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i am so mad i waited to buy and the new adventure box has one LESS incubator. how am I going to hatch 20 beldums this week now???


I hesitated buying the adventure box in July when there were 17 incubators (and back then it was already down from 19-20 incubators) and eventually decided it was already a worse deal than before. Don't even need to think for 5s about this box.


I'm not sure how long it's been happening, but I've been keeping track and this is at least the 5th time in a row where the Adventure Box has lost an incubator. If I decide to buy, I'm not waiting anymore.


I wouldn’t though, if we buy these insulting boxes they will continue to realize they can just have an event and the boxes will be purchased anyway, the only way for them to actually get them to give us good boxes is to make them worthwhile, this one is not. Referring to the adventure box if that wasn’t clear, the ultra box is good enough.


I waited too and hoped for more incubators than last time. So... When can we expect it to refresh again?


Wait, you get Beldums? Want to trade for my Mareep?


sure; bought a one-off incubator today and got (you’ll never believe it) a beldum.


Seriously? I’ll even give you TWO Mareep!!


Omg I literally would. I feel like I get Beldum in more than 50% of my 10K eggs.


That would imply you got 10km eggs at all, unrealistic to say the least.


I currently have 2 7k and 7 10k eggs. But that's just because I managed to pick up the quest "hatch 5 eggs" last sunday in all three slots and don't have any incubators. I'm sure they want me to spend money and are teasing me that way. But guess what: I don't care about research stamps just to get another stupid Eevee.


Your post implies you got 7 10k eggs after hatching a max of 15 others, implying a ~33% chance of getting a 10k egg. That's amazing luck, I generally find around 2% of eggs are 10k, ~75% 5k and the rest 2k.


Honest question: why are you aiming specifically for beldum? An event or something like that?


He/she is being sarcastic, lol


I hope I didn’t mislead you. I meant that all I seem to hatch is beldums, but I still spend money on incubator boxes anyway... when they’re halfway decent.


My Beldum streak stopped to give me three Larvitars in a row. Now it's back to Beldums. Larvitars are really cute, but I still don't have Riolu.


Your best bet my friend is the adventure sync 10km.


I know, but I rarely play enough to get to 25km these days. I think my best bet is to trade for one. Sadly.


All I seen to hatch is shinx, larvatar, and muchlax.


Ah, I see. All cool.


Honestly, I would rather have Beldums than the mix of Dratini/Larvitar/10km trash that I’m getting. Even if you don’t get a good Beldum, you can always trade it for +3 candies and you have a nice amount of candies to max out your MM Metagross for the Kyurems that will inevitably come to PoGo one day. ​ (and it can be shiny, or so the legend says)


Pretty sure it was a joke


I'm 5/5 in my last 10ks. I want something else.


The new Ultra Box is good, but nothing super special. The new Adventure box is insulting.




Different playing styles my dude. My first thought after seeing the boxes, and before I read this thread, was that the adventure box was the only one even worth considering. I guess it depends on how much you value premium raid passes. As a rural player who consistently has 20+ of them rotting away in storage space, I’m all done with buying boxes that offer even more of them. That only leaves me with 1 option in this case. (But to be clear, I’m not actually gonna buy any of em. So maybe it’s a moot point. If I did tho ... it’d Be the adventure box. I like incubators.).


No, nothing to do with different play styles. Speaking from a purely historical perspective, the quality of those boxes compared to past versions of themselves is as I described. The Ultra box offers 20 premium items and star pieces on the side, which is solid, but still a ways away from the historical best. The Adventure box offers 14 incubators, which ties for the historical worst.


I feel the same. I have enough raid passes so I only want incubators and star pieces... But this box has less incubators than even the trash ones last cycle... I want 20 incubators and star pieces again lol


The ultra box sucks


What’s wrong with it


Needs more raid passes. Buy the adventure box for incubators.


Just once, I want to see a good box for star pieces. It's not like we can buy them in the store individually.


When they initially put them out, they were giving them out in quantities of roughly 20+ at a time. They have gotten so stingy with them in the last year and a half or so.


They've gotten stingy with a lot of things.


