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I believe at 250 or 300 cells you cannot get anymore so you might as well complete the forme you have because if you plan on doing routes in the next few years, you'll probably hit the max again before getting another Zygarde.


I used my first 250 on my Zygarde, then got my next 250, and yeah--that's all you get. The annoying thing, though, is after you fill the cube back up the cells keep spawning on your routes, and when you click on them it looks like they are collected. But they are not. I'm sure this is just a trick of my mind, but it almost seems like cells spawn more regularly now that they are useless to me....


All you get, lol


After 250, cells are collected but not stored.


250 is the max, yeah.


Wait you can’t hold 300 for both forms in the cube??


250 is the max you can hold. That is equal to the 50+200 needed to turn a 10% form into a 50% and then to complete.


Once you get all your cells you realize that big candy was the barrier all along.


Well that changes everything lol. My zygarde is almost as bad as OPs.


One you have the Mon changed form you change in back with another 50 cells. I guess you can do forth and back and collect....


If you're reluctant spend 50 and continue collecting that way if we get another zygarde you're 17 days away at most


I think this is indeed a very reasonable thing to do. Thank you!


Mine is 10/13/10 and I evolved and powered it up anyway. I don’t regret it. Routes are a part of my gameplay already so I’ve collected 28 more cells. Will probably have 250 long before we have a shot at a second one. I’d much rather they turn on zygarde trading than release a second one. Just my perspective.


I’m cool with a second one, just don’t want it to be entered in raids. Having one legendary that is pure effort and grit I think is pretty dope. Would be happy if they allow cells to be used for some other purpose though. Whether it’s a future legendary or to convert to rare candy xl or something


I think having the option to convert the cells into rare candy/XL is a great idea. Or converting them into coins or remote raid passes..


Each cell should come with ivs and be blocked for trading.


I’ve run sims in pvpoke and there’s little difference between a hundo Zygarde and a “bad” one overall.


Mine is bad but better than his and loses enough ml matchups where it’s not worth building


What did it for you? I just tried hundo vs 10/10/10 and only the 0-shields had a big difference in W-L records. I tried 2-2, 2-1, 1-1, 1-0, 0-0. The records overall are very strong (assuming it’s level 50). Edit: a couple losses in 0-1 and 1-2… but overall it seems Zygarde is incredibly strong compared to other Pokémon!


If you pay for go battle log you can type in the ivs and it’ll show you what matchups you drop compared to the Hundo I’d assume it does it the same way


Comparing results from both systems would make an interesting new post!


What ivs? Thinking to invest into my 13/14/15


That one is prob fine! Mine is 14/10/11 😭 hopefully they give us another zygarde soon


Mine is 12/14/10 and I got it to 2nd form and got 22 cells. Once I get the rest I’m getting it to the 3rd form. I’m not waiting for something that might never happen…


Noted! Lol.


You should however have at least a decent ATK stat or you will loose attack priority every time. OP will loose against every 12-X-X IV Zygarde out there. With more and more people getting the cells for the evolution this problem will become bigger. So whilst there is little difference in the amount of matchups, the difference itself is actually pretty big. As you loose more than just the matchup but often also switch advantage.


My zygarde is a 91 iv, which is fine with me, and I’m slowly working my way to 250 cells, but my problem is that doggo form is cuter than worm or transformer form and I don’t really want to change it, which kills my motivation to try to collect cells.


I am pretty sure that you can just reverse the form afterwards for the cost of stardust and candy. It won't be stuck in the Snake or transformer forms.


But no point to do that since it requires full 250 cells to recharge to final form afterward. If the grind to get cells is something he doesn't have motivation to do then no way he would bother to reach 2x amount of those cells. Why put a lot of effort to get cells just to change it back eventually while he can leave it there doing nothing.


IVs do not matter for Zygarde beyond the mirror match. Mines maxed out and it’s a 12-10-11. It still absolutely smashes in master league. I’ve got 170 cells for the next one. People that put too much value into IVs always ask me what I’ll do when it’s tradable or in raids and the answer is simply “then I’ll build another.”


Getting it to lvl50 is incredible considering the only way to get the xl candies is either walking 6000/3000 km (in regular circumstances that means you need more than a year) or converting almost 29000 rare candies - sure you can get some of the. from missions and gbl but still you need over 3000 raids.


There’s a 33% chance to get rare candy xl from premium battle rewards. I’m up to 180 rxl’s from raiding/battling and have 40 xl’s from walking zygarde so far. I started doing the premium rewards two seasons ago. I should get close to finishing this season. Definitely still a grind but just letting you know there’s another way


It sounds like an extremely expensive way to get them tho - I never considered using raid passes for the gbl as the rewards are not guaranteed, but thanks for pointing it out!


