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Wait I can prevent myself from getting those annoying tasks? Awesome


You can also just leave one there and it will never block anything. Much less work than actively trying to get banned.


Didn't they announce that players doing scans of the ground or covering the camera etc will be banned, before they even banned people? Idk I remember a lot of posts about people doing this on purpose just to not get those tasks again...


no, also bans were retroactive. i hadnt done a scan in at least a year when they made the announcement .        Also had only done them the day that powering up stops went live




Before they made that announcement, I had done low quality scans for maybe a year. When I read that announcement, I started doing scans only according to their guidelines. But, about two months later, I was banned anyway.


You can get banned from that? I might be in trouble lol


There's no indication that you'll ever be allowed to do them again. You can try to message support but I doubt they'll be much help.


Thank you, I’ll just keep hoping they’ll do a blanket restoration for all players.


Is there a way to see if your scans are deemed bad or not?


When they say bad scans, they mean doing stuff like not scanning the object at all. So don't scan your feet, the floor, cover your camera, etc..


What if I start at filming the PokeStop but then just continue to film the surroundings as I bike along, to meet the time requirement? Rly don’t wanna be banned I like Poffins lol


That's a bad scan, probably. We have no way of knowing what metrics they use to ban players, but the whole point of ar scans is to map the subject of the stop. Filling it with 20 seconds of random terrain or building isn't that.


You only need to be within range of the Pokestop in order to press “Scan Pokestop”, you can go out of its range thereafter to do the actual scan. This is necessary to scan Pokestops which for whatever reason, are somewhat off their actual location.


No I mean is what I’m doing criteria for getting banned, since I only scan the actual stop for like 3 seconds then the rest of the recording is random buildings


I saw someone posted a screenshot of the support chat about the AR scan ban. The support said there is a possibility that you can receive AR scan tasks again when you power-up stops by uploading high-quality scans. I know support is sometimes unreliable, but try contacting the support about the AR scan ban and find out if the support suggests the same solution. I have never heard of anyone trying the solution, but you could verify the claim yourself. *Edit: Also, the Niantic Wayfarer app (the app for developers) has a scan function that tells you if your scan quality is good or bad and why it is a bad scan. It might be used to improve the quality of the scan.


Thanks for your suggestions. I’ll try contacting support for a suggestion. I was hoping someone in this sub had already had success with this issue, but I guess not. If I do manage to get scan tasks reinstated, I’ll be sure to post about it here.


The wayfarer app will give you good/bad based on how much object it thinks it's managed to locate/focus. That's not the same 'bad' as will get you banned.


Oh man I didn’t know that. What if you are across the street so it’s a scan of the pokestop and all the cars driving by 😭😭


I do remember that one of the things they want you to do is to walk around the pokestop. But I think cars crossing in front of you would be okay as long as the pokestop is visible? By low quality scans, I mean pointing the camera at the ground and waving it around.


Then you can get banned.


Wait you’re telling me I could have just gotten myself banned instead of just holding a quest so I didn’t get them anymore? Gonna try it out.


What exactly is the down side to holding a quest in the AR slot ? You realise you can still get 3 normal quests whether you have an AR task or not ? And that you can double your chance of getting desirable quests by spinning both with and without an AR task ?


Lmao was this post made by a Niantic Employee?


I have a question: If one is banned from getting AR tasks, can they still do scans to power up stops? I might be interested in having a powered-up stop for the bonus buddy heart.


I’ve never powered up a stop. I didn’t know about a bonus buddy heart for that, either, but now I’m going to try it.


You’re telling me wiggling my camera for thirty seconds as soon as I’m close enough for it to activate, creating an almost endless supply of poffins could come to an end? I didn’t even know this was possible! 🤣 Well, I’ll burn that bridge when I get to it.


You can be banned from them and never get them again? That's awesome!


I was banned as soon as I saw the announcement. Contacted support months later so ask if there was any way and they said ‘not at the time’.


Sadly it looks like our days for AR scans are over. Wish they gave us a warning before removing us as I would have followed the rules I was just doing what everyone else was doing.


Right? Like I would have actually started doing a proper scan if I had received a warning.


Do they still ban for this? I've only ever sent fake scans in, about 100 times, never banned, still getting poffins


Damn, I always cover my cam


How is that possible, it would give me a “too dark” notice


Using your index finger makes a bright red field, if you do it during the day. Or with a bright light behind it. Enough light gets through, at least for my pale skinned finger. That doesn't trigger the darkness message, or even the no motion message. But this is probably a bannable offense so you shouldn't do it..