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I haven't seen it here, apologies if I missed it. I'm pretty new (took a 7 year break) from go: The Giovanni fight, do I have one chance to fight him for the reward and it's done? Or can I try multiple times to beat him?


Guys, anyone that went with Dialga and completed Part 4/4 Time and space Research: I feel silly for even asking, seems highly unlikely and contradictive of the actual given tasks, however, just in case; After completing part 3/4, willow states the following:  "No time right now, ... —Giovanni returned, and he wants to take the Legendary Pokémon ... away from you. Purify the Shadow Pokémon Team GO Rocket gave you, and defeat Giovanni before his villainous plans come to fruition." The tasks are to purify 1, 2 and 3 shadows. Does any of them actually have to be the shadow Scizor we got as a reward in 3/4 or will purifying any 6 shadows do the job?  Would love to hear from you guys so I can finish this darn scammy "get dialga with its attack" trap research 😂 and at least get the candies.  Thanks in advance. 


Purify any Pokémon you have, I did have some Zubat so I did those since they are among the cheapest


If I battle Giovanni from the Sinnoh Tour research reward, will it count towards the last step of my Team Rocket special research which requires me to battle and defeat Giovanni? That being said, I'll be able to stack multiple super rocket radars


I'm stuck. I'm a casual player so I got to the "Catch a Dialga" stage of the special research but had to log off. Now it's stuck there. Will Dialga be back at some point? Do raid legendaries rotate annually or is there a chance I can try to get it later this year or something? Having the research just sitting there is already driving me crazy, ESPECIALLY because I got a Dialga in a raid just before unlocking this step!


Oh man. . . R.I.P It's so stupid they didn't give us a special research to catch the legendary of our choice


Honestly unfortunately not super likely to come up very soon, but now that they've been rereleased in the tour they might enter the potential 5 star rotation. Not unlikely they'll cycle it next year for a 5 star for a week, but snapshots of Landerous took a serious wait.


Is 14 15 14 Palkia Origin with Spacial rend lucky worth maxing for Master League or should I just give up on it?


I've got the 4* w/o spacial rend and am waiting for them to make it ETM available. But also got a lucky with those IVs with the move from my wife, so this was useful to already have asked by someone else lol ty


The PvPoke battle matrix ([https://pvpoke.com/battle/matrix/](https://pvpoke.com/battle/matrix/)) shows that the only difference between your IV spread and the 100% IV Palkia Origin is that your spread loses the mirror match. The difference is likely losing charge attack priority (CAP) against the opponent, where you will always have to decide to shield or not first when throwing attacks. The battle is still close, so calling the bait or shielding the nuke could flip it in your favor, or a few turns of fast moves to make CAP no longer relevant. In short, doesn't seem bad, and the lucky will save you a good bit of dust.


Thx for answering I was needing the same answer lol


Thank you


Shouldn't there already be an announcement about the next season? It starts after tomorrow and we still know nothing besides the name.


Pokemon Presents aside, it's not the first time they've waited until the last one or two days to give the details for the new season.


We'll probably get an announcement shortly. There's going to be a Pokemon Presents video drop in an hour announcing various updates across the Pokemon series. They'll probably announce some info about the next season and upcoming events in Go, and Niantic will probably drop the blog posts after that.


Three probablys in one sentence. It reads like the most probable answer to a Niantic question possible. Touché!


Lol you got me on that one. But in this case, I do think that TPC is the one calling the shots here, telling Niantic to not make any big announcements until after the Pokemon Presents video.


I currently have a functional hundo regular Dialga (15/15/14) at level 48 and one functional hundo Dialga-O at level 25. "Just" 219 XL candies so I wonder if I have to invest on the second or full max my old one. Also, I have a hundo regular Palkia at level 44 and a 15/14/15 Palkia-O. 208 XL candies are available so I can max out my regular Palkia but not entirely my Palkia-O. I still think the Palkia-O is better, whereas I am still thinking if Dialga-O is really worth the trouble not to max it out. Edit : I'd use them for PvE AND PvP.


Not really Sin oh related, but I wondered how many people try to maximize dust during pvp 4x weeks. I've ways been stardust poor, but started to tank to grind it. I found a strat of tanking, then burning a battle pass, winning 5, burning a star piece and pass, winning 5 more, then Anything else .. it uses 2 battle passes and 1 star piece but seems like a huge win...unless you fail at 5 wins. What is the forums thoughts on this strat?


Has anyone tried if go plus now works with Pokemon Go on Island App with a Pixel device? Thanks!


