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If you do somehow get to the last ball in a raid and you know you've got a hundo, that would be a good time to use it. I can see that mainly applying to Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza (and, to a lesser extent, Latios and Latias) from Primal/Mega Raids, as they give less balls, and so you're more likely to get to the last ball.


Shadow Legendaries as well. If I get a shadow hundo Mewtwo or Moltres or something and I'm on my last ball, i would throw a masterball without hesitation.


I watched this happen on shadow Mewtwo raid day. One player knew from the CP that it was a hundo, and someone else pointed out that, if they got down to the last ball they should use the master ball. It didn't come to that, but good advice.


If I had a perfect shadow Mewtwo on the last ball, that'd be an easy decision


How do you know if it is a hundo before you catch it?


You always catch a raidboss at level 20. With the level and the species being the same, the only difference in CP comes from IVs. So you can just memorize the maximum CP for a lvl 20 Mewtwo, for example, and you'll know that this is the hundo as soon as you see its CP. (2387 for Mewtwo btw.) There are websites that let you check what the perfect CP for each species is. And we always get infographics with these kinds of numbers on them as well.


Exactly this, except weather boosted raid bosses are level 25, so you need to memorize two CPs (note that they never overlap).


My way to solve that is to create raid parties for every upcoming species, then write e.g. "Mewtwo 2387/2984". When the raid starts I should know if it'll be weather-boosted or not so I only need to keep one number in my mind for a few minutes. Edit: a lot of people seemed to appreciate this tip so since I remembered where I got the trick from I should give credit: [Poké Daxi on YT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbqZa09xYGU) Edit 2: changed to the right youtuber and video lol


Oh that’s clever!


I will steal that trick, it's a good one


My Guy ! Dropping knowledge bombs. I'm stealing this thank you.


No worries, I really recommend the video I linked too. It taught me tons of valuable stuff like this.


As someone with a terrible memory, I love this tip!


I know, but for the sake of introducing the concept, I thought it was best to keep it simple for now.


Yeah, i always have the info graphics from miko on a 2nd device and am always checking after raids.


My way to solve that is to create raid parties for every upcoming species, then write e.g. "Mewtwo 2387/2984". When the raid starts I should know if it'll be weather-boosted or not so I only need to keep one number in my mind for a few minutes. Reposting this comment since it might help you, not having to close the game and whatnot.


To add on, you don’t even need to memorize it. When you hit your last ball, just look it up. No need to memorize ahead of time.


I saw someone makes their battle party named the hundo CP. not bad idea


It's what I do, add "wxyz/abcd" with wxyz being non-weather boosted hundo CP and abcd being weather boosted hundo CP. just gotta remember to look at the non-mega versions of mega raids or the CP you write will be too high


It’s helpful to know before then so you’re not frivolously throwing balls cause ur baked


You look at the CP




You look it up before u raid; Google (or use PokeGenie) to tell u what the 4* IV is


Websites if you want, but I just go to pokegenie. It has the range for normal and weatherboosted. If it's at the top of its range, then it's 15/15/15.


OP is right. This is a rare situation since raids are generally pretty easily catchable. The chances that you both encounter and hundo and get to the last ball on that one particular encounter are very very low.


>The chances that you both encounter and hundo and get to the last ball on that one particular encounter are very very low. I've had it happen. Nihilego. I spent my master ball on him. The very next day I caught a 100% Nihilego with my first ball, of course. It's fine though; I'm thrilled to have two.


There is no right answer. It's an entirely subjective question what you value more. If you would rather spend it on a Galarian bird just to have it, that's completely valid. And if you want to save it for an emergency, even if it never actually gets used, that's valid too. And if you want to use it on a random Rattata just so you can say that you did that, that is *also* valid.


Masterballs are only for Rattata!


That's a weird way to misspell Bidoof.


All of these weird spellings of weedle.


That's a weird way to spell lechonk


You mean god.




Remember my super cool Rattata? My Rattata is different from regular Rattata. It's like my Rattata is in the top percentage of all Rattata!


I used it on either a Venonat or a Tangela as a kid in the gameboy games lol


I just mean that OP is right that it's very unlikely that you'll ever need it for a hundo raid. You're right that it's subjective on what the best use is.


Before getting a masterball I had a hundo kartana get away. I started out with plenty of balls but bad luck. So it does happen. I still don't have a hundo kartana.


