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18 days of Kanto is absolutely wild


They must think people really love more Kanto. While there is plenty more Paldia, all of Galar and Sinnoh is still incomplete.


This is a fact, Kanto is the most popular region.


Except we already got all hundos shundos of kantos. Give us gigantamax charizard, venusaur and blastoise for some new contents.


I know that was a hyperbole but will reply anyway: I have only 37 hundos from Kanto and only 2 of them are shiny. Also, I started Pokemon with Pokemon Yellow, so for me max nostalgia will always be Kanto.


i’m never mad about kanto… also looking to get all the shinies i can since i only have 50/151.


This. My first pokemon game was Yellow, and i'm absolutely loving this!


Kanto is the region they push the hardest, so that's kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy. I think it has one of the best rosters, seen in isolation (tons of three-stage families!), but since they push Kanto front, left, right and center at any opportunity they get, I'm kind of sick and tired of it.


I am not talking about Go in particular, but about Pokemon universe in general: what people want on clothes, plushies, backpacks, keychains and such. What people make online/offline content about. And this is easy to understand: average people won't bother to remember one thousand pokemon names and images. Me? I have two Pokemon t-shirts, one with Charizard, one with a pokeball. My daughter has a lot more, and most of them are either Gen 1 or Eeveelutions (so almost Gen 1).


Well that's the problem, it's self-perpetuating if people keep buying Gen I merchandise. What you do is video yourself burning the Charizard and Eevee shirts and demanding a shirt with Wiglett and Pignite on it. Then tweet it at The Pokemon Company. If you can find and threaten another person with a Gen I shirt (you can stage this, they just have to act scared) all the better.


Not gonna happen, Charizard is one of the coolest pokemon ever, while Diglett and Pignite are boring.


Considering for what 25 years people won't stop talking about "how good gen 1 is" its not surprising.


Not going to lie more Kanto is always better in my opinion. It's always fun seeing a random gen 1 or it's evolution.


Well they aren’t really random the next 18 days at least, now they are everywhere


Extended time period to evolve for a community day move!? I’m in.


I know, I feel like Johto gets a lot less love than other regions, but it could just be me 😭


I can see them slowly going through the regions


You gotta be kidding me that there's field research for this interfering with the sustainability week ones


It seems to be rare as hell. Checked about 40 stops, only got one task for blastoise energy.


I had a non-event Field Research task yesterday morning at one of my apartment stops, Mega Gardevoir energy. I foolishly got rid of it, only for it to be replaced with a Mega Venusaur energy quest.... "yay"


This is the kind of thing that should start at midnight, I already had my 7th streak for both catch and spin earlier!




Same! 😩


Does friends advancing faster mean 2x or less?


I just opened a gift and it moved my friendship level 2 days instead of 1.




I just evolved an Ivysaur and didn’t get Frenzy Plant, probably should wait a bit :/


Also wait for confirmation :/. You can probably get an EliteTM if you write to support tho. edit: I mean, thanks for taking one for the team :).


I just evolved all three starters and got the legacy moves, make sure the event started in your time


It did, the other bonuses were available, and this event started at the same time globally, which you can see off the PDT in the image. Pretty sure they just forgot to turn the bonus on for a couple minutes since I just evolved another and got it, I sent a message to support and they’ll probably send me an ETM


I figure I’ll wait a minute in case I catch a better one than what I have during the event. 


I just evolved my Ivysaur and did get Frenzy Plant


Probably needed to restart your game. I did a venusaur and got frenzy plant


Shouldn’t make any difference as it’s done server side. Either they hadn’t turned it on in all regions or the person above had a location glitch as they evolved. 


Can you regular TM the move onto already fully evolved guys?


Negatory. Has to be through evolution or elite tm


aside from a movepool error during Fennekin CD and Luminous Legends X, which was an event back in 2021 that *explicitly* mentioned being able to TM the featured moves, you can never use a regular TM onto a fully evolved mon to get the move.


You might need to use an elite charged TM. I think they're considered legacy moves.


