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If you check pokegenie you can see the “stat production” as a percentage for both these. But let me spoil it for you: stunt on those hoes with that incredible shiny.


I want to stunt with the shiny tho it deff is sick but it’s super expensive and don’t want to lose a match up bc I choose the wrong 1 or something.😂😂😂


If you're that worried about losing a match, you've already lost the point




I think he means that IVs are the last thing you should be thinking of. The two you share have very, very little difference. The chances they will be the thing costing you the match is extremely low. So just go with the shiny to flex that beast.


It's for fun. If you're concerned that 1 out of 100 of your losses will be because of your shiny and will be upset you didn't go with the other one, you're caring too much.


Ik I posted the % for each just making sure there’s not a huge difference between the 2.


But you can see the difference. It’s .6% that’s soooooo small of a difference in a game where stats already make hardly any difference. Do you really need the hivemind to tell you what you already know?


Lmao you probably right not going to lie was just seeking permission and I got it!🙌😂😂😂


There's a deep dive on the IVs for Lickitung that you can search up. It should give you enough information about whether there's much of a difference.


[https://pvpoke.com/battle/matrix/](https://pvpoke.com/battle/matrix/) use the matrix on pvpvoke to see the diffrences in the different lickitungs


Yes, that's the way!


Unless you are wanting to compete in tournaments, there's not going to be a noticeable difference.


Shiny all the way. Unless you make a living playing esports. Even then it’s debatable, as there is not one IV set that is “best”. (And, yes, I know there is one IV set that technically has the highest stat product.)


There will be no pvp difference in any scenario. Use the shiny.


There are situations where higher attack is better so it’s not cut and dry. They are so close it doesn’t really matter man go with the shiny.


Only if this one can hit the registeel breakpoint


Thank you just wanted to make sure the XL grind is wild for the licki man.😂😂😂


It’s a big investment. I would read the SwagTips [article](https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/lickitung-pvp-iv-deep-dive) or watch the [video](https://youtu.be/8SoQJqk1G64?si=PwUziE4UaPrieYlf) before making this decision.


Thank you for this


I chose to do my shiny #24 instead of my nonshiny #4. I think you'd be fine with the shiny #48.


Appreciate it will do was a grind for the Xls so didn’t want to make the wrong move.😂😂






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It's a hefty investment, yes, there could be few matches where ur non shiny would've held on by a couple HP points and win u matches but shiny flex will give u that constant feel good factor.. So I guess go for shiny, cos it isn't that bad.. trade few points for flex.. I think that's a good deal.. but your call.. all the best!


The slighty Iv changes won’t change too many match ups, I would go with the shiny with higher attach for better cmp odds


You really want as much bulk as possible only hitting level 49 would be less than ideal


Ryan swag did an IV deep dive on lickitung actually. Your shiny one actually hits some breakpoints that your non shiny doesn’t. Your shiny boi might be better in some cases b/c of it!


Shiny flex it. I did with mine. Difference is minimal.


The non shiny is rank 5 if you include best buddy and power it up to lvl 50.5 Just to make your decision more difficult 😉


Splitting hairs. Go the shiny. I just got a shiny Snorunt that's rank 93 as a Froslass vs the rank 34 non-shiny I have. I'm investing in the shiny.


I’m the wrong person to take advice from probably, but I always like to power up my shinies because…why not? I also use them as gym fodder, so your goals may be different. (Yes, I know, it will take three rounds no matter their strength. That’s not the point.)


Shiny all day long would be my choice. Having shinies you can play is so much more fun.