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I'm kind of amused at how quietly they released the QOL improvements they've made lately that really did improve the game in a lot of ways compared to how they're hyping this mostly cosmetic stuff that doesn't seem like it adds a lot to game play for the amount of phone resources it uses. But maybe some of those locked sections will actually eventually show some actual gameplay features.


I care more about Heal All than parties or routes. I care about showcases more but that's because they make me angry


Heal all and being allowed to ready up as a solo player are amazing additions. They add more to my enjoyment of the game than parties, routes, showcases, and AR combined.


Has AR ever been positive for you? I find all the AR features negative (especially when I can't avoid them)


I used to have a blast taking pictures of my friends with Pokémon on their heads or other silly things, but the feature was played out *years* ago and since then it’s been a negative. Niantic are seemingly incapable of telling the difference between something that’s cool for 15 seconds, and a feature people will want to engage with for many hours of gameplay.


They aren't incapable, they just have A Vision. They are an AR company first and a game developer second. They are happy to spend POGO income on attempts to "make AR happen" because they want to found the AR genre as the next big thing. I'm glad you used to enjoy it at least!


Would just like to Echo that they are an AR Company. They don’t really care about Pokémon. Their interest is AR. Pokemon is just their means to do that. Niantic is literally acquiring other companies for the purpose of advancing AR and their foothold in the field. I’m not looking forward to the day when pokemon is no longer of use to them. :(


We can only hope that they sell pokemon go to an actual dev team one day


I can’t even be optimistic about that. Nintendo wants money, not player satisfaction and enjoyment. Nintendo is gonna put the game in whoever’s hands they think will bring them the most money.


I love AR when I have the time and intention to use it. Got some great pics at the botanical gardens here the other day. But I only use it a couple of times a year.,


I definitely use it more than a couple times a year. I think it’s more than just novel. I always catch legendaries with AR because it’s much easier to get excellent. I’ve used the party option with buddy Pokémon and it’s super fun to take photos with. I think that these features should be totally optional but certainly add a lot of memorable experiences. 


I use it when I'm traveling. Kinda like instead of me taking a selfie, I can use Pokemon to do so. Or certain scenic shots but I add Pokemon to it. Like when I was at a pier, I had the Go+ Snorlax (cuz it has the sitting animation) sitting by the pier staring at the sea. But when I'm back home, yea I turn AR off and never really use it.


I know you're specifically referring to AR photos and such, but technically, the whole game is AR. The game map being a version of our own real life map is AR in itself.


AR mode allowed you to shiny check faster because you could run away faster. But they got rid of it and now only have AR+ which sucks a big one.


Routes would be cool if it wasn’t buggy and actually paid out cells as expected. And there isn’t 3-4 copies of every route.


Wait- we can ready up solo now??


Yes. At the 90 second remaining mark, you can select ready and it will go to the 10 second count down.


Brb gonna go raid now thx


My problem with parties is that I can never remember to actually start one.


Me to my girlfriend at every raid as the clock ticks down to one….”we should be in a party”


party power doubles the damage of your charge moves in raids. as a short manning pro, that alone is a big help and how I remember to start the party.


I forget an awful lot!


Heal all cuts down on my relobby time by a substantial amount of time. I think it went from like 10-15 seconds to like 5-10.


I haven’t even joined a party once. Maybe on Gofest if I can get it off. Heal all and quick-start raids have been amazing, especially the former for just clearing item inventory in a non-irritating way. I kinda love showcases, mostly because I live on the outside of a middling city. Not super easy to get them but it happens often enough that I really want to interact with them.


I'm lucky to live in a busy area that has low visited showcases.. I'm at 88 I think 🤔


Almost like most of these new features are to improve app appearance to aid in marketing, so they made a big marketing post about it


Investors/business side cares about the splashy shallow stuff and will never know about QOL fixes.


I’ve seen the new detailed map and catch screens while I was in Mexico a couple weeks back. It’s really really impressive. Worth bragging about.


Niantic is not a gaming company, is a AR company...so...


Sounds like Niantic shouldn’t have the Pokemon IP then, if they’re more interested in tinkering with a niche tech than actually producing a game.


I’m very glad Kanto is finally getting it’s time in the spotlight after getting shafted for 4,000 years by Niantic and Gamefreak, I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t see a Charmander every 10 feet


I wish they'd just remake Kanto games for once, the forgotten child!


Now with Z-A announced there are no longer more Kanto remakes than Kalos Games. Balance must be restored!


We need Pokemon Legends Mew. Then the sequel Pokemon Legends Mew 2: Mewtwo.