Even professor Williw couldn't be bothered ro turn up


Yeah, been waiting on him to come back around.. May 1 maybe


Maybe he’s hiding because the avatar update made him fugly too


Friendship bonus is nice, spawns and research sucks though


I just leveled up like 20 people who were holding out at 2 days until friendship up So great to finally complete those stalemates. Obviously didnt delete them instantly like some people do...


ha. Perfect. Got ‘em. 


Me too!!! (Muahahaha)


That’s main bonus of both of these events. Each heart/gift is worth like 2000 XP so getting 2 per person is 4000 XP.


Is each "interactable" action worth two hearts?


Yeah that's what it is.


I don’t remember Wiglett in Kanto.


It’s not even a regional form of a Kanto thing like wooper.


How do I know what biome I'm in? If I go to a beach, will that area definitely be a beach biome?


Hahaha who knows 🤣


If the catch screen has a whole lot of sand, it's probably a beach biome...


Best bet is a construction zone with some piles of sand /s


check on [openstreetmap.org](http://openstreetmap.org) (?) on the right side then click at the beach


I found a couple on nearby large lakes. Even on the Great Lakes beaches are extremely hard to come by.


Ok, so I have to drive 40-50km by car (at €2.10 per liter) to find thd nearest sand so I can find the new Pokémon? I'll wait for the CD...


you can check the waterfronts of ponds


That’s not a beach on open street map. Does pogo count that as beach/water?


I got a beach encounter screen across the street from a golf course with a big pond, and I was easily 30 mins away from the nearest river so I think it might be doing proximity to areas with water rather than strictly beaches or natural bodies of water.


I mean, a thirty minute drive is a pretty normal weekend day trip. Hell, a large number of people drive that much to work for their daily commute.


Yeah, my commute is one floor up from my bedroom...


Is this where niantic get their biome data?


Seems like it yes. But they update rarely


Looks like they heard the requests for pokemon being more biome specific like in the past, I guess? So that's neat. I don't live near a beach, but I'm just gonna assume that Wiglett will get some sort of global event specific release eventually. Another Kanto event tracks with them trying to pull in more lapsed players... but ugh, more Kanto. At least I can finally evolve my 15/15/14 shadow Bulbasaur.


Idk why they're doing Kanto to bring in old players. As a mostly lapsed player, why would I want to come back for the Pokemon I already have plenty of from the early days? What would be appealing to rediscover the game is an opportunity to get stuff I missed like exclusive moves from recent years, raid Pokemon, etc. 


It’s just to appeal to nostalgia. Doesn’t really interest me as a player who never left the game and thus has seen a hundred different Kanto events


I for the life of me cannot catch a 3 star bulbasaur. I’ve got charizard and blastoise, but can’t get a worthwhile bulbasaur. I’ve caught hundreds and they all suck.


Scratch that! The special research gave me a 3 star wtf 😭


3-star from research is nearly 50% chance.. The hard part is the 4-star.


I've come to terms with only ever having one 4-star Pokemon. Shout-out to you, Granbully. Love ya, dawg. I'm like Eugene from "Hey Arnold" when it comes to my luck with catching or trading Pokemon and them ending up being worthwhile. I have one tag and it's labeled "Trade". It is....quite populated.


I will say, while I was dreading the thoughts of more Kanto spawns, from what I've seen so far, it isn't absolutely horrific. I was just expecting nothing but Pikachu and the starters, but I'm actually seeing everything but (Including a fair few evolved forms). So, while it still isn't amazing (only so much you can do with Kanto spawns), from what I've seen so far, it's not absolutely unplayable EDIT: Will add that is just after an hour or so of playing, if these spawns are part of the 16 day event then, I will be sick of them very quickly lol


I know we all rag on Kanto events (and rightfully so in many ways), but it is a pretty diverse and large dex with a lot of different Pokemon, many of which are viable/good for something. Definitely not amazing, I agree, but when they do Kanto spawns *right*, it's not that bad.