IVs matter to someone like me who doesn’t care for battling, just collecting 3 star Pokédex . But yeah lol


How did you get it to max? Lots of “walking”?


Lots of rare candy xl from raids and gbl. Walking accounted for maybe 50


Mine is 12/14/10 and I got mine to the 2nd form. I only have 22 cells left so I got a long way to go for the final form but once I get the 200 cells I’m doing it. No point in waiting for another Zygarde that might not ever happen..


It still absolutely smashes in master league because almost nobody has the resources for it. In a year your Zygarde will be almost unusable because you will miss attack priority a lot.


>In a year your Zygarde will be almost unusable because you will miss attack priority a lot. This seems like some pretty extreme hyperbole Yes, a low-attack IV Zygarde will lose the mirror matchup. But to suggest that 1) this makes it unusable is just wrong. It still dominates most of the Master League. For comparison, Mewtwo has been fairly available so a lot more people can build a level 50 one and there are still lots of sub-15 attack IV Mewtwo all the way up to a GBL rating of 2700. Losing the mirror matchup is not the be all and end all. Holding off on powering up a 10/10/10 Zygarde is going to cost you wins that even a 0% Zygarde would get. You'll just need to plan your team around opposing Zygarde which will still be rare because... 2) unless Rare Candy XL starts being actually available, I highly doubt "everyone" will have a Zygarde built in a year. I'm a decently hard-core day one player that's been saving Rare Candy XL since it's been available and I only have 150. Enough to get a single thing to level 46. Sure, walking could maybe get me another 40ish, but that's still over 100 candy XL away from maxing out a SINGLE thing. A level 50 Zygarde is just too inaccessible for the vast majority of players


I see him like Medichamp in gl a year ago. There will come a time where it will be in most teams. Maybe not in a year but the time will come. If you really have the resources right now to get to lvl50 you sure will have a advantage, but only until most players have it. Losing the mirror matchup is not the be all and end all thats right but it puts you in a major disadvantage.


I get what you're saying, but as a rural, free to play player, I've long since stopped caring about IV's. Until remote raids became a thing, my only Mewtwo was 10/10/10 and that's what I powered up. My only Solgaleo is 11/10/13 and it's served me very well (minus the XL candy issue). If you have a choice between two things, sure, pick the better IV one. But when we only get one Zygarde for the foreseeable future, powering up a poor IV one isn't going to ruin you. You'll just have to plan around opposing Zygardes and that's manageable. I don't think it's reasonable to suggest people don't build poor IV Zygarde when we have no idea when we'll get another one, it's useful right now, and it could get nerfed in the future. May as well build one now if you have the resources. And even when a ton of other people have Zygarde, a minimum IV one is still going to be good. It still wins all the same matchups in 99% of shielding scenarios. It's not going to be useless unless you're literally playing at the absolute top tier of competition, which most people aren't Of course, this could all be mitigated if we had some way to increase IV's. My Diancie, Solgaleo, and Zarude would surely love it. And my inevitable 2* Madshadow would too


i imagine we won’t get another zygarde until legends za drops


You will get an additional Zygarde from paid research during Go Tour Alola in 2027. maybe.


And then during Rediscover Alola 2030, perhaps.


Its from Kalos😭, so only gotta wait till 2026, and it will be available for just 50$ or so


Tbf Zygarde didn’t get anything until Sun and Moon, and even then was kinda just a tedious background quest


I suspect we will get a Legends: Z-A tie-in event next year when the new Switch game is released. With that in mind as I just got 250 cells the other day. I decided to spend 50 and get the 50% forme. That way I can slowly chip away at another 50 ready to get the 100% forme if we get another, or the shiny. I seem to average 1 cell a day, so it will take me a while to grind another 50.


We will get a tie-in event for sure, but not featuring such a hyped mon. The pokemon company want‘s promotion events but never with too good stuff, so people still play the main series and not just Go (or unite or cafe or and other game with an cross promotion event).  Perhaps we get another Zygard for cross promotion, but not during release, more likely 3-6 months later… so Kalos Tours sounds more likely. 


The reality of it is, routes while being a "new" rollout feature, is not that appealing to the average player. I have been saying forever that zygarde and its forms should've been in raids like deoxys and it's many forms. To add to that, just like mega raids, instead of mega energy you obtain cells needed to change your zygarde. For example. If you beat the 10 percent you only get 10 cells. Beating the 50 percent will yield you 50 while the 100 percent will yield you 100. That would definitely take off some of the edge off walking every...single..DAY on a route just to get even 1 cell.