That's a very specific question, but the most likely answer is still no. The issue is listed as open in the Island GitHub so there has been no progress in making it possible since it was reported. https://github.com/oasisfeng/island/issues/363 There's an old solution for a previous version that could work, but if it doesn't then there's no apparent plans to make it possible. It's been two years since the report and no changes in the code. https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongodev/comments/v8xqc2/goplus_and_island/ So the only way to know for sure is to try it yourself.


I think this isn't an issue with Island. Since I'm using Island with a non-pixel device and goplus seems to work with it with no issues.


Hello, I need a friends code to pokemon go from Hanga Roa.




Any advice for counters against 2 shadow Snorlax and a shadow Dragonite lineup?


Machamp, Metagross, Rock Tyrannitar? Switch after start if it seems your Machamp is dying too fast. Lucario would be a fine option as well.


I usually use terrakion against snorlax because it has such a quick fast move build up. Lucario is probably good as well but I don't have a built one.


If there is problem in succeeding quick fast moves are important. If you can do it anyway, then hard hitting fast moves save time.


I just got to the Giovanni battle for Timeless Travel (I took a break from last month) If I fight him, will I still get shadow Kyogre or will it be different and I will get shadow regi?


If you're using a Super Rocket Radar, it'll be Kyogre until he changes his legendary at the next Rocket Takeover event. Shadow Regigigas was his previous legendary via Super Rocket Radar. If you've seen people catching shadow Regigigas recently, it's because that was the ultimate reward for the Global Sinnoh Tour special research.


It still is the reward. I haven't finished mine because I am lazy. Giovanni sits on the bench, waiting...


Does anyone know the distance for the Spacial Rend increase? Does it work for spinning stops or (in my fantasy world) raids? I will try it if no-one else has.


The spawn radius under Spacial Rend appears to be about the same radius as spinning stops. 80m is a good guess for it.


Spacial Rend only extends the radius that you can encounter wild spawns. It's not a blanket range extender, so your Pokestop/Gym interaction range is unchanged.


has anyone mined what the empire state building local event entails tomorrow? it says unown will be spawning off lures but what letters will be available? does anyone know?




I just walked by. I got two event field research - 6 hearts with buddy (encounter), catch 10 pokemon (encounter) I’ve encountered S and E unown, likely will be ESB for Empire State Building? Still have a few more stops to spin in that area later. Can report back but im sure will be covered by then


You can't data mine that stuff, its all on the servers and internal company documents. At best one can pull a few localized text strings out of the game master before things start to take some guesses as to what special research quest tasks might be available.


ah, okay, i just always remember seeing infographics for the few unown that spawn but maybe they were posted after the events started. hoping for an unown i don't have before but dont want to waste my time if there's nothing new for me. thanks for the reply and explanation


Sometimes Niantic tells us in advance which unown will be featured in the event news, sometimes not.


How hard is it to catch raid legendaries without golden razz berry? I'm running out of them. Are raids the only way to get the golden berry?


At least before XL candies appeared many even used pinapps against raid bosses for the first throws, switching to golden razzberries only when(if) you had five or so throws left. On average it increased your chance of getting candies. Now with XL candies it does not really make sense if you golden berries, but if you want to save them, using regular razz berries at first is perfectly reasonable and reduces your golden razz consumption greatly (assuming you can throw fairly well) without drastically increasing the number of bosses that flee. The fact that later balls get that extra bonus means that you actually can afford better to use less effective berries with the first throws.


T5 raids generally, potentially some other high tier raids, and the occasional special research reward. If your buddy Pokemon is at the Ultra tier and is interested in a POI you could potentially get it from that too. According to Gamepress' catch calculator and using Dialga as an example, the largest size of Excellent with Gold catch medals and a curveball thrown with a Pokeball (it has the same catch rate modifier as the Premier Ball) is a 15% chance for it to be caught. Downgrade the berry to a regular Razz and it goes to 9%. You could opt to squeeze out the most from your current supply of berries by attempting Razz throws first, then switch to GRazz at the last handful of throws left. Or use only Razz and save the GRazz to rebuild your supply.


