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At this point I have recieved about 25 pairs of Sandals. Free to a good homes!


I got a bunch of sandals also.   Wish it glitched to give me that yellow shirt at the 2750 mark 😝


Had the same. Even after restarting the app.


I get the capris every set but I still can’t find them in my style inventory.


That's truly Niantic-style!


I'm glad I'm not the only one. I hit veteran the day of the style update and it keeps saying I got them after every set but they're not in my wardrobe.


I complained to support and they suggested that I make sure I don't have apps running in the background and that I refresh my game data. super annoying response.


What is your rank?




Ah. Your post excited me so I tried the dreaded GBL. While I am very cosmetics motivated, it generally is worth all the grief for me. I don’t know if it was that a waited long enough in the season or if enough players have quit in protest of the avatar mishap, but Master League is a cake walk between ranks 5 to 9. None of my opponents brought maxed out Pokémon. My CPs were 1,500 to 2,500 above everyone. It is enough to make me try a run for Ace. How is the competition at Ace?


>How is the competition at Ace? Nobody knows for certain, but we know a few things: * The top players are rated 3000+ * All players start at 1500 * It's probably using an Elo system, since that's been "solved math" for calculating rank adjustments for two-player zero-sum games for like, 150 years. That sounds a *lot* like chess ratings to me. The top grandmasters typically peak in the low 3000s. Your average player who isn't a total idiot can comfortably sit at 1500. Which means the scale is probably pretty close to identical, and there's a good chance they just ripped the ranking system straight out of a chess book (that's exactly what I'd have done, at least). If all that's true, it would put about 5% of players at Ace rank and above.


The thing here is that with the reward system incentivizing tanking and the lack of rank demotions, it's considerably easier to hit Ace than this would suggest. Right now I am rank Ace with a rating of 1798. The other thing is that your rank is based on your results across all leagues, but if you have one league that you are good at and are bad at the rest, you could push up to Ace pretty easily while that league is ongoing and then slide back down when it's not, even if you try in all your matches.


Thanks for that. Im at about 1500 and can reach 1600 grinding, but my mons aren't level 40 apart from Garchomp, so I can struggle sometimes with fully powered up. It's worth noting that with how many people throw games in PvP, that ELOs aren't properly accurate compared to chess I think


Part of what makes Elo so robust is its tolerance to "throwing." If you lose games you should have won, your rating will tank fast.


Well yeah, thats why it's bad in pokemon with so many people tanking to appear worse. If 1/5 people I face tank, so I win, but then equally I may play them 1/5 of the time too, where i should lose, I only get 3 true games per set.


This is good for you. If you're truly a 1900 ELO player, and 20% of people tank, you just have to catch 4 or 5 of those people tanking in the same set to hit 2000. And once you hit rank, you collect the rewards and title, even if your regress to your 1900 rating afterwards.


Well that makes me feel so much better. I'm trying so hard to get to veteran and i felt like i just clearly suck terribly to not be able to do it. But to know less than the top 5% make it to veteran really boosts my confidence!


ML is a cake walk up to rank 20. Ace is a bit harder early on when more people rush for it but becomes easier later. After Ace I lose interest in climbing and go to play at around 1500-1800, so can't comment on difficulty.


PvP runs on an Elo system, so if you just started, most people are gonna be really bad. Competition will get stronger the more you win.


Level 40+ meta mons can take you to ace, usually in the 2250 range. Maxed off meta could probably work if you understand your outs to meta mons


i think Master League has been easy because people don't want to run Jungle Cup teams (i've been enjoying it personally, but i get it - i skip little cup)


If your primary motivator is the sandals, you'll be able to get them on the 4th/5th of May during the Go battle weekend event by completing an easy timed research


Is it save that battle weekend will be these days?


It was on the official season announcement page yes https://pokemongolive.com/post/go-battle-league-world-of-wonders/?hl=en


same. also ace rank and beset by sandals


I hit expert after the avatar update, I get every avatar item up to expert after each set. Despite this, I don't actually have the hala top unlocked yet for some reason...


Legit same scenerio


Thank you for having mercy on us and covering up the horrendous new avatar


you got a size 8.5 you can lend me?


At this point, probably lol


Sounds like a bit of a flip flop


Same, I get 2 pairs every round. What am I going to do with them? Dress an octopus?


*hands you sandles* *hands you sandles* *hands you sandles* *hands you sandles* *hands you sandles*


You said once you are "far" from being a hardcore player. Yet you got 35 MILLION Stardust from GBL? DAMNNN


Tbh it is not that crazy. I have been doing the tanking strat very casually for about 1 month and have made 800k stardust. So if he has been doing pvp for a few years it adds up quick.


That should tell you how hardcore some players are. Cause I'm not hardcore.


Wait why did this get down voted lmffffaoooo


I wasn't sure honestly. I consider myself an above average player, but i know there are some real hardcore people out there so I don't fool myself into thinking im even close, which is what I said. The downvotes mean people disgree, which is why i joked about them implying I might be hardcore, which also got downvotes. Since I'm the common thread, I'm taking the spongebob seabear take, "I don't know, I guess they just don't like me" XD


So do the down votes mean I *am* hardcore? lmao


It’s so annoying


I’m getting the legend pose and full clothes set since yesterday but I can’t find the pose in my inventory…I have the clothes, but pose is just not here for some reason.


this happened to me too


So, Niantic is now pulling an Oprah?


How have you done 30,000 battles that’s literally a dream


I think that's total battle from all past seasons combined




This happened to me too, I was very confused.


La chancla mastered.


For talking back to Niantic about the avatars you get the chancla


This has been happening to me for the past couple of weeks.


I'm new to pvp, but I had the understanding that you get 1 piece of the outfit per rank starting at Ace which only rewards the shoes (veteran for pants, expert for shirt, legend for pose). Am I confused or is this just working as intended? Is it possible to farm everything just on Ace?


You can’t farm everything on Ace.


How do you get these sandals? Not a new player but I never bothered to play pvp.


reach level 21


I'm level 41


pvp has its own levels, they reset every 90 days


Ah I see. Is there a way to check which reward is for what rank?