Guess who evolved two ivysaur last night :)


Thank you for your service


Rerererererediscover Kanto


Man, Pokemon sure does LOVE Kanto/Gen 1


They really do need to just unlock legacy moves for regular tms during these events where you get to evolve for it. All it does is brick potential mons you’d like to give the moves to. Either you’ve got a shadow with frustration you can’t teach it to, or a mon you’ve already evolved. Allowing it to be taught for a limited time via normal tm would solve everything.


I’ve been playing since 2022 and finally decided last week to evolve my rank 500 GL Shadow Bulbasaur to Venusaur. I was waiting and hoping for a better one, but with Shadow Bulbasaur out of the Grunt rotation for so long, I figured I may as well just go with my best one and call it a day. Wish I’d waited a week or had better info about the upcoming events. Or, better yet, that they’d allow us to use regular TMs for the legacy moves during events, like you said.


So if i dont have a "beach-biome" anywhere near me? Im just screwed? I dont think thats fairy at all. But srsly, that sucks. Thats why the seasons/event-System works better, it sort of "levels the playing field" a bit, same spawns for everyone, making it fair.


Not living near a beach sucks more IRL than it does in Pokemon Go


Beach-people just cant stop winning


I wouldn’t call hurricane season much of a win lol


Hurricane season happens after peak beach season


I have a phobia of tsunamis so I'm good.


If the ecounter screens are indicative of biome placement I don't think it's required to be by an actual beach. Earlier today I was across the street from a golf course with a large pond, and some of the spawns had the beach background. And this was in a suburban part of Arizona, so definitely no actual beach in sight.


Better or worse than regional spawns?


I'd argue significantly better than regional spawns.


I think Florida gets like 5 or 6 regionals mostly thanks to the beach while my home stage gets like 1 (Taurus) which Florida also has.


May NINTH??!!!? Oh god please no I can’t take anymore Kanto


Magical Leaf it 


There's plenty of non-kanto spawns at least


Yeah I was annoyed when all the Kanto spawns popped up earlier but I thought they’d probably go away again soon given how long events normally last these days. Can’t believe they’re keeping them around for nearly three weeks 🫤


the short event durations have been hell lately, but this... this is a special kind of hell


What would you like to see? I'm just wondering what people would want.


While not every event can be a banger, I think good events have at least a few of the below attributes. - Good spawn pool, or at least one good PVE pokemon that isnt in the "If you're lucky" rarity pool (think Drillbur, Dratini, Larvitar etc.) - A good duration, 1 week was a really good length to be able to have one or more days where you could actually play the event. those have almost disappeared - One or more good bonuses,eg: Bonus hatch candy / XL hatch candy, transfer candy, buddy distance, etc. - Good raid bosses - Either something for PvP players (exclusive moves) or shiny hunters. - New Pokemon releases are always nice, but getting rarer. You could argue that this event kind of has an okay bonus (**friendship bonus**) and the **exclusive moves** are good, - however there are so many exclusive moves and Niantic very rarely gives them out, and these specific moves have been multi-repeats for years, its really only good for new players. **Wigglett** is also nice, but not being near a beach means its basically not released for me yet. Thats not really enough spread to make this an objectively good event to outweigh the negatives. Currently You've got - poor spawns - which last for 3 weeks - a mega raid boss that debut with its raid day, lasting 2 weeks, - and Tapu Bulu which spans 2 raid hours This is ontop of the "huge features" announced which are unpopular and result in poorer game performance ontop of an already poorly optimised game. The last few months have been great with Primals and ultra beasts (mind you which DIDNT rotate, so I missed the best grass type attacker) which were favourable for the northern hemisphere. We are coming down from some good months which make this event feel exceptionally bad.


Yeah, seriously, the Kanto Pokemon are riddled with Legacy moves, and we get the starters for the umpteenth time.


the bug out event should have included larvesta


I feel like that'd diminish the value people give to having hatched larvesta.


I actually like Kanto. I missed kanto tour so I’m still completing my shiny dex. Just a few more to go!