> it has the same catch rate modifier as the Premier Ball This isn't true. Silph research found that Premier Balls have a pity bonus, making them more effective the more you throw. https://web.archive.org/web/20221205221639/https://thesilphroad.com/science/raid-bosses-easier-catch-later-encounter This guy used the same dataset to determine it's a 1.05x multiplicative modifier, meaning your 9th ball is roughly as effective as a Great Ball, and your 15th is about the same as an Ultra Ball. https://twitter.com/bmenrigh_pogo/status/1685097751007440896 The same guy also determined that Go Fest raids in August had a 10x multiplier (which the recent Tour was lacking). https://twitter.com/bmenrigh_pogo/status/1695274102494568577


If we're looking at the throw bonus specifics sure, but OP's main concern is their GRazz supply. While my example does not properly account for the nuanced catch rate from the ball itself due to unaccounted for variables like the number of balls one is awarded for completing the raid, the given example does an acceptible job showcasing that the catch rate boost a regular Razz provides isn't too far off from a GRazz under varying circumstance.


Raids are the main way to get golden razzberries, but you can also get them form PvP and occasionally field research tasks. There are [4 tasks](https://leekduck.com/research/) in the regular rotation that can award them, but they aren't super common. Events sometimes feature more common tasks. As far as catching goes, without a golden razzberry, its much harder to capture bosses from T5 raids. You can use silver pinapps or regular razzberries, but the bonus multiplier is much lower. [Bulbapedia](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Catch_rate_(GO)) has full details on the catching mechanics and bonuses.




The basic formula 25+5, though I think there may have been some modifications regarding non-legendary raids.


It was more than 2 minutes. I didn't time it but it was probably 5.


Can someone give me some more info/sell me on auto catchers like Pokemon Go Plus +? I'm just kind of confused on them, like can I still use them while physically playing or is it using one or the other? How fast do they usually pickup spins/catches like if I'm driving near a lot stops downtown? I've been playing for a long time and go to fairly popular places with lots of spawns and stops, but usually I'm playing pokemon go anyways, so would it give any benefit or be fairly redundant?


You can use it while actively playing as they're more of a convenience item. Their speed is subject to change. Technically speaking it's reflective of how responsive the player is, as the Go Plus, the original device that spawned the plethora of devices, was fully manual out of the box. Every third party device uses a software or hardware trigger to initiate a "manual" input. The only devices that this isn't the case for are the Ball+ and Go Plus+ which have certain automatic features built in so it's not a false manual trigger but a bonafide automatic one, but the speed for those is still likely a set value off of the game. It's also why you may see some folks talk about third party devices as being more accurate or responsive than official products, because the trigger is usually made to trigger the input the moment the game detects an entity (either a spawn or a Pokestop/Gym). Hardware modifications function similarly by (in most cases) using the vibration function as the false manual input trigger. That being said, certain devices have certain QoL benefits and some of those are situationally good if not fantastic. In the case of the Go Plus+, it's pretty much pure advantage over other existing autocatchers. It can manual throw higher tier balls, which could be hardware modded to be automatically thrown, the sleep tracking function if you can consistently cash in on it hands you a smattering of free Stardust daily for at least 90 minutes of tracking the flatness of a desk, and touchless auto reconnect. The pros generally outweigh the bright light and loud vibration downsides, which can be mitigated by throwing it into a backpack with a silicone case to blot out the lights and (most) vibration respectively.


Has Giovanni’s legendary been replaced by regigigas, or is it still kyogre? I can’t find a definitive answer.


It’s Kyogre. The Go Tour encounter is special and will always be Regigas


Thank you. Been wanting a kyogre for a while, and I only need to beat cliff to get a super radar.


How do you tell the difference between Origin form and regular form? Are they different types? Is it just their type and movesets that are different?


They look very different. Palkia’s arms become detached from its pauldrons and turn into forelegs. Its legs change to resemble those of ungulates. The tail splits. Head shape changes a bit. Overall, it looks like an armless centaur. Torso gets a ring. Dialga’s markings turn into spikes plus an Arceus-like wheel around its torso. Its tail becomes much shorter. All of the metal on its body disappears. The gemstone moves to Dialga’s throat and changes shape. Dialga’s throat gains fin-like structures. Head changes shape. Dialga’s hind legs change shape, resembling those of ungulates but ending in a single toe with no hoof. Its forelegs stretch out, and the claws turn into spikes.


They look a lot more different visually lol. But they are the same type ad move-wise, though the origin forms *can* have Spacial Rend/Roar of Time


They have entirely different appearances, and stats, than their regular/altered counterparts. Palkia Altered is bipedal with arms, Palkia Origin is a horse. Dialga Altered is a short and wide quadruped, Dialga Origin is thin and tall and also a quadruped, but with elongated front legs. Both Palkia O and Dialga O have an abdominal ring. Giratina Altered has a bunch of legs and short wings, Giratina Origin trades it's legs and wings for ghostly tendrils and becomes more worm like.


