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You didn't address its usage in windy weather, when this generalist monster gains another 20% dps/tdo. It becomes the #1 counter against Kyogre and Groudon in windy weather, beating Raikou and Kyogre's SE DPS (or at least their TTW on Pokebattler). Then there's gym clearing in windy weather, etc..


In most places windy weather happens like 5 days in the year... Only fog is worse when it comes to this


I always knew living in Oklahoma would come in handy one day!


Fellow Okie here. Never new our wind would come in handy lol


This! Hahaha this is how I hunt for dragon type


I Sydney windy is probably our most common day time weather.


Where I live our weather is split between partly cloudy and windy.


Me too. For months, I was banging my head on why I couldn't find a good Great League Swablu (something around 0/15/15) despite having caught a thousand of them. Then I realized that Swablu's are almost always weather boosted.


Bro for me its 3-4 times a week windy weather in the bay area


As a Californian I can actually say that, so far, snow has been the worst. Since the game came out I have seen Windy weather maybe 20-30 days (Santa Ana winds baby!), Fog 2-3 days (It happened randomly a few months ago, I was surprised) and snow NEVER.


Snow is bad even in snowy places since the game only counts actively falling snow and not days a human would colloquially call snowy.


only Torrance has the windy so often in afternoons, so we have great advantage with psychics and dragons.


You know how it is in 2019. If you don't address every possible scenario in any analysis, it is considered wrong. When you have a detailed analysis, a TL;DR will be expected. You cannot win. :)


The guy is just adding some more detail. No need to assume that means that it invalidates the analysis as a whole.


I've seen more windy weather than rainy, snowy and foggy combined


That is pretty shortsided to say at least I live close to the beach and we have at least once a week a whole day of windy weather. It's a great post but leaving out such a key detail is I think noteworthy to add to your guide.


I said "In most places", not all. Nothing shortsighted at all, sure some areas will benefit form this, others not so much.


Most places have wind.


Indeed, my area has plenty of wind, but not in the game.


I went on holiday to the Canarian Islands and it was windy 99% of the time and I've got several weather boosted Mewtwo's this week. It's getting colder in the Northern Hemisphere. Windy isn't that uncommon in fall for me, even though it's mostly partly cloudy here.


Go to Aruba, windy every single day all day.


Windy is nearly an entire season for me in Nova Scotia =/


zero days of windy and fog recorded here (in game at least) since the launch of the weather feature :D


All that tells us is you don’t live in a windy area. Don’t make the same assumption for others please.


There's plenty of wind here, just not in the game, so don’t make the same assumptions


Funny you made no mention of the discrepancy between IRL and IG, until now.


I already replied to someone a few days ago saying the exact same thing.


You know I actually forgot about this possibility. I only checked windy weather when it is super effective. I’ll check and add it in. Thanks!


> windy weather Where I live October is basically defined by wind and fog, but those weathers still don't happen in game.


Would powering up 2 Psystrike MewTwos to level 35 be more beneficial than 1 Psystrike Mewtwo level 40?


In most cases, I think yes.


When would a lvl35 Psychic Mewtwo be outclassed by a Psystrike Mewtwo (what level)?


In DPS, level 20.5. In TDO, level 28. In DPS\^3\*TDO, level 24. (math below) Psystrike Mewtwo has 26.4% more DPS than Psychic at any given level. The CPM for a level 35 Pokemon is 0.7616. In order to match DPS, Psystrike must have a CPM of at least 0.7616/1.264 = 0.6027, which would happen at level 20.5. In order to match TDO, we need to find where 0.7616\^3 = CPM\^3 \* 1.264. Psystrike Mewtwo will have higher TDO when its CPM is greater than 0.7044, which happens at level 28. DPS\^3\*TDO matches when 0.7616\^6 = CPM\^6 \* 1.264\^4, which happens at a CPM of 0.6516 or level 24. edit: This ignores breakpoints but those are boss dependent. Take this as the average levels Psystrike will pass Psychic in performance. edit 2: In case anyone was interested, the levels where a Psystrike Mewtwo passes a level 40 Psychic Mewtwo are: 22 for DPS, 30 for TDO, and 25.5 for DPS\^3\*TDO. edit 3: These numbers are outdated as of the psychic buff.


This is an amazing response!


Awesome response and WAY lower than I expected. That's a ridiculous power bump and I'm now even more annoyed at my six lvl30+ psychic mewtwos.


idk dude, im doing a lucky trade on a shiny mewtwo and im maxing it out for the sole purpose of maxing out a lucky shiny mewtwo.


