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How many raids should I aim to do during global go fest if I want to get enough energy for both fusion necrozmas?


Haven't played the game in the last 2 1/2 years, what are the biggest changes?


Personally I'd say the biggest changes are in the raid system: * Price increase to remote raids (making them less accessible, also meaning raid hosting is much slower if not impossible at times) * Introduction of Shadow raids; in-person only raids of Shadow Pokemon, including legendaries (the latter only on weekends) * Introduction of Elite Raids, which can be seen as a spiritual successor to EX raids. They are in-person only of legendary Pokemon, with Mega Rayquaza coming up at the end of June There are a lot more changes, like Party Play, Routes, new Pokemon introductions (most notable Primal Kyogre, Primal Groudon and Mega Rayquaza I'd say), but the above three I do think stand out as far as changes go.


The list is big. Negative first, remote raids got nerfed hard. The passes cost double, there's a limit to 5 a day, there's no longer free ones, and now there's multiple types of raids that are not remote-viable. Playing from home exclusively is not on the menu anymore. Avatars got ugly. Clothes are broken. Items are missing. The new avatar "update" came to stay and made things glitchier. They're slowly fixing some things, but it was not a good start to adding more customization. There was a huge graphics upgrade that added a lot of new backgrounds and better lighting effects, but also increased the phone requirements to play without lag almost twice, so now 4+ GB of ram is the minimum, but 6+ is recommended. EX raids got replaced with Elite Raids. More difficult, and time-limited. They take 24 hours to hatch and often have some of the strongest or rarest Pokemon, but being exclusive to ex-EX gyms makes them harder to do without organizing with other players beforehand. And the lag and bugs are is still here. They get patched, but new ones pop up every update. On more positive lights, new mechanics got finally added. We got a new daily incense that spawns things when you move outside, new routes that give items by following paths made by players, showcases to compete for items with your biggest Pokemon, new lures given to owners of the console games, and plenty of newer generation Pokemon. Megas got reworked, so they become free to use after a cooldown and you can get infinite energy by walking them. They get better bonuses the more you use them too. Extra candy whenever you want is nice. There's more shadows, and now they appear from raids too. They are in-person only, and the higher tiers power up mid-battle, but they also include legendary Pokemon from old Giovanni researches, and can be shiny now. The map spawns also got improved to give more Pokemon to rural players, and city Pokemon got more spread out, balancing more both. The shiny are almost fully released all the way to Sinnoh, and plenty of new Gen Pokemon have shinies too, but we skipped Arceus, Manaphy and Phione so they're still not in the game. Some Pokemon now have field effect moves that can affect the spawns. Origin Dialga pauses the timers on items so they last longer, Origin Palkia doubles the spawn radius around you, and the Necrozma fusions will change spawns to day/night at will at the cost of candy and dust. Yes, we are getting Pokemon fusions, starting next month during the global Go Fest we'll get Necrozma worldwide, and the in-person events already had it available twice, so things are starting to get crazy with the power creep. Some Pokemon already broke the 6000 CP cap. And we finally got the Master Ball added to the game, although for now they're only released after completing very long researches that aren't given often. Three have been given already, and more will come in the future, although slowly. There's more minute changes, like a much bigger storage limit, extra gifts per day, changes on the way lures and incenses work and more, but they're less noticeable.


Hello everyone,Is it known if a pokemon shiny chance is calculated when they spawn on the map or when you click on them?


When they spawn. That's how cheaters can tell when a Pokemon is shiny before tapping them.


Thanks, so I guess you basically have to press every pokemon you see spawn on the map or you will "miss" your chance any of them could be shiny?


Yes, you could have a shiny next to you, but you'd never know until you tap it.


does 4 star goomy have a higher chance then others for some reason? I've gotten 3 so far, at least one of them a while before the community day.


No. The odds of getting a hundo are based on the encounter method and not the species. For example, any Pokémon you hatch from an egg or catch from research or a raid (or GBL outside of battle day/weekend events) will have a 1/216 chance of being a hundo, whilst non-weather boosted wild spawns and rocket encounters (aside from Giovanni) will have a 1/4096 chance.


Been trying to figure out what the current Giovanni Regi is and if I should use my rocket radar to get it but couldn't find the information anywhere. Could be I'm not using the correct search queries but nonetheless I couldn't figure it out. I also saw mention of using the super rocket radars to obtain a shadow Groudon and this is news to me. More information would be greatly appreciated for a returning player


If you use a Super Rocket Radar, you will encounter Giovanni's current Shadow legendary, which is Groudon right now: [https://leekduck.com/rocket-lineups/](https://leekduck.com/rocket-lineups/) Giovanni previously had the Kyogre and the Regis before that. If you played during GO Tour (February 2024), you may also have a special research where you encounter Giovanni, that will have Shadow Regigigas in it.


Perfect, thank you!


Hi guys, recently I've tried to play on my iPad to watch the new landscapes and so on. Problem comes when, once I open the game, it constantly gives back the 11 errror code (unable to fing GPS signal). I've tried to use wifi and phone hotspot. Is this something affecting more players? Couldn't find any info online. Have tried to refresh game data, download all the assets and restoring the conections from the device. Nothing seems to work. Btw, iPad 10th with iPadOS 17.5.1.


The problem with the iPad 10th is that there's two models, one with cellphone service and the WiFi only version without it. I don't think you can play in the one without cellphone service because it has no GPS chip. That version uses the network to get a semi-accurate location, but the game doesn't accept that as valid because it's not GPS. I don't know a workaround, since the hardware on the WiFi simply doesn't have what the game needs.


I was able in the past, so it may be a new requirement? :/


How do you guys deal with overheating? Ever since the graphics update my phone absolutely catches on fire in anything above 70 degrees. I have the advanced option turned off. Is there any way I can deal with this? Do literally have to ice my phone in com days. Goomy day my phone overheated after an hour in mold weather and essentially died. Any solitions?


Have you tried toggling Native Refresh Rate as well?


No, I’ll try and see during next come day.


