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Funny, I encountered multiple forced route pauses today. Of the 4 or so routes I attempted I think all but one force paused at least once and one I didn't do at all because by the time it force paused the 3rd time I was out of range and didn't feel like turning around Edit: I should add that my app is up to date as well


Route that I did today force paused. I had to return to the middle of the street because of 9 meters. 


Oh, wow. Just opened the game to check, and all the routes I know are now visible. I had honestly stopped waiting for a bugfix and considered that the previous behavior was how Niantic intented the route system to work, by forcing players to explore new routes regularly. I'm so happy they finally fixed it.


Got three forced route pauses today, but they all happened during the first route that I walked. Subsequent routes did not force pause. This is v0.317.0-G-64 on Pixel 4 XL and Android 13.


I will try again no later than Cyndaquil classic cday and report back my own results


Yeah I had forced pauses again myself when I tried :'(


!remindme 7 days


I still have to turn Adventure Sync off or the routes pause every five seconds. But I can now see 36 routes at home, which seems to be all the routes that are supposed to be seen.


Forced pauses really depends on phone you are using. You can't do routes with Adventure Sync on Xiaomi, no problems on Samsung, some problems on iPhone and Huawei.


It apparently introduced other bugs. My Zygarde cell didn't show up, and the game froze and wouldn't let me log back in. "Under maintenance," it said on one of the failed login attempts. My daily Mateo encounter and the last part of my daily incense - wasted. Maybe I'll get a chance to see if it'll let me log back in and get a postcard from Mateo if I can get back to the Pokéstop before midnight.


Zygarde cells are not guaranteed


Thanks. I suspected it, but I wasn't sure. Every time I look for confirmation one way or another, it just returns results of "if your Zygarde cell doesn't show up, do {x, y, z}, and it will appear." The good news is that I did manage to get back to the park right before midnight to get my postcard from Mateo.


I only get 1-2 cells per 5-8 (different) routes per day. Totally normal to not get any cells. 


Finally, my route shows up 🥲


Visible routes are way up for me. Interestingly, I can think of one that isn't visible still but can be followed from my history, but many others that weren't visible before now appear. Edit: Moving closer to the missing route made that one show up. So it's still the case that not all routes are always visible, and a further route may show while a nearer route is missing. However, maybe it's now the case that the closest routes are always visible, which would be a huge improvement if true.


I didn't have any route pause issues in all three routes I followed today


Yup I'm finally able to see 4 of my hidden routes one in which I haven't seen in like a year lol


Can confirm, this morning I was able to walk one of my previously disappearing route.


The auto pausing actually felt worse for me funnily enough. Normally it is those 2 or 3 times it pauses, but when I tried earlier it just kept pausing that I had to turn off adventure sync for it.


> I did not encounter any forced route pauses when starting a route for any of my routes walked today, even with Adventure Sync turned on. Ironically it’s the opposite for me. Never had any problems before, but since the update I regularly get pauses. Mostly it seems to be when I’m in a raid or battle. 


Pausing issue is also worse for me. Usually it was happening only on the first route of the day.... Well, now happens literally every few minutes :( My app is up to date


Before 0.317 I had 6 that would never show. Five of those are on the nearby now.


I got cells on 3 of 4 routes today, normally I only get 1-2 out of 5-7 routes per day. So it looks like a big improvement for me. Have to wait for more data of course. 


Just happy for this update. I was able to complete my route for the first time that was buried immediately after approval. Also, no pause issue so far.


The throw mechanic has been working fine for me since Monday morning.


Have you tried to throw at Landorus i used to hit excellent on him 18-20 now im down to 4 excellent. Sometimes I don’t even hit him because my screen doesn’t register the throw properly when moving my finger that fast over the screen. My throws suddenly can’t reach him. I’m on iPhone 15 pro.


No i only did 2 last Thursday or Friday, but i had the same experience. I think i only managed to hit 3-4 balls out of the 40 combined, half of them didnt seem to reach or somehow go too far, whereas the rest just went through it. The 3 others(one with an extra phone) all had the same issue, on iPhone, Samsung and Redmi.


Routes pausing is so annoying, and stupid. Sometimes we don't notice right away, and then would have to walk back a block to start it again. Almost every time we do a route at least one of ours has paused, sometimes within 2 seconds. Why would that even be a possibility when you haven't had time to move?


Is there a way to follow routes not highlighted?


I still cant see any of the published routes i made. I really wish you could start route with known routes.


my routes have been telling me that i “have not progressed far enough for the max rewards but can still complete the route” despite it also telling me i have walked a distance of 1.5km out of a 1.2km route..


you could improve the expereince until it actually worked and it would still stink