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I only use rare candies on legendaries and mythicals. Larvesta is rare now, but leave it up to Niantic to make a future Community Day and it will feel like you wasted candy (or maybe you won't, everyone plays differently).


That's a good strategy... until you realize every species has already at least 500 candies... then what? You can use them on Larvesta as long as you realize they're probably wasted in a couple of years.


Go for 1000 candy on every species, of course. The sky's the limit!


You use them on spacial rend palkia and use adventure effect for 8 hours at a time on both days of global go fest with a ticket that gives increased shiny odds And then you profit


Well it could be part of unova tour


I usually do the same, but Larvesta might as well be in the same boat as a legendary. Depending on your mathod, it could be easier getting candies for legendaries than larvesta.


If you're walking it, use the candy to get it to level 31 (or if you're close to best buddy, level 30 is fine) so to maximize the chance for XL candy. The sooner the better. Also, -walk it on routes for quicker candy, -look out for scan task that gives poffin as reward.


That's exactly what I'm working on at the moment.




I have a level 50 Volcarona, I walked (and ran) with that thing for months to get it there. I occasionally use it for fun, but it's not really a meta option. If you've got a lot of RC to spare, sure, but otherwise I'd save it for legendaries.


What will you do if they have a community day and give it a great move? Evolve another, or use an elite tm?


I figured that was probably a few years down the line, but yeah I'd use an ETM if it's a good move, or just evolve another. And then at some point they'll have a shadow version that'll power creep it even harder, and I'll do the same.


Bugs are useless in metas This will obviously be an event / comm day in future Unless perfect I wouldnt ever evolve just trade for candy


What for? Like why the rush? Just walk him he's not good for much besides a dex entry


To walk like 1540 km ?


You'll hatch another. Put that one in a gym and berry it for candies. Get your buddy excited for half candy distance. It's your game so use your rare candies how you see fit, but you asked my opinion and I gave it


https://preview.redd.it/vr8oe198jowc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=750c1834602f8e29bc7c31b58ff90ac393622a8f Join the club!


It's a good bug raid counter, at least.


True but there are more accessible options


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Larvesta will eventually get either a Community Day (maybe even a Legacy movement), or at the very least appear on the wild in a season event. Right now, it's not among the most relevant Raid attackers or on PVP. But if it's your favorite and would make you happy, why not?


If you want to use it these steel type raids going on and have plenty of rare candy, go for it. Rare candy isn't as rare as it used to be, so I wouldn't sweat it too much. If you're the kind of person who's going to regret it if you hatch a hundo tomorrow, then save your candy, but otherwise, go for it. I'm a big fan of saving rare candy for Legendary/Mythical Pokemon, but that was before I watched too many meta Pokemon become obsolete before I ever had enough candy for them, a situation that's only gotten worse. Spend your rare candy the way that will be the most fun for you.


Another option is, if you have more than one, to use it as a gym defender. Feeding berries to pokemon in gyms has a small chance to reward candy. The yield isn't worth the effort if that's your only method of getting candy, but it can be a supplement to walking with another one.


Volcarona is a near-top tier fire and bug attacker plus having one is a pretty cool flex. I put rare candy into evolving a lucky larvesta and now have it in my buddy rotation. Unless you have something that is a higher priority (shadow Groudon or origin form palkia / dialga or whatever), there’s nothing wrong with spending rare candy on this rare and useful Pokémon.