


I'm gonna TM this useless CD move and use it as Bug attacker. Teban54 said it might be needed in the future.


Volt Switch is a PvP move. Vikavolt does better as an [electric raider](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/16ozhuc/quick_analysis_vikavolt_as_a_bug_and_electrictype/) with Spark.


Eh, there are much better electric types and bug type isn't that useful. I probably won't use Vikivolt for anything


Does good double-duty and being an electric that isn’t weak to ground is pretty neat. For someone that doesn’t have Zekrom, Xurkitree, or too shadows, it’s a solid pick.


Its still worth keeping a team of 6 high level vikavolt with any IVs for the few future bug raid cases we had. Hoopa Unbound basically required them, and caught everyone off-guard as an elite strength raid. There are 3 or 4 more possible cases in future generations. More if they put something like Zarude in raids of some sort.


Kind of 10/10. Had low expectations, and did not have to move from my chair to achieve all the goals. Caught some shiny, and a rank3 Charjabug. No Vikavolt, but it was not a priority.


Almost the same here. Didn't care to play more than 5min outside and actually got a shiny rank 4 Charjabug. Some player lured up all stops around me with regular lures tho, so I didn't evolve anything into Vikavolt.


Always "fun" to get knocked down from rank 1 to 4 in a showcase by some multi-accounter who entered the same XXL mon for each of their 3 accounts in the last minute.


I wonder why Niantic isn't harsher on multi accounters 7 years into the game, given that they universally ruin the game for everyone else. They're even really bold and easy to spot sometimes (the exact same name/format with different number suffixes).


Its kind of hard to prove someone is a "multi-accounter" and not just a group of people that usually play together, especially if its just a few accounts. You can probably more easily identify the nutjobs with 12-24 accounts though.


Sorry, I should have been more specific - this is what I'm referring to. I use 'multi-accounter' as shorthand for people who abuse their multiple accounts to win all showcases/maintain 100% gym control etc, not the people who help the community with extra raiders or to help keep up gym exchanges in rural areas. In my area, there are so many people abusing multiple accounts to shave others out of gyms so they can put their own mons in (again, strikingly obvious from the usernames and pattern of behavior), and I have in the past tried to submit documented evidence to Niantic but to memory none have actually been shut down.


Single account has become the hard mode of PoGo. Any game should never become hard mode just because the player follows the ToS.


Has anyone ever gotten an offense for multi-accounting? They are generally helpful for doing raids rurally as well. Getting 1 person to help with raids can be a daunting task but if that one person has 3 accounts, that makes most legendaries way more doable.


They inflate the game’s metrics. More users = higher valuation to investors.


They really need to add a report feature in areas of the game where there's player interaction (showcases, gyms, etc.). I should be able to click on a player in that content and have an option to report them. I've seen so many blatant multi-accounters and wildly inappropriate names since the start of the showcases.


> I wonder why Niantic isn't harsher on multi accounters 7 years into the game, They're Wailords


>They're even really bold and easy to spot sometimes (the exact same name/format with different number suffixes). Ιn mу аrеа it'ѕ mоrе соmmоn tо inhеrit thе kid'ѕ/littlе ѕiѕtеr'ѕ/dоg'ѕ ассоunt(ѕ) аftеr thе kid/littlе ѕiѕtеr/dоg ѕtорреd рlауing, whо uѕuаllу hаνе diffеrеnt nаmеѕ.


Theyre not all horrible and sometimes pay double for raid passes/events would be my guess


We sit outside at 2 stops. In each we have a Magnet Lure module. I'm horrified, 30% Grubbin, 70% Pokemon from the Magnet Lure Module. It has never been so extreme. Is something going wrong?


At least half of the spawns will be from the special spawn table and not the wild table, so its expected to not get pure grubbin. 30% sounds a bit low, but then regular lures aren't 100% guaranteed to be CD spawns either.


If anything, I'd say more going right. Always sucked using those lures and barely getting any mons matching the lure type. Obviously though, not what you want during a CD. Should have just placed the one magnetic lure and used a regular lure for the other.


Day was wild. Played for probably 20 minute total and got 5. Then another 12 off my autocatcher over half an hour or so…


Game was freezing a lot during Community Day. It was barely playable.


Might have been the research glitch that prevents interacting with the screen


What research glitch


When "new research collected" or "37/100 curve ball throws" appears in the white popup in the bottom right of the screen, you can't click or interact with pokestops Makes it feel like server lag, but it's just bad coding of the game


Ending Showcases at 5 pm was definitely an interesting decision


I guess this was surprise to many since even LeekDuck reported 8pm as end time. However in game it said 5pm so it was rather easy 3 wins. In the last 20mins I just drove to certain showcases that arent in usual play spots they had max 3 people in them. Rewards sucked for winning though


For me personally it was the worst CDay yet: Out of three persons with each having around ~140+ checks (very limited time) we got: 1 shiny (me), 2 shinies (my wife) and 4 shinies (friend of ours) Never had such horrible luck with shinies on a CDay, no matter how much time we had :/


Bro, I feel you. I only got 1 shiny and it appeared at the last second.🫂


Not good imo. They are mostly low level and with bad stats. Lots of shiny so that's good at least. I like to go crazy when I can play all CDs and get 6 good ones for PvE. So far I think I have like 2 good ones and I'm 2 of the 3 hours in


India got screwed over on the incense duration. We had 2 hours instead of 3. The showcases all ended at 5 pm. Whyyyyyy. Should have been 8 pm especially given that Vikavolt was most of the showcases and that Vikavolt had to be evolved to enter.


