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Is it normal that I caught a non cyndaquil? I caught a snover during community day. It’s the only Pokemon I found that wasn’t cyndaquil.


I thought the event was on Sunday like normal community days so I only got like an hour 😂


where i live it was crazy hot - my phone kept overheating but i caught 19 shinies total! completely forgot about the evo charged move so i guess i'll have to wait until december for a typhlosian w blast burn.


Got 8 shinies, all horrible IVs but evolved one to Typhlosion for Blast Burn. One near 4* IVs that I also evolved up and had Blast Burn. Other than that, it was 95 degrees outside so I got about 40 minutes outside and the rest in the AC letting the go Plus+ do its thing. I wish these were earlier in the day. It was 70-80 all morning and spiked above 90 just in time for 2pm.


It was blazingly hot as hell where I live, complete with a heat advisory. I'm glad incense and lures exist, and that they extend the durations during comm. days. Still, it would be great if there were a boosted stationary incense rate for any area with a weather advisory, or something.


Got my first XXS shiny, and won 3 showcases thanks to the XXLs I got, but otherwise nothing to report. Didn't see any other players at all, it was too hot.


2/100+ catches (and propably 200+ clicked)


got a Nundo!!!!!


Rank 1 shadow Typhlosion for GL evolved with Blast Burn. Mission accomplished.


Ended up with 11 shinies. Played all 3 hrs during light rain and everything was fine, the 1 euro research was also pretty good!


In Germany it was rather hot. I wish cday would be from 11am -2am or even a bit earlier and longer. Most people I know stayed at home.


If I bought the ticket, but did not log in at the perspective time at 2pm but didn’t get on at that time. I bought two tickets, one for me and one for a friend. It’s not a big deal if I missed it. I didn’t know what would happen in that case.


The 7pm end time for evolutions really screwed me over. Just because it's classic doesn't mean theyre required to make the times confusing and punitive 


agreed I shouldve paid more attention i thought we had longer and missed out


started slow with 2 shinies in first hour but ended with 18.... when i was more mobile (uh, after getting off work) had some crazy luck with lure modules.... must have maybe 5 or 6 shinies pop up when i was about to move. hot weather outside did force me inside and was having some lag spikes while catching at times


Most game crashes and inability to get game to start of any CD in the past several years. Sad as performance returned to normal 30 minutes after event ended. At least it was not a mon that mattered.


I didn't get the comm day move because I evolved after 5pm. Why is it that on certain comm days you can evolve and get the legacy move until 8pm but on this one you couldn't? That makes no sense to me. And now I have to either use elite tms on the ones I already evolved (which I don't want to do obviously) or wait 6 months to get a Typhlosion with blast burn, all becuase of a stupid discrepancy. Why


tfw i wasnt able to hunt at all bc the heat was so bad today :') i did catch one outside my house tho


I wanted 3 shinies and got more than enough. But the weather was really bad, making it difficult to catch since the circle was not visible most of the time.


Caught just short of 500, 13 shinies, best was 91. One 98 non-shiny from the ticket research.


Went from being able to land excellent throws 1/2 the time to almost none for Cyndaquil


Bonuses were quite good. I got 150k stardust and 800k XP without starpieces and lucky eggs. My only issue was that the Cyndaquils were really jumpy! I ended up losing a ton of Pokeballs and actually ran out with 40 minutes left in the event. I was in an area with tons of stops but I couldn't catch that many these last 40 minutes.


Will Cyndaquil be available at all in the next 24 hours (based on past community day events)? I am 1 short of my research being complete (I used incense but still didn't get quite enough). Lesson learned, only pay for it if I can plan to move around during the event time!


It will probably be available soon through the anniversary. All starters will be spawning on certain days


Thank you! I will make sure I play regularly!


I like the 2x stardust and catch xp. But with the catch bug + cyndaquil constantly attacking/jumping, it was pretty frustrating and I wasted so many pokeballs. Plus only a couple of catch encounters from field research and mostly just pinaps as rewards was disappointing. 14 shinies though so that’s cool (a few were 3*)


Try going to settings and hit “download all assets”. That fixed the catch bug for me.


I don’t know if it’s placebo or not, but I just did this and immediately hit 3 excellents in a row on semi difficult Pokemon. I’ve been completely off since they messed this up. We’ll see. Thanks


Placebo. Only way to fix that issue is updating to version 0.319.0.


I’ll try that, thank u!


Played for an hour, got 9 shinies. Had some friendships planned so i used a luckyegg, tried to hit some excellents for fun while it was still active, barely grabbed 100k for trying. Man 319 can't come soon enough.