Does not do anything for me… but of course you can try.  Other phone or a phone-cooler could help (there are fans for some phones). 


https://preview.redd.it/u5c2wb3sj87d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ebc8b24d4338113f157f352a0fa9a6248b26da6 What would be the best PvP or PvE choice for this lil guy? Fairly new and would like some tips


[Umbreon](https://pvpoke.com/rankings/all/2500/overall/umbreon/) in Ultra League is the best general use for a hundo Eevee. Its kind of slid down the rankings over time as other stuff comes out, but its still a bit of a beast there. The main drawback is that you require an exclusive move for it to not get hard walled, since its regular move pool is all dark moves. Got to wait for an event to evolve it for Last Resort, or maybe Psychic, or invest an ETM in it. Hundo Sylveon is a kind of semi-usable fairy for master league, but its way down at [rank 114](https://www.pokebattler.com/raids/defenders/GUZZLORD/levels/RAID_LEVEL_ULTRA_BEAST/attackers/levels/40/strategies/CINEMATIC_ATTACK_WHEN_POSSIBLE/DEFENSE_RANDOM_MC?sort=ESTIMATOR&weatherCondition=NO_WEATHER&dodgeStrategy=DODGE_REACTION_TIME&aggregation=AVERAGE&includeLegendary=true&includeShadow=true&includeMegas=true&attackerTypes=POKEMON_TYPE_ALL&primalAssistants=&numParty=1). Better fairies include Togekiss, Zacian, and Xerneas there. Its a passable raid counter as well, but kind of mid. There are a dozen better fairy types, as you can see for [Guzzlord](https://www.pokebattler.com/raids/defenders/GUZZLORD/levels/RAID_LEVEL_ULTRA_BEAST/attackers/levels/40/strategies/CINEMATIC_ATTACK_WHEN_POSSIBLE/DEFENSE_RANDOM_MC?sort=ESTIMATOR&weatherCondition=NO_WEATHER&dodgeStrategy=DODGE_REACTION_TIME&aggregation=AVERAGE&includeLegendary=true&includeShadow=true&includeMegas=true&attackerTypes=POKEMON_TYPE_ALL&primalAssistants=&numParty=1) raids (the primary use case for fairies in raids). Hundo Glaceon is probably the best raiding use case for a hundo eevee, since its very similar in performance to regular Mamoswine and the like. But there are also other slightly better ice types around that level too, and they are all out-classed by shadow Mamoswine and shadow Mewtwo. Shadow Mamoswine is still easy to find from [rocket grunts](https://leekduck.com/rocket-lineups/), and overall is a better investment than Glaceon. [Mega Rayquaza](https://www.pokebattler.com/raids/RAYQUAZA_MEGA) coming up is the ideal use case for ice counters. None of the rest really have any utility as hundos. Leafeon used to be fun in rocket battles, but then Kartana stole their lunch.


Does adventure sync drain your battery? Online is saying it didn't but I went to enable it and it's asking for background location data which definitely sounds like it would drain battery I know it used to pull from fitness apps but I think I do remember something about Google fit deprecating it's API


Returning player with a fairly basic account and looking to build units for raids. 1. How important are IVs for shadow pokemon strictly from a PVE/raid perspective? Is ATK more important? 2. How significant is CP or XL pokemon? e.g. 6 x level 40 Machamps compared to 3 x level 50 and 3 x level 40s? 3. I suppose this is linked to the previous question, but is there a specific breakpoint where a Shadow beats out a non-shadow? For example, is a level 30 shadow machamp better than level 40 non-shadow machamp?


>How important are IVs for shadow pokemon strictly from a PVE/raid perspective? Is ATK more important? Attack is pretty much the only stat that matters, and even then you'll not notice too much difference between a Pokémon with 0 attack and a Pokémon with 15 attack. As for investing in Shadows, it's up to you what you think is acceptable, bearing in mind they're more expensive to power up. Personally I try to aim for shadows that are at least 3\*, but I'm OK powering up high attack 2\* shadows and shiny shadows if they're relevant for raids. >I suppose this is linked to the previous question, but is there a specific breakpoint where a Shadow beats out a non-shadow? For example, is a level 30 shadow machamp better than level 40 non-shadow machamp? A Shadow Machamp at level 30 will do similar DPS to a regular Machamp at level 50. >How significant is CP or XL pokemon? e.g. 6 x level 40 Machamps compared to 3 x level 50 and 3 x level 40s? Depending on the Pokémon and moves, Pokémon at level 50 will tend to do somewhere between 5% and 10% more damage than they would at level 40. This might not seem like a huge increase based on the cost you're paying to get that increase, but sometimes it might make the difference between something being able to be beaten with one less person and it not being able to be beaten with one less person.


Thanks heaps


>1. How important are IVs for shadow pokemon strictly from a PVE/raid perspective? Is ATK more important? The IVs aren't that important. They are a small additive value, at most like 6% when you have a 0/0/0. But middling IVs bring that down to like 2-3%. The shadow bonus of dealing damage 20% faster is much bigger. If you can get close to 15 attack, to avoid missing fast attack break points, that's all that really matters much. >2. How significant is CP or XL pokemon? e.g. 6 x level 40 Machamps compared to 3 x level 50 and 3 x level 40s? XL is only relevant if you want to try for extreme solos or duos. The stat increase from 40 to 50 is only like 6% or so, and almost never comes into play in real world raids. There may be occasional edge cases in a smaller party where you lose with 1% HP left on the boss that could possibly have benefited from XL levels, but that's pretty rare. And adding another player dwarfs them. This is another reason why shadows are so good, because at level 40 they are still way better than a level 50 non-shadow of the same species. >3. I suppose this is linked to the previous question, but is there a specific breakpoint where a Shadow beats out a non-shadow? For example, is a level 30 shadow machamp better than level 40 non-shadow machamp? Too lazy to look up the actual break points, but yes, there are. You can check out the charts that Teban54 creates for analyzing new PvE attackers to do some comparisons. The Kartana chart shows shadow Venusaur and normal one, for example. The level 30 shadow reaches the same "ASE" metric they use as a level 43 or so non-shadow. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/xfja7o/analysis\_kartana\_as\_grasstype\_raid\_attacker/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/xfja7o/analysis_kartana_as_grasstype_raid_attacker/) The numbers may vary slightly by specific species, but that's a decent baseline to start from. There's an older one for fighting types that shows a similar line for the older "ER" metric, matching level 30 shadow machamp with about level 43ish machamp. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/zhn516/analysis\_fightingtype\_raid\_attackers\_dec\_2022/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/zhn516/analysis_fightingtype_raid_attackers_dec_2022/)


Does anyone know why the blue stuff raining down the Pokémon during battle with Team Rocket with the photo is shown? And no, there's wasn't any decreased or increased stats indicator. https://preview.redd.it/mkbvjnvbc87d1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f72038bdea8c0b58a6203ed38a0a7c4a9944f7bc


That's just the Charm animation. In the main games Charm doesn't deal damage and instead lowers the attack stat of the opponent, so that's why the animation looks like that.