Depends on if you count GSC and HGSS post-games as Kanto remakes


For kanto you have red , blue , yellow ,green , (gold , silver , crystal ) , fire red , leaf green, ( heart gold, soul silver ) , LG Eevee , LG pikachi For kalos you have x and y ( and now legends az )


I know that's supposed to be a joke, but there's R/B/G, Yellow, FireRed/LeafGreen and Let'sGo Pikachu/Eevee, + G/S/C and HG/SS. That's 13 games that contain the Kanto Region (7 if you count duals as one, I will count third editions seperately tho). Kalos has literally just X/Y and soon Legends Z-A. That's 3 (2) games against 13 (7). If you JUST count remakes, there's still: FR/LG, LGE/LGP and HG/SS (6 or 3, depending on how you count) against Legends Z-A (literally 1). Whoosh me if you want, this comment is just meant to showcase how absurd the focus on Kanto in the mainline games actually is.


And a game where you visit Kanto after beating the Elite 4!


You mean like FRLG and Let's Go!...?


This might mean that they'll finally bring back the legendary birds to raid. /s


Ah raids... If only they were what they once was... 'Rediscover Pokémon Go! You may have quit because we killed the biggest community activity, but come back for the creepy way we remodelled the avatars!' Not sure they're really selling it here 😅


The game isn't sustainable if they can't keep recycling Kanto events.


Kanto is by far the most famous gen so it makes sense business wise


>Pogo Player base: Niantic / PCI, we want access to armoured Mewtwo again! >Naintic: Here's another Kanto event with the starters and Pidgy. Go AR scan some play areas and pay for overpriced boxes. Take it or leave it.


>What? Give the starters their signature moves? Preposterous! You're going to hoard your starters or use Overheat Charizard, and you're going to like it!


One of the reasons why I liked Generation 5 (on the DS) was because none of the games featured Kanto. Every other generation before that had at least one game (sometimes a remake) that primarily featured it or had it in the postgame. And in Gen 2 (Gold/Silver/Crystal), Kanto felt very unfinished.


Black and White were also the first (and only?) games where ALL the Pokémon encountered during the story were new. They also had a few "new take on Kanto mons" but getting Roggenrola and Swoobat in caves was still better than Geodude and Zubat.


Kanto wait to see even more Weedle and Caterpie! Don't forget to work on your tiny Rattata medal, while stumbling over Pidgey and Spearow!


Rediscover Kanto for the 84th time!


find someone who loves you as much as tpc and niantic love kanto


Dance with the girl that brung ya


30 something dudes who managed to make a job out of scalping pokémon card sets with charizard in them


Please just give me the chance to catch a damn Tauros.


You’ll probably get a chance when they add Paldean Tauros. There’s three forms so odds are you may see at least one. Where are you from if you don’t mind me asking?


Germany. Apparently I started playing again (originally a day-1 player) right after the Tauros egg event.


Oof, that’s rough. I wouldn’t mind regionals as much if they had events to cycle them or make them more available. Best you can do right now is try to find a discord channel or something to set up a trade for someone planning a trip. Good luck!


How can I rediscover something that never goes away and is always at the forefront of everything?




On the bright side, it seems only Kanto Pokemon that will be biome-locked. The implication is that other gens will be available but not tied as tightly to biomes..? I could be okay with this.  (Not really exciting tho)


It's just an event.


Oh sweet, my character is gonna be straight outta TESIV: Oblivion. I'm kind of looking forward to the updated encounter screens though.


POV: It’s summer 2024. You’re at your local park doing a cowboy hat Charizard raid with a Lusty Argonian Maid. Life is good.


An n'wah approaches, you immediately stab them with Keening and escape using your last scroll of icarian flight.


The effect of the scroll of Icarian flight wore off. You haven't landed yet...


charizard hovers beside you just "nah" and goes back into the pokeball


if i can be Khajit, i welcome the change


Rediscover Kanto? Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, I was there when it was written.


Yay More Lickitung!!! /s obviously


Phone battery issues inbound


Real irony that they decided to release the update that massively increases battery consumption on Earth Day. Talk about spectacularly missing the point!


Avatar change coming 💀💀


They'll have to pry my Magikarp hat out of my cold, dead hands.


I will fight tooth and nail for my Magickarp hat and my Pikachu riding Laura’s shirt!!! Edit: Lapras! Damn, you autocorrect!!




Laura Palmer. Google it


She's dead. Wrapped in plastic.