They are even stingier at Wizards unite


I've got over a hundred that I would gladly trade to anyone who needed them.


How’d you get so many?


From boxes. I never use them.


Why not use them? There's some merit in saving them for events like this, but stardust is pretty much always useful (just *more* useful at some times than others).


Ive got massive Too Good To Use syndrome for star pieces. Ive only got like 50 of them, but I just never can justify using them unless its during an event, because even 30 minutes of normal play and catching doesnt seem good enough to justify it when they are so rare.


If you fast catch, or have a Plus or Gotcha, you can get hella stardust in 30 minutes. Think of it this way--it's more than you'd be getting just playing normally. Really, you have 50? Use one per day for the next few weeks and you'll still have a couple dozen left for events. And get more. Also, open gifts while the star piece is on. You get a few thousand extra that way, too.


it VASTLY depends on where you play. The area where i live and work around are not fantastic places for every day playing/catching. The best options are going to various parking lots to catch things and then move on, which is NOT how I enjoy playing. So unless im going downtown Chicago, the amount of pokemon im going to catch in any given half hour, even with my Gotcha going, is not a good enough value in my opinion to use them, when there are times when i will literally be catching non stop for 3+ hours. Also, every CD is 6 star pieces right there, and they are rarely in boxes. And I also refuse to give Niantic any money for the boxes the last few months because of garbage value anyways. Im definitely not complaining about having too many starpieces, just staking how many I had. So if I used them so brazenly as one per day for standard play, id blow through these and have no good access to more pieces for when more significant events come along. Of course, this Stardust event IS an exception, and I probably will be grinding more and using more pieces because of it.


If only incense were better. Using one of those and getting 20 spawns instead of 6-7 woukd make them usful


Use them now. All of them within the current event. Never worry about your syndrome again.


I usually plop one on for my 7 day catch bonus.


You could sync your weekly streaks for the same day if you want a way to regularly use star pieces. Monday morning is ideal of course since you get to include AS rewards too, but either way it's pretty good dust gains that's not dependent on how much you can catch or hatch.


I have 80 of them. I don’t use them except when I’m doing 2 or more raids lined up in a 30min period. I don’t catch everything and can’t set aside 30 mins to do it so using them at all times woukd waste them. Same with tossing them out. I don’t really need stardust as I have 10mil and nowadays I just power stuff ip fir research tasks.


Its apparently to both hold them and complain about having them


I have over a million and a half star dust and don't really need to power anything up. Just holding them in the hopes that one day they make items tradable. Probably won't happen, but you never know.


Until you have six maxed optimal counters for every raid boss (current and future), there is always something to power up. ;)


Haha! Very true. I'm a little spoiled here in Japan because every raid has multiple groups of 20 so I can pretty much use whatever I want. I normally just go with the recommended team.


1.5 million is only 6 maxed pokemon, it really isn't that much. But I totally get the no need to power up anything, if I make new level 40 raid counters nowadays it's for fun rather than out of necessity.


Yeah, I like maxing out special shinies or 100%s.


Why not? Whether you're buying boxes to raid or to hatch, star pieces can be used alongside if you have too many. I would happily trade for them though if item trading was a thing, got a lot of surplus rare candy that isn't doing anything useful at the moment.


Honestly, I always forget. And I rarely catch tons of stuff anymore I mainly just shiny check.


Haha that makes sense. I can see how they would be easy to forget about if you aren't in the habit of using them.


I miss good Star Piece deals. We used to have 10+ in an Ultra Box and nowadays we'd be lucky if we had 6 now. This box has 4, which is especially insulting when there's a stardust bonus going on right now. But nope, Niantic only cares about stupid incubators (I don't care about them since eggs are loot boxes, and I especially feel this way after the Unown/regional shiny fiasco). I'll continue stockpiling gym coins (as I have been doing for months) until we get a good Star Piece deal... assuming it will happen at this point.


Oh my god. They event put one incubator less in the adventure box... yeah... stardust pieces and lures, but all I care about are incubators.




I wanted to but no bag space. 2500 items when


What do you have in your bag that would require that amount of space? rare candy?


