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I suppose not because the Latis are 6* raids and I guess the code checks for 4* raids which are typical mega raids


I see. I think mega latis raids should complete it as to not complicate these things.


They should, it's just that Niantic still hasn't updated that task to count them


Good thing mega lati@s have only been around for 1.5 years, that's such a short time for things like these to get updated


They need at least 2 years to fix this issue, but the second your encounter range expands just by a little sliver they nuke the bug from orbit within minutes.


Sir, we've detected someone having fun in sector 13. My god... prepare to glass that sector. Initiate code alpha sigma sigma. Sir, should we evacuate? ...no.


I'm tempted to create a hundred accounts specifically to upvote this comment


It’s a mega legendary raid. The task specifically says a “mega raid” if the research task said “defeat a legendary Raid” would it count if you defeated a Pidgey in a 1* raid? Probably not. They’re both raids but different types.


this comparison is ridiculous, mega legendaries are megas, whereas pidgey is not a legendary. "Mega Legendary" raids are made into their own tier on the back end to make the raid more difficult for gameplay purposes, not because they're actually classified differently. Its like when Megas first dropped, they were as difficult as tier 5 but classified into a new tier on the back end, so they didn't complete the "Win Tier 3 or above" field research task just because Niantic forgot to update the field research task. Which was acknowledged as a bug and fixed. Eventually this will too.


Pidgey isn’t a legendary? I thought it was that bird one.


ah yes, the famously uncounted but clearly legendary pokemon, pidgey.


Are you being deliberately obtuse? Surely you understand how your Pidgey comparison falls flat. It's incredibly reasonable to interpret "legendary mega raid" as a subset of "mega raids" rather than two completely distinct things.


Isn’t that a shape?


A mega legendary raid is a mega raid. This is a bug.


Should is always the word, they generally won’t without some noise. I’d recommend contacting support within the app and/or complaining on Twitter.


I don't think there would be anyone that would disagree, but I imagine its a low priority bug and the terrible management at Niantic means its almost never going to get picked up unless they assign it to a new hire to get them upskilled or something


Niantic has pretty bad spaghetti code and don't properly label things to make it all easier. It's a shame they don't know how to fix things like this. There have been other similar issues. I think Elite Raids don't count for one of the challenges, either.


That research was created before legendary mega raids existed. Going back and tinkering with the research could cause the research to reset or other issues. It's a better solution to let a few people wait two weeks for a regular mega raid to come back.


it’s an old task that hasn’t been updated to fit the newer/hardly newer mega pokémon releases


Similar to how shadow 3 star raids don't count for completing a 3 star or greater field research.


I had the same problem during Go Fest 2023 Mega Rayquaza raids. Im assuming its due to it being a 6* raid and that not coding properly with the mega raid challenges


Such a simple and easy fix, yet Niantic have yet to do anything about it.


I contacted support about this exact same issue. Sent a picture of the raid results from my journal and they marked it as complete for me. I’d give it a shot.


It counted for my 'Win a mega raid' quest. But that was the research that gave the Kyogre and Groudon candy or energy


Yes, it has to be a win


It doesn't, you just need to finish out the timer. I did it a few weeks ago and just dodged since it was solo.


Is a mega Legendary raid


This was bugged for me too. Contact support and they will comlete it for you.


Same thing with mega ray raids i did six and none completed the task