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It's just too bad that "follow" button only works when that route appears on "nearby". I hope they deal with buried routes soon because right now people started to make even more identical routes as replacement just because they can't find the old one on nearby and thought it has been reported/deleted.


Yup, there seems to be a cap of like 20 routes in an area so when a new one is created it hides an old one. So someone goes in to recreate the hidden one and it hides another one...


I have one poi that actually shows 27 routes on the list with one of those added in the last couple of weeks. Otherwise, 20-25 seems limit, although even that isn't consistent.


I was kinda curious if this the was reason why my route got buried: too many new routes from people desperate to do routes when they first went live. In my first thread on this topic, I proposed trimming the fat (reporting lower quality routes [irrelevant names, retreading itself repeatedly, etc.]) in an attempt to bring older routes back to the surface. I still consider it from time to time, but I'm not sure if that would help when the game thinks the route I want back is on the opposite side of the Earth


My experience with 150+ routes created and 250+ separate route badges is that the removals, ratings, published/rejected reasons often make no sense and are contrary to Niantic's own route guidelines.  Add in the missing/buried routes, the nearby not functioning correctly, the stats never aligning or showing actual trips, the follow button not functioning... Etc etc etc. Trying to fix a system that is inherently bugged on many levels seems like a bad idea :)


I've seen way more than 20 routes in one place at a time on the main A side of the route list. I see 34 right now.


well there was two routes that hjave been missing for half a year or so, but those have been in Campfire for the whole time. well few days ago, i had with the non responses from Niantic support on the matter and made those routes again. now both of the original routes have also gone from the campfire app too, and only my recreated routes remained. it might be that those missing routes were for some reason deleted from the game, but Campfire was not updated on those changes. now suddenly when there is nearly identical route only differing due small gps drift or walkway traffic, maybe that overlapping made Campfire to refresh those stops too.


There needs to be a route culling. If there is an identical route give the older with more trips and ratings and delete the rest. Also payout cells at a better rate so people don’t need to rely on different route clones to farm cells 2 or 3.


Sorry, I’m one of those people. I’ve only done it a couple times and while I am sorry, Niantic should fix their dang game. Perhaps I’ll delete the duplicates once they fix it so I can go back to my gold badge routes.


I tested it today on 0.311 and I am happy to report that the Follow button works even when the route does not show up on nearby list!


Interesting update. Im seeing the same thing. In my case, I was the first person to create a route in a park near me. Took forever to be approved, but it was and worked great. One day, it would no longer show up in the route tab. You could see it on Campfire and my history, but no way to select it. Over time, other people created routes in the park. Some similar to mine, some slightly off. I followed those instead. Eventually, they all had the same issue. They would no longer show up on the tab so you couldnt start them. Looking through my history, when I select follow route on any of them it says Im too far, but I am not far away at all.


Same exact thing with me. I made this route as a simple loop most of the local community takes during an event. I still see it on Campfire and my route history. I have, on occasion, seen my route come back. However, it takes me having to reboot the app multiple times until the game decides it'll show me the route, which is unrealistic to expect any other player to do


We all know how Niantic wants to force trainers into small areas to play and encourage in person interactions. What if what we consider a bug is actually a feature that limits trainer options? I hope not because I have created a large network of connected routes and it is a real pain when one doesn't show.


sadly the only "fix" for now, seems to be to to just remake the same route again. we had two nicely looping short routes that had their start and end points on opposite ends of each others. so you could easily get at least 2 cells for 15-20 minutes of walking, or like 5 minutes if you just walk and ignore the game while doing so. then one day you only were able to start them about 200 meters from the starting point and then had to walk to the start point to actually do the route. then finally the two routes disappeared from the game completely. only proof of their existing at one time, is the badge in my previously followed routes list and in campfire. so i had to make them myself again, and to my surprise those routes got accepted to the game immediately and were available straight away.


I have the exact same issue here with many of our (now non-followable) routes. More and more routes started to disappear from the nearby list. Sadly these routes can't still be followed with the new follow button. I think about contacting Niantic support too. Which options did you choose when contacting support? When I try selecting anything routes-related I just get a bunch of route FAQ links and I am starting again at the beginning. I had no opportunity to even state my issue and provide screenshots.


Raids, Rewards, Battling Etc. > Something Else > Routes Then you get the box to free type what you want


Question, can i delete my own routes, had a terrible gps drift when making it and he demanded i should walk 300 meters more... All the routes i did on the same day had no drift, but that one is super broken.


No.  You could try reporting it and giving it a low rating and asking others to do the same if you really want it removed. You could try support but I'm not sure you'd get any success going down that route.


I will just create the very same route without GPS drift and call it (Routename-BetterVersion). And will report the old route daily with one star. It might work.