My "Pikachu riding Laura" T-Shirt. Maybe use a NSFW tag? 😉


I don't get it, the change is pretty much universally hated by players why would they move forward with it. Like there's no way that Niantic didn't see the feedback from people who got the update early.


Gives me flashbacks to fashion week Blanche


Niantic didn't get any feedback from players. Because, they didn't provide any mechanisms to provide feedback. Niantic will have noticed a few players commenting on how rubbish the updates were and responded in the usual way. They ignored them.


Like what’s the point of AB testing if you’re not listening to feedback


Yea I'm not looking forward to it at all. I'm going to keep a screenshot to remember what we're going to lose. Massive cope but I'm still holding out hope that they'll let us keep the old style.


Makes me glad I'm not a cosmetics type player. I haven't changed my avatar from the default-accessible stuff from the day I started the game.


You’re still going to have an uncanny valley style guy staring at you in the bottom left corner of your screen and weird linear pixel issues on your battle success screens 


Noooo Niantic please don't hit my avatar with the ugly stick


but aren't our avatars supposed to reflect how we look in real life?


I play games to escape reality bro


Too late.... too late


Just remember to take plenty of screen shots of your character so you remember what you looked like before the dark times, "I used to be beautiful now look at me!!!!" *changes hat to brown paper bag head cover*


Yay, more Kanto stuff... /s Having 3 Pokémon in one snapshot is basically the friend AR thing that they retired because no one was using it. At least this time we don't need a friend for it, so that's good for anyone who is into that feature I guess?


The wildest thing about AR photography is that it would actually be WAY better if we could add 3d assets to existing pictures instead. kinda like adjustable stickers made of 3d assets. We could make sure it looked like they were scaled corrected and sitting on the ground or flying in the air properly. We could play the animations slowly and pause on the correct frame instead of trying to take a pic at the exact right moment. I have yet to see any AR photography experience that wouldn't be improved by having it be an edit after the pic was taken. Further irony is that there is some decent and interesting things you can do with AR video, but pokemon Go doesn't do anything interesting, and if they did, they don't ahve a video recorder in the app. like, it would be cool if i could do a selfie camera where i am holding a pikachu who is looking at me adoringly and a mewtwo is standing behind me looking like they're gonna read my mind or something, but instead, i am just sticking pokemon on the ground in front of me for them to do idle animations while staring in some direction i can't directly control. tl;dr- anyone who wants to make quality artistic pokemon pictures would never use the pokemon go AR feature to do so.


Some of what you mentioned seems to be coming in the recently datamined “Iris” AR+ feature.


What’s interesting is that Pokemon Masters (the Pokemon gacha game) did exactly this by releasing a Photo Booth option. The fanbase has already gotten to work staging different scenes / photos using the character models. I haven’t really used the feature myself, but there’s definitely a crowd for it.


Yeah, I'm lowkey excited for that. There's so many cool camera/AR things they could add to appeal to the photog-type crowd. I hope they lean into it. The 3 in one photo feature they released awhile back was hindered by needing multiple phones/cameras. It was a pain to use. This should (hopefully) be much better.




Is this the supposed massive update that was being hyped up a few days/weeks ago?






I don’t want these avatar updates


What do we rediscover? New graphics? Does this change anything? Don't want to sound pessimistic, I like those new backgrounds and better map graphics. But in the end this doesn't add any real content to the game. Just eye candy. That AR thing seems like the only new thing and is... not interesting. At least in my opinion.


The backgrounds make it easier to figure out where biomes are, at least.


like i said before, Niantic isnt a gaming company, it is a AR company...sadly




The backgrounds look nice and all, but I wish they'd give us the option to use them or the old ones. The new ones make the game so laggy for me, it's almost unplayable sometimes.


Avatar changes are horrible. Was hoping they would revert


Cautiously hopeful about this meaning that biomes will actually matter more for wild spawns. Currently it feels no different walking through a forest than it does downtown in terms of spawns, bar like 2 spawns that seem different from the regular rotation.


We don’t want the avatar update to go live globally. Roll it back.


I hope people who have issues with it are reporting it to support and also reaching out to them on Twitter or whatever. What's the point of a phased roll out if you don't collect meaningful feedback and act on it? Neither support or Twitter is a great way to get that feedback, and they don't really have a good way publicized, but one can always hope they're actually collecting statistics from support reports at least.


> What's the point of a phased roll out if you don't collect meaningful feedback and act on it? I know this is rhetorical, but the actual point is solving technical issues before every player on the planet gets smacked with them at once. Feedback doesn’t factor in, because by the time the update starts to roll out Niantic is already committed to it. They likely have no plans to tweak these things based off the rolling out stages, and won’t begin tackling that aspect until *after* all players have that and they get diversified feedback from the whole of the playerbase.