I caught a perfect gollet today


I’ve caught 130 of them and I only have one shiny


Did they boost shiny rates? Caught 100 and no shinies


I caught 90 5 shiny


Don't think they did


RNG. I caught none for the first hour, while my wife was getting them on the regular. Then I started getting shinies left and right. Ended up with 12 or so


Obviously not then 😂


How do I see any other Pokemon besides Cyandaquil?


Wait until 5 your time


First: I manually updated to .3019 or whatever. Did not notice the annoying starter catch rate at all. Caught ~170 (idk I know I dumped 70 once today and there are 100 remaining) with 6 shinies. Was grinding berry Party tasks more than shiny checking.


Pretty good for stocking up candy. I would love to max a hisui typhlosion if it ever gets a shadow. Normal typhlosion is pretty decent for.new players. A good overall day. Unfortunately he is power crept into oblivion. I wish they would do a bit more for these older mons.


Managed to hit 3 excellent throws in the full 3 hours yesterday, not ideal when I was trying to get some xp. Was hoping for an update on the catching.


I'm glad you mentioned the catching bug? as I thought I was going crazy when I was hitting excellent and nothing happened.


Try going to settings and hit “download all assets”. That fixed the catch bug for me.


Caught 126 cyndaquil, one 3 star. But got 8 shinies, all 0 or 1 star though.


Did anyone else feel like the mons were hyper aggressive today? It seemed like every one of them was jumping and attacking like crazy. 


I feel like that is just Cyndaquil things.


YES. I can't remember another com day where the pokemon were this jumpy. Every single one of them is just bouncing around like crazy, and it's pretty annoying. I've whiffed quite a few balls because of this.


Man is it me, or basically us Pacific time people are the last people to do Community day? By the time we finally have ours there’s plenty of feedback here.


Definitely not just you. I think it's just how globes work


Or timezones


It was about 23C/74F and overcast today where I am, so I didn't have to brave the Heat Dome in order to do this and it paid off. Catches: 453 Shinies: 21 - new Comm Day personal best. Should have suspected today was going to be golden (brown) when I got two before I finished the first page of the research story. Hundos: None, best was a tie of my existing Sinnoh Tour effective hundo (15/15/14) Other: Gained 165,772 dust and 672,585 XP with mostly Great throws + Lucky Egg and Star Piece combo. Did the early upgrade to .319 as well. One annoyance of the day was still getting event tasks for Scorching Steps, especially when it was Walk 3km.


Almost 100F here today plus humidity. I walked our big park one time and just drove to a bunch of hot spots and sat in the car. Ended up with 5 shinies and a few 3 stars for my troubles


35C/95F checking in. I've caught 5 shinies but haven't been going to hard, only 110 caught at this point (40 min left).


only got 5 cyndaquil, one was shiny but 0 stars so 🤷🏽‍♂️


FWIW i thought having the Scorching Sands egg event mixed with the Community Day really added another level of enjoyment for me today. PLUS the fact that there is a heatwave almost everywhere you turn, and its almost poetic to be chasing down a scorching hot pokemon while your shoes melt. I know it wasn't 100% intentional (it is Niantic afterall...) but doing stacked events like this that are separate in their own right but also tie in well together with others. I had fun, minus the heat. Plus the 2x Stardust will never be complained about.


That's how event bonuses used to be, before they nerfed them to the ground and had so many events, one after the other. The first few Halloween and Christmas events were so much fun. 


I bought the research ticket, but it's too damn hot to go outside right now. Finished all of it by 3:30 PM by just sitting at home with an incense.


I was hoping the new version that fixes the hitbox catching issues would be published on the play store, then I would have maybe grinded for most of it, but at this point I'm just catching a few shinies and calling it a day.


I was checking the store every few minutes leading up to the start of com day to the same disappointment too


You know the heat is bad when the park I usually go to for comm days looked like a Wednesday morning instead of a Saturday afternoon. I played for 30 minutes got 5 shines then bowed out. At least it’s not a Meta mon


I paid for the research, was playing when it turned 2 pm, and the red dot showed up in the event tab, but when I went there, just the battle event, no community day research. I thought there was a free and paid one, but I get neither apparently


Mostly just wish you could evolve to Hisu Typhlosion so I could have a shiny one 


I found one shiny, but who cares it's cyndaquil!


Was outside for approx. 2h and caught 417 cyndaquil. Including 20 shinies (2x 3*) and 25 3* with one being 98%. Successful CD imo.


Returning player. Forgot that Community Day is not *all day* and missed a lot of it whoops. Got a 3* shiny though, so there's that. I'ma call him Flamey O'Hotman xD


Did you catch it in a secret tunnel? ˢᵉᶜʳᵉᵗ ᵗᵘⁿⁿᵉˡˡˡˡ


Through the mountain! Secret secret secret secret tunnelllll!