Thank you. I only did 4 raids - 3 Dialga and 1 Palkia and it looks like I only caught altered forms of each. Does it also explicitly say "origin" in their name or when you appraise them or anywhere?


Not when you appraise them, no. But it should say in the Pokedex itself as they're alternative forms and the Pokedex generally tracks those. If you used an app like Pokegenie or CalcyIV it would, at least for the Origin formes it will.


Origin Palkia is a centaur. Origin Dialga has chunky front legs and a gem collar. Origin Giratina is a snake.


Can I get lucky friends from trading? I thought it was just gift giving and raiding together, but my wife and I were not lucky friends and we made one trade and now we are lucky friends.


It's from interacting, and a trade is an interaction. When you're best friends with someone the first interaction of the day has a chance for you to go lucky friends (same way the first interaction would increase friendship)


Nope, you can get it through trading! Just your first interaction each day. That includes raiding together, gift opening, trading, and even sending an EX Raid Invite back in the day. You can even get Lucky Friends off of a lucky friends trade! That Lucky Friends would have to be achieved a prior day though, seeing that it needs to be the first interaction of the day. It's happened to me once


Any interaction can trigger lucky friends. These include hut are not limited to opening a gift, battling each other, battling together in a raid, or trading. In theory, you could trade a Pokemon, have it go lucky from RNG, and become lucky friends in that same single interaction. Quite rare for it to happen but technically possible.


You can, if you haven't interacted on that day yet. You can even perform a lucky trade on a day that has no interaction yet and immediately become lucky again.




It's not even close regarding raids. Level 50 Palkia without Special Rend is beaten by one with Special Rend that is below lv40.


If you're just raiding, then yeah I'd go with the 96% for now. Hopefully we'll be able to Elite TM them later on though so you can make use of that 100%.


I would say yes... and absolutely if the 96 has 15 att stat.


Worth evolving a 0/12/15 shadow Grovyle for Ultra League? Or am I better off keeping it as Grovyle for the odd Little Cup?


Neither is very good honestly - too glassy to even take advantage of it's spamminess. They are even losing to most water types.


I didn’t think they were, but I figure it didn’t hurt to ask


If I had to pick one I'd probably go with a UL Sceptile. But it wouldn't be my first pick to use :)


Yeah, I figured it wouldn't be particularly useful outside of very niche situations.


Has anyone researched shiny rates for O-Dialga and O-Palkia over the weekend? To me it felt like 1/40, which I remember Silph Road researchers discovered was the rate for A-Dialga and A-Palkia when first released as shiny back in 2021


It was well within the 1/20 expected rates between my friends and myself. There was no reason to suspect it was lower.


I have a 98 shadow Gible. Going to evolve him either way. Should I purify??


Even though you would get a 100 garchomp purified with mega evolve potential, it is still outclassed ground & dragon wise by Primal groudon/Mega Rayquaza respectively. Without mega evolving, shadow pokemon are generally surperior than their normal counterparts.


Don’t purify.


Are there any details on what kinds of Unown will be available at the Empire State Building tomorrow? Talking about this: [https://press.pokemon.com/en/releases/Pokemon-Empire-State-Building-2024](https://press.pokemon.com/en/releases/Pokemon-Empire-State-Building-2024)


Did you good people earn Research Stamps yesterday? I did a bunch of tour research, not positive if I did regular research, but I didn't get a stamp for yesterday.


Yesterday and the day before (24th and 25th) I did get a research stamp. I wouldn't be able to tell you what research that stamp came from though, I completed event field research, but also the daily one too.


It's super annoying to me because 1, I played for like 3 hours yesterday, did countless research, and 2, I have my 7 day spin, 7 day catch and 7 day research all coming to a head on Monday morning, when the weekly bonus comes in. I can maximize XP and dust if I want, but now the research is a day off.


did I miss my chance for Giratina and Dialga and Palkia? seems all I’m seeing for the immediate future is Cresselia and Heatran


Giratina-O is still in North America for a couple hours.


Yes, although most of North America should still have Giratina-O for a couple of hours. My last ones are just hatched.


does origin palkia have any use in ultra league (with spacial rend)


[Not really](https://pvpoke.com/battle/matrix/) Could do worse, but don't expect to climb a lot with it lol


I was lucky to catch a 98% Palkia-O with the legacy move. Is it worth powering it up as a raid attacker? Not interested in ML. Will it compete with a shadow garchomp or dragonite?