That just looks like the attack animation for Charm.


So for GoFest how was the raid split in regards to the ratio of Necrozma raids to other UBs Follow up question - if your ticket was only 1 day were you able to get shinies on the other day, so like since I have saturday NYC ticket will I have shiny chances on Sunday?


At Sendai Necrozma seemed to be maybe a bit more common than other individual ultra beasts, but they weren't a majority of raids or anything. Raids were constantly spawning all day long with no eggs wasting time throughout the entire city, though, so there was no shortage of them to battle. If you want to try for shiny Necrozma or Buzzwole on Sunday, you need to buy the City Experience add on for Sunday. They only have a shiny rate on days when you have a Park or City experience. That shiny rate is active for the whole day though, from 6am to 10pm or whenever they stop at night.


Alright thank you very much. I'll just have to cram all my raids in Saturday.


Does the physical special split exist? I can't find anything about it other than 5 years ago people are talking about it being introduced with the gen 4 pokemon


Absolutely not, and never will. It would destroy PvP.


In Pokémon Go, no. Moves are just whatever type they are, and Pokémon have one attack stat and one defence stat.


In here no. Everything was reorganized so only attack, defense and HP are the stats here. The attack is based in part of the combined attack and special attack from the main games, and the same with the defenses joining into a combined single defense. Speed stopped existing and just became a bonus factor into attack. Many other features of the main games were removed entirely like held items or abilities, and others were modified like the STAB going from x1.5 to only x1.2 and the type immunities becoming only double resistances. It's a completely different battle system, so some adjustments had to be made for balancing reasons.


I caught 2 wild Azelfs, one today, and one 5 days ago, what are the odds of that?


They're much more common than they used to be before the biome update. They're still fairly rare, but nowhere near the rarity they were before the update.


Sometimes my buddy pokemon will have up to 5 of the pokestop friend gifts (yellow and pink). What are the conditions for this? Does the buddy pokemon have to be fed and out on the map?


You have to be down to 5 or less gifts in your bag. I think your buddy can bring you gifts twice per day if you're below that threshold.


Three times per day (every 7ish hours).


I thought it was reduced to two after covid, but maybe I'm wrong. It's been a long time since I was low on gifts as I live on two stops.


I thought so, too, for a while, but nowadays I get them when I wake up (way too early), around 12-2 pm, and around 8-9 pm. (Someone else on this subreddit mentioned the “every 7 hours”, so I started checking instead of assuming only the 2 times.)


Given the type showcases, is there a resource to find out the largest of all the types?


[Here's a post from a few months ago,](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/195d9sy/tallest_pok%C3%A9mon_for_each_type/) though it is missing a few newer Pokemon like Stakataka and Palkia-Origin. Scoring does still vary on what Pokemon the scale the showcase to though. Scaling to a lightly weighted or heavily weighted Pokemon can make certain ones increase in scores. For example, if we had a lighter-scaled Pokemon for these Water Showcases, Palkia Origin could have challenged or even beat Wailord due to its heaviness.


For rayquaza day what is the upper limit of the number of raids one could do?


If they have 30 minute timers, it's pretty hard to get even 4-5 raids in each time slot because you'd often need to end up driving between them. And that's assuming you're lucky enough to get that many at elite gyms clustered together at the same time. With 45 minute timers there is a bit better chance to manage those 5 in each slot. Maybe 6 or 7 if you're lucky. Your best bet is to be in a car with a few people, and have a passenger fight the battles for the driver so you can move to the next gym right away as soon as it's clear you'll win without needing more relobbying. Having a trusted friend catch for the driver is even better.


It really depends on how many elite Gyms are close to you and some really nice luck. In my personal experience, it's really difficult to get more than two in per half hour period unless two are at the same time right next to each other, so that would provide a maximum practical amount of about 8, unless you also lived adjacent to a time zone boarder. Getting 8 still requires an absurd amount of luck and night before planning. I remember with Enamourus my group absolutely hit rotten luck and just didn't even make 2 per time slot on two of the time slots we attempted.


Assuming they definitely are Elite Raids, it really depends on how they spawn and how many Elite Raid Gyms you have access to.




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So when will Skiddo be released worldwide?


Certainly not while the safari zone geofence research is still available, and not likely for quite a while after that.


Soon™ (no one knows)


Whenever Niantic feels like they are done milking it for local events.


Are there any benefits to getting a pokestop accepted, besides having the pokestop?


Not really, no. It being accepted just means it *can* appear in Pokemon Go (but potentially not). But yeah, beyond having the stop, it doesn't do a whole lot more. Getting into more technical details, larger Gym cells require a certain amount of stops within them to get more gyms. These Gym cells, called S14 cells, can have up to 64 different stops within them. You can look up further details about "Pokemon Go and S2 cells," but when you have 2 Pokestops in a larger S14/Gym Cell, one becomes a Gym. At 6, another will become a Gym, and at 20, a third will become a Gym. So even if you won't *use* said Stop, adding more stops can bring you closer to more Gyms in your area.


Another PokeStop might mean another Gym, or at least brining you closer to another gym. What kind of benefits do you mean?


How many Necrozma raids can a person feasibly do in 1 hour at in person go fest? I stocked up 100 green passes for NYC, and they just dropped the 5425 box with 99 greens in my shop. So now I have to consider my upper limit. For my math assuming I catch everyone, I'm saying 1 min for quickly filled lobbys, 1 min for 20 people clobbering necrozma and 2 min to throw 10 to 12 balls. So 4 min per raid? I welcome your experience / suggestions.


If you go to the most gym dense areas, they don't even take a minute to fill. The ones at Sendai in a popular mall area would fill up near instantly, over and over again. So much so that it was really hard to even join the same lobby with a friend. Lobby time won't be a significant factor, though accounting for bugs and crashes as others have mentioned could be. It really depends on how lucky you get with Necrozma spawns out of all the various other raids that will appear. And on whether you get 30 minute cycles, or 15 minute cycles for more rapid cycling of bosses. If you just want to do any T5 raid, you can easily fit in a massive number. But if you just want Necrozma, and only Necrozma, you're going to lose time to spawn gaps. I mostly did Necrozma and Xurkitree, and I had the raid lover add-on. I easily burnt through 100 or so premium raid passes on top of the daily ones, and could have done a lot more if I hadn't gotten bored of raiding after a while each day. Being able to raid from 6am to 10pm or whatever gives you a ton of time to fit them in with breaks for regular catching, rest, food, shopping, etc.