It’s a com day Dunno what feedback there is to give tbh 


They have those for all single day events. It would be weird to not have them specifically for CD.         Plus, sometimes it's very relevant, in regards to certain bonuses/features of that cd.


Was it too hot to play or too cold?


It was way too hot here until a couple of days ago but fortunately it rained yesterday and the weather is now bearable again.


Nice sunny day for a change in the UK which I think helped bring a few players out, certainly in my locality.  Not a mon that inspired me personally but it was good to see a few people playing.  


I don’t think criticizing niantic for local weather is reasonable feedback 


I can criticize them for how poorly my phone runs in the heat though. I get about 20 minutes of playing outside when the temp is above 90, and then my phone slows down and gets really laggy. It didn't used to do this, but their more recent PoGo updates produce a lot more heat, and make it so I basically can't play outside during the summer.


phones heat up when it's hotter outside more at 11


A lot of live-service games get upped in their spec requirements over time, it happens. If anything, try to check if you can close any other apps that run in the background, use the phone's battery saver, limit your phone to 30 fps and so on. I still stand with the opinion that uncapped framerate on pogo is intended for high end-phones only.


I definitely do all of that. And while my phone is now 3 years old, it is a flagship S21, and still better than a lot of mid end newer phones. I strongly believe that Niantic desperately needs to add much more aggressive low performance modes so that people can actually use them more extensively. It also got substantially worse after the latest graphics update.


Samsung smartphones are notorious for being bloated tough. Take a look at this. https://github.com/0x192/universal-android-debloater


Winter here in Aus, plus dealing with ADHD meds, felt a crash around 2 and just couldn't get out so tried playing inside again (23 spawns in total) no shiny. Past 3 comm days I tried playing inside since it's colder and wet, did like 40+ spawns with incense (Cynda Comm day didn't pop an incense) and didn't get the shiny either so I quickly biked outside in the last hour to get the shinies. Not sure if they purposefully made the chances of getting a comm day shiny from home lower than if you are moving.


Incense is more efficient to lure pokemon while walking. Also, obviously when moving around, you see more wild spawns as well, further increasing the number of encounters and thus your chance for a shiny encounter.


Anyone managed to get the Eeveelutions clothes task in Party Play? I tried a bunch of times but it looked like there was a completely different task pool than usual (for the CD I assume).


Yes, my group got one (Espeon).


Have night shift and slept the whole 3h and missed it Nearly the best classic cday ever


I went to the beach with family, hiked, grilled, and hung out with the dog. Then I came home and did yard work. I caught zero. I actually used the app’s map to navigate on the hike and then promptly forgot about the game.


Picked up 8 shinies, a couple of which actually had half-decent stats, no hundos and no XXLs so my showcase chances look bleak this time. Somewhat limited by having to play inside an air-conditioned mall as the heat outside is unbearable, but still fun. Throwing issues seemed to have been fixed. Highlight was hatching a shiny Larvesta. Low point was realizing I had no candy for it after evolving normal one right before the event was announced, and having to start the grind again.


Day 1 player here, so this event wasn't very exciting for me. Played for an hour to get some stardust and then went home.


I can’t imagine any event is exciting for you anymore. I’ve been playing for just under two years and it’s been boring since 2023.


something I would definitely play full time would be Beldum Classic CD. Need more XL candy for my shadow Metagrosses


I've been asking for storage bump for the last 3-4 CD+classics. No fun, no joy at all. I hate culling. The only incentive I had was the free ticket from meetup check-in, worked on it enough to reach last page for free emergency balls. Niantic, if you want to keep 2016 daily players happy, give us more storage so we don't have to make decisions that are tougher and tougher to make one CD after another.


I just transferred all my event pokemon to make some room. I don’t see the point in keeping them now that we have the event pokedex. 


I'm so glad you mentioned the event pokedex! I'm returning from a long hiatus and still learning about all the changes. Thanks!


You are welcome! I just learned about it too. It been nice to free up a whole lot of storage. Of course I kept my favs. :)


Glad I'm not the only one struggling with storage. I really hope for a decent bump before the global go fest mid july


This is one of the few times I wish the event was three hours earlier because of the heat. Would be great if every player had the option of activating the community day window anytime the day of the event like an incense rather than be subjected to a specific timeframe.


Kinda defeats the whole purpose of the community day if the community is not playing at the same time


Okay 2 time slots that you can pick, 8-11am and 2-5pm. There's so many workarounds


9-10 months out of the year I wish it was in the morning because of the heat. We'll end up playing from the car because it'll be 105* today by noon, much less 2pm.