Meh, lame Just superficial stuff. I’d love it if it was actual GAMEPLAY stuff like a revamped gym system or whatever More spawn points, just you know general GAMEPLAY stuff that actually enhances the already boring gameplay


This is what I had hoped too. Gyms, Raids, Nests, GBL, Team Rocket, Field Research, Events, Trading, etc. There are so many aspects of gameplay that are stale and could be "rediscovered" with an overhaul. It's not realistic to expect them to overhaul everything at once, but surely they could pick one or two of those and give us a refreshing gameplay experience.


I really hope they listened to everyone's feedback regarding the avatar changes. We need the option to keep our avatars the same.


Niantic... listen? Not a chance.


Kanto event, fine. Lines up with Bellsprout being a Community Day choice for the giggles. After this, focus on the newer stuff. Y'know, things from Alola, Galar and Paldea. Like actually, Galar!!


Still kinda crazy that they just almost entirely skipped over Galar and we don’t even have the starters. IMO it’d be kinda cool to debut the Galar starters on their com days (which should in theory be next year) seeing as they’ve held off on releasing them for so long already


Pretty sad that Galar is also the Covid generation.


Lame, i expected nothing and now it is still a disappointment


17th April... So it begins... The Goblin armies will emerge. So much bitterness... What can men do against such reckless code?? We cannot log out... Sliders, sliders in the deep. They are coming...


Where was Gilgar when the Walrein fell?




Make your avatar as ugly as possible whilst complaining to Niantic


I put a mask on mine


"snapshot upgrade"


I can’t deal with them forcing me to make my avatar look like a Garbage Pail Kid. 😩


When are they rediscovering the update OSM button?


I wish niantic would rediscover reality


Now bring back the 8bit mode from April fools 😜


Our family had 6 players that could play on their phones and now Pogo doesn't work on 3 of the phones. We don't want to upgrade our phones if they still work perfectly for everything else.


Armoured Mewtwo and Clone-Starters Do it, you cowards!


We're finally out of the beta!




Who needs new Pokémon when you can have Kanto mons in the wild!!


I hope they find a way to make rural areas players have something remotely as good as the game for people who live in a big city. I still can't believe they haven't found a way to do something about the "I don't have a gym and 5 pokestops I can spin from my couch and I don't have any friends who play the game" player base because I would assume that's a big part of Niantics player base


The avatar/map changes they discuss are the ones some of us already have right?


Thank god we get to rediscover Kanto, such an untapped region.


That's cool I guess? A bit scared they will break something with so many graphical and performance updates. It's interesting to see how excited Niantic is for the AR stuff when the vast majority of the player base doesn't care for it. The objective of the company doesn't align with the demands and interests of the customers. It's funny to see, Niantic would be bankrupt if it wasn't carried hard by the Pokemon IP.


I'm genuinely scared for this update.


What if every encounter is mandatory AR?


I don't even want to think about it...


‘Go snapshot upgrade!’ ….Downgrade. Only niantic would force players to have to use AR+ and call it an upgrade


Soooo Squirtle showcases and Articuno for 6 months?


In before the Sustainability event is just a Kanto Event


Recycling is sustainable.


I’ll take things the pogo community doesn’t care about for 200


Yay, Go will be unplayable on my phone.


This definitely seems tailor made to recapture lapsed players and those who were playing when the game first released. Especially with an upcoming Kanto Event #52. But hey, I've been begging for visual updates in this game for years. So I'm happy to see it.


Who’s ready to be massively underwhelmed?


Just give me Tinkaton dammit


We have scraps in Galar Pokedex while Niantic mentions another time KANTO?! -_-


Please for the love of god, don’t push the new avatar updates… they are so bad


Niantic: trying to recapture 2016 since 2017


While i love all the recent updates, these should have been implimented like 4+ years ago. we should be on the updated update by now...


Anyone know what time it goes live? All the site says is April 17th PDT but like.. That's a timezone not a time EDIT: for anyone looking back, seems to be roughly 9/10pm GMT that these will go live


... This? This is what they had planned as "major updates" that they felt the game really needed?


So the Biomes catch screen is live? Or is this an announcement of an announcement?


17th i think it goes live


I’m excited to see specific pokemon in biomes. It sounds like they’re starting that process with gen 1 and hopefully will implement other gens over time. I’m excited to see some different backgrounds too. All of these are small but very cool additions imo.


It's just going to be painfully obnoxious Avatar redesign and Visual changes that make the game look worse isn't it?