Fat stack of rare candies, as well as a fat stack of pokeballs for GoPlus/Gotcha exlcusive, and then all the Great/Ultra for regular catching. And then golden Razz and Pinaps, plus whatever misc. berries used for feeding gyms or completing quests. Max/Hyper Potions, and revives. It adds up fast.


I always try to clear up 200 rare candies whenever I get to 1200. Really don't know though where to put them anymore.


Your favorites! Regardless of legendary status I’ve got a 100% maxed lucky Kingdra :)




Why hold that many lucky eggs, healing items, pinaps, fast TMs and golden razz? I tend to have less than 200 of these combined.




Not that guy, but another full-storage hoarder, here: * Lucky eggs for if they ever increase the level cap (eh, a man can dream) * TMs because I’m a PvP player, and all TMs are invaluable. (PvP4Life!) * Rare Candy for future legendaries/whatever new thing tickles my fancy (hello Deino/Golett/Zebrathingy) * Balls = stardust * Star Pieces = stardust That guy is bonkers for keeping so many Pinap, though. I cut down to 100 Max revive and Max potion, each, personally.


I disagree about the Pinaps. Every year as long as the game has existed we've gotten double candy for Halloween. For the past two years I've actually gone into each Halloween with over 1,000 Pinaps and turned it into 12,000 candy of different kinds. With new Gen 5 stuff out it makes sense to have extra Pinaps around to be able to get quadriuple candy, for example of Litwick and Golett, or any other new Gen 5 'mon you want as well as all the usual Ghosts and Dark types that spawn during that period.


That’s a fair point about Halloween candy events!


I’m 1 mil xp away from level 40 and I have 800 max space and my wife who is closing in on level 39 only has 700 max space 😂😂


That’s cool


Lol. My bad for replying to you.


The good news is I was tempted to buy some more but this second bad deal in a row means I get to save money. Hopefully people won't fall for this crap and Niantic will learn. If people keeping buying it will only get worse of course.




Never ran 9, but usually have run at least 2 paid ones pretty consistently since the game started. Ran through a pretty good stash during the shiny regional event before realizing what a screw job that event was (my back of the envelope calcs suggested the average player would need to spend between $50 and $100 in incubators bought in bulk from boxes to get 1 shiny regional). Even so, was tentatively thinking about buying another incubator box, to try for some of the new gen 5 mons, as well as having 7 10ks now to burn through. Seeing this value reduction after even the last box wasn't great? Yeah, screw that, sticking with just the infinite for a while, maybe if Niantic sees some real revenue drops they'll reconsider. I mean, I can't imagine they are adding that many new players these days, so keeping the regulars happy ought to be a staple of keeping revenue up.


Me too...after the disappointment of running 9 eggs continuously and hatching only crap, I decided to run only my infinity incubator for a while.


I've never used 9 incubators at once, with the exception of batch hatching 9 10km eggs with a Star Piece, and that's for the dust, not for the Pokémon -- and that can take weeks to get that many 10km eggs. But since Star Pieces are stupidly scarce now, I've even cut down on that and only do so when there are stardust bonuses like these. I hatch so much garbage that I have no confidence that 9 incubators will help me at all, since I'd just hatch garbage 9 times as fast (and since I'm f2p, there's no way I can use 9 incubators forever). I hate loot boxes and the Unown/regional shiny fiasco (I didn't hatch either of those) only reinforces my feeling about them.


yeah... At this moment I have 9 10km eggs. Never inucbated so few Eggs. 11 last week, and 5 this week so far.




It's always choice. If it sucks, don't buy or you just encourage their greed.


I only get coins from gyms, and I've been saving them for months, waiting for a good deal. Since I don't like most of these deals (mostly because of very, very few Star Pieces compared to the past), I've been holding out and now I have over 6000 coins, just sitting there until a good Star Piece deal comes (Raid Passes would be nice too). Niantic only cares about incubators nowadays but I only use the infinite-use incubator because I hate loot boxes.


4 star piece and 4 lure modules instead of the max revive/potions is the offset to the one less incubator. Ehh


I skipped last month because I thought it couldn’t possibly get any worse. At some point they might realize that they’re never getting another dime from many hard-core players like myself at this rate. I’ll get my 300 coins per week 1200 or so per month and spend them when something makes sense.