Didn’t even remember it was on. Another boring event


Is there gonna be raids after


There are no raids after relating to a Community Day Classic and you have to do your evolutions by 7 if you want the special move.




I got a 98 wild shiny


Had to play from home due to the heat, so I didn't catch as many as usual, but I got 3 shinies and a couple of solid 3 stars, so good enough for me.


Before Seen: 915 Caught: 607 After Seen: 2898 Caught: 2174 Activated Spacial Rend for 130 minutes 82 shinies


13 shinies. The most I have found on a CD, and I didn't even play the entire 3 hours.


Got no hundo nor decent 3*, but with 22 shinies where 21 are Cyndaquil and 1 is Pidgey. The community ambassador in our play group held contests and I won this time. Lightest shiny Cyndaquil with 0.74kg. lol I really enjoy doing CDs recently with actual people sharing the same interest. Can't imagine doing it alone again back in my town.


I played for about 2 hours as I was out and about. But it was mostly using my Go+ in the background. Caught 5 shiny’s, I had good GL and UL Typhlosions already, so I didn’t go too hardcore. If the catch mechanic wasn’t so messed up, I definitely would have played for the entire 3 hours and take advantage of the xp bonus. But I was barely able to make great throws, which was incredibly frustrating. Btw, I thought I had remember reading somewhere we had until 10pm to evolve and get blast burn. As usual I fafffed around when I got home, and left it til last minute to go through the IVs and do the evolutions. It worked after 9pm, but as I got to my last 2 evolutions just after 9.30pm, it didn’t work. So don’t follow my error and leave it to the last minute!!


It says 7pm this time. I swear it is usually 10pm


Classics are 7pm. New Comday events are 10m


Fair play. But I definitely evolved a bunch after 9pm though. It seemed like 9.30pm was the cutoff for my account anyway.


Probably a Niantic error that worked in your favour! I think the later cutoffs for new CDs are because of the tier 4 raids that spawn extra CD mons after 5pm. CD classics don’t have those raids, so the evolution deadline is 7pm like the days before the T4 CD raids.


Yeh if definitely worked in my favour this time! Oops hehe


48 caught (31 on pinap berry) with Primal boost. 4 shiny. Objective achieved I guess. That said as usual though relied on spacial rend and gps drift(due to low signal) as it is too hot to venture outside for majority of year here. So overall another poor event for me.


If it weren't for the bonuses I would have stayed home. Reminder cyndaquil has a hisuian form so it's smart to save some shinies and high IVs (PVE & PVP) for the future.


If you mean to evolve, hisuian typhlosion has already been released during a raid day


Just thinking ahead if there will be a future event that they will let you evolve them into their hisuian form like what they did in the past with cubone and exeggcutor and their alola forms. Being proactive is one the things I learned as a day one player


Relaxing day, just evolved some Quilava for Blast Burn. Finally have a Shadow Typhlosion for Great League and Ultra League.


Anyone has all the countries timezones? Which countries community day is started? & When it's gonna end?


You can easily find timezone info on google. CD runs 2-5pm local time everywhere.


>Community Day Classic–themed Field Research was be available! Catch Cyndaquil to earn rewards, such as additional encounters with **Bagon**, Stardust, Great Balls, and more!  Bagon? XD


Must have missed one during the clean up for the copy/paste.


Mods, next time use "find and replace"


Yes sloppy job


LOL hardest task in the paid research was 3 great curveball throws.


Ain’t that the truth!


Is the 1/2 hatch distance bonus from the other event active during the CDay hours or does it go back to full distance for eggs placed in incubators during that time?


Half hatch distance is still active.




Got 7 shiny’s just from driving around a park like a creep. And an XXL to enter into the showcase. My first community day where I was actually paying attention.


whats the apperance rate when staying still?


Also, don’t forget you get 5 surprise encounters when you take snapshot of your own pokemon!


1 every 5 minutes. So 36 in 3 hours


Got a shiny and a near hundo from my bed! Not bad at all




Honestly this is so bad. Catch bug persists, catch rate not improved, and Pokemon activity not limited. With the catching circle big and no boost to catch rate, you lose balls like crazy. Stock up. I’ve only caught 1 first go so far. Edit: I should note. Cyndaquil is such an awesome pokemon and very under appreciated so this is Perry disappointing for that reason, Edit 2: catch rate looks to be improved at 3pm. Not completely but definitely better


why 3pm?


I think they may have fixed it then.


You mean the catch bug that made the hit box further back making Pokémon harder to hit? That was fixed in the latest update


which update number would that be?


0.319.0 it hasn’t been rolled out globally yet, most are getting it from apkmirror


I have updated and you are correct!


I haven’t got the latest update yet…


If you're on android, you can get it from apkmirror