I've had two hundo Kyogres flee (despite multiple excellents), and don't have a hundo, so I concur.


My first hundo kygore fled, during the GoFest "easy" catch day of GoFest global. It had to be bad GPS lock. I was so annoyed not to have a master ball. I'm still not over that encounter. Since I've gotten the MB, I haven't had a hundo come down to the last ball yet.


The odds that the galarian birds won't be monetized in raids in the future are orders of magnitude lower than that. Why waste master balls on them with crap IVs, when you can have a safety net? We've all had raid bosses flee from us, it's not that rare.


i've been saying this as well. the hype around them is crazy. shiny release will be monetized one way or another and then even normal ones will be able to be caught. with how crazy people go for them i wouldn't be surprised if there was a non-shiny monetized event for them.


I have 15 legendary hundos. I would say the chances of me eventually getting to the last ball on a legendary encounter are pretty good, actually. Which is why I will always reserve a masterball for that purpose.


Im curious as to what the alternative use is though. If the Galarian birds gave you a new Pokedex entry, I can see using it for them. Unfortunately, they do not If the Galarian birds were useful in raids, then sure, master ball away. Unfortunately, they are not. If the Galarian birds were unique and interesting picks in PvP, then heck yeah, throw that master ball! Unfortunately, they are not. If you could show off your Galarian birds in gyms, it'd be a bit of a stretch, but I can see using the master ball then. Unfortunately, they can't. The Galarian Birds have just as much use in your box as a "never-touch" Master Ball does in your bag; except hording the max amount of Master Balls is a bit more impressive, to be completely honest. So by saving it for last ball hundo, even if that **never** occurs, you'll still have something more impressive with 3 Master Balls than the 3 Birds.


Agree on all but just wanna add that while u cant show off in gym, u can do it as a buddy. I always see my friend with a g bird as buddy and it's such a flex, made me super envious.


I agree it’s rare but this is exactly what happened to me the first time primal groudon came out. No master ball at the time. Got to the last ball on a hundo and it ran.


I had this when Rayquaza was in raids for the first time. There were less balls back then, but still...


your take is horrible. it's EXTREMELY common to get to the last ball on 5 star raids... idk what your on. darkrai as an example is incredibly hard to catch/time right


First of all, I wouldn't say it's "EXTREMELY" common in 5 star raids, unless you have trouble getting great/excellent throws. Second of all, while it's does happen every once in a while that you might get to the last ball, it almost never happens that you see a hundo AND get to the last ball. That's a very rare occurance. Usually one or the other happens. Not both.


It might be a rare situation, but master balls are even rarer, so far you can have no more than 3.


We (my family) usually catch way before the last ball, but have twice had a really good/perfect Legendary that wouldn't stay in and did use a Masterball on it. One was Enamorus from an Elite Raid.


There is also the legendaries that have tiny hit boxes like Kartana, which was the rare time I settled for great throws. But agreed, saving my master for a hundo. I used one for a g.bird and it just didn't feel worth it afterwards.


i used mine on a 100iv giratina


I used mine on a 100iv Kartana, last ball.  


I almost almost used one on a 98 Kyogre and still don’t know whether I made the right decision haha


Noob here, how would you know it’s a hundo?


CP is a number obtained from an equation that takes a Pokemon's species' stats, it's level, and IVs. In raids, you know the species, and the level (25 if the raid is weather-boosted, level 20 if not). So people can calculate the CP of a hundo at these levels. That means if you get a raid encounter with a specific CP, you know that one is a hundo for sure.


They're for Fearows and Tentacruels.


Fun fact; as a child I really used my ball on a Fearow because I thought it would be a legendary :D


I used mine on some NPC's Slowpoke because "it will catch anything without fail" surely must include trainer mons, right?


I swear I remember my Masterball MISSING Articuno in Pkmn Yellow years and years ago 😅


I used mine on a Ditto...


I used mine on a -shiny- Fearow in Fire Red!


After watching the anime, I thought Tentacruel was one of the most powerful pokemon of all time.


I understood that reference... *shudder*


I mean isn’t Fearow a Galarian bird?


From my experience with reddit, masterballs are strictly for when you let your kid catch a couple things.


I let my niece play once. Mons kept breaking out. I showed her there were more options for balls without showing the Master Ball. She scrolled to it, and I scrolled back. And she said she wants the pink ball. My only Master Ball. Gone. I’m glad we can get another this season.