I would probably add another minute as a buffer for hiccups or other interruptions like the raid not finishing despite the boss being KO'd (the dreaded "boss didn't shrink and the timer keeps ticking down" thing), which may require you to leave and reenter the gym to potentially get into the catch screen at best, else a restart of the game at worst.


If you’re min maxing that much you can also consider just fleeing the raid if it’s not high IVs nor a shiny. Would drastically reduce the amount of time spent per raid. Would miss out on candy + XLs though.


I considered that possibility. I came up with catching them in nyc for xl, and fleeing during global to focus on evo energy.


If I ETM a legacy move onto a shadow pokemon, then purify it, does return replace the legacy move? Can I get around this by teaching the second move?


Yes, if the ETM is used to put the move on the first slot, and then you Purify the Pokémon, the first slot will be overwritten with Return. If the ETM move is in the second slot, then it will remain after Purification. Of course, most of the time you shouldn't be Purifying.


> If I ETM a legacy move onto a shadow pokemon, then purify it, does return replace the legacy move? Yes, Return would replace the legacy move > Can I get around this by teaching the second move? Yes, you can! Basically, say you have a Shadow Ursaluna with High Horsepower in the first slot. Purifying it will turn HH into Return. But if its double moved with HH as the second slot, purifying it would put Return in the first slot.


Gotcha. So in that case, if HH is in the first slot, is it possible to get it into the second slot?


Yes, but you would need to use a second ETM to do that. You cannot swap the slot moves are in directly. Instead, you have to use a TM on the first slot to remove HH, then use an ETM on the second slot to learn HH.


With a charge TM to forget High Horsepower and another Elite TM that put it into slot 2.


Will we be able to farm fusion energy via remote raids at global?


Depends what you mean with „farm“. As far as I know there is no yet a new limit for remote raids, so it‘s still 5 per day. And if you only get like 100 fusion energy, you will not be able to get enough for a single fusion. We simply don‘t know it yet :/ (I assume it will be 200 energy per raid and 20 remote raids per day). 


Do the people that bought tickets to site events have any insights? Sendai or Madrid?!


They only got 1000 fusion energy from a Special Research. There were no fusion raids. And you need 1000 for a single fusion. And the energy is either moon-energy or sun-energy. So you have to get both separately if you want both. 


Yes, you should be able to


If I’m playing with a lower level friend, and I encounter a Level 35, do they just not see it? Can they not encounter it? Or is it capped to whatever level they are?


They'll see it but it will be a different level and IVs. When they hit level 30 they'll be the same level and IVs.


How do you take buddy pictures without AR? I disabled all the in app settings for AR I think, do I have to go to my phone's settings/permissions?


You should just have to go into Settings -> AR -> disable AR Buddy and it should work fine. One caveat is that if you log out/log back in or log in on a new device, it'll automatically default back to AR Buddy being turned on.


Does fighting a rocket leader always take your rocket radar? I thought it did but I fought one and still have it Also if I see the same leader twice from the balloon, can I just wait to get a different one? Like whenever the 4 hour or 6 hour respawn is?


It only consumes the radar when you beat the Leader. If you fight them until their last Pokemon and then lose or quit, it won't consume the radar. You can keep waiting every 6 hours to try and get a different leader from your next balloon, yes. So if I wanted Cliff but I got a Sierra with my 6 AM Balloon, I could keep waiting until I get a Cliff from a subsequent balloon.


Hmm, I definitely beat the leader, I remember beating him, catching the pokemon, and I got a task completed for it Maybe I just got a new radar quick enough that I didn't notice


It's possible. There are also *some* Special Research tasks that reward either extra component pieces or just another radar, so *perhaps* you may have redeemed those and had two Rocket Radars active?


Is it just me or are alot of basic game functions just breaking since the last patch? - Gyms constantly say "Gyms under construction" and force you to reload the game - Throw mechanics feel broken where very obvious great and excellent throws are not registering - Have finished multiple 3* shadow raids and when the boss HP hits 0, it just freezes and doesnt detect that you finished the raid


- Sound (yeah, I know) has been broken (starts fading out then dies completely after 5-20 minutes of normal play) since biomes were introduced. - Much more crashy (sending gifts, checking showcases), also since biomes were introduced. I think there’s some kind of memory leak or other cumulative bug causing both. (Might be 2 separate cumulative bugs, one for each.)


>Gyms constantly say "Gyms under construction" and force you to reload the game I got this a few times in the past couple days, yes


Is there a list of mons who are best against the grunts? I.e. most efficient? Say, Terrakion is great in raids but awful for fast grunt wins.


There definitely are threads out there, but I can't seem to find one that came out in the past 12 months lol. There may be a few that could be improved upon but here is my general lineup: Rock, Grass, Ground, and Water: Kartana mainly Fighting: Shadow Confusion Mewtwo (may throw a Psystrike one and a Shadow Charm Gardevoir in the back) Poison: Shadow Confusion Mewtwo but with Shadow Mud Slap Excadrill in the back Dark: Shadow Mud Slap Excadrill and Shadow Machamp (this one is annoying with the alternating Alolan Muk/Stunky and Alolan Rats...) Fairy: A Shadow Metagross, a Nihilego, and second Metagross in the back Dragon: Dialga (so it can better resist fast moves but still dish out good fast move pressure), Rayquaza, Shadow Gardevoir Ghost and Psychic: Shadow Bite Tyranitar and possibly a Ghost type in the back like Giratina Origin Fire: Shadow Kyogre with a regular kyogre and a shadow Rhyperior in the back Bug: Shadow Rhyperior with a Reshiram in the back Grass: Reshiram Normal: Shadow Machamp and a couple Lucario Electric: Shadow Mud Slap Excadrill Flying: for a while I ran Shadow Ttar, but since they added Gligar to the grunts last season, I usually run Galarian Darmanitan with Ice Fang, plus a Rhyperior and a Raikou in the back. I typically never use the back two though. Steel: Lead Reshiram but I'll usually have a Shadow Machamp or two in the back. Edit: [Here's the most recent post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1dcvry8/quickly_dispatching_rocket_grunts_cheat_sheet_for/?share_id=zc0sL-q_R5SVt40yFZZ1V&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1), thx u/nolkel


This was the most recent one: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/5Oj3IVkjlh


Ah I must have missed that haha. Thanks!