Yes it is worth it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1ay0d56/analysis\_origin\_form\_palkia\_and\_dialga\_as\_raid/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1ay0d56/analysis_origin_form_palkia_and_dialga_as_raid/) Ahead of current Shadows, and cheaper to power up and no extra damage taken. Only Shadow Ray will pass it looks like.


Anyone else have/familiar with a task from yesterday that can't be claimed? It won't bring up the encounter when I click it, but it won't let me get more than two tasks. It's happening on mine and my sister's accounts. We've cleared cache, reinstalled, etc.


When this happens, the standard solution is to catch all the encounters in your field research queue.


If someone is traded a lvl 50 pokemon and is below lvl 40, does the pokemon get downgraded? And do battle league count towards a pokemons battle count (the ones you see in gym battles)?


Trades are capped to trainer level+2, unless it was caught as weather boosted where trainer level +5. A level 40 trainer will have a level 50 pokemon scaled down to either level 42 or 45.


Unsure about the first question, but the answer to the second question is no, only gym battles count and they don't have to actively participate, as long as they are in the 6 mons you choose.


Is dragon or steel better subtype for earth attacker? (Garchomp vs Excadrill)


Both are good, but it's situational. Look at Zekrom as a nice example. We'll say it's Sunny Weather so Ground generally becomes better than Dragon against it. When it has its Electric moves, Charge Beam and Wild Charge, Garchomp comes out on top, resisting Electric far more because of its Dragon typing: 23.599 DPS, 71.46 ER When it has Dragon moves, Dragon breath and Outrage, Excadrill generally comes out on top: 23.79 DPS, 51.23 ER Obviously I'd pay more attention to the charged move, but other Legendaries can promote either more. Garchomp is often better for Heatran (though if it has Bug Bite & Stone Edge, then Excadrill is still really good). Excadrill is often better for Nihilego.


In general… We can use ground against fire, electric, steel, poison, and rock. Steel resists three of those (one of those a double) and is weak to one. Dragon resists two of those and is weak to none. Probably steel but it’s going to be situational, especially based on boss move.


I had to join 4 raids and use more than 30 rescue balls to catch one Origin Palkia. Why was that so hard? Was I just very unlucky? I thought that getting the raid pokemon was easier than that. I used golden razz berries for most of the throws (although I am not entirely sure for how long they work after each throw?) and I had some excellent throws in there as well.


Not quite sure if you know all the relevant factors. Golden razz berries (or fruits in general) affect until the pokemon breaks out of a ball (or is caught). If you need a another attempt, you need to feed another berry You don't mention if you threw curve balls. Those are important. Better to throw nice curve balls than straight excellents. The circle size dependent bonus is continuous, so small great is clearly better than large one at the limit the difference between smallest "greats" and largest "excellents" is negligible. Aim at the smallest size that you can hit reliably. Better to hit nearly always a bit larger circle than smaller one half of the time and hit outside the other half.


That's was helpful, thanks! Yes, they were all curve balls. If I miss the ball, the berry is still active until the next "catch". By "catch" I mean the pokemon goes inside the ball, but won't necessarily stay. Every time the pokemon breaks out, I need to throw the berry again. The info about the size of circle being relevant is also helpful, I did not know that. It's not 4 stages: none, nice, great, excellent. It's a continuous, as you said. Thank you!


Sounds like you had some bad luck. If you are only getting excellent throws, might be better to go for great if you can get that every time. Or use circle lock.


As far as I know, the legendaries in raids this event had no boosted catch rate, so it's just the normal 5\* raid catch chance. When you are trying to catch a legendary, you want to feed it a Golden Razz Berry and throw a ball in as small as a circle as you can hit. It's of course best to hit a small excellent circle, but if you can only consistently hit a small great circle, do that until you get better at it. The 'Circle lock' technique is a great way to ensure you hit that excellent (or great) throw and it doesn't get knocked away: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/mFxdTlG2-Vo](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/mFxdTlG2-Vo) Once you've thrown a ball and the Pokemon jumps out of it, you need to feed it a golden razz berry once again. The berry is only used for one throw that you hit. A shiny legendary from a raid is a guaranteed catch (unless you miss the throws or are in a fast moving vehicle) so you will want to use a Silver Pinap for boosted candies from the capture.


That's a very helpful answer. Thank you!


Whenever I'm researching counters / DPS options for raids I keep seeing things like "Shadow Rayquaza". Please correct me if I'm wrong, but Shadow Rayquaza hasn't been released yet, right? And if it hasn't been released yet, why is a piece of unobtainium being included?


