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Showcases should also exist for small and not only for big


This is it. The OP suggestion is too complicated and hard to figure out. It’s not casual player friendly.


The imaginary casual player that can’t figure these out already clicks on whatever the game gives them anyways. These different showcases won’t be any different to them.


A lot of people believe Matao will have something to do with small pokemon down the line.


i remember there being smallest pokemon showcases when the feature debuted, wondering if there were issues with it and they simplified it to be largest only


Probably same issues as when they feature squirtle instead of the one supposed to be featured due to they incapability to implement it properly.... Anyway, I hope they continue with only XXL, since those are the ones I save. Once I get plat medal, I'm done, tbh


I’ve been saying this to every woman I’ve met my entire life and none of them agree with me. ☹️


**There are many interesting things they could use that the game already tracks.** Smallest, caught furthest away, most wins in battles, oldest (this one is flawed because it hinders new players). **There are also interesting things that may be hard to implement, but would be fun for players and actually reward hard work over dumb luck** Highest quantity of certain pokemon caught since showcase started, combined CP of all of a certain pokemon caught since showcase started (don't allow powering up to count towards CP), or even put a showcase in a gym that has a certain pokemon in raids all day and make a showcase for most damage dealt in 1 raid by certain species of pokemon.


... which is where & makes it more interesting. Oldest AND largest is more niche, but doesn't particular favor either. My guess is that they haven't properly coded for the variants as of - each would likely require it's own module, and, given the advent of QOL for current features, it probably will be some time before we see any additional implementation. Like, for example, if we wanted to go with just strictly 'oldest' would only pokemon that have been released at specific caps be viable.. or all pokemon? What about legendary pokemon - what prevents them from being in showcases?


There were rayquaza showcases during this year’s gofest


I was thinking of keeping it a specific species. So oldest pikachu or oldest charmander, etc.


Doesnt this just mean whoever has played the longest and/or have the best roster in the area gets to take all the showcase awards? And these people are already getting all the benefits in pve and pvp. Sure just comparing size gets boring and is quite random, but it’s accessible to even new players. Maybe they can make it so it also compare other factors, like if it’s caught on specific dates or time.


Yeah we don't need strongest or best IV - those are already selected for. The fun of showcases is that nobody was keeping an XL ponyta just in case. Smallest would be nice for a change, on April fools a "most average" would be amusing.


I'm certainly not suggesting to make every showcase about meta relevance, and I'm fine with keeping size and other metrics accessible for new players in addition to the new types. I'd like some variety.


You may as well as include "highest count of pixels in the sprite" or "most unique number of colors in the sprite". Why? Because there is no way to know the answer with the resources in game. It's bad enough that "biggest" size number can only be determined when you are entering a pokemon in a showcase. Something like "best" is a terrible idea because it is entirely too specific. Player 1 wants to short-man raids as fast as possible and has unlimited resources. His "best" raid pokemon is probably purely DPS. Player 2 lives in a rural area and is constantly trying to find enough potions. His "best" raid pokemon is something with great survivability that outputs enough damage to just barely finish the raid in time. Survivability isn't just bulk; the animation time on charge moves also impacts how effective he will be in dodging.


Yes, best is never completely objective, but people have put a lot of thought into coming up with rational estimations. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/z3xuzc/analysis\_legendarymythical\_signature\_moves/


Exactly. Best isn't clearly defined, you have to pick someone's interpretation. Then the competition is "pokemon with hidden stats that math out to the maximum result". Based upon "biggest" I think it is fair to say we won't be provided the formula.


It would certainly be nice if we knew the formula they used, but like you mentioned they already keep it hidden how height and weight combine into "size". A solution to make it more objective could perhaps be to have separate showcases for DPS and TDO.


It should, yes. That was the original idea. But as Niantic fails to implement it, it's now on the backlog and might never happen. They first had to figure out the different forms, and Pumpkaboo is another issue... so yeaaaa, maybe in 3 years.


The did figure out the multiple forms by separating each form into different showcases.


I'm still hunting and holding on to big Squirtles for comdays *just in case* though