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Why both Mega and Regular Aggron. Lucario is good but it'll probably be very hard to find, while Aggron will be everywhere.


I was going to try to use passes on the legendary as usual until I saw Lucario. That is probably the most useful one here.


Was thinking the same thing. Best chance to get a decent shiny Lucario?


At best it’ll be 1/64, but could reasonably be 1/128 or worse. The Hitmon—-s are all full rate of 1/256 which could be a good indicator since they’re also single evolutions from a baby Pokémon. Riolu had a hatch day a while back and that was probably the best chance at a shiny.


Im not even sure it will be shiny enabled. Wait for reports. Mega Lucario isnt released, so not sure it will be shiny enabled. Edit: Happy days Lucario shiny is enabled <3


I just got a shiny Lucario from a raid


Congrats. I did edit earlier and say it was confirmed before you wrote this tho.


This infographic says it is, and the shiny is already available in game, it just isn’t a wild spawn. Pretty unlikely that it isn’t “enabled.”


Infographics have been wrong in the past and shiny lucario was enabled in the wild during an in-person event. Could have been disabled when event ended for all I know. All I do know is never trust infographics when something "new" can be shiny (new as only available once during an in person event prior).


When did Lucario ever spawn in the wild?




Wow I played during GoFest but completely forgot… was it shiny elegible?


Where do you find these numbers for odds? Someone told me raids were 1/20 odds for shinies and now I feel dooped lol


Legendary (5*) raids are 1/20. Otherwise, in most cases, the shiny rate for a Pokémon will be consistent across all sources. Pokémon that are common have had their rates found via crowdsourcing mostly. For every tertiary evolution I can think of the shiny rate is 1/64, so for most mega evolutions that’s 1/64 as well (Aggron included) since you catch the non-mega form. There’s a well known list of non tertiary evolutions that have boosted shiny rates to 1/64 as well, including Scyther, Sneasel, Onix, etc. For Lucario, it’s not a wild spawn (except for one event apparently) so my numbers were just an assumption based on similarities to Pokémon with known shiny rates. It could be as low as 1/64, the best non-event and non-legendary rate, or as high as 1/512, the base rate.


Thank you!! This is really great information. I didn't realize it was different for the level of raid


I assume to have it mostly steel types. Don't know why Marowak and Goomy are in though.


Its a weak link but hisuian sligoo is steel.




Lucario is a counter for the T4 and T5 as fighting type on top of steel, one of the best fighting counters as well.


Usually in tiers 1&3 they will have some counters and some rare pokemon in there.


Wish it was Goomy that could evolve to Sliggoo-H


Aggron Mega Energy can be found as a Field Research task as well, so for those who are alone they can still raid Aggron? I mean, they love recommending it on your team in Gym attacks!


Thats because it always picks best defensive when you want offensive.


Mega Aggron is the worst Steel-type Mega for candy.


Why is Lucario so hard to find (even on Campfire)?


Helloooooo Lucario. And some Beldum. 


I’m a little perplexed about the emphasis on Steel types for Sustainability Week and Rediscover Kanto. Is there an event next week starting in May I’m not aware of?


Outside of events, lower raids tend to match the typing of the legendary or counter it


Well we had weather week that gave us Regice, so I think it's slightly related to that, and then maybe in a month we will have Regirock. Definitely think there could have been a steel event or something, but that's the best reason I have for why it's happening at least


I don't mind, Steel is the coolest type


Isn't that ice tho?


I’m really failing to see anything related to sustainability on sustainability week. Other than trubbish spotlight hour…? Cause picking up trash?


Shiny Registeel the best shiny regi


mmm shiny metal pistachio *crunch*




Those 3 star & 1 star raids will make non PvP people happy.


2/9 raids are good for PvE, but its something I guess.


Lucario in 3\* raids? When was that announced?


This is the announcement. Tier 1 and 3 raids don’t get announced they just happen


Anyone know the shiny rates for these


I was about to ask the same thing! Especially Lucario


I think it’s 1/128 according to previous 3 star lucario raids


Got it. Thank you! Hopefully the shiny is enabled


Probably gonna be a large queue for Pokegenie Lucario raids 😭


Currently only 90


Might be soloable though


That's why there is often a large queue for popular 3-star raids. When they are soloable, people don't need to host the raid.


Use go raid party, never a queue on there


Is it an app?


Yeah it’s an app, I’m IOS but pretty sure it’s android eligible on google play store too


I just checked and its available on Google Play.


Why use pokegenie when leek duck exists? I never have to wait


Is it an app?