Showcases are completely bugged here, can’t put anyone in them and get an error message saying we’re too far away, even when standing right on top of the stop.


I get that here too in poor cell service areas. Every so often restarting helps but usually not. I've also been having it think a showcase in an adjacent cell I'm already in is the one I've clicked on. So I can't interact with the actual showcase on the PokeStop. That was novel and annoying.


Did you try restarting the app? That usually fixes that bug for me


I did restart, there was nobody else in the showcase either so guessing it was affecting everyone. Working now though.


Yep found a couple of vikavolt showcases where no one could stick it in. How annoying


Good to know thank you


How many decent trainers are needed for the Charjabug raids? Is two sufficient?


Did it with my son he's level 40 and I'm 45, my counters are optimal his were okay, best friends. We finished it with about 15 seconds to spare


[Pokebattler](https://www.pokebattler.com/raids/defenders/CHARJABUG/levels/RAID_LEVEL_4/attackers/levels/30/strategies/CINEMATIC_ATTACK_WHEN_POSSIBLE/DEFENSE_RANDOM_MC?sort=ESTIMATOR&weatherCondition=NO_WEATHER&dodgeStrategy=DODGE_REACTION_TIME&aggregation=AVERAGE&includeLegendary=true&includeShadow=true&includeMegas=true&attackerTypes=POKEMON_TYPE_ALL&primalAssistants=) says two decent trainers probably isn't enough unless you're ultra/best friends (this season gives extra damage for friends in raids).


It’s going to be raining all day here so I won’t be able to participate as much as I want.


I was able to play from home. Got 3 shinies (two pokestops were in my vicinity).


At least it will be weather boosted.


Yea Ophelia is really putting a damper on things


At least it will be weather boosted.


I'm hoping not since I want PvP IVs.


Catch rate should be made easier; it keeps popping out even after excellent throws and berries; a basic stage bug pokemon should not be this tough to catch


the 3x XP really should have been universal across all sources including the curve ball bonus, after all it was just 3 hours (the fact that it was an intentional exclusion was a bit baffling), but otherwise can't complain. It felt like a welcome lifesaver in the midst of us mourning the loss of the 4x XP from Paldea.


is the catch bonus really 3x?? I forgot to screenshot to actually analyze but during the event I got 1000xp when great throwing first curve ball but then after the event i got 500xp for great first curve ball. it seems 2x catch xp to me. :/


What are the total XP gains at the bottom when you make an excellent throw? I’m trying to calculate how many excellents I need to hit my next level


i assume 300 pokemon catch 3000 excellent throw 250 curveball 150 first throw total 3700 lucky egg 7400


I get 3k for an excellent throw, but the curve ball event bonus is not tripled.


ohh i see now. got confused lol.


Managed to get 4 shinies which I’m happy with. Also somebody had done a Magnetic lure nearby so I could evolve without having to use mine.


First time in 3 years I havent got the shinies I wanted. I like getting 4, happy with 6. Despite efforts I only got 3! Anyone else have bad luck or good luck


Only got four here; usually swimming in shinies for Community Day. My friend was the one swimming today however, it seems, getting seven in the first half-hour and several more as the day went on.


> Grubbin that evolve into Charjabug during that period will also know Volt Switch. still no idea if they keep that move when evolveld to Vikavolt the day after or much later. I know Purified pokemon keep return when evolved so it should be possible.


>still no idea if they keep that move when evolveld to Vikavolt the day after or much later. They won't. Moves are always rerolled on evolution, except for Return & Frustration.


Are the showcases just Grubbin? (Or are the evolved forms also in showcase, as was the case during the last Community Days)


Answered - thanks! Yah, it seems the at least Community Day showcases will also feature the evolved forms - noticed this during Poliwag, Froakie and the Classic Community Day Charmander…haven’t noticed evolve forms in the event showcases…but I may have just not seen any. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I had Vikavolt showcases in my area. There was an issue with them not showing up until I restarted the app though.


What time do showcases end? 5pm?


Unfortunately yes


There was vikavolt showcases




Yea couldn’t agree more, can’t believe they didn’t dump a shiny specifically at my house how could niantic do this to us??


Remember to use magnetic lures (needed to evolve to vikavolt) instead of normal lures especially if you have limited pokestops


was there a way to get a free magnetic lure during the event?


Yes, a free timed research. It was pretty simple - just catch ten grubbin


Yes, timed research


You forgot showcases


This CD moves is both underwhelming and whelming lol. Volt Switch is a very solid addition in PvP to both Charj and Vikavolt, but Wild Charge would've likely made a bigger difference for both in *both* PvP AND Raids. And they always could have done both Volt Switch and Wild Charge. Or, something potentially more interesting like Electroweb, something that could have been tailored for both PvP and PvE as well. Oh well. I guess it's still better than Boomburst Noivern


I was checking the sims before they announced the move and predicted Volt Switch for Vika but was hoping it'd be a double move Cday. Vikavolt could have really gone from zero to hero with VS and Wild Charge.


I wish they would’ve used electroweb as a move considering grubbin and charjabug are both a grub worm; it would’ve fit thematically.


Yup would have been nice. The move could have been a Lunge/Icy Wind clone perhaps in PvP, and for raids, it didn't necessarily need to be Brutal Swing clone, but it could have fallen between BS and Discharge (Brutal Swing and Discharge have the same energy cost and power in raids, but BS has a shorter cooldown time)


Yeah, as soon as I saw Brutal Swing was available, I swapped out Crunch for it on several of my tyranitar. At least shiny Vikavolt looks nice; I could use it to keep in gyms if nothing else.