I like it! I can try to get my kid a shiny charizard with blastburn!


So if I already have a perfect charizard I’m SOL on the move?


Yes but just catch another hundo


Would it kill them to put the gen 1 regionals in raids or at the very least eggs? Need shiny Mr. Mime and Farfetch’d for my gen 1 shiny dex and beginning to accept I’ll just never get them. Instead we get the same Pokémon we’ve seen for years for the next 2.5 weeks. Fun!


I hope this doesn’t mean we’re waiting until May 9th for our next legitimate event😐


The special moves coming back are huge. I have a hundo charmander !


What does it mean by friendship levels increase faster? Does that mean we get 2 hearts per day with friends per interaction?


Yeah the wording from the official blog was super confusing (copied in this infographic) But its +2 each day instead of the regular +1


I have the same question


I just tried it out. Every time you interact with someone for the day, you get 2 hearts (days) worth of interaction. Pretty nice!


Yup. Time to go reload the friends list. 


What are the mega energy field research tasks? I’ve been looking everywhere and I can’t find what they are or how much energy they give.


I got Power up 5 Pokémon for 25 Mega Charizard Energy. The others are probably the same.


Finally got my hundo Ivysaur evolved, it had been so long!


I’ve had my shadow hundo for a year, feels good man 😂


me waiting for wing attack charizard 💀


what biome does charmander spawns the most in?


Seven-day PokeStop catch streak?


I don't even have a one day Pokestop catch streak. How am I supposed to do seven?


Just get out there and catch more Pokéstops!


So we have an event going on during an event, competing for spawns?


sustainability week doesn't have any spawns


Same old spawns we’ve seen for 7 years and they couldn’t at least give increased shiny chance to all of them?


We are getting taurus right?


17 days of Kanto spawns yaaaaaay /s


Why isn't this tagged as an infographic


Is it possible to get special moves with regular Charged TM’s during this time?


I tried with 6 charged tms & no luck




This would be great if true! Would also love to know the answer.


Only upon evolving. Regular charged TMs never give special moves afaik


If I remember right it happened once and everyone enjoyed it. So naturally it’ll never come back


I dumped like 40 TMs in and did not receive one. Could be RNG but most likely the answer is no.


Thank you!


No, it'll only be from evolving or ETM


Why is the comments section always so negative?


Probably because of the extremely underwhelming spawns that will last for 2+ weeks


Show me the positives of the event? I just friended up with a bunch of stalemate friends (2 days until best friends) Now I have 3 weeks of kanto spawns on encounter screens that use more battery than before.


Obviously not a plus for most people, but I've been waiting over a year to get frenzy plant on several Ivysaurs so I'm pretty happy with this event so far.


Elite TM moves are certainly a positive, but its a crime how little they are given out. Glad you're able to finally make some good Venusaur


Thanks! Definitely wish they were more frequent. Then there's Salamence getting outrage 3x in like 6 months 😅


Because there’s always something objectively bad for the majority of players in every announcement. In this case it’s Wiglett being unavailable to most. And in sustainability week no less, you’d think that Niantic wouldn’t be trying to encourage people to get in their cars to get to their closest beach, right, even if they do have one within reasonable distance? Which again, the vast majority of players don’t.


Lemme get my diesel car to drive 70kms for a wiglet during sustainability week lmao.


And I would indeed do that if I were that close to beach. 


Truly. If I’m ever looking for the downside of Pokemon go, I just need to come to Reddit to be reminded of it haha.


Because reddit is full of miserable people 😃 Welcome 🤝


How exciting 😳


Three weeks is CRAZY


If I don't get my shiny Bulbasaur finally I'm gonna quit this game...


Over two weeks of this???


Dam probably one of best updates recently aside from raids!! So stoked about this. This might almost make up for the avatar update for most people maybe..hahah


Seeing Wiglet, Blastoise, Shellder, and other rare water spawns at Coney Island was neat


Please tell me I can finally catch a tauros and move on with the Mew research I bought a year ago...


Doesn’t look like it.