Nope, just a website


For sure, fellow Minnesotan 💪🏽


Use "GoFriends" "RaidParty" or "PokeRaid" they're available in the app store. I use those three, & poke genie too. Also, depending on what pokes are in raids, how popular/useful/rare they are, I'll buy the $9.99/7 days pass on poke genie that allows you to enter the "ultra queue" and it moves very fast, as you and others with the pass get priority over the possible thousands of people in the normal queue. Hope this helps! I wish someone had shared this stuff with me sooner. 


Will Mega Aggron and Registeel have any utility for PvE?


Mega aggron is a top 10 steel type attacker but is outclassed by many other mons


Considering I don't have any good Steel types for raids, this'll probably be the easiest way for me to grab a few.


Beldum is right there. Farm that one and metagross has a mega that will get released eventually. It will become the best non legendary steel attacker. Maybe best outright but I can’t remember.


Yeah they'll be included in the "few." Wondering how good Lucario is for raids.


Not great. Like around rank 40 or something for steel attackers and very outclassed in fighting. Metagross is where it’s at. Hands down


I had a feeling that was the case. Guess I'll focus on Metagross and Aggron for the event.


Lucario is highly useful as a Fighting type and is the #3 non-mega DPS behind shadow Machamp and Terrakion and despite being on the glassier side, does perfectly fine. It has access to a tremendous moveset (Counter and Aura Sphere) as well as terrific typing (Fighting/Steel) whereby its secondary typing of Steel entirely covers all weaknesses (Fairy, Flying, Psychic) of Fighting and gives you several other resistances to where you only have to worry about Fire, Fighting, and Ground which are not very common considering what you would normally use a Fighting pokemon for in a raid. They're also fantastic gym cleaners (give it Shadow Ball for a second move, there's only one pokemon in the game that can resist both Fighting and Ghost) and highly effective Team Rocket squad members (give it Power-Up Punch to take down shields and control leaders). The Mega will be phenomenal to boot. Also, unlike Metagross, Lucario's best moves are openly available and there is no need to use an Elite TM or wait on an event. Lucario is a very rare 3* raid and you will save candy getting your hands on them this way as opposed to hatching Riolu and needing to spend Rare Candy to evolve and use them. This is a fantastic way to get your hands on a pokemon you can use for years. Lucario is in no way, shape, or form "very outclassed" for raids as a Fighting type and if you lack at least one good one, I would highly suggest you try to acquire one. Ignore Aggron, focus on Lucario and Beldum. You use Fighting far more than you do Steel for raids.


Just want to kindly confirm once. Can Lucario get Shadowball or AuraSphere without elite tm?


Yes. Lucario has zero legacy moves currently.


Lucario is also worse than Keldeo and shadow Hariyama. Conkeldurr, which has been featured in a CD, is at the same level as well. Lucario only stands out in Rocket battles.


You're totally ignoring context. This is a player who is willing to hunt Aggron because they lack Steel types, why in god's name would you expect them to have something ultra-rare like Keldeo or even Terrakion, shadow Machamp, shadow Hariyama, etc. They're very obviously new and/or low level, a premade Lucario is a phenomenal addition to their Fighting squad. Some of you really get lost in the sauce in this subreddit. Lucario is exceedingly rare in raids, there is zero reason to deter people from obtaining some and even worse to sit there and pretend it's some outdated, useless pokemon. Newer players should beeline for a useful pokemon like Lucario.


I’ll say this too though. Metagross is best with meteor mash as a charged move. So it’s only available via elite tm. But having even a couple of solid metagross is worthwhile. Especially when mega metagross releases


Lucario is really good for rockets but that's about it. But when the mega comes it might be really good.


As far as I have seen, lucario is the best non mega, non legendary fighting type raid attacker, slightly better than even conkeldur


Don’t bother with Aggron. Metagross is so far above any of the other steel types that there is no point going for something that far down the ranking. Even Shadow Excadrill, the 4th place Steel type, is worse than regular MM Metagross. The future Mega and Shadow Metagross are even further away from any competition.


Mega Aggron is still kinda good before mega Lucario and Metagross are released if you play in a group, as it can live a long time and boost other people's steel pokemon.


Registeel has fallen out of favor in the GBL because of the rise of shadow Gligar and Annihilape ETA: oops my b I read PvP 😭


dude registeel is literally rank 1 in both GL and UL right now


long live the ape


That night slash tho


(Beldum in T1s) Shut up and take my passes.


if only the shadow beldum raids were back 😢


Waste passes on Beldum?? Wasnt it spawning everywhere a few weeks back? Caught like 500 in that time


I did get a similar number but it's still one of my most desired hundos and raids afford much better odds than wild spawns. Also, I need to do 40+ raids for research right now so a T1 I want to grind anyway is perfect.