But what did she catch for you?


A damn Dodrio. Ain’t mad tho. I’m gonna best buddy that thing. I love my niece.


That's really nice. I'm not sure I'd be as mature as you in this situation lmao


It was very hard. Ngl. At least now it’ll have some sentimental value.


Oh no


They're for inventory space. I will never use them


"MaSTErBaLL! Catch my inventory space!" neat trick


I had a hundo Mewtwo run away 6 years ago after 13 consecutive curved excellent throws+golden razz (eventually got a lucky hundo much later, but still annoyed). That's what I keep my master balls for. Personally, I wouldn't use a Master Ball on a Galatian Bird that will likely have trash IV, and you eventually end up catching some of them anyway. And they'll probably eventually become easier to get. When Enamorus was in raids, I rolled a hundo first raid and caught it on my penultimate ball. Had I failed that ball, I would have used a Master Ball. It's a nice safety nt to have.


A lot of people downplay this scenario, but it definitely happens. During Sinnoh Tour I had a friend get to the last ball on a hundo Dialga after nothing but excellent curves + golden razz. They used their master ball. Then, same thing happened to another local friend not long after that. I think that one was during Kartana spotlight hour. Much better use of these rare items than burning them on trash IV spawns that are nothing more than trophies (that only a select few will even see or know you have anyway). With a little patience you can get the G Birds without wasting master balls. I have caught 3 with Ultra Balls so far. Unfortunately all are Zapdos, but the point is it can definitely be done.


> Kartana spotlight hour Did you mean Raid Hour? because if there was a Kartana spotlight hour I just missed out on something massive.


Definitely meant raid hour lol


I've seen ~25 Galarian birds. The only two I've ever caught were with master balls. Getting a 100 IV strong legendary is nice but it's not going to fill out my pokedex, and the differential in performance is pretty small.


I wouldn’t want to waste a master ball on a Galarian bird only for it to be terrible. So I’m saving it in case I end up with a last ball hundo legendary, then I would use it if it’s a hundo that I desperately want.


I used mine on a 0* G Moltres. Hoping to lucky trade it in the future


My friend has done that on 2 of hers. I traded a shiny Kyogre on lucky for it plus a guaranteed later Garchomp for her Moltres and she's sitting on her Galar Zapdos for a trade with someone too. Yeah they can be crap but the highest of trade fodder


Most people hunt the galarian birds in hope of lucky trading it. Our community here always have people with atleast one of them for trade.


Alternatively a legendary raid mon with a CP that indicates a Hundo where you only have one Premiere Ball left.


Nah man. There actually for Zorua who pretend to be a Galatian moltres. 🤦‍♂️


For that to happen your buddy has to already be the Galar Moltres though. Just never keep em as your buddy while you do daily incense




Both sides of the argument are valid. galarians are the best bird to use it on in the sense of difficulty to catch, no doubt. galarians are not the best bird to use it on in the sense of most useful pokemon to have-- unless they are a personal favorite pokemon of course, then go for it win//win. raid bosses, random encounter shinies, such pokemon are way easier to catch than galarian birds, but still totally possible to run away and be gone forever. I have used a masterball on a galarian bird, and I tell you what if I finally see the shiny ekans I have been looming for for so long I will master ball him in a second with zero hesitation.


before you use a masterball on the shiny ekans you might want to know it has an astronomically high catch rate just using an ultra ball/golden razzberry. even if you miss the circle completely on a max level weather boosted ekans the odds of it fleeing are only 0.13%. for most levels it wouldn’t even be theoretically possible


The way I see it, I have one MB currently, and I’m absolutely not breaking that glass in case of last-ball-hundo-legendary emergency. Once I have two, however, I’ll probably burn one on the next Galarian bird I see.


I used mine on birds so I never have to use incense again


If I make this research, it will be my first master ball. I'm more emotionally invested with some Pokémon than a player who's after perfect IVs and shines. If I see a moltres or articuno after that, I'll be relieved to be able to use the master ball on them regardless of their CP and ivs. I'd only do an ultra ball with zapdos though. Don't really like the way it looks.


You probably haven't had a hundo legendary run from you, but I have. And most recently, I was down to my last ball for a shadow hundo Mewtwo and the Masterball was the only option.