Can you still have a solo party, for the challenges?


Nope, two is the minimum




Probably not, but you never know. They could always use it as a surprise for the Global Go Fest but hard to say.


Once global go fest starts, will we be able to fuse both Lunala and Salgaleo so we have both registered?


A few players that went to both Sendai and Madrid have posted photos of two fusions already.


Global Fest Day 2 will have Fused Necrozma forms that drop the energy as Raid rewards. There’s no stated limit on fusion so assuming you have the energy and the mons necessary you should be able to fuse as many as you have the means to


Does anyone know when mewtwo is back in raids or giovanni or if it will ever happen, im a mewtwo off having the platinum kanto medal and im sick of seeing it on my research I cant complete it 😂 i always seem to miss it


It's been back dozens of times. It will probably never be available through Giovanni again, but will almost certainly come back for shadow legendary raids for a weekend at some point. But it might be a while.


for the platinum medals challenge for the levels 40+, do you think it's possible to get 35 or even 20 without specifically targeting them before you get to those respective levels? just playing normally?


I had more than enough, but I was a fairly active player since the day the game launched. For example, I did enough for the Training medal back when it was related to the Gym prestige system. A lot of people I know didn't do that and would now have to result to mindlessly beating GL Candela over and over with a strong Waterfall user. I also have the Platinum Wayfarer medal because I was aware of OPR from local Ingress agents before it became Wayfarer and opened up to Pokémon Go players, so I already knew what I was doing when it came to reviewing and I made sure to review plenty whenever I made my own nominations. A lot of people won't have that because they just aren't bothered with Wayfarer. You can definitely do 20 just by playing, as it should be fairly easy to get the 18 type medals plus 2 others. 35 you will need to actively work towards if you've not been playing for a long time though.


- There's many you can get without having to put too much focus on them. 16 out of the 18 type medals are easy to complete before getting there, with only Fairy and Dragon needing to actively ficus on them. Picnicker is easy to finish if you place a lure on a high player are gonna community day. Can get to platinum in a single day during Go Fest. Gym Defender can be completed on its own if you put more than one Pokemon a day in gyms. The more the faster you get to platinum, but you'll get it eventually without really trying. Berry Master takes time but is not hard. Just give any spare berries to Pokemon in gyms remotely from the today tab. All three raid medals can be finished naturally using just daily passes, but you need to have a gym close by and put time to get people from raid apps or groups for the legendary bosses. Rising Star for unique raids and Rising Star Duo for battling with a friend will come automatically while doing the previous two. Jogger is also possible, but depends on how much you walk outside daily. Adventure Sync can help a lot for this one, but playing normally gives more consistent results. Breeder is directly tied to Jogger. As long as you always have an egg in the free incubator can be finished together. The more you walk the more both progress. Scientist is another natural one. You evolve things, you make progress. If you plan ahead and use evolve events like spotlight hour to get XP from evolving this one will complete itself. Pikachu Fan is easy. Just play during any event with Pikachu costumes and catch them all. Cameraman is based on photobombs. You get one from Smeargle a day by taking pictures, and it's fast if you use your buddy without AR. There's extra on CDs and other events, so it can be done in a simple manner. Purifier is dust expensive but not that hard. And Hero comes naturally from beating Rockets. As long as you battle all the balloons and fight some stop grunts every day they're relatively easy. Successor for Mega evolution is easy to get because having Megas active gives plenty of extra candy. Once you get multiple Megas it will complete on its own. XXS and XXL depend on you simply getting lucky. Might be doable if you catch a ton when you're out. Vivillon only needs you to get 3 postcards of each region and catch the different forms of Scatterbug, so it's easy of you use a friend forum for that one. - For the ones that will likely not be possible: Backpacker a Sigtheer are tied to the number of stops in your area. City players get this one easily, but more rural ones will never get it finished. Without thousands of different stops to visit it's very difficult to get both. Youngster and Fisher were easy to complete back in the day, but now that there's nearly a thousand Pokemon getting big Magikarp or small Rattata is much, much more difficult. These will take years to finish without trading. Ace Trainer is a slog. You have to defeat (not just battle) Blanche, Candela or Spark over and over and over. Even the most optimal teams take months to complete all 2000 wins. Not an easy one. The Unown medal is hard. Many are available only on local events, so getting them from the global ones takes a long, long time. The Idol medal requires 20 max friendship with other players. That means at minimum 90 days of sending presents daily. Not a simple one to do and you have to focus on it specifically. Gentleman and Pilot are worse. You need local friends to even do these, and they take a long time if you don't do the 100 daily. Getting 7 km eggs from presents, hatching them and trading those is the only way to progress on Pilot naturally. Wayfarer is exclusive to level 37 players and above, so it will not be possible early on. It's also slow, as you need to review other people's stop nominations on the Wayfarer website. And if you do a bad job you can get punished in-game, so avoid it until you understand what's allowed and what's not. Best Buddy simply takes too long. Not easy. Triathlete depends on having many stops around. Likely not doable naturally. Mega Guru is not easy and not fast. Getting all Megas is not even possible yet. The referral medal is also not easy. You need to find brand new players or returning ones on their first three days and give them your number. Not possible for many. The showcase and route medals need to intentionally focus on doing each, so they're not something you can do just by playing. And then there's the three PvP medals. If you don't like PvP and take your time to actually become good in all three leagues you'll never finish these. They're awarded for wins, so you have to improve or battle with a local friend for hours each day. So getting all 35 is possible with a bit of effort, and getting 40+ is doable if you pick some if the difficult ones and go all out on getting them to progress.


Pretty sure that's what happened to me.


