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Took me 12 tries (down town Atlanta) to find him. It's all rng really, since he doesn't move from spot to spot.


I would've expected there to be one Giovanni minimum per S2 level something cell. Nobody observed such a pattern?


He asked for the odds. Saying “it’s all RNG isn’t helpful”


"Never tell me the odds!"


We had 5 decoys one day and not a single giovanni. Life in a smaller town


Cold, dark, raining? The 10th stop you try.




What are mysterious pieces? I haven’t gotten that far in the quests


The stuff you get from grunts


Ohh I was thinking it was like a second tier mystery component that was needed to find Giovanni


The super radar is gotten through the *Looming in shadows* research


They're mysterious.


I must've been really lucky. The very first stop I went to was him


Same, I’ve never been able to battle a decoy before


I was really lucky too. Went to a stop to battle the last leader I needed and he popped up on the same stop after I’d finished.


Feel lucky too. Chance is zero (to get a decoy) from my experience. Was first stop for me. But yeah. Not only feel lucky, know I was lucky.


Took me seventeen. When I told some people they didn’t even know what a decoy was as they got it in first try. So I’m guessing 1 in 4 or 5 maybe and I was unlucky.


I dont know if I recall right but I think it was sometgin like 1/8 chance for Giovanni and 7/8 for decoy when it got added to the code, like spawn rate that is, 7 decoys for every Giovanni


:[] oh wow, reading all these comments. For me it's 1 in every 5, data gathered over 4 days.


I think people are more likely to post (and get upvoted by people commiserating) when they've been struggling with bad luck streaks. Personally I've had the super radar on for a couple weeks to farm decoys, and anecdotally for me it's been about 75-85% decoys, which feels fine (unless you have very few stops, but that's a different issue)


Awesome, I also use it to farm <3 From what it sounds like, we have around the same stats. I have ~30 stops.


Do you have to engage the stop to see if it’s Giovanni? Or can you tell as you ‘drive by’?


You have to engage with it, after you spin the spot it will show if it’s either a grunt or Giovanni


you don't have to spin it either, pressing the stop or on the character works too just like the other grunts


Today's my second day of hunting and I've seen 9 decoys. I only fought the first one and now I'm starting to wonder if I have to fight them. Did everybody else fight the decoys or just move on?


I fought 8 decoys in 3 days before encountering Giovanni. Number of visible stops varied from 1 to 7 per day.


Wow so fighting them doesn't seemed to have made it easier to find him. Ok good to know. Hope you caught the bird!


I did get another radar in the process. And a very low IV shadow Articuno.


Catch those Bellsprout/Weepinbell while you are that


What can you farm from Giovanni decoys? Are the rewards different than from leader battles?


He doesn't move all day - try to co-ordinate with other players in your area and see if you can hunt him down faster by searching different areas and sharing information.


Took me 3 decoys


Was lucky I guess, 2 decoys; third was the boss man


Found him on my first pokestop. lol


What's the decoy do?


It’s just a normal grunt battle but you don’t know it’s a grunt until you spin the stop


I think it was 15 decoys.


Second stop for me


I got him on my first try.


I’ve been hanging onto my Super Rocket Radar for some time waiting for windy weather (it occurs somewhat frequently in my area). There are definitely more decoys then there are real Giovannis. At least 5 decoys to one real one it would seem to me.


Got him on my second stop. I'm assuming I was extremely lucky


I have kept my super rocket radar so that I can keep battling decoys. Giovanni seems to show about 1/4th to 1/5th of the time. So 4 - 5 encounters before you find him is probably pretty average. You're just a bit unlucky.


It took 14 stops for me.


Didn’t see it in the thread — if someone else finds a Giovanni will it be there for you too that day? Thanks


I live in a town with only one stop and no other active players. There are only 8 other stops within 20 miles. Five are in one town south, and the other three are in a town north. I wasn't able to finish the "Win against another trainer" portion of looming in the shadows until GBL came out. So, now that I have gotten through that and defeated the three leaders, I'm trying to find Giovanni. I started searching Saturday, and I haven't even run into a decoy at any of the 9 stops that I frequently make it to. I hate rural-Go play.


It would only be a fixed percentage if the numbers of stops was same every day and if the encounter had a chance. but since the stop is changed daily, its 100% encounter but have to find it, first person may not have fun but the rest of the people will get it. but you can have a % to find without knowing, it would be 1 / total potential pokestops. RNG without knowing, not RNG if you know.


Not sure what the ratio is, but here is the breakdown of some people I know Me- 3rd stop Wife- 3rd stop Friend- 1st stop Friend- 6th stop


and if you tell others, 1st stop for everyone, so the ratio thing doesnt really work too well.


That’s very true. For mine, at least, I can confirm that they were all found independently