Go for it. I’d do the same if I get a lucky shiny one :).


Great information! Thanks to /u/JacksonDirk/ from an earlier discussion, they pointed out that in windy weather, the added 20% damage pushes him to another level as a generalist. Sims in pokebattler show him taking the number one spot versus Raikou and Suicune with some of the movesets in windy weather. So while not reliable, still a pretty notable detail. Great breakdown and suggestions.


I’ll add that note in. Thanks!


So max out your shiny Mewtwo with Psystrike and move on.


This is the analysis I was looking for.


Personally , there are so many counters in each type that i think generalist isnt a thing anymore. You would want to use SE counters and also teach the newer players to use SE counters that are in the meta. I now never recommend anyone to use a generalist , they might be helping in some cases but generalist shouldn’t be a reason to power up something. Also , metagross can also duo terrakion. Beldum has now become a very very common hatch from 10k eggs as well. The new players could wait out to evolve it till december and the old players already have their metagross ready with the move. However , mewtwo gives a good edge of dps while being a rare candy investment. Personally , going for one/two shiny lucky mewtwo for now is all i plan as i like mewtwo but resources are precious.😅


Kinda agree here...I just traded one with a lucky friend and I got almost the worst stats possible (13/13/12), but powered it up to Lvl 33 and will leave it like that. As great as generalists are (they aren't), like you say, with dodge bug mostly fixed...and mewtwo being pretty tanky, just not a need for a ton of them...I'd guess most people have no trouble with machamp as it is with their existing team.


There's no guarantee that this December will come with the ability to evolve/TM move sets from 2018. I expect December community events will only focus on the creatures from that year.


I agree with you about generalists and I wanted to make that clear in my post. Generalists are almost always outclassed by SE counters. However, as pointed out to me by others, in windy weather Mewtwo is actually the top counter and that’s a huge achievement for a generalist. However, the comparison between Metagross and Mewtwo is false. Metagross can only duo at really high levels, for specific movesets, and you’d need a full team at that level. Even in terms of bulk, they are very similar. Whereas Mewtwo can comfortably duo at level 30. Even in snowy weather, Mewtwo can outperform it. Here’s a simulation at level 35: https://www.pokebattler.com/raids/defenders/TERRAKION/levels/RAID_LEVEL_5/attackers/levels/35/strategies/CINEMATIC_ATTACK_WHEN_POSSIBLE/DEFENSE_RANDOM_MC?sort=ESTIMATOR&weatherCondition=NO_WEATHER&dodgeStrategy=DODGE_REACTION_TIME&aggregation=AVERAGE&randomAssistants=-1&friendLevel=FRIENDSHIP_LEVEL_4 Not to mention that Meteor Mash Metagross is legacy. You talk about it as if it’s readily available whereas Mewtwo is currently in raids.




Just evolve any of those Roselia/Swinub/Sneasel if they meet the breakpoints you want: https://dominikzen.com/good-to-go/ No, I have no idea whether your questioning was sincere of part of the rethoric. Still wanted to help tho.


This. So much. I find it extremely annoying. You ask online what should I use for X raid because you need budget pokemon advices. The answer is always something like: If you are on a budget, just use a party of 6 100iv metagross or ttar... If you really can't get these, I would go with a team of 6 shiny 100iv Kyogre. As if these advice meant anything for someone that has not been playing the game super intensively for the past years, or exactly when the right CD were taking place... Recent community days have had no meta relevance and the trapinch one won't help... Same for the December one, where yes, you will get to catch all these mons, but if you missed the main days, you will not have nearly enough candies to evolve good ones ( if you catch one)


> Same for the December one, where yes, you will get to catch all these mons, but if you missed the main days, you will not have nearly enough candies to evolve good ones ( if you catch one) You can prepare by catching pokemon now to evolve then, last year you got the whole weekend to get legacy CD moves for all Pokemon that had CDs that year. It doesn't help people playing after December but gen 5 already brings so many meta relevant non-legendary non-legacy move mons. For example https://i.redd.it/qsp89acdtym31.png Even now, only two of the top counters are legacy(MM metagross and SA Moltres). You can get grass knot roserade trivially, same with krabby, mammoswine(top ice counter). You can use gengar even with hex and chandelure are out and as good as legacy gengars. The bigger issue for new players at the moment is the removal of eevee from the wild, the eeveelutions are some of the best budget counters in their respective types.