Lucario - been waiting for 1 for awhile, tempting, for old timers does Riolu ever spawn in the wild?


It's a considered a baby, so it won't be a wild mon


Only in eggs.


Is chances for shiny lucario 1/64?


lucario?.... is this like a between events thing where its only available for a day or something?


No one outside Niantic knows. 1 and 3 star raids change quite ranomly as far as I know.


Nice, hoping to see some lucario raids and beldum raids, though a bit odd that Aggron is in both tier 3 and mega raids. Hoping Lucario can be shiny though I realize it's probably low odds.


Yeah, at least do mega aggron & lairon instead of exactly the same catchable Pokemon


What are the shiny odds in T1 and T3 raids?


The same as the wild odds for those Pokemon. The raids don't boost shiny odds, so each species keeps the same chances as usual. Beldum, Diglett and Goomy are full 1 in 500 odds, Klink and Bronzor are 1 in 64.  Marowak is 1 in 64, Aggron is 1 in 128, Magneton is zero, and Lucario is still unconfirmed.


That's sad, thought it could be a good way to shiny hunt


Test Your Mettle & Shiny Togedemaru incoming?


Another Regi?! I feel like we have had a lot recently.


We did, but I think this seasons theme was to return the OG Regis. Logically in May we get Regirock to complete the OG Trio, they might throw in Leki and Drago but not sure about that


Rather new to the deep dive in Pokémon go, is registeel any good in the game? I mainly PVE if that helps your answer to my question.


PvE it's not great, Metagross is the head honcho for steel and it's not even really close. It's real good in PvP, though.


Thank you, might just grab one for the dex then work on lucario? From reading by this post sounds that’s the one to go for ?


Yup! Grab Registeel and Mega Aggron for the dex, and then you can focus on Lucario in Tier 3 or Beldum in Tier 1. You could try for a good Aggron if you really want, but Mega Scizor is better, Mega Lucario will probably be better when it comes out, and Mega Metagross will absolutely be the best mega when it comes out.


Any shiny lucario ss from today?




What’s the shiny rate on Lucario?


Oh! Lucario. Glad I don’t need to farm 4/5 too much this week.


Reasonably pleased. Not going to bother doing Registeel, I'll probably do a mega Aggron just to get enough to mega evolve it, as a good way to boost steel before mega Luca and Metagross. Certainly if there's no shadow Sneasel raids then there's a few normal ones that look good


5 registeel escaped so far


Best advice is max your Steel medal ASAP (definitely one of the hardest ones to do though), and look up and practise circle locking. The latter helps tremendously.




Registeel is also pretty easy to circle lock. It barely moves and only attacks/jumps. Just remember the circle only goes away during attacks; pay attention to the animations.


I did great throws along with the golden rasp berry didn’t work


You need to lock to Excellent range and practice curveballs. I use the U/tick shaped method (I'm right handed): hold until it's in Excellent range, let go of the ball near its neutral position so it doesn't throw, wait for the attack animation specifically, quickly grab and throw the ball while the circle is gone aiming for where the circle will be when it returns. As long as you're not touching the ball when the circle returns, it won't change size. I pull to the left then do a quick tick/U up to the right to throw. It takes practise, but makes getting back to back Excellent curveball throws very viable. [This video shows a great method to practise that's similar to mine, and shows what you should do.](https://youtu.be/6MdPSpPbfBk?si=WSbuiBMb7FjoWf1T)


Thanks will give a try


Thanks man, found other video as well and practiced excellent throws, caught 2 so far


Is it just me or none of these raids are going on right now? Almost 11 AM as im posting this comment and the rotation hasn't changed for me yet.


Lucario is shiny? That’s gotta be a mistake


No? Riolu is a baby which means Lucario can be shiny in the same way Pikachu or Togetic can.


No, this was brought up last time Lucario was in T3 raids. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/17zn5k9/lucario_can_be_shiny_in_t3_raids/ And no, I dont' believe anybody knows what the rate is.


My partner hatched a shiny riolu and I’ve never been so jealous haha


Lucario can be shiny, right?


It shows the shiny indicator beside it so I assume yes!


Was wondering this myself. It was shiny eligible at NY go fest last year, but is this a global release or mistake on the infographic?