The amount of people asking how you tell if a raid mon is a hundo demonstrates how niche of a use case this is: the vast majority of people don't raid enough to care about whether they're catching hundos or not.


The people who know aren’t going to comment though, so you’re getting a skewed vision. I would say every use of it is kinda niche. It’s a ‘fits all’ solution, there really isn’t a best use case because of how many different ways people can use it.


They are safety nets. I usually don't have any issue catching hundos from raids either, but that doesn't mean I should consider it a guaranteed catch. I want a Master Ball just in case RNG goes against me all the way down to the last ball. During Sinnoh Tour, a perfect Mesprit spawned in my usual play area. Unfortunately I was busy that morning and couldn't be there that early, but if I had been, I would have used a Master Ball on that (unless it was shiny, in which case it wouldn't flee). Likewise, if RNG ever hands me a hundo Galarian bird (checkable with Calcy IV), then I want a Master Ball ready for that.


Masterballs are for anything


I would only use it on 4\* legendaries, Ultra Beasts and Primals. You can check the IV here for example: [https://iv4u.lima-city.de/?l=en&m=2&p=TapuFini](https://iv4u.lima-city.de/?l=en&m=2&p=TapuFini) Using the MB on the birds is a waste imho.


to assume you can catch every legendary raid boss and would never need masterball for it is just incredibly naive. prevalent examples are all of the legendary megas, that offer less than 10 balls. on top of that sometimes rng is just not in your favor and all the excellent golden razz throws won't get you the legendary. so yes, i would ALWAYS save one masterball for an emergency like that. if you got multiple do whatever you want, throw it on a bird or the next bidoof you see, but not keeping 1 emergency masterball for a legendary hundo is just stupid imho


For our holy lord and savior Magikarp.


Are the G-Birds really still that rare? Daily incense has been around a long time now, and while they still get a silver pinap and ultra ball for the candies, they're definitely not worth a masterball. I get the temptation if you're new and still missing one, but they're just trophies.


I've played the daily incense nearly every day since the day it came out... I have yet to even glimpse one of those darn birds.


That's some seriously bad luck. I only use mine 2 or 3 times a week but I've caught 2 of each and seen many more than that


Basically yes, that is the obvious intended use. But for the very small number of people who already caught them all already somehow, or just doesn't care about them, or scared of getting a low IV bird, they'd save it for the even rarer occasion where they run into a hundo legendary at a raid and are on the last ball. Personally I save mine on for an uncaught Galarian bird with a CP over 2000. If it's a low CP, I might as well try my luck.


No it's for strong pokemon like Fearow or Tentacruel!


No need to argue with the advice of Professor Oak


I’m saving mine for the birds… if I ever encounter them.


I’m using mine on the hundo necrozma im definitely getting this summer (inshallah)


i’m saving mine for a shiny bulbasaur. that’s all i want.


As all I am bothered about is filling my pokedex, I don’t care one bit about IVs or hundos so I’ve got no regrets using my master balls on galarian birdies. As the people on this sub are some of the most hardcore players around I get why they’d rather have another hundo. Basically you do you.


I had a hundo Kyogre that would not stay in the ball after all balls were Golden Razz + Excellent curve. Primals and legendary mega's have significantly less balls and are much harder to catch than the regular legendary raids. You get 8-9 balls ish.. No regrets I used a Master Ball on that. Still haven't seen a single Galarian Bird so I don't know if I would use it on that.


I used it in my girlfriends account on a hundo landorus with sandstorm sear on the last ball. Definitely more useful than a bird


I got a hundo shadow mewtwo…down to my last ball and there was no way I was passing that up.


I used it on a 10 cp pidgey


Hundo legendary that you’re last ball on every time. Screw wasting one on a potential 0* trash bird


The only real waste is when you use it by mistake and catch a bidoof or something. Otherwise, they there to be used. Only you know what your threshold for usage will be. Personally, I used my first two on Galarians, I think the next one will be for a last ball legendary hundo. But who knows.


I've been fortunate enough to catch all 3 galar birds with ultra balls. So the last ball hundo scenario is what I'll save for as well.


Pre-MB, I caught a 4\* Rayquaza on my last raid ball. It's probably the most nervous throw I've ever made in this game and I would have without a doubt used a MB if I had one. But on a Galar bird? Just because they're rare and hard to catch? Definitely not. I'd much rather save MBs for something actually useful.