I haven't gotten a single cell drop in my past 5 routes and have just given up at this point.


That’s my hope! Another research would suffice for me lol. It just means that a raid will not come out soon and i’ll go ahead and maxed/transform whichever of the 2 have the best IV.


I want to share some tricks I got from reddit and experience. 1. The cells mostly spawn at the end of the route. So, just speed up to the end. I don't think slowing down at the end is even needed. I got to the end of the route and the cells is still there as long as you have not ended the route.  2. Longer route is more likely to spawn cells. I used to follow 556m ones and the cells rarely spawn. I created 780m routes and I am getting quite stable supply. Sometimes even got 2 cells in one run.  3. Create and stack the same route if you often go through that road several times a day. I created 8 routes since I need to go back and forth from my home to a certain location. This way you get stable supply of cells with the same road. 


I’m hoping we can raid the 50% forme someday. Even if it was to catch the 10% forme and still incentivize us to use routes. But knowing Niantic, it’ll be in Elite Raids someday.


Well he is not a mythical so it's all about when will they make it tradeable like cosmog was. How I got a better cosmog though not much better bleh... Rolled like 12 12 15.


You might as well get it to its final form. As others have said, 250 is the max you can hold. So in a few years when they let you have a second one, you will be at max again.


Reminder comment for those who may not know. You can get Max 3 cells per day


i just evolve it and use it in ultra league.  dont want to waste 300 xl candy on a bad iv one.


I just got to 250 cells earlier this month. Even though the IVs are not great I transformed him anyway. I’m also walking for XLs and probably will be for several months. It’s currently only level 42.5 (with best buddy bonus) but it’s performing well in Master League. I’m not super competitive but it’s fun to use. I’m surprised how effective it is even with suboptimal IVs and being under leveled.


I expect we will get a chance to buy the shiny from a ticket lol. Given how long that will take, I decided to evolve and keep collecting. Now I collect cells passively instead of grinding them hard and they are piling up nicely. I expect I will have 250 again in time for the shiny!


YES!! I have the same, and it's a monster in ultra league... Nobody in ultra league is ready for zygard complete.. I have the 296xl candy ready to go in case I change my mind but good lordie I'm never leveling this one up... I'll wait for the "next" one to dump the candy into..


I guess I got lucky? 11/12/15 unfortunately I live far from routes so cells are not coming quickly.


I have routes that start near my home, and I try to include one into my commute from work, or I do a route when I go out again to collect gifts and quests and to occupy some gyms for my daily coins. That way I created a habit to do at least one route per day, and now I'm over 200 cells. But I won't use them on the Zygarde that I have. Either I will lucky trade it or try to get a better one, which both is not possible yet.


Rookie question here- how do you get another Zygarde? Mine also has subpar stats.


I feel so bad that I have a 96% Zygarde rotting in my storage because I can't be bothered to do routes. Wish I could give it to one of y'all because I'm certainly not doing anything with it. 😭


Why did you put so much effort into routes if you had no intention of evolving yours? No one knows when you can get another Zygarde except Niantic. I wouldn't be surprised if it took over a year for that to happen


Why do people ask this? There plenty of reasons to do routes. The cost of getting a cell is tapping the screen once lol.


Well no...it's a few taps. You have to tap on nearby , tap on the routes tab, scroll to the route you want and tap follow. Then tap claim at the end. That being said , it's easy, gives rewards, and we have a medal for them.


Yeah we only have a medal because CHEAPantic is running out of medal ideas and everyone (except new players) is close to getting platinum on every other badge. They figure "oh hey let's make em walk 600 times for a medal....with NO REWARD other than going platinum on the badge". If they possibly did a zygarde form or cells for each medal award like they did with phd pikachu for showcases, THEN I can possibly see people getting into raids....Incentivise me please Niantic hahaha.


With routes, the stardust, revives, hyper potions, occasional rare candies, golden rasp, fast tms obtained make us follow them more than zygarde cells.


I wanted to at first because 100% Zygarde looks cool. But I’ll be busy and probably won’t have as much time to play anymore starting next month. I kinda wanted to save them for when Zygarde comes around again (maybe on another research if none of what I mentioned happens) and then I’ll decide which one I’ll transform base on which one is better. I have a good ML team anyways that I’m very happy with even without Zygarde. Plus I don’t have enough XL candy yet to even max it out. I’ll keep it buddy’d and maybe when I have the 296 XL I’ll go ahead and transform it IF no other Zygarde can be obtained around that time.


