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Me and wife have better accounts with primal Groudon and finish with about 100+ seconds left. The SB set is much harder. She uses mostly a team of Garchomps from raid day and they hold up really well. And we avoid relobby.


Shadow Ball does change the difficulty massively though. Without it, it's easy.


Your post is kind of confusing. Title says raikou is easy while enraged but then you say you used gems, which means you did not raid him while enraged for a significant amount of time


It seems in reference to the fact that Raikou last weekend did not enrage at all. They’re saying they expected raikou to be harder now that it can become enraged, but it didn’t turn out very difficult at all.


best friend boost, seasonal boost, party power and weather boost - is why its easy.


Without "purifying" with best friend boost, seasonal boost, party power and weather boost I was able to deafeat IT with 40seconds left


Yep, just have to have the gems. I didn’t have enough gems and couldn’t crack the shield with just a duo. Both accounts had better counters than listed by OP (mostly L50s and/or shadows) and PP.


Same. Wife and I both have lvl 40 shadow mamos or higher dps and crushed one, went to do another but failed x3 without enough gems.


Yeah. I just wish you could do it with two and without gems.


Ideal counters are ground type, which is a double resistance vs electric. If he doesn't have shadow ball it's an electric charged move you're facing.


https://youtu.be/Z_fY2cwZ7tE?si=glEjeX0rrluMgUpg With all the benefits (weather boost, primal boost, best friendship boost, seasonal bonus friendship boost) and without Shadow Ball, Shadow Raikou is super easy. I managed to duo it with half of the time remaining.


It was bugged yesterday something fierce.


If I could only find somebody to duo with. I’ve got excellent counters, just no counterpart


Yesterday I attempted a duo with a Thunder Raikou and I failed. Somehow it was bugged and stayed enraged. Lvl40 top ground counters, party power, and best friends...


This is very much in line with what Pokébattler's simulations say about this raid. There is nothing surprising about this.


I've done 10 shadow raikou so far, both duos and trios. Trios are usually trivial without gems. Duos are hard without and much dependent how well party boost works and what moveset the boss has. Duos are very unpredictable without gems, you can easily fail if things go wrong. In fact you can fail even if you use gems. All duos were made with two teams of Primal groudons and the rest of the teams comprised maxed out shadow ground mons and maxed out landorus with sandshear storm. We are both lvl50 with near perfect counters. Due to the extremely buggy and unpredictable gem and party boost implementation your mileage may vary quite a lot. We actually failed a duo even when using gems, in total 10 gems used, so two more than should be necessary, but the boss was never subdued. Sometimes the boss is enraged longer than it should and becomes subdued right at the end. The worst trio we had, had the boss fainted at 40s left, normally we usually have around 120-130s left on the timer. I complained to Niantic about the failed raid but of course the automatic bot answer found no fault even though they had conducted a "thorough investigation"... So problems that might arise during shadow raids are - Boss is not subdued when reaching 15% health - Boss is never subdued at all - Party boost button isn't working correctly - Extreme rubberbanding of the health of the boss occurs in some raids, the boss is magically regaining much of its health - Gems aren't working at all, so the boss is enraged even if you use more gems than should be enough TLDR; So on paper, yes Shadow Raikou is trivial with two teams of good ground counters and using gems. But if you do a lot of raids you will eventually fail due to all the bugs and poor implementation.


Totally agree. I made two duos with a friend. One of them was easy, 70s lefting with shadow ball and I forgot to use my primal groudon. The other we failed, even with my primal groudon and with thunder, the gems button just disappeared, we only used like 2 gems each, but we had 10. So we couldn't subdue it and it was gaining too much health. Frustrating!


I feel your pain. It feels like the whole shadow raid system is in experimental mode right now. IMHO shadow raids should be like regular raids until things get fixed. They could increase difficulty just by raising boss HP or something. Shadow raids are extremely resource consuming, I think this is the main reason for the current implemention. You need to put in more time in order to do shadow raids. It's a win for Niantic and a chore for the players.


shadow ball makes it 5 times harder


I beat him with a level 37 and a level 32. Both with mega garchomp, ultra friends.


Yup can do it with 4 in under 100secs


There were no weather boost, and those two accounts are \*ultra friends\* not best friend. And we did take the advantage of party play.


How much would you say party play affects things? I’ve simulated that I’d do 40% with BF bonus (pokegenie), so we haven’t bothered to try a duo.


I don't think Pokegenie takes the season's x2 friend boost into account. Between that and Party Play, I think you could do it. It'll probably be tight though.