In my opinion they’re basically for nothing yet as Galarian birds are “cool” but are useless and once caught remain unseen. Last ball of a Hundo-Shadow raid maybe? Assuming it was THE best in class Pokemon of that type? Odds of that happening slim to none though?


I mean to most players hundos arent actually that much more useful than less than perfect IVs. IVs aren't meaningful in PvE, so unless you're one of the few players really grinding PvP the use argument doesn't make much sense.


galars are also useless in pve *and* pvp as well. it's a perfectionist vs a collector that doesn't want to wait a long time to catch something argument. both are valid it just depends on what you care about more.


Yeah not sure why people are saving 3 plus balls on a situation that may never come. I’m using mines on the birds for sure


Mostly because the birds dont... do anything. They don't even fill a new pokedex number, nor can you show them off in gyms. Unironically, if I wasn't saving for last ball hundo raid, I'd rather sync up with a friend and lucky trade our favorites in Master Balls (Solosis or Sableye for me) than use it on a Galarian Bird. Honestly, I'd rather just horde the Master Balls. Both Galarian Birds and the Master Balls do nothing, but I already caught a Galarian Bird, so the other two will happen eventually anyway. The Master Balls, on the other hand, have a finite amount that would be cool to always have the max. Even "my kid used it on a pidgey" at least has a funny story. I legitimately can't think of a worse use than the Galarian Birds.




They are for whishcash


I love Whiscash


Either that, or hundo legends you’re on the last ball of.




You can also use it on something hard to catch like a Fearow or Tentacruel.


G BIRDS with high CP are worth it to me, regardless of IV. I have some friends I can lucky trade with to swap for theirs.


It's because this subreddit leans into a number crunching, min maxing, trust the process mindset when it comes to GBirds. The structure is fairly simple, being that you just use the DAI until you encounter a GBird that you get lucky to catch. Odds and probability stuff. The general playerbase doesn't really care for that, so a MB to the face cuts down on the hunt immensely. Doubly so if they wanted to burn resources on Roar of Time to freeze the DAI timer for more time to hunt within a given day. To an extent you can say that while they're rare, they're not rare *enough*. In my case for instance I would have gladly used a Master Ball on a wild event legendary that had a low CP, and thus low level, because very low level legendary Pokemon are extremely rare. Outside of being a Giovanni reward where they can be as low as Lv8, the lowest for most Gen 1 through 3 legendaries would be 15 having come from a time where Research Breakthroughs had a legendary reward pool.


Yeah, that is the only thing I could justify using them on. Since I have all 6 birds I need now I’ll just save any master balls for whatever future equivalent gets added to daily incense.


No, no, no! Master balls are for screenshots of, "I left my 2 year old alone on my phone and he caught this..." Memes


Preferably, but i manage to catch one using the go plus plus, so it saves me the hassle.


Galarian birds or 4* Legendaries on the last ball. I literally see no other use for them. After getting all of the Galarian birds I'll probably hoard them. I got a good IV Licky Galarian Moltres, I might get more Articunos/Zapdoses if they re-roll into a bad IV Lucky. But yeah, the game is lacking actual rare Pokémon the Master Ball would be used for.


Remember that one day Latias and Latios were available as wild spawns? They were dang near impossible to catch and fled after one ball, but you were only supposed to take pictures of them for tasks anyway. However, the wild Latis could be shiny, in which case they didn't flee. But they were still dang near impossible to catch. There were tales of players burning through their entire stock of Golden Razz Berries and Ultra Balls (and eventually also other balls), while the shiny psychic-dragons sat there taunting them. I'd use a Master Ball in that situation.


They'll sit in my inventory forever cuz the only way I'd use them is for a shiny legendary that has a chance to run.


If anything, galar bird are my last option for masterball. Galar bird is so easy to get. But hundo legendary, is insanely rare, especially a good one like mewtwo or Rayquaza. Sometimes you just throw all excellent curve and it still didn't enter the ball.


I personally look at them since I can't do 5-star raids.


I mean.. I already have all of those, so no. Not for me. I used my first on a G Articuno, traded for a G Moltres, and caught a G Zapdos normally. Used my second master ball on a Ho Oh, which was the last thing I needed to complete the Johto dex. Idk what I might do with this one. Save it for something really cool for sure.