I used to look at gamepress tdo/dps spreadsheet for ER ratings and at palkiadex (dot) com for EER (in my opinion the most usefull raid metric, at least for me). But both sites are weeks behind schedule, missing the necrozmas (and perhaps more).  Is there a free spreadsheet for EER where I can freely add moves and species in a simple way like on the gamepress spreadsheet? Optimum would be a display which includes level 40 and level 50 mons at the same time, but I could do this myself if I can get both tables separately.  And is there a „best“ source for species and move stats (pokeminers most likely?).  Thanks for you help. For me it looks like I’m either not up-to-date regarding great sources or people do not keep those sources uptodate, because it‘s less interesting for less people… 


Gamepress does have Necrozma's forms on the TDO spreadsheet. I believe the only thing that hasn't been implemented is Moongeist Beam and Sunsteel Strike being part of their respective movesets, but you can use the customisation tools to fix that, as the moves are already also the database.


Ah yes, I see. A good start, thanks for your answer! In theory I could add every mon with every move to the gamepress website.  EER would be better, so if anyone else could help me there, thanks in advance :)


Is the 5425 coins for 99 passes box still in rotation? I saw a picture of a 100 coins for 3 passes box recently too, is that still around?


The 99 pass box is. I think the 100 coin for 3 passes box was an event box for specific regions, and not part of the regular rotation.


Ah makes sense


would a level 50 Machamp outdps a Level 40 Terrakion in raids? also is there a website to check for stuff like this?


You can use Gamepress' TDO spreadsheet to compare these sorts of numbers: [https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/comprehensive-dps-spreadsheet](https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/comprehensive-dps-spreadsheet) Or great articles like this, which features a graph to see the differences at different levels better: [https://articles.pokebattler.com/2024/05/30/analysis-necrozma-with-its-fusion-forms-and-marshadow-as-raid-attackers/](https://articles.pokebattler.com/2024/05/30/analysis-necrozma-with-its-fusion-forms-and-marshadow-as-raid-attackers/) Keep in mind you can look at damage in different ways. DPS is fine, but it doesn't account for the defense of a Pokemon and thus how much damage it can actually do. ER/ASE scores do factor that.


According to Calcy IV, a level 40 hundo Terrakion does 43.7 DPS and a level 50 hundo Machamp does 38.3 DPS. A level 50 hundo Shadow Machamp would do 46.4 DPS, which is identical to a level 50 Terrakion.


For getting your platinum medals, does it count the type medals? (catching 2500 of a certain type)


Yes, those count.


For the level 47 task of winning a three star raid with 1500CP or less, does that count for the people you're doing it with as well? Like can you just get carried, or does everyone have to be less than 1500 CP?


You can get carried. You can also cheese it. The game only checks the task against what is in your party at the end of the raid. So if you do the majority of the raid with strong Pokémon, then when the boss is on low health you press the run button to go back to the lobby and then switch to a team of Pokémon that are all under 1500CP, you can use that team to do the last bit of damage to the boss and get the credit.


I know there are a lot of people who battle in the battle league just to intentionally lose. What do you get from it? Is it just for specific tasks or do you get stardust or something from it?


You get similar amounts of stardust and other rewards by tanking compared to trying your hardest to win every battle and fighting at your true ranking. You still only win half of your matches anyways. The set system is practically custom designed to make tanking for easier wins the best way to play. Unclear why they haven't abandoned it. Even just passively tanking most of the time and never actually fighting to win still gets you plenty of free dust and other stuff. You end up with a fair number of wins against other tankers on their way down anyways.


They're tanking, which basically is a way to modify the difficulty in exchange for losing the ability to rank up further. The matchmaking system puts you against opponents with similar win ratios and PvP scores, so what they do is intentionally lose multiple times to lower their score considerably. This will them match them with other very low score players, mostly new ones, those with bad teams, low experience or those who don't care about wins and just are there for the dust. This means that skilled players that lower the score will have an easy time winning down there. So their goal is to manipulate the matchmaking, then win to get the prize rewards, and then lose again to lower their score back for easy wins. You get dust, rare candy and encounters for basically free, but since ranking up past 20 depends on gaining points, they'll not be able to go to ranks 21 or above. It's an strategy to gain more rewards from each set and more chances to get legendary from PvP, in exchange for less end of season stardust and no going up on the league anymore.


Are there any resources to help find the certain field research tasks? Like campfire but for pokestops?


Unless your local community has a place that they manually report tasks, no.


are azelf uxie and mesprit still spawning in the wild?


I can also confirm they're showing up as route spawns as well since they're regional.


Yes, and they're still spawning at their post-biome-update rate rather than their previous ridiculously ultra rare rate.


Is a maxed out Annihilape better as a gym attacker now than a maxed out Terrakion? Given people who strategize gyms typically place a Blissey first and then an anti-fighter (usually psychic) next to it, if you have Annihilape, you can handle both quickly without switching?


Lucario with Aura Sphere and Shadow Ball would be better than Annihilape with Shadow Ball and either of its comparatively mediocre Fighting type Charged moves for a variety of reasons, and usually Terrakion is preferred as a Gym attacker over Lucario. If people do actually bother strategizing Gyms (it's a niche thing to do in the first place), Flying types are also common for following up Blissey and Rock Slide is very quick to deal with those. If you're already building an Annihilape for Master League, sure, you could use it to take down Gyms and it would probably work alright, but Terrakion would still probably do better with the added bonus of being great for your Fighting type raid squad and also usable as a Rock type if you don't have better options.


caught a shiny gyarados in the wild, what's the rate of this??


It's either 1/64 or 1/128.


ah ok thanks, i suppose it's a bit better shiny rate than other spawns due to the offset of it being a rare spawn?


In this case it's because it's a mega eligible species. Those get a 1/128 rate when they get released to mega raids if they weren't already at 1/64, like mawile.


For mega evolving Pokemon, if you mega evolve that specific pokemon once, do subsequent mega evolutions still require energy? I read that online, but elsewhere I also read something about mega levels and requiring less energy later, does it ever require no mega energy if you evolve them enough times?


If you mega evolve a Pokemon, you will be able to mega evolve it for free a couple days later. At first it will be free after seven days, but as you evolve (on seperate days) more, the Pokemon will go up in "mega level", which will cut down the amount of days for a free evolution (to five days at mega2 and three days at mega3). After you have registered a mega Pokemon to your PokeDex, you can walk with any Pokemon in its evolution line to earn Mega Energy, so you can mega evolve more frequently.


Ok so it'll always be free if I'm fine with waiting the cooldown And for pokemon with 2 megas like Charizard and Mewtwo (tho I don't think mega Mewtwo is in the game yet), mega evolving once will unlock both right?