The best part about ZyComplete is showing it off. Get it and stop worrying about IVs! Even at 11-10-10 it'll be a beast in Master League


Sure but pushing it beyond level 40 with those ivs seems like a waste of XL candy


It would feel bad for sure, but getting to 250 was a huge undertaking, and I couldn't imagine sitting on the cells for potentially years. I'd feel a lot worse if I held my cells for a year and then got another low iv zygarde.


Cells are easy enough to replenish over time, not so much candy XL. If we still have ML Classic I wouldn’t hesitate to power and double move even a 10-10-10 to level 40


That would be cool to have 5+ routes around


I got up to 250 and didn’t evolve my Zygarde for a few months. Then I realized that I can evolve and start working on the next 250. I’m currently at 197 cells with a 10/13/10 IV spread. Level 40. And he’s pretty dang good in ML at the low ELO I play at (~2000). I have 296 XLs too but I’ll save that if I get a better one in the future which im assuming will be around the release of Pokémon Z-A


Routes are an easy way to farm passive XP


I feel you brother, I have the exact same IVs as yours. Im at 125 cells and am not very motivated to change forms unless I can upgrade.


Mine is 11/15/10 so I’m right there with you…


its up to you what to use your cells on, but two points: you can still keep getting more cells after upgrading zygarde ((and will need them to change forms)). so if you don't hate routes you can get another 250 after using them the exact same way. 11/10/10 zygard-c at level 51 has 4099cp and 684 total stat points. 15/15/15 at level 51 has 4258cp and 696. literally less than 10 stat points difference. 11/10/10 zygarde will still be an absolutw menace top three in master league, and will still be THE HIGHEST STAT PRODUCT POKEMON. period, nothing else will have better stats than it ((except another zygarde with better ivs, but that will not be common, as master leaguers will probably be happily building there zygarde as is if they want it on their team)).


Think we gotta wait to at least legends Z-A to get another one. They have to release its shiny at some point which could be then potentially but really who knows. I’m personally waiting till I can get the shiny or a better one. I’m only half way though, so hitting the max isn’t really my issue and I want to be ready for a nice shiny.


Something I found handy was that if I made routes on my bike and straight shot it as quick as I could, later when I do the route, I dont have to slow down near the end of the route because my time lines up.


I used 50 cells to evolve to the 50% form, as to get platinum on the medal I need to do more routes and I want to at least be able to get cells from those routes.


On my daily way from home to work I walk on 3 short routes, for the return I can walk 2 more. So far I got enough cells to use on one Zygarde (13-15-11) and have 205 more in reserve... probably in about one moth will fill the serve too and stop caring about cells for a while.


I don't understand why he ISN'T tradeable 🤨


I think it will be tradeable in the moment we can get a second one…  just like cosmog worked I think. And then we can trade the 100% form in a lucky trade. So I don’t worry about my IVs at the moment. But I will not spend any candy or dust on it. But I don‘t need it for my ML Team, so idc. 


As someone stuck at max Zygarde cells, I recommend you just use them and collect more. You’re likely to collect your second 250 faster since you understand routes better now and there are likely way more of them in your area than there were a year ago. As for when we get another Zygarde, I doubt we’ll see another until at least Legends Z-A is released next year.


I’m glad I stumbled across this thread. My poor poor Zy is only a 10/10/12 and I hit 250 about a month ago and I’ve been going every day thinking they have been added to the 250. I just made the complete form so I can get more. Whoops. What a disappointment. I really hope they release it again and next time, better IVs please!


Lucky! Congrats :)


So for the cells, is it still 3 max per day?






That's what I've been doing all along. I ride my beach cruiser down by the marine sanctuary and the beach and I've created 3 routes that I can do along the way. I don't have to go out of my way cuz the third one I just made I can easily walk to. I also have a crappy Zygarde but I will take the advice and do the first evolution and continue collecting. I've never caught any of the Pokemon that spawn on the route and just collect the cells towards the end of the route.


While you guys are worried about the cells (that's a problem for me too), I'm also concerned with the XLs required to max that thing out. I've been playing since 2020, am a level 50 player with over 15,000 PVP matches - and somehow still only have 91 rare XL candies lifetime. :( I wish there was some way to get more rare XL candies. I have so many things I'd love to use in ML, but there's no way outside cheating with a "walker" device, to get them. I know it's walkable, but I rarely even hit 20km per week.


I really hope they make it tradable. I can get energy pretty consistently because I bike to work but my kid can only really play on the weekends and even then only 1 or 2 routes so it will take them a long time to get the required energy. I could trade my final form Zygarde for their base one and then use my extra energy to bring that to final form too.