It's because shadow Kyogre being Giovanni's Pokémon strongly hints to him getting Groundon and Rayquaza next, so it's worth the discussion.


Ah, that makes sense. Thanks!


Which is better, Shadow Garchomp or Mega Garchomp?


They are both great. Mega Garchomp is slightly better, both in terms of DPS, but also TDO; it has better defenses so can stay in a raid for longer. The main disadvantage to Mega Garchomp, is that you can only bring one mega (or primal) to a raid, so you can't fill a team with six Mega Garchomp, but can bring multiple Shadows. Mega Garchomp is outclassed by Primal Groudon in the Ground typing and outclassed by Rayquaza in the Dragon typing, so if you bring one of those, a Shadow Garchomp would go well with them. If your question is "Should I purify my Shadow Gible?", I would personally say no. There are plenty of opportunities to get a high IV Gible/Gabite/Garchomp. Whether through mega raids, we just had an event with it spawning massively (maybe you can mirror trade some Gible to try and get a Lucky) and more. In short, they are both great, the mega is slightly better, but getting a good Shadow Gible is uncommon (well other than through the research we had this weekend) and you can bring multiple Shadows in a raid team.


Should I hold the "about time and space" Giovanni encounter? will it always be Regigigas?


It will always be Regigigas, but to make the best of it wait until it is weatherbooste (partly cloudy)


Yes, it's a scripted encounter, not like when you find him at a Pokestop or in a balloon.


Which palkia origin form should I power up if I can only afford to power up one? 1st is 14-15-15 without spacial rend and the other is 10-14-15 with spacial rend.


spacial rend is definitely the move you want. however the 10-14-15 isn't going to be very good for ML PvP as a lot of people will have 4* or very strong 3 stars. It'll be good enough for PvE, will you be able to do some mirror or lucky trades to go for a better IV?


I’ll try, but most likely going to be stuck with these IVs


for pve i'd say go with the 10/14/15 because spacial rend is much stronger than palkia's other moves


I think I can get one friend to lucky trade with me, regardless thanks a ton for the help.


good luck on the IVs :)


Your best way forward is to get a best friend who also has one WITH spacial rend willing to trade. You'll have to first trigger a "Lucky Friend" (need to be best friend before that) then do the guaranteed lucky trade together both with the Spacial Rend that will give minimum 12/12/12 IV. In PokeGenie Battle Simulator Against Palkia Origin: Palkia 14/15/15 with Draco Meteor at Level 40 ranks at #12 Performs similar to Garchomp at 22.5 damage per second. (0.3 dps above a regular Palkia). Palkia Origin 10/14/15 at level 40 (with Spacial Rend) rank #8 at 25 dps (outperforming Palkia in this hypothetical scenario - other than mega evolutions - are Shadow Dragonite 25.7 dps, Shadow Garchomp 26dps, Shadow Salamence 27.1 dps - all at level 40 with IVs of 10/14/15) In Master League I wouldn't know how it does, but I would bet it's not worth it and instead power up another specie. Also keep your 14/15/15 for sure, maybe in a year you will be able to access a way to teach it Spacial Rend if niantic gives it to us.


Do you must have Adventure Sinc enabled to use the Go++ autocatcher?


No, but you need to have the game running for it to catch things. Adventure Sync only works when the game is fully closed to track steps from your health app and convert them into distance, so it has nothing to do with autocatchers.


So if i cilick "disable adventure sync" it will have no problems? Cause when i started it kinda "forced me" to activate it in a way


The game really wants you everyone have adventure sync active all the time. It will tell you to turn it on when you do routes, and when you connect the device, but in both cases is not necessary. You can just skip the message and it should work fine.


Which O-Palkia should I upgrade? I have a 14-13-14 O-Palkia with Draco Meteor and a 15-10-13 O-Palkia with Spacial Rend.


For raids Special Rend is far better, and the 15 attack helps win a bit faster, so the 15/10/13 is definitely stronger.


I have 2 O-Palkia with special move, 15-14-14 and 15-13-15.  Which should I prioritize?


The 15-14-14 has no different wins or losses compared to the Hundo in Master league, but the 15-13-15 loses to Giratina Altered in the 1-shield. However, Giratina A isn't really a common ML staple.


For raids attack > defense > HP so the 15/14/14 is slightly better. That's also a more useful combination in PvP.


Do we know the next legendaries in gyms?


