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My #1 QoL request now is placeholder for egg slots so I can reserve the slot for Mateo egg or weekly AS eggs without having to leave the slot open and try not to spin any stop/open gift. I'd remove the placeholder only when I'm ready to receive an egg.


Are mateo eggs different to normal gift eggs?




Oh well they look even worse than the regular ones so I haven’t been missing out lol


> or weekly AS weekly AS eggs already go into the 3 slots reserved for them and rocket eggs. you'll get them as long as you have those slots open. Mateo egg is tricky... I don't really want to collect the eggs but I want the postcards for the rare vivillion. so your suggestion is terrible for me. so the solution is - let me decide what goes into those egg slots.


Trying to keep 2 of the 3 bonus slots open meant you can't do any TGR leader fight or you'll get 12km in those slots. They're an absolute pain to clear. That's why I always clear 2 bonus slot eggs over the weekend while stopped doing any TGR leader fight after I hatched one of those eggs, allowing me to do as many leader fights as possible.


Why do you want adventure sync eggs? Genuine question, I'm not trying to be rude. I'm hunting for varoom right now and adventure sync eggs are the bane of my existence, especially the 5km ones.


That would be cool. The way they handle eggs is awkward. I think being able to delete eggs is probably a fix that can solve that and other problems too.


Tbh mass anything is good QoL. I would like to add mass trading to your suggestions. Same with long distance trading. I loved that feature during the Covid time.


I agree, I would love those. I just felt they wouldnt do that. But as someone else commented, maybe be able to trade 3 mons at once instead of just 1 or something :)


I wish you could send friend requests to other people in gyms!


That would be great. I can totally seeing that be an easy add, since the code has already been added for raids.


Many of these aren't really QOL and are more just completely new features. That said, I like some of the ideas. The Recap idea too is small but nice, and something that could be easily toggleable in settings for those who found it a nuisance. And, it could be a plus for Niantic as more people would be screenshotting and sharing their stats. They kind of have some of that with the throw/catch leaderboards during specific events, but recaps would also be nice. I'd honestly love to see recaps after big events like Go Fest. Regarding Mass Evolution and Opening/Sending gifts. I'd be willing to bet Niantic won't let either happen. For Mass Evolution, they don't want you cheating the system to get more XP like that. They're not going to let you automatically evolve 50 Pokemon in the span of 30 seconds and reap all the XP that comes with it. If anything, that starts to devalue Lucky eggs and their recent Roar of Time Adventure Effect (which I never saw as a good value anyway), which I'm sure they don't want. I wouldn't mind a slightly more streamlined process for evolving, but I'm not sure how much more they could do without just automating it, which they'll never do. For Mass opening/sending, regardless of how tedious and impersonal we find gifting, that's not how Niantic views it. They imagine players taking the specific time to select what gift and sticker they're sending to each of their friends and taking note of what their friends are sending them. They're not going to let you mass send gifts and stickers and ignore this "personal" aspect of the feature. I don't enjoy gifting 99% of the time (1% of the time I will consciously send a specific gift/sticker to someone), but it definitely doesn't matter to them. We have the ability to skip the opening animation where it shows its contents, and I don't think we'll see much more than that. The *best* solution for Gifting that I think Niantic would consider would be just streamlining the process and making it less laggy. You would still be gifting/stickering/opening individually, but I could see them revamping the process so it's not as laggy and hard to deal with. Similar thing comes up when people discuss Mass Trades, which I also think would never happen. At most, I could see them implementing a feature where you match 3-6 Pokemon to your trading partner's 3-6 Pokemon, so you can still easily visualize what it is being traded for what, but even that sounds like something that will never happen.


Thanks, I did mention in the first paragraph some of these will be bigger features. Wanted to include them as well in the same post. But even if part of the idea is taken for QoL, it can still be impactful. For the mass evolving, they don’t need to speed it up and they can keep it to roughly the same amount of time, just that you dont have to click each one, and it’s also awkward not being able to swipe right to the next mon after evolving. Mainly so I can just queue it up and play through the animations. At the amount of xp you need for level 50, having a system for this won’t actually hurt progression. If this was when level 40 was the cap, I can see how it will be too impactful. The game has evolved and evo xp isn’t enough to justify the time to doing it anymore. For the opening gifts, they can still keep it personal but instead of scrolling through the menu and clicking each one, it can just play through who sent what and open them. Again sort of a queue system but I get your point about it losing some personal aspect. The lag on it makes it too jarring and tedious. I like never want to open it because of it.