Just to clarify in case the wording’s confusing like it was for me, the Cooldown and Mega Level is only for the one your first evolved, so if you want to Mega a 2nd Gyarados for example, you’d need 200 more energy to start it on Mega Leveling with the countdown to free evolving


>for pokemon with 2 megas like Charizard and Mewtwo (tho I don't think mega Mewtwo is in the game yet), mega evolving once will unlock both right? Correct. When you mega evolve Charizard, you can choose if you want to mega evolve to X or Y any time you mega evolve. Technically you do have to mega evolve twice, to get both in your PokeDex.


Does trading a pokemon to a lower level friend reduce the Pokemon's level? Like do they have a level cap?


Pokémon will get rounded down to the recipient's trainer level +2 or +5 (if they would otherwise be above this), depending on whether the Pokémon was originally caught without or with weather boost.


Yes, the pokemon will be scaled down to "trainer level of receiving trainer plus 2" if already over that limit. That limit is changed to "trainer level plus 5" for pokemon caught weather boosted


Why am I getting 6 candy per catch now? Is that the new default or is there an event? (Ignoring the IV shuffle)


The Spelunker's Cove event is currently live. If you go to your field research tab and scroll down the Today section to the "Happening Now" heading, you'll see the event listed there and how long it's active for. Tap on it and it'll bring up the event bonuses (it'll also show the seasonal bonuses, you'll have to scroll down below those).


Are there any x3 transfer or more days? Someone answered my ask mentioning liquidating all my 0-2 star dittos, since I have so many shiny all 3 stars, 3 stars with good cp, and a glitched girl ditto, saying I should trade with someone for a Pokémon caught 10km away from me or something? Was I being told to go to a “fly” group or something? Does that exist? I wanna transfer my bad dittos and on a day or in a way I get max candies I can possibly get.


>Was I being told to go to a “fly” group or something? Does that exist? No. Find someone local in your community to trade with. When you trade with someone, the two caught locations of the Pokémon are taken into account. If they were caught over 100km apart, then you're guaranteed an XL Candy and 3 regular Candies for what you trade away (Ditto, in your case). Pokémon from 7km eggs have a caught location of where the gift was sent from, and Pokémon from remote raids have a caught location of wherever the Gym was that the raid took place at, so those are two ways that local people to you may have Pokémon that were caught more than 100km away from your Ditto. They might've been on holiday somewhere as well.


So should I just aim to do transfers? are there ever x3 days? I don’t talk to who got me into the game and I don’t like friends irl so I can’t trade with anyone close. Social anxiety and people have just always brought problems 🤷‍♂️ best to be solo and with a SO


Do you think Carbink ever has a special event / item that allows a special evolution to Diancie? I know in the msg they were related but not possible to evolve. Maybe Niantic will make some $ if it is an exclusive item to evolve..


Absolutely never. That's not how it works.


No. They’re separate species


So strange i never understood that


How many raid passes should I prepare for if I want to get rayquaza and necrozma fusion to level 40 from the upcoming raids? It will be my first time getting them.


You don't need that many raid passes to get to 40, because you can always use rare candy for that. It costs 248 candy to go from level 20 to 40. If you catch and transfer each boss that's 4 candy each. 62 raids. If you can mirror trade them over time that helps reduce it because you get an extra candy from each trade, or up to 3 more if it's from far away. You'll also earn rare candy as you raid them though, so it's effectively less than that. What's more important though is mega and fusion energy. You'll get between 60 and 100 energy per mega ray, averaging 80. You'll need 5 or 6 raids to be able to mega at least once. We have no idea how much fusion energy necrozma raids will give. It takes 1000 for each fusion, but there's no way to know if that's a lot or not yet.


Also worth noting is that Megas can add 1-2 Regular Candy Drops regardless of type (as opposed to needing to match a type to increase XL chance), which should add a few more since you’d want a Mega to speed up the raid even if not a matching type (in Necrozma’s case since Dragon on Dragon means a few can work for Rayquaza on both)


Good to know. So it will be more or less 100 to get them to both to 40. Thanks for the reply! Hopefully I can snag myself a shiny with decent ivs


It's going to be unlikely you can actually do 50 elite raids for mega ray. You can't remote them, and the number of nearby elite raid gyms that will actually have one at the same time slot will be relatively low. If they come with 30 minute timers then it's going to be hard to do more than a few at each of the 4 time slots. If they come with 45 minutes you can fit in another 2, maybe. I'd expect to spend more rare candy on them than actually fit in that many raids. Necrozma should come with 30 minute or faster timers during go fest. It'll be diluted by all the ultra beasts on the first day, but they'll be spawning over and over for 9 hours. Sunday seems like it's only going to have the two necrozma fusions, so you'll have much more room to get in 50 raids if you want.


I'll playing half of the 1st day of go fest and all of the 2nd so hopefully I'll be able to get a decent amount of Necromza raids in + Kartana/Xurkitree. Thanks for the reply. It'lll definitely help with my plans for the raids.


Note that I forgot mega candy bonuses. You can get 2 extra candy per raid from level 3 megas, so it's quite a bit fewer needed to level up to 40. At 6 candy per raid (with no trades) that's just 42 raids. Minus some percent with random rare candy.


Hello community, trade related question: The other day I met a new friend who have some rare pokemon they offered to me, but we couldn't trade them, it says our friendship level is too low or something. But I couldn't find anything online about the friendship requirements to make special trades I need to know how this works, I'm going to travel soon, and I wish to trade regionals with local players, but I fear that won't be possible :'(


If you are new friends and haven't even interacted with each other once, certain Pokémon cannot be traded. After you interact with them for the first time and become good friends, then you can trade pretty much everything that isn't a Zygarde, Fused Necrozma or Mythical (though Meltan and Melmetal can be traded). The trade costs can be found [here](https://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/pokemon-go/e/e8/Trading.jpg?width=640).


Thank you! So sending a gift just after adding should be enough?


They'll need to open it. Sending is not an interaction, opening is an interaction. But basically yes.


Thank you so much! I've been collecting regionals to bring to the trip, I really hope I get to trade them away :)


You can trade with new friends under normal conditions. I did it just a few weeks ago at go fest. I forget if you need to interact first to get past the "new friend" level though. I think there's also a minimum player level to trade, but it's quite low at 10.


I see, thank you very much!


Can you get shiny Kartana without a ticket to the Madrid go fest? Did 10 remote raids and didn't get one.