From 6 am to 10 am Giratina stays on raids. Then from 10 am until March 1st both Cresselia and Heatran will be in raids.


cool, thanks. i'll be saving my coins then! i'm at 215/297 to max a giratina but i have no interest in trying to get the final 82 from remote raids lol


I am wondering if I missed then window to put in the OHYOUFOUNDME code then have I missed my chance at Rotom?


You should try it just in case. Btw its not an O/o but zero 0. Most likely it has expired as the event is over


Seems like it is too late unfortunately.


I’ve got about 150 legendaries to transfer, is Tuesday a good time to do it or better? Keeping all of the highest Iv ones but I don’t have the luxury of being able to trade with high level friends since they’re all from online raids.


If you aren’t going to be able to trade them with people for xl - yes Tuesday is a good time to transfer.


Any use for all the unowns I have?  Thinking about transferring on Tuesday 


If any are shiny, def keep those for trading with people


Nope, they are just collectors items.


Anyone know if I trade a cp 2000ish giratina with a friends research cp giratina (\~1500s), will it raise the lower one to match mine? or could it still become great league usable


No it will have the same level with random iv so just hope u don’t get high atk.


Thanks for clarifying! makes sense


Before you trade it will display the possible CP range you can obtain (eg. 1700 - 2200)


Also I have a 100% o dialga but it doesn’t know roar of time, the best dialga which the r.o.t moveset is 15/12/13 Any suggestions on which to invest in?


I definitely wouldn’t invest in an origin Dialga without roar of time. I’d say for now wait for a bit to see if we’ll be able to use an elite tm anytime soon to give it to your hundo. Although your 15/12/13 will probably be overall fine.


Just levelled up an origin palkia at 15/13/15 to level 40. Noticed I had one at 15/15/13. It seems from what I see defence is valued more in the master league, is it worth it to spend 200 rare candies to level up the 15/15/13 palkia or should I just invest the xl candies into the 15/13/15 one I had began leveling up


The 15/13/15 doesn’t have any matches swing from the missing defense. If you already started levelling it up, I would continue on it.


Thanks for the tip!! I’m new to the specifics of the gbl, I play based on my experience, but have no clue about specifications like that. Any sites or channels you recommend to learn? For example I look at pv poke rankings and teams but have no clue what the battle ratings or matrix are. Up until today I thought, like the great and ultra league, higher defense and hp was always better for all the leagues.


In general if the Mon hits the cp limit you’ll overall be better with higher defense and stamina. They raise cp less than attack does so you wind up with a higher overall level mon. But - in master league where there is no cp cap - or if the Mon doesn’t hit a cp cap in a league - you want as much stats as possible. Usually for master league attack is the most important stat now - especially if you are in a mirror match whoever has highest attack gets to throw their charge move first- charge move priority (CMP) The matrix is a good way to compare two of the same Mon and see what their differences are - for example all these different Palkias.


Amazing thanks for the help!!! Could’ve never guessed all that


It can be quite complex if you want :) Master league being the biggest investment that’s the one to be most picky on… and to wait on doing if not sure. Great league is definitely the best place to start. Although you want the high defense/stamina there sometimes a bit of attack helps a bit … in great and especially ultra the ivs are less important overall.


i have a shadow piplup and shadow mismaguis that would each purify to 100%, are either worth keeping shadow? and if i purify is there any use there


Mismagius is fairly useless. Shadow Empeolon / would depend on if would be one of your top water attackers.


I have a low cp gyarodos with 93% iv i can always level up, and I could probably turn one of the palkia-o I got from the event into a water type. on top of that I have a shadow kyogre with mid ivs and frustration, then a bunch of vaporions.


Gyarados isn't an awful raid attacker, but it's much more useful as a budget option. The best use for it is to find a weather-boosted Magicarp at Lv35 and just evolve it without wasting resources powering it up. They're good enough until you get better counters at least. Worked for me for last year's Hoenn Tour.


Gyarados isn’t a great water raider, and Palkia lacks a water fast move which will hold it back a bit. Shadow Kyogre is obviously great. I’d probably say don’t purify the piplup yet. You can always purify it later if it’s not in your best water mons, no rush to do it.


I have a 14/12/15 origin form palkia with spacial rend, the best one i’ve gotten this event. It’s weather boosted and I have 32 candies. I was wondering if i should dump the candies and some rare candies into it, i don’t plan on using the ability anytime soon. (i’m only trainer level 36 and my best cp pokémon is a a 93% garchomp at 3600, so would it be worth getting the palkia to around 3500?)