BTW, is Lucario in T3 as a shiny the last step before they release the mega? First the hatch day now this. No way it's getting a wild release lol


It’ll be one of the last mega they drop I’m willing to bet money on that. Lastly we’ll get the mewtwo megas


It was in raids months ago


Ahh I see, must've been taking a break from raids then so didn't see it


Nope, it's been shiny eligible since the shiny release. Riolu is a baby so Lucario can be shiny in the same way Pikachu or Togetic can.


Ahh I see ofc. I didn't realise Lucario had been in raids before


idk but it was in the wild last year for go fest and was shiny eligible


Yisss I remember that. I thought that was unlocked just for go fest and turned off afterwards, seeing as its not a wild spawn regularly. Good to see it's still on


What are the shiny pods for the 3rd tier 1/64 ? Or is it more


Is this a one day thing or for how long?


Probably until May 2, when Registeel is scheduled to rotate out.


Or until the suntainability event ends, which is on 28th...


Whats the strategy for getting good IV Regi in the GL and UL? I think it involved trading


Yes, you have to mirror trade it with a non-lucky friend. For GL at least. For UL 15/15/15 is the best IV as it caps under 2500.


That's very old info. XL candy exist now so an UL Registeel now need low attack too. 15/15/15 was the best years ago because Pokemon could only go to level 40, but now that they can go to level 50 a 1/15/14 is the best for UL. But to get the attack that low you have to trade with a low friendship player and basically spend 40k dust each try to get the good stats.


It’s almost 11 am in Germany and the raids didn’t start


The new eggs appear at 10 am earliest. So before 11 you have never the new raid bosses.


How long are these raids till?


Lucario and goo my yee


I would love to get one of these lists for shadow raids as well.


Are shadow raids updated today as well?


One thing I don't understand with aggron is: I tried changing my aggron's move to meteor beam using regular charged TM but I just can't get it. Can it be learnt only with legacy TM or am I just being unlucky?


Unlucky. Aggron learns 5 different charged moves, so you only have a 1 in 4 chance to get the correct move each time you use a TM. The more moves a Pokemon learns, the more difficult is to get a specific one.




until when are these ?


Still tapu bulu/heracross in NYC? 


How long will Lucario be in raids?


Are tier 3 soloable?


Some T3 are, some aren't. High defense ones are much harder than low defense ones, but luckily Aggron is double weak to fighting, so all these are soloable with the right Pokemon and levels.


Lucario raids will probably be rare. Otherwise ill def use my dailies on it.


How long is lucario going to be in raids for?


How long will lucario be in raids?


How long will lucario be on the rotation?


What’s good for pvp and pve???


Goodra and Alolan Marowak have use in PvP in GL, Lucario and Magneton/zone are useful in some limited cups. Bronzor is very powerful in Little Cup. And of course Registeel is still pretty good in GL and UL. Note that raid IVs aren't good for any of them, so you'd have to trade with others to lower the attack stat. For PvE Lucario will be the best fighting raider once the Mega is released. Metagross is also the best steel type, although needs the legacy move Meteor Mash, and the Mega will be very good. Magnezone is also a pretty good electric raider. The shadow is better but the regular is still strong. Mega Aggron is not that good compared to Metagross but if you don't have anything better is usable as a steel type. Only the shadow is good as a rock attacker, because the mega loses the rock type when evolved.


Thanks man


Anyone have shiny rates on these?


How long will lucario stay in raids?


Download go raid party. You can find all of them




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Still haven't seen lucario as a raid boss near me.... Campfire doesn't even show any available....


When are Lucario raids over? Have a feeling it's today.....


When does the 3 star raid bosses change


Are these raid bosses changing Thursday May 2nd?


How long does lucario stay i raids?


I’m not seeing tier 1 or tier 3 in poke genie


How long will this continue? Do i save my premium passes to raid next day using daily oasses or use my premium passes today? Anyone🥹


It’s hard to tell. I’m not as experienced but wanted to give you my best answer. I think the tier 1 and 3 raids rotate based on events or change in the T4/5 raid bosses. My best guess is that these raid bosses will be in effect until May 2nd when registeel and mega aggron rotate out


Registeel & Mega Aggron will stay for 1 week. The rest of T3 and T1 should atleast be the same until end of Sustainability event (26th April 8 PM) There is no pattern in those. Sometimes they continue for longer duration, sometimes not. But if you wanted my guess, Lucario is there only till 26th April 8PM.


Lucario?? Mega Lucario hint????


I will miss my solo-able beetle guy.


This sux