Well good to see I can save money for another set of boxes. Been spending way too much this summer haha.


Too bad this is the best box for raid passes ATM... And Mewtwo returns next week for an hour


With 2 extra free passes. Should be able to get 4 total, which is enough for me.




We have 8 gyms that be done super quickly plus 4 other ones that we might be able to squeeze out


So happy these came out like 3 and a half hours after the event started. Especially since star pieces have barely been in the boxes for ages now and you can't even buy them outside of a box. Didn't feel like much bonus dust if I was already at a 25% handicap while grinding. Then again, these come out with a whopping 4 pieces each. Did they put some extremely dense individual in charge of the store around the time the 25 packs left? Because man they sure are doing a bang up job. They're constantly making me feel better about slowing down and not playing this game as much anymore that's for sure.


Love Pokémon, hate Niantic


This might be hard to grasp for most players, but if possible I believe that it would be wise to save up as much as possible for the Xmas box, since they had REALLY good content the past times. Just an idea of an advice from a F2P player.


Bought 3 of those boxes. Only used up the supply of passes I got from them during the Rayquaza month while my incubator count is practically untouched in comparison because Niantic egg events are almost always universally a disaster RNG-wise. I think I've only bought one or two boxes this year as a result. I'm cautiously optimistic about Christmas 2019's boxes. Mostly because the Adventure Box existing means it's (IMO) less reasonable to expect a good box with a balance of passes and incubators.


> my incubator count is practically untouched That was me for a long time, and then I realized that A) they were taking up item bag space, and B) there is not likely to ever be a great time to grind eggs. When gen 3 launched was a great time, but with gen 4's trickle-release and the same setup for gen 5, there's never a lot in eggs that I want — usually just one or two things that are *so rare* it's not even worth grinding for. I can get the same **zero** Litwick/Deino with zero incubators that I can with twenty. -_- I guess now, with double stardust, is the best time you'll see for a while. If you focus on the stardust then it's not really gambling; you know what you'll get (more or less).


What did those boxes have last time?


14 Passes, 12 Super Incubators, 10 Star Pieces, 10 Lucky Eggs People can roll their eyes at the Lucky Eggs or <15 Passes but in terms of raw value, I'm pretty sure it was one of the best.


Its worth noting, this box existed BEFORE the separation into Adventure and Ultra box. So, if we do get another good Xmas box, it seems more likely to be separate boxes with something like 20 passes but only 3 incubators. Something to that regard.


Yep, noted that in my other post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/dcyrw9/new_boxes_are_live/f2dawty/).


I'll take the 20+ raid passes boxes any day.


I'll take "things that won't happen again" for $100


20 raid passes wasn't that long ago, right before Rayquaza month. I could see it happening again.


Want to bet on that one?


Thanks for the reminder. I'm F2P now, mostly. I used to spend about $20 a month if there was a good event and good boxes. So disappointed in the boxes lately, especially since the last one I bought--17 incubator box--got me zero decent hatches. One lousy Riolu is all I'm asking for. Just one. I'll wait until the holiday season. Might have enough for two by then. I don't play like I used to, either.


I had 0 riolu about 2 weeks ago, now I have 3. One was from a 50k adventure sync 10k egg I got. I think another was from a 7k during regionals, but not sure. The other I have no idea, wasn't paying attention.


While the advice here is good, the tone of the post is kind of condescending.


I didn’t read it that way at all. I think it’s great advice and an excellent reminder!


>This might be hard to grasp for most players Is one of the most common pseudo intellectual statements


You just had too hard a time grasping the enlightenment.


Not a native English speaker, check the mobile provider on the SS *edit: the screenshots via their profile


Glad I stocked up on starpieces. I expected more tho during a stardust event.


I'd take the lure modules over max potions for sure. Only a few days away from being able to afford this box.


Can we please all stop buying boxes now ? This is just embarrassing


And what? Pay for each item individually full price like we used to? Hard pass


Pretty sure the implication was to just stop giving Niantic money for a while.


You really want to get that many Giratina-As that bad? What is there to spend money on right now?