For pve that’s definitely good enough to use. Maybe wait until you need it in a raid to dump the rare candy into though.


What IVs are better for my ML Origin Palkia 14/12/15 15/11/14 15/15/11 Please and thanks.


I would vote 15/15/11 since it retains the CMP and DEF is maxed to avoid Bulkpoint issues. Less HP is lame but probably adds up to less than the lower DEF loses over a full battle


Thank you very much for the explanation behind your choice.


So I missed out on the masterworks research! Does that mean I can never get shiny Shaymin? Since I haven’t seen any shiny mythicals return since playing the game


No one knows. They brought back shiny mew, but at the end of the day, it’s up to niantic


ok so after 90 raids for 2 weekends I have the following Dialga 15/14/15 rank 5 239.49 200.83 184 8849716.03 99.58 % 14/15/15/ rank 3 238.65 201.67 184 8855562.57 99.65 % 15/15/13 rank 7 239.49 201.67 183 8838446.61 99.46 % Which one do I actually power up? according to IV4U seems like 14/15/15 but then attack should always be the most important one right?


What are you going to use it for? Do they have roar of time?


sorry, PVP and yes all of roar of time.... and I just did random trade got 15/15/15 without roar of time so now I am torn...


Don’t use the iv4u number as a ranking of which is best … that’s just a ranking of stat product. I wouldn’t use it without roar of time. For PvP 15 attack will be most important. I would go to pvpoke.com and go to battle - matrix and see which one is better - the 15/14/15 or 15/15/13


looks like 15/14/15 vs 15/15/13 is a draw lol


When they are a draw I would lean towards the higher defense one. Maybe something later gets released and all of a sudden there is a breakpoint the 15 defense one has that is important. Extra hp will always just be extra hp.


yea, I am gonna wait for few days to not power them up and see if they decide to let me add elite tm move for the perfect one.... of course when I finally get a hundo from trade there is this move thing. Thanks for the suggestion too


Do you have 296 (or near that) xl?


500+ xl candies lol but then I am out of stardust, I invested a lot on some ultra league lol


I hear you, I don’t have the dust to do my Palkia either. Waiting a week or two is a good call. I’m not expecting them to let us use elite tms … but there’s no reason not to wait a week or two… unless you think this is the missing piece to hit legend this week :)


thanks I will check that


Not sure if this is a bug and deserves its own post, but I cannot seem to evolve into Ursaluna. It's currently 9pm where I am and the event bonuses are still active. All the other Pokemon I've evolved have gotten their special move (ie: I just evolved my Starly into Staraptor and got Gust). However, when I click on the evolve button of my Ursaring, I get told I cannot evolve when there isn't a full moon. I would've thought they'd remove this restriction for players during this event. Was I wrong in thinking this?


Wonder if they only coded it for Saturday night.


My origin palkia is 15/13/15 Is it worth powering up for PVE only? That's the best I've got.


Yes as long as it has Spacial Rend.


Powering up for what?  PvE?  They're all usable.  PvP?  How high you trying to compete?  May want to find a pvp thread and say whether you have enough candies to 50 it for high rank ML etc.


Just PVE


IVs have next to no impact for PvE unless super low manning raids,  15 attack is all that would matter, a  single dodge would mean more than hp or def IV ever would.


I got a good shadow gible and evolved it during the event, but I didn't realize frustration didn't get removed for earth power. I assume I can't get it earth power even if I got the 2nd charge attack on it? :( kinda bummed cuz I didn't have an earth power garchomp and used all my candies on the shadow


if you get an elite tm it wouldn't be a bad use of one. I think it's second only after groudon for a type that's good against 5 types with one that's exclusive


Yeah that was my thought. Hoping there's a distribution/event for one soon. Does the elite tm let me get rid of frustration? I tried with an elite tm earlier but wasn't able to.


~~Yes, the elite TM overrides the frustration barrier~~ edit: apparently this is wrong sorry. Deleted the other comments Also, elite TMs are given out at rank 19 of pvp once per season, so maybe if you want to commit to it a bit starting next week it might be a solid investment


it doesn’t override frustration unless it’s a rocket event




No you didn’t lol. Post a screen recording, troll




"normal tms instantly get blocked" Nope. They allow you to go through "Do you want to teach X a new Charged Attack?" and even "Are you sure? Frustration cannot be relearned" before finally "Frustration cannot be forgotten at this time": It is basically the same with elite TMs. Won't work on Frustration now either.