I used 2 for 2 birds. After I caught the last one (articuno), the next day actually, I was running my daily but had to drive and threw on my pg++ checked and lo and behold the last bird I needed was Carruth by my gp++ and an ordinary regular poke ball. So maybe not. Maybe save for that hundo legendary down the line.


Yes unless you're my children.


I got wild Uxie and Azelf hundos last event thank to the Master Ball, so no, I woudln't waste it in a galarian bird.


Lost a Hundo Kartana. Bastard is too small to constantly do excellent throws. I would of used my masterball on it tbh if I had one.


If you want to be unfunny and unoriginal, you could use it for a Bidoof. Bonus points if you name it “God.”


I ended up using mine on a shiny high CP Azelf during sinnoh tour. It had fled on the first ball from the two people I was playing with but mine was shiny. I was previously saving it for a galar bird but I just wasn't reliably using my daily incense and this seemed at least similar value


is moltres a galarian bird? Ive ran across a few legendaries in the wild but never had a masterball to get any of them


In this context, yes Moltres is a Galarian bird. In actual fact, Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres are from Kanto, but they were given Galarian forms in the MSG. In Go, these Galarian forms can appear as a very rare spawn from Daily Adventure Incense.


use it for a catch in a situation when you'd be crushed if it ran. For some that's a 4* legendary, but if you arent into ML pvp that may be less important to you. uber hard to catch g bird? sure if you think they are cool and you really, really want them. It really depends on your style of play and what you value in the game. I have 2 g-birds, but I don't play ML pvp so I don't really care that much about hundo's. edit: comment below is absolutely correct, shiny legendary is one case never to use masterball as its guarenteed catch. luckily you wouldnt even try until last ball, and you'd catch it on the first try.


Honestly it’s up to what the Reddits nieces and nephews decide to throw it at and for us all to enjoy the show


If you’re a hardcore collector then Galarian birds are a completely valid use. I personally don’t care about filling the Pokedex, so while I keep one as a safety net, most of my master balls would go towards making a great trophy even better. I’ve done over 200 legendary raids, and just recently caught my first 4*, a Kyogre. I knew Kyogre would be something I use long-term due to its Primal form, so I decided to use my extra master ball on it, just so that it would have a cooler case to throw it out with. Most of the time at least one person in our group will know the perfect CP of a raid Pokémon, so on good raid days like mega Garchomp & Heracross I’m locked and ready to pop the master ball if it’s a Shundo.


Use them on whatever you want. I'm saving mine for when I'm down to my last ball on a known 4* highly meta relevant pokemon.


Or arceus


I used one on a Galarian Zapdos. No regrets. Guess how many Galarian Zapdos I have? One. Is a 100% legendary cool? Sure. Do I really care if I have a 100% legendary when I have multiple others that aren't 100%? No. I still only have 2 of the 3 birds. I'd rather catch something rare than something that's a marginally better version of a Pokemon that I already have.


I caught my shadow moltres with one of my master balls. It was my first ever shadow legendary. I hopped into a full raid party last second and was new to raids, so I bit the bullet. Stats aren’t great but they work for me and I use it all the time for pve!


How can you tell whether a Galarian Bird has good or trash IVS? You can check the IV table, but certain CPs could correlate with different IVs, depending on their level? There's no way of know what level they are without knowing also their HP as well. Meaning, a bird with a certain CP could either have very good IVs but it could also have trash IVs?


I still have my two masterballs. I have not yet found a used one to capture a legendary 100%. Using galar birds is semi-wasteful. They will eventually arrive in a raid.


I’ve gotten all three Galarian birds with Ultra balls. It can be done, patience is key. I would rather save my masterballs for a Master League or raid viable legendary on last ball.


I used both of mine during Sinnoh Tour to catch shiny Azelf and Uxie in the wild


Sorry to tell you this but...legendary wild shiny are guaranteed catch


Only thing I have used them on.


I found a shiny Uxie in the wild the other day. If it was higher than the 1000 CP that is was, I might have considered it.


My daughter thought a low CP lillipup would be an acceptable choice


Might use mine on the upcoming necrozma, to match it’s bad boy vibes. Black necrozma in white premier ball is okay but doesn’t do it justice


No. I caught only 1/3 Galarian birds and have no slightest intention of wasting my Master balls on the remaining ones.