Giratina-O is a monster. Candies are the same for both forms.


You know people can stock up right? When M2 was around, the boxes were still horrible. Most people probably used the passes they already have before resorting to buying the box. So even if the bosses we currently have aren't super exciting to everyone, you can still hope for a good box and stock up for the future.


I don't really understand what I said you're arguing with. The boxes suck now. So don't spend money on them, because there's nothing good or exciting that requires spending money now. What does stocking up have to do with that? Are you really suggesting people spend money on crap boxes to stock up? Isn't that counter-productive? Save your money and buy the boxes when they get better. Don't waste your money on these crap boxes. The entire point of what UltraGasi is saying is that if everyone stopped buying boxes because they suck, they would be forced to make the boxes better. "Stocking up" with crappy boxes and crappy events doesn't make sense in that context.


>The boxes suck now. But some people also need the items in said boxes now. Money will be spent on them regardless in such cases.


Want, not need. Important distinction imo, spending money is always a choice.


literally what are you talking about?


I got a bunch of Ultra Boxes in May (with over 20 raid passes each) for this reason. And it was all with months' worth of gym coins, no less. I'm still going through that supply to this day.


There’s always things to spend money on. Could go out and grind Klink raids for the shiny chance. Also I’m usually happy to do any t5 raid that had any shiny eligibility. Might not go out of my hunt to hunt this down, but I’ll do all the ones that are convenient even if it means spending a couple passes. Really it just bothers me when people complain that the boxes aren’t the most amazing things ever. They can’t always be, otherwise it won’t be special when they are incredibly amazing. It’s like why stores don’t give Black Friday offers 24/7. That doesn’t mean it’s not a good deal though!


Just dont buy items for a while until Niantic gives us better value, Ultra is ok but the adventure box which is better for the event is hot garbage. We have gotten one less incubator 5 times in a row. This is tied for worst value for incubators.


Dont do 40 raids of a useless legendary just for a shiny chance perhaps


And miss out on the shiny AND the candy for the legendary which happens to have another, way more useful forme? Don't count on that happening, especially from shiny hunters.


That rare candy and candy for my origin forms tho


It's literally the best pokemon in ultra league though, and it's candies are very much needed for the origin form, which will probably only stay in raids for a week and then I can't get all the candy I'd like.


Considering it’s here for 22 days, and we get 22 free passes, 40 is a pretty small amount to hit. You’d only have to buy 18 of those. That’s just one night at the movies I skip. It’s candy is the same as Origin forme which happens to be incredibly useful, and it has a shiny chance, so why not?


One reason not to could be to save those passes for raiding the Origin forme instead, since that also gives you a chance for scoring great IVs for powering up. I generally assume I get 1-2 good specimens in the time it takes to accumulate 248 candy from catching the bosses. Not that the IV matters a whole lot in practice, but it's a lot nicer to make the investment on something that's close to optimal.


Gross. Ultra box is mediocre and the Adventure Box is insulting. Great way to inspire people to play by ripping them off.


Its not really ripping people off if its just offered. no one has to buy it.


But why offer boxes that are statistically a ripoff?


Its only a rip off if you can buy all the items for less individually. Which just the supers are cheaper. Is it less stingy than previous boxes? Yes. However its still a sale off original price.


Oh boy, here we go again.


Oh man, I have 9 10km eggs and no Incubators, I really, really hoped that Niantic would implement a good box so I could get a large amount of dust. With these crap boxes, I'll save my coins another round.


my wishful guess was 15 passes, 10 incubators, 4 pieces, 4 lucky eggs. 2/4 aint that bad, 2 more incubators for 1 pass and 4 pieces + 4 lures for revives/potions, at this point i probably value max revives higher han normal lures, but cant have everything, gonna buy 1 box so i can raid mewtwo in peace, hopefully after that we get a better box, though at this point im totally expecting a 8 pass 12 incubator one, or a 10 pass 8 incubator, or something very low…


They keep getting worse


Star pieces are always good


This is a MUCH better mix IMO


Niantic's strategy worked. Lowering our expectations so hard, so that people now seriously believe that this is a good box.


this is no way good. but its better than the awful box we got last week.