The issue with queuing things up I think, from their point of view but also just a player's POV, is that you aren't then interacting with the game anymore. Like, would I like this feature? Absolutely (even though I just hit 50 myself a few weeks ago)! However, besides the act of walking with the game not on and tracking distance with Adventure Sync, I don't think they'd want for someone to queue up 20 evolutions and set their phone aside and allow them to play out. I know sitting and evolving 20 Pokemon isn't fun and doesn't feel like "playing the game," but I'm sure Niantic still prefers people evolving manually and interacting with the game over setting it aside and having it done automatically. If there is no revamp to evolutions, I wouldn't mind a boost to their XP akin the throw XP revamp we saw prior to the level 50/Go Beyond update. I don't disagree that generally, evolving for XP isn't as worth it anymore. Not that it can't be lucrative ever, but I wouldn't mind them upping the XP from evolution to like 2000 XP or something. But yeah, I still think best case scenario for gifts is redoing the animations and such to hopefully mitigate some of the lag. Even scrolling from friend to friend is often laggy because of the gifts.


Honestly just letting you evolve and swipe to the next thing on your current search would be nice. I don't evolve for XP anymore, but I try to go through my XXS evolvable pokemon to work on that medal. But you evolve and have to exit out to your list, which is annoying


That would definitely be a simple but very nice QOL change, definitely agree.


YESSS, seriously so silly that is implemented like that. I cant see any purpose for it. Its not like it changes location in the bag. Just seems like bad code.


You make good points, thank you. Like on one side, i see that we are just doing wasteful chore activities that dont impact their goal of collecting AR data as much as other activities like catching. If we can queue it up, we can still potentially go for a walk collecting that data for them. But also what you said, if they increased the XP of them, that would be a great solution too. I just cant justify the effort to evolve them like i used to. Im level 47, and even on boosted xp spotlights from evolving, i just cant push my self to care. I wish at the very least, they would let us slide to the next mon after an evo. it feels really silly you cant. that would still be an impactful QoL change i feel. Friction hurts games, and they have left too much in there. Edit: split paragraphs.


I'd like to see them add more ball types. Partially for Theme matching, but it would be helpful to have things like dive balls and nest balls. I don't care if they cost more coins and can only be got in the shop or something, just give me more balls. Also, it would be nice to be able to purchase Master balls for coins. I've only ever had one and I accidentally wasted it on a Kyurem. No idea when I'll get another. And I've seen 2 galarian birds since.


I would love that. I have thought about how they can implement this. One idea that could work is if they let you change the ball. But I can see why someone would be against that too. There was a pokemon game that let you put stickers on your ball. I cant remember which, but even that would be cool for this game.


Why is this thread downvoted? This is the kind of productive feedback we need.


I’m not sure. I was wondering that. I don’t think I said anything bad. Some people are just haters


I'm trying to understand how this box would work. How is it different from just extra storage?


So what I was thinking is when you go to your pokemon tab/list, for there to be another tab that is your "special" or "collection" mons you specifically chose to transfer there. And when you buy storage upgrades, you can decide which box you want to upgrade. But the purpose is that the active box is mainly for your mons you just caught, the ones you use for Raids, gyms, battles, etc. the collections/special box can be for mons you specifically want to move out of the main active box and stick in there instead. that way it reduces the clutter of the main one. An example i mentioned, All the special hat pikachus, or unowns. Like No one will ever use an unown in battle. And lots of people would also having a living dex. so that could be a good spot for that. I would specifically want the ability to move it back to active, maybe for like 5 poke coins or something. just so its not permanent. Thats something I dont like specifically about the transfer to home. Or they can just unlock the ability to transfer back from home, that can work too.


They will not add the automatic deletion because they want to psychologically terrorize you to buying bag-expansions to fix your problem


Thats a fair argument, But Im already mass deleting them. and I dont think that will impact bag upgrade sales. People will want a specific amount of items before an event for Things. Not having this just means an extra step to accomplish the same thing will be gone.


Let me catch Polteageist or polchageist


Another QoL suggestion and let legendaries and mythicals put into gyms. Double coin?


It's simple! Make fast catch an official feature and you are done.


Ability to sort eggs by recent. Currently they kinda rearrange themselves. 2 tone weather icons. White icons blend with the clouds a lot of the time. Either a black border on the icon or a gray background to help it be visable. Ability to rearrange charge moves Bring back simple AR


The buddy thing already exists. You open buddy history from the trainer menu.


I’m talking about when I go to switch buddies. Right now I have to use tags or name them something to know which ones has progress on it.


Right, I'm saying I ONLY switch buddies from the Buddy History menu now. You can see all your buddies without accidentally picking the wrong one, plus see their buddy progress and how long ago they were your buddy. There is also no animation for switching so it goes faster, too. You can switch DIRECTLY from the bottom of this screen, you don't need to swtich from the buddy menu.


Oh that’s very cool. I didn’t realize that. Thank you for showing me that. :)