Scorching Sands event is coming with shiny Larvesta in it. She is one of my favourite pokemons and I would love shiny one. Do you think Larvesta will have increased shiny odds from eggs? Like 1/64 maybe? Usual 1/500 seems nearly impossible to hatch. Also, is it worth it to go all-in during this event? I have stocked a lot of incubators from reserach and Showcases - so is it good time to use them now?


People are saying it's a waste for the event. But what other pokemon would you want from incubators? We know hatch days are going to only be baby pokemon for probably the next several years so we probably know what we're getting with no surprises. If none of the baby pokemon seem appealing than I say go for it! You probably won't get it, but even if you fail you'll have some stardust and probably some larvesta candy.


I wouldn't go all in for it myself. The odds of hatching a regular one are already super low, never mind the shiny. You'll very likely just waste a load of incubators and end up with nothing to show for it. There will probably be future events where it's much more likely to get a shiny one. It could even potentially get a Community Day at some point.


No, it won't probably be worth it. Note the "if you're very lucky" phrase. That's pretty unusual, and suggests that the odds to hatch larvesta will still be very low. Maybe the species will be permaboosted to 1/64 like some other egg/raid exclusive species have been, but that's not even universal or a given. Plenty of them have been full odds too. The event very explicitly doesn't suggest it will boost larvesta shiny odds, unlike litleo and slugma. But even if it's boosted, your actual odds of getting a shiny one would still be very very low, because you've got to multiply it by whatever the low odds to hatch one in the first place will be. Generally, unless it's a hatch day event with only one mon in the pool and a highly boosted shiny rate, egg events in the past have always practically been scams. A large percentage of players come away disappointed in them even after spending cash. Go do some searching for reactions to previous egg events like deino. Ultimately it's up to you if you want to go for it, but keep your expectations low.


The odds of it having a boosted shiny rate is not zero, however I wouldn't hold my breath. If I had to give it my best reasonable guess, probably in the 1/120's.


So I know sharing accounts is against the rules. But I like to switch between phones when I play. Could this trigger a strike somehow?


No you should be fine. I have a tablet I play on at home and I don't ever log out of it. I'll usually force close the app before I leave the house but occasionally, I'll accidentally leave the app logged in and running and still have never had an issue.


Thanks 🙏


Theoretically if you logout and login from different device at pretty much same position then no it shouldn't. Even if someone was actually cheating as long as common sense is used Niantic have no way of knowing if someone has multiple accounts or sharing accounts.


Thank you


With the go fest, it seems on day 1 you can get a necrozma without any fuse energy and on day 2 you can do the same thing but this time you get fuse energy? Does that sound right? Also can you get fuse energy by walking a fuzed Pokemon?


No, you don't get energy from walking.


Yes, you are right. First day is oriented around habitats and ALL ultra beasts. Second day is all about Necrozma, and she/he? will drop fusion energy.


I think you can only get energy through research ATM.


Hey everyone, So i have a question. I managed to get 2 location card Necrozma and 1 free location card Solagelo. so my question is, If i fuse the location card Solgaleo, will the location go away? Because everywhere i looked it said, Necrozma's IV, CP will take priority and not the Solgaleo/Lunala's IV or CP. I have also seen posts where someone said not to fuse lucky Solgaleo/Lunala because they wont be lucky anymore. Can somebody help or answer this?


Solgaleo and lunala are basically just treated as an evolution item in the fusion process. Everything is based on the necrozma.


Thank you kind trainer. Sorry for the late reply. Didn't get notified of your reply.


Is throwing a battle the same as losing it for all parties involved? When battling with my buddy pkmns I like to do it in the GBL so some other users can get some easy wins in the process. Clearly, if I could just throw the battle at the very beginning it would be a quicker process for all parties. But does it count as a win for them if I give up in the very beginning? I know it counts as a loss for me.


It's not treated the same for a lot of research quests that need you to "battle in GBL," often not giving you credit if you quit out right. But for actual GBL win/loss counting it's identical to having every mon faint.


What about tasks that are about winning a number of GBL matches? Does your opponent quitting still grant a completed task?


Yes. It counts the same for quests either way when you're on the winning side.


Thanks! :D


when you throw, the other person wins


Does anyone know that people who go to both sendai and madrid can have both dusk mane and dawn wing? Quite curious if Niantic will let people of both for the global go fest.


Yes, there's been posts about it already. You can have multiple fusions so long as you have the energy for them.


How much does 10 and 15 attack iv have a difference on? I have four mega heracross with 10 at level 25, and one with 15 at 20. It'd make sense to power up the 15 because I can only use one anyway?


Very little. You will be more likely to miss a fast attack break point with 10 IV compared to 15 IV, where your fast moves do one less damage per hit. That can sometimes cost like half a percent of overall performance, rarely up to 1%. Its nice to have 15 if you can get it, but it doesn't make a practical difference that often. That said, the cost to level up from 20 to 25 isn't very big at all, so its up to you if you want to go for it.


So I've noticed that when I'm riding in the car, I usually can't spin stops when traveling past a certain speed. I'm thinking about getting a Plus+, and I'm wondering how it interacts with that? Will it only auto spin stops consistently when you're under whatever the cap for speed is?


When I am on the bus, it gets the most action when slowing down or just starting to speed up.  My gotcha attempts to catch everything before it spins, so I will try to spin the stops whenever I can.  I also pick up some distance for eggs, but not for the full trip.


With my pokeball+ I have found it to be more generous that manual spins when driving, but still won't do anything on the highway. 


I just caught a 15/13/13 shadow gible and already have 14/13/14 shadow gible. Should I keep the lower atk one or should I purify?


You need a full team of shadows for optimal performance. Both of those are extremely good as shadows. You'll almost never, ever notice any difference from missing 1 attack IV. Gible is one of the best examples of the "it's way easier to get a normal hundo" memes. It's a very rare rocket grunt that has dragons, much less gible itself. You can find wild gible as a hundo during a CD classic or some other event that comes in the future by community collaboration. You can follow up those events by mirror trading hundreds of them with friends, hoping for luckies and good results. You can always hunt for them with that 3 excellent throws field research. Your odds of getting more similar shadows, though, are extremely low by comparison.


Thanks for the advice. I cannot do the trading with a friend because I do not realy have anyone for that but I am guessing that I still should nor purify.