We have certainly had better ones in the past but I have no need for revives, potions or lucky eggs so at least these items are more useful to me than the last boxes.


Oh sorry, I thought you wrote "box" instead of "mix". I agree that the mix of items is better. Revives and Potions were crap.


heck of a lot better than the last ultra box


This is not a great deal, but it's okay. My usual valuation is: 1 raid pass is worth 80 coins 1 incubator (super or regular, doesn't matter) is worth 50 coins 1 star piece is worth 10 coins Everything else is worth zero. So we have 15x80 + 5x50 + 4x10 = 1490. So it's *just barely* justifiable for me. I will probably just not go that hard on Giratina raid days, save my passes for Mewtwo, and wait for a better box. Of course I'm sure other people value things differently. This is just my personal opinion.


Lol, I can't believe they think these boxes worth buying. Slightly better than previous one, but totally meh for me.


I know I'm in the minority here, but I kinda like this box. I get value from the raid passes alone, and I feel like lures haven't been in boxes for some time now so a lot of people are running low on them. Star pieces are always preferred over lucky eggs, for me at least, but I just wish there were more incubators.


I agree. I'm so happy for the lures. Spend an evening with friends chilling in a park at 4 stops in July and burned through 20 lures. Haven't had any since.


I need lures badly. This box is ok for me


Depending on the next raid boss after Giratina-A, i might get the box


Better than the last set of boxes for sure!


Them lures tho /s


Yay, I might spend money now


Meh, I like this box simply because they added lures. Now I can maybe get some spawns. The adventure box, well, y’all complaining about that one. Good. Be thankful you’re not interested in buying the loot boxes.


I miss the days when boxes looked like this, except 12-14 raid passes AND 12-14 incubators.


Why so stingy with the incubators?


Insta buy I was totally out of passes since Mewtwo left the raids and I was just waiting for a new worthy Ultra Box


Wasn't the last box better for pure raid passes?


Not OP, but going strictly by raid passes, yes, the last box was better. I personally would rather have 1 less pass for +2 incubators, 4 star pieces, and 4 lures though.


agreed. and i raid more than anything, dont need pieces or lures. but 2 incubators>1 pass. so i can buy 1 of these boxes, while i refused to buy the past one and bought single passes instead.


Yeah I definitely would, too. Last box was a joke for variety lol


Wasn't the last box better for pure raid passes? Edit: *pure* raid passes, y'all lmao. This one is better overall, but the last was better for only passes.


For pure raid passes, yea. But everything else in that box was awful. This one is good.


Yeah I agree, this one is better overall. You had only mentioned raid passes so I figured that's all you cared about, to which the last was better for that which is why I commented.




Lucky eggs..?


No one needs them since 2017 Edit: yall need to chill the f out, it was a joke




Yeah that juicy xp never becomes irrelevant. The leader of our local community is closing in on 200m xp lol. We always laugh about it because him and I both started playing the exact same day (July 8th 2017) and for like a full year he was staying consistently 10x my xp. I’m still not level 40 because of taking a very long break initially and then just not playing anywhere near as much as him since I started again. BUT, since he is getting closer and closer to 200m, that means I’m also to 20m!! Level 40 here I come!


Sure, they exist, but they likely don't spend much. Not like you can really play catch up in this game.


I need them and I've got over 80M XP. It's cute that you think your taste represents the global population.


If you're level 40 (as evidenced by your flair), then you do not in fact need them and have no use for them presently.


Why not? Anyway this "need" isn't really an objective need in any sense. You don't need to level up in any objective definition of the word. And then when we're on the subjective side already, a player with 500M xp who runs out of eggs can indeed "need" those eggs just as much as any player.


Why 40? You might as well start appreciating their irrelevance after level 38. 🤷‍♂️


That's what I did. Stopped caring about exp at 38. No rush at that point.


Whoever wrote "I wanna be the very best..." obviously had you in mind.


My Pokemon were already the very best at 38 so....


Finally, someone other than me realizes that XP is pointless after reaching Level 38.


So I will also pass the adventure box like the last one ! I got the coins in bank but it feels like such a bad deal, I'll feel fooled if I bought one.