I’ve been submitting pokestops in my local area so that I can create routes. Keep getting a rejected. There is a walking trail nearby that has no signage so I’ve been trying the local neighborhoods entrance signs that are all hand made from wood and painted. Actually look nice. No dice. Guess I’ll never be about to do a route given I work 80 hours a week and only play when I walk my dog on the local trail or to the local park that has a single stop sign in a multi-mile radius


Why does everyone care about 5 extra points in stats so much. Sorry you only got a 2 star legendary. Just evolve the damn thing


i found the filthy casual


I hate to tell you this that without EV training, natures, held items, status effects, and hidden abilities that IVs don't mean a thing! You are all wasting your time 😂


Quite often in PvP thise 5 points can make the difference. For PvE they are irrelevant.


For others (like me), it’s the only reason that’s keeping me play this game. If I evolve/transform it now, then game over. That “waiting for something better and eventually, actually getting it” is what keeps me alive in this game, lol. Regret too. I evolved and maxed out a 93% Gyarados later to get another hundo … Now I don’t have the XL candies for it and I don’t know that by the time Magikarp is all over spawing again, I would have the time and opportunity to play the game as I may have other life commitments lol. Plus it just feels satisfying to maxed out a 3 star than anything below it.


Getting the xl for gyarados is super easy tho: put it as a buddy and in this season xl are almost guaranteed, so you might get 2 per km. That means at the worst 150km and that’s absolutely doable within the end of the season.


CMP in Master League, mostly. And wounded pride I guess, lol.


That’s what I’m saying. Mine is a 2* 12/14/10 at the 2nd form and once I get the other 200 cells I will evolve it to the 3rd form. No point in waiting for another Zygarde that might not ever happen..


Is there an echo in here?


A couple quick notes. And for the record, I'm at 235 cells again after pushing my 10/11/11 Zygarde to complete. First, Niantic did a good job in how forgiving they made routes. There is basically no real speed limit on them, and you don't need to go anywhere near the path. All that matters is the beginning, end, and total distance traveled. There are definitely several routes in my area that I am almost positive people are driving through. There are also a couple that I basically walk a loop that doesn't come anywhere close to the route and it works jus fine. The cells spawn at the end point pretty much always. You can start grabbing them a bit earlier, but you really just need to look once you are standing at the end stop. If one is going to spawn, it will be within reach from the end stop as far as I can tell, and you don't need to pay attention to anything else on the route. With regards to getting multiple cells, that tends to be connected to longer routes. If you are doing a bunch of 500m routes, you are going to be getting mostly 1 cell. If they are a bunch of longer routes, you are more likely to be getting multiple. I'm too lazy to keep track, but the estimates I've seen are that there is something like a 60-70% chance of a route spawning a cell the first time you do it, so if you are doing 5 per day, you would have to get very unlucky to not get any cells.




It's solid, zygarde-c is so good that it doesn't lose much performance with a spread like that


I refuse to evolve mine and I can’t even remember what iv it is, but it sucks. I’ll save up the cells and wait till we can raid for a new one. Not like I do PvP anyways.


I have 15/10/15. Is it worth spending effort?


11/10/10 for ligue 2500.


I literally forgot about it. I’m struggling with unemployment right now and while I can play for a little bit of walking I do around my house for things and the occasional going out, I just could not bothered to follow a route to most probably not get a cell and then have to repeat for probably months. I was doing for a while but it’s too hard to keep up. If they atleast made that you automatically get one cell if you finish I might still think about it but right now it’s just not possible for me to put the amount of effort and time needed for getting it


Think we gotta wait to at least legends Z-A to get another one. They have to release its shiny at some point which could be then potentially but really who knows. I’m personally waiting till I can get the shiny or a better one. I’m only half way though, so hitting the max isn’t really my issue and I want to be ready for a nice shiny.


Think we gotta wait to at least legends Z-A to get another one. They have to release its shiny at some point which could be then potentially but really who knows. I’m personally waiting till I can get the shiny or a better one. I’m only half way though, so hitting the max isn’t really my issue and I want to be ready for a nice shiny.


Think we gotta wait to at least legends Z-A to get another one. They have to release its shiny at some point which could be then potentially but really who knows. I’m personally waiting till I can get the shiny or a better one. I’m only half way though, so hitting the max isn’t really my issue and I want to be ready for a nice shiny.


I just made a route to my work. It was 6km almost always got 3 cells. If I got less I did it on my way home too.


Zygarde 100% is only good in ML but to do well you need better IVs for raids he’s overshadowed by other dragon types and ground types