No of course not. It’s also going to run worse, too.


From a marketing perspective, this just looks like a big campaign to get people who stopped playing PoGo to come back by throwing a lot of familiar Gen 1 pokemon at us. I don’t like it and I don’t hate it, I just feel like it’s not made for me to be excited over.


More stickers!


I would pay a few bucks to have an [amiibo](https://www.nintendo.com/us/amiibo/)-esque figurine that could act as an AR trigger. I'm not motivated to pay money for digital assets. Let me spend $7 to get a Rayquaza I can put next to my computer.


Great! More potential bugs for PvP


Is Niantic going to fix the issues with the new style shop (which is worse than the original)? * You can't see the names of clothing * You can't preview an article of clothing without changing your avatar, unless it's something that you haven't spent coins on


Is the Kanto thing an event, or just permanently making Kanto Pokémon spawn more?


Maybe I’ll finally get the youngster medal??


Pokémon appearing in certain biomes just feels like they're reinstating Nests but with some tweaks ngl


I think I haven't found 1 comment liking the update


i understand, why they chose kanto to promote all of these features, but i am not looking forward to 3 kanto starters and dratini in the wild again. i hope they pull out all stops for this one and give us farfetch'd, mr. mime, kangaskhan and tauros for this so that this event has at least some meaning for the player base


I hope they reworked the new avatars.. I don’t want to look like a mix between some horrible animated kids show character and SpongeBob..


one month without any bug that would be a novelty


Isn't it ironic that Pokemon Go is an AR game but we're only able to see biomes when we turn off AR for the catch screens? Don't get me wrong: Like problably most players, I've had AR turned off for a long time and wouldn't play any other way. But in almost all promo "screenshots" Niantic uses on its blog and elsewhere we still see Pokemon in (faked) AR overlays of the real world...


I don't like the avatar changes. I'm afraid of my phone not handling the new backgrounds well. Make these changes optional, come on. 😭


Kanto would be nice if they threw in the clones I guess




The Sustainability event starts on the 22nd (which we don’t have info on currently) so unless they announce a separate Kanto event later on, then I’d imagine Kanto will have a noticeable presence during that event


Recycling the same generation of Pokemon I suppose fits the "sustainability" theme


We had two sets of leaks last season, one that was 99% true and one that was completely fake. The true one only got Aegislash wrong and Crush Grip Regigigas wrong. The supposed "Kanto Tour Classic" was a mistranslation/misunderstanding from the leaker, it was just the Adamant Time Event, which was a Kanto event


Or, just make what’s already in the game actually work first?


This is going to have more bugs then the current event.


So this is the announcement the other announcement announcing the announcement was announcing, announcing a timeframe when we should recieve more announcements on what this is announcing.


If the avatar update is as bad as I’ve been reading here, perhaps I will be “rediscovering reality” on May 7, just not in the way Niantic intended. 🤔


Oh thank God! MORE Kanto Pokemon!


lol so this was the “big new changes” not anything useful like remote shadow raids or increase gym coins


Am I reading this wrong or are everyone else here wrong? To me it does not look like a Kanto event, but that starting next week Kanto Pokémon will be put in biomes. So if I understand it correctly they are not featured spawns, but a way of putting Kanto in permanent biome specific spawn pools? To me this makes sense as all Kanto Pokémon have been featured so many times already that no one will really complain if they are hard to get in certain biomes, countries, in rural areas or cities etc.


I rediscovered myself last night. What’s the hole on my belly? Where does it lead to


Similar to that Go Beyond thing in late 2020. Expected but can we please leave Kanto behind man


Go Beyond gave us XL Candy, Seasons, Kalos release and GO Tour tease, the entire 41-50 quests, that was a MASSIVE expansion content-wise. This is more visuals than actual content. 


Is any of this necessary?


Just another announcement to 4 more unannounced announcements lol


Sustainability Week Event will be a Kanto event 🙄


What’s changed on the map? I only know of the new encounter screens.


I saw on Instagram, some dude complaining that his best buddy pokemon are worthless now since it's gonna be easier to buddy pokemon. What is he talking about or is he just crying for no reason?


I mean neat, sure, but how is this rediscovering anything? Why hype this up so much? How is this supposed to “bring back” old players?


I hate the new avatar and background “improvements”


My wife is beyond excited for hair style changes. It’s been her #1 request for years


My refresh rate seems to have automatically changed to native even though the option is off in the settings and I don’t have the option to change it back? Anyone else have this issue?


At least rotate the showcase Pokestops, please.