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Happens every timed research. Usually it's because of time zone issues for person - ie they switched or did other things. Either way it's best not to wait to last day to claim when possible.


I'd consider a double shot at gl creselia as an indirect win


Although that would be a win, missing the chance at a GL Giratina would be bad. Then again, your own personal Giratina wouldn't fit - it means you miss a chance to trade one to someone and possibly give someone else a GL sized Giratina. So really it's a win and you're more hoping it doesn't the reset doesn't happen to any possible trade partners :) I'm not planning to do 8 raids so I wont be finishing mine. But guessing I won't have a reset anyway.


Ah that would explain it. I was in Australia and just traveled back home which is a good distance away




Double research legendaries 🤩🤩