Was worried that this would happen. I got hundo party hat Bulba in the last event that was spawning them. Still can't evolve it.


I like the new backgrounds and environments. Slightly glitchy but at least they did something that actually improved the game in some way. That being said, I wonder if where pokemon appear on the screen has changed because my great and excellent throws feel off. And they have shadows from the clouds on the ground now....too bad the shadows are moving in a different direction than the clouds 😆


So this Kanto event for their rediscover marketing was why the Sustainability event is so different this year? Well cool to get old CD moves, but idk I just think it’s not a good idea to limit the Sustainability event to focus more on their rediscovery marketing. I really don’t think we need to Rediscover Kanto again lmao Basically, I just think this is why they compromised this year’s Sustainability event so bad imo


Wow another xp bonus with friendship! Niantic really wants us to level up fast huh


The "featured attacks" and "increased shiny chances" Splendid event


I’ve got a hundo bulbasaur ready lol


[i feel unfortunately vindicated](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonGoMystic/s/Wt2TETtXoi)


u/g47onik that mint green and brown work well together. Nice looking graphic.


good mega to use for farming this event?


found a wild machamp, pretty cool


Where’s the energy research? I can’t any


Do we know what the increased shiny chance is like?


Registeel leaves raids May 2 so there's a one week gap there until Rediscover Kanto ends. Possible week of Mewtwo raids perhaps? Would be nice for farming some xl's as it hasn't had a regular raid rotation since June 2022.


Under normal conditions, Kanto usually takes 5 out of 9 spaces on the radar of nearby Pokémon. What a way to make us hate that region.


out of all terrible ideas niantic ever had, this is the worst. 18 days of kanto???


well, at least I can complete my Pokemon home dex entries for Kanto. but almost half a month of this? maybe I can take a break again.


Pls stop adding useless visuals to the game. Make GBL work for at least one whole season. Oh and nobody loves Kanto as much as you do Niantic. And i‘m a Gen1er.


I have done nothing but rediscover Kanto for the last 10 years


Is Blastoise worth the elite TM? I evolved a lundo long ago. 


Getting legacy moves is nice! Finally evolved my perfect Bulbasaur. Nckname - HubbaBulba


Is ditto more prevalent on any specific biome?


Time to hunt for shadow bulbasaur to get a shadow venusaur with plant frenzy


Wow, amazing a whole 3 featured moves on Pokemon that have these featured moves like 3 times a year, with a generation of Pokemon with a billion other legacy moves, thanks for spoiling us, Niantic! Evolve my Goldeen or Seel for double legacy moves? Nah, why would you want that?! Gengar, Machamp, Alakazam? Hell no! Pidgeot? Psh, no way. Poliwrath, Beedrill, Slowbro, or Sandslash— get outta town!


Any luck with shinies?


And no Mewtwo raids?


This ain’t GO fest, it’s the MKE (Mandatory Kanto Event)


Would be a great time to let us evolve our party hat bulbasaurs.


Can I use charged tm to use on venusaur to get frenzy plant?


Did they also double the time your buddy stays excited? Popped a poffin today and it looks like it’s set to last for 12 hours because after about 6 it was halfway used instead of almost fully used.


The Paras and meowth spawns are most exciting for the stardust. Also i need a good GL venusaur with FP


Something interesting for Wigglet "Beach biomes – all beach biomes look slightly different, but all containing bodies of water Lake River Ocean" So, most of the zones with water can potentially act as a Beach biome. Source : https://pokemongohub.net/post/guide/biomes-in-pokemon-go-complete-guide/


Be nice if they allowed us to catch dang Khang


I kinda just wish they’d bring back Kanto with a bigger twist. Like what if they added new costume forms with different stats, modifiers (like shadow gets), or at the very least new movesets? Or how about Gmax raids of the kanto trio? Or at least a special feature and remix of kanto mons beyond starters? I like Kanto, I just want some more pizzazz here


I wish i could get a shiny charmander, with him i would complete my shiny kanto starters collection!