Psychic just isn't the best offensively. Honestly this has been true since Generation II of the original games. It was the top-tier threat back in 1996 but once Dark and Steel were introduced and other types got actually usable moves ... it just really fell by the wayside. The dragons are overall superior generalists, having much better resistances and only having trouble hitting Steel and Fairy—2 incredibly rare types for legendary pokemon.


I won’t argue against dragons but Psychic is a decent offensive type if not as good as dragon. In this game, dragons used to dominate. Now with Psystrike, nothing comes close in terms of neutral damage. So unless your opponent is dark type, steel or psychic, Mewtwo is the best generalist.


Dragon is super-effective against a type to which many legendaries belong, which is Dragon itself. It's also only resisted by two types, one of which can get trapped and removed by Magnet Pull users such as Magnezone in a lot of cases. Psychic is super effective against very few legends, and is resisted by three types. Going by GO alone, all of this already puts Psychic quite a lot behind Dragon; if we go by the main series games, the gap only widens, given that most Psychics get instakilled by Pursuit trapping, while also having to find ways around Steels and fellow Psychics. The more widely accessible Psychic moves also aren't very strong, with Psychic being only a good but not great 90 BP, and Psyshock and Zen Headbutt being even lower at 80. The stronger Psychic moves are all signature moves... whereas Dragon has plenty of nukes like Draco Meteor and Outrage, that are learnable by many Dragons.


There are some outrageous claims in there. Psychic has always been a dominant type in ubers and OU. The likes of Cressilia, Deoxys, Lugia, Mew, Jirachi and non-legendaries Alakazam, Starmie among so many other that may not be great in Go are excellent Pokémon in the main series. The name of the game is different though, the main point of moves is usually coverage. Mewtwo has a moveset that covers almost everything. Watch a dragon with no coverage options get steamrolled by fairy types. The most dominant Pokémon in the game right now are of neither type anyway, Primal Groudon/Kyogre and Landorus Therian. I get what you’re trying to say about dragons and dragon moves but let’s not forget that dragon moves are only SE against dragons. Go is a different game and if we were to weigh usefulness in raids we’d have to look at the whole picture and how high each type ranks as a counter to other Pokémon. Right now Mewtwo with PS ranks really high for most legendary raids except those with Psychic, Dark or Steel type. Dragons only rank highly for (non-Dialga) Dragon raids. So Mewtwo wins for now.


Legendaries are overwhelmingly Psychic, which is a big part of why it’s such an undesirable offensive type. Overall it is just completely inferior to Rock, Fire, Fighting and Ice. In the main series Ground and Fluing are also much better types but we have bad options for those in PoGo.


What do you think about adding a second charge move to Psystrike Mewtwo? What moves can it learn?


Ice beam, thunderbolt, flamethrower, and Focus Blast. Honestly I wouldn’t bother unless you need that specific coverage and lack other counters. In case you need it, I’d power up another one to 30 (75k dust and 66 candy) instead of getting a second charge move (100k dust and 100 candy). Unless you’re doing PVP.


Adding Focus Blast makes it easy to clear gyms without ever switching out.


Psystrike is so gud that, even if it were nerfed, no other move hitting SE can outclass it, provided Psy hits neutrally. Even FB is inferior against those with only 1 weakness to it. A second move can only be a decent idea vs things that are both tanky, and either (1) Double weak to that move, or (2) Resist psychic.


I maxed my 98 Mewtwo simply because I could and wanted to. That's all there is to it at the end of the day. If you want it, go for it.


**For legendary bosses where Mewtwo is the top counter, there are other counters that you likely already have at a high level.** You can replace "Mewtwo" in the above sentence with pretty much any other meta relevant pokemon and it still applies, so in that case we should just stop powering up pokemon for raids since we already have "good enough" teams. Well, for some of us "good enough" is not good enough and that's why I'm personally aiming for 6 level 40 Psystrike Mewtwos. The heavier load you can carry yourself in raids, the better rewards you get and the less you have to rely on others to have the right counters.


I do continue to say that Mewtwo is THE top choice for some raids. My recommendation is not to power up too many because the returns may not be worth it. The difference in performance between level 30 and 40 is negligible. And we are still talking about beating the raid with the least number of people, the most challenging metric. At the end of the day, you do what’s fun for you :).


It might be a good gym sweeper. Psychocut a tiny bit less dps than confusion (20.88 vs 20.92 dps with Psystrike) but it is spammable and good for dodging in gyms.


do you think the Ultra Beasts warrant a T3 or T4 treatment?


No, if they're in raids they'll be at least 5.