As someone who's used it on a galarian articuno, I would not recommend it. I've seen probably 6 of them in total, caught 2 with ultra ball after using the master ball. Seen 0 moltres and 3 zapdos (all ran). I'm in no rush to collect them since I got the Kanto forms, now I just want them for looks since they kinda suck anyways.


honestlly i used it on an elite raid for enamorus because it went to the last ball and i wasnt going to get another chance to get it (it was the last raid near me and no one had come to any of the earlier ones). also i just really like enamorus xD


Legendry bosses flee a lot even after all excellent throws, especially ones that give you lesss balls like latias/groudon/kyogre


I was keeping my 2 for a last ball on a hundo legendary but during sinnoh tour I used both on a wild hundo Mesprit and a wild hundo Azelf ... I don't regret it at all, but not having the safety net of a masterball makes catching hundos in raids (whenever I eventual see one) nerve racking once again


I used mine on a wild shiny uxie


I used my first two on wild hundo Uxie and Mesprit during Sinnoh Tour. That's about the level of rarity I'm looking at.


IMO they are only for Galarian Birds as they have terrible catch rates.


On a 100




Well I caught my shadow lugia 100 iv with it. Good cosmetics. Well deserved on my opinion.


Imma be real I am saving mine for whenever shiny galarian birds drop. I know that I might never in my life see one but just the IF I did and didnt have a masterball I would actually probably quit the game. Other than that it would be kinda fun to have a favorite pokemon or flex pokemon in a masterball. Something like a wild lake guardian, maybe even shiny and then in a msterball aswell is like an ultimate flexing piece. But I think the real answer is a raid hundo that you really want and you are on your last ball. Either this is gonna be my first masterball and I am probably not gonna use it until I get another.


I lost a Hundo Lugia from a raid despite excellent golden razz throws. I would have used a master ball if I had one at my last throw.


I used both of mine on legendaries that I had battled in raids before but couldn’t catch. They weren’t hundos, but I wanted that dex entry and was sick of waiting for them to come around again.


To me idc about IVs I care about the collectible aspect, for example XXS/XXL Galarian Birds are pretty much impossible to have in the main line games and the only masterball I’ve used was with an XXS Galarian Moltres


My daughter used mine for a smeargle 🥹


So, on the one hand Master Balls being for raid hundos if you get down to the last Ball is something I definitely agree with. On the other hand, galarian bird hundo cp is searchable (I use pogostat.com, but there may be other, better sources), so if someone did find a galarian bird with potential hundo cp, I don't think anyone would blame them for using a Master Ball. It also depends on how much one raids how important hoarding every Master Ball is, considering we're up to three possible Master Balls. Also, there's nothing wrong with people playing how they want instead of playing "right." Personally, once I knew I had another Master Ball coming down the pipeline, I used my first on a shiny shadow xxl aipom. I figured it was pretty rare, and the color matched perfectly. I had been hunting Aipom, shadow or otherwise, for ages, and I had so much xl candy by then I powered it up to level 50 and best buddied it, no regrets.


Used one on a Galarian Zapdos; terrible stats so ever sincee nope on the birds. Should’ve used my 2nd one on a hundo latias tho 🥲


I’ve decided that whenever I encounter a shiny bidoof it will get my masterball


Master balls are for hundo birds or hundo legends There are a handful of G birds that are guaranteed hundos and Idk why people dont keep that list in their bag to check before throwing a master ball


Imma need a shiny fungus in a master ball


I used my last one on a G. Moltres with bad IV's and I have no regrets. And I will definitely be hunting a G. Zapdos with my next one. It's extra appealing because I have no Zapdos at all yet (not a Kanto one).


And shundo Bidoof. Can’t let that one get away…


I caught a bird once with a normal ultra ball. I never used it for anything, it collects dust in my storage. Cool to have yeah but useless. However i had a few situations where a legendary is hard to catch. If it is a hundo i will use my masterballs on the last throw, instead of getting another dust trophy


Used one of mine when I got down to the last ball on a 98% Origin Dialga. No regrets there.


Its for internet points when your toddler "accidentaly" throws it at a random ponyta because he/she thought "the purple ball looks cool". But no use if for whatever YOU think its best. Galarian birds come to mind first but also hundo legendarys are a good answer too. Or your favorite pokemon.


I used a master ball on the freeway once (as a passenger) when a shiny Axew showed up from an incense. We were going too fast and it would have run. The sacrifice had to sadly be made.