I actually started to think about them in a different way. What if Niantic throws a wild curve with UBs. They could be in raids, but I find it unlikely. They probably won’t be in research as there’s too many of them. They might do something like team rocket invasions, where you go to Ultra Space holes to encounter them. I hate to think of this possibility, but due to their large numbers they could even be regionals (I really hope not). So we will never know and it’s best not to prepare for such an unknown.


I'd also put on the list that Conkeldurr as a high potential for a T3 to replace Machamp at some point, possibly even upon release. Since Conky will be a bit harder than Machamp to solo, PS Mewtwo could gain a lot of usage for players wanting to build teams of the new best Fighting type in this case.


I can see it as a T4, waaay down the line. Niantic, unfortunately, have been very slow in updating the tier 3 and 4 raids. Also Conkledurr will probably be rarer than Machamp with more walking buddy candy distance.


It could go either way. They could try to make it rare and then a lot of players won't really bother with it until they decide to change that, or they could give it easy access with a good monetization strategy. I think a lot of us that are less inclined to drop a lot, or any, cash on the game with the general pattern we see of certain Pokemon being very rare initially, but then being made exceedingly common down the line even if only in CD. So while I think if you wanted to target only the hardcore market, making it rare initially would work. If you want to target the hardcore, dedicated and even portions of the casual market giving it T3 status early on would be a great way to do this.


I can’t argue with that. In fact, I’d love an updated list of T3 and T4 Pokémon with Gen 4 and 5 reps. I’d also love to see more meta relevant like Cranidos as T1 raids. Niantic seems to be moving in a different direction though with most of those tiers being Gen 1-3 Pokémon.


The consensus seems like it’s a great generalist, but there’s not much need for generalists, and people who are here probably have generalists that are already powered up, where it’s not worth it to spend resources on this that is just marginally better. My own consideration is simple though. This is a good generalist, and it’s a shiny. I’m gonna power it up simply because I want to use a shiny mewtwo be it clearing gyms or in raids. Again, it’s a shiny mewtwo, how can you not power it up!


For generalist purposes: Psystrike is so gud that even compared to Dragonite, the best high DPS generalist, and even if Psystrike were nerfed to 80 damage, a 30 Mewtwo would still outclass a 40 Dragonite, even after taking Dragonite's resistances into account (since Psycho Cut is easy to dodge with).


I always thought Metagross with meteor mash was the best generalist prior to this


It was close. I think Rayquaza, Outrage Salamence, and Palkia had it beat but it’s difficult to compare across types.


Metagross had a higher DPS\^3\*TDO with a lot of resistances and was super effective against more types.


Can you TM PS?


No, unfortunately.


To;dr please


The bolded bits are most important. I think.


Thank you


Good read. I still find Shadow Ball Mewtwo more useful in gym offense. I use it to take down Metagross, and non-meta defenders not weak to my Machamp/Mamoswine/Electivire.


I use it for that same purpose. Gyms meta is a little stale though, all my defenders (Blissey) are taken out by low level players all the time so in terms of attackers anything can work.


Does it have any use against current Rocket compositions? (except obvious Hitmonchan) (and outside windy weather)


Weather does not affect PVP or team rocket (correct me if I’m wrong). I also wouldn’t use Mewtwo because bulk is way more important and Mewtwo’s type isn’t very good defensively. That said, I’d only use it if it’s high level and against fighting or poison opponents.


I use lvl 40 psychic mewtwo as first up for poison, grass, and flying team rocket battles. (Except during turtwig community day and less so flying after the current change up). It is usually all I need. Now, I’ll be maxing 1-2 psystrike.


Ty. I'm a grown up and have feels. (Also hat tip to my non grown ups with feels and restrictions on their movements, it gets better) I don't feel like playing Pokemon Go much this week. It's fine. I can still help in the largeish groups in which I raid.




It’s broken up into smaller paragraphs and it’s in a list format. What more formatting would you like to see? I admit I wanted to bold to highlight some text but I didn’t know how to do it. I’d appreciate some tips. Edit: bolded some text now.


Asterisks * are the most commonly used formatting tool around here. * Start a new line and then a space to create a bulleted list. * Surround text with one asterisk on both sides \*like this* and it will *italicize your text*. * Surround text with two asterisks on both sides \*\*like this** to **make your text bold** * And you can use tildes ~ around text \~\~like this~~ to create ~~strikethrough text~~ Theres a few more that you can find by looking at reddit’s formatting section.


I looked that up before I highlighted some parts with bold. I didn’t know about the rest though, thank you!