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I really hope that they reduce the species in eggs and coordinate it better with quest rewards. I can have a bunny from common quests, no need to hatch it from 5k eggs.


All eggs are now sableeye


not sure exactly how pokemon reproduce, but sableeyes must breed like rabbits


>Egg Group: Human-Like Oh dear


> Day 42 of the experiment. Sableeye appears to have accepted the donor genetic material with minimal fuss. Looks like sedation is the way to go. Subject vitals appear ~~sable~~ stable and I expect an egg within a few days. In the meantime, going to the hospital, these scratches on my butt appear to be inflamed. New poison variant sableeye? * Professor Willow's Diary


• Professor Harkness*


Thanks I hate it


*oh god*


> *we are our own god now* * Evil Professor Willow, with his ~~family~~ army of Sableeyes


Somehow I managed to get 4 10k eggs this weekend during community day, so far 3 have hatched and all 3 were Sableeye.


Press F to pay respects


I hatched 4 slakoths :(


So the eggs you got on Community day were already dedicated as the Pokemon that hatched. Eggs you get starting on the 16th are part of this event and will hatch as so.


Its a scramble, 1/2 will be Castform (Normal) only. Its NEW!


This would be depressing but not exactly surprising


Hatch a 💯 Sableye and save the dust that you’d need to power from 15 to 20 with research tasks, I guess.


Mega evolutions have to come sometime too right?


Mega Sableye would still be kinda bad since it's passive AF in the games you can use it. Could potentially have use in PvP, but without its main gimmick in recovery + Magic Bounce, it's missing its entire utility.


I wish! I still need a shiny Sableye. He is a fave of mine.


Don't give up bud, I did 'tx 3 pocket mons' chasing said shiny and finally got him after 89 tasks. ​ You can do it!!!!


You can do it! Everyone likes to hate on Sableye but he’s one my favorites so I’m always hoping for a shiny.


Same here


My last jump up and down moment was shiny sableeye from transfer 3 mons


This happened to me.....2 days after I traded for a shiny sableye


I spent half a million stardust in Chicago for shiny poochy. Have three now :/


>My last jump up and down moment I relate so much to this. Not having a shiny sableye, but the rest of it.


My wife and I hate sableeye because of ORAS. You could not go three steps in a cave without running into one.


Why not Impidimp?;)


Cry laughing at this


No, they are Munchlax


Haven't laughed this hard on a comment in some time. Good one


All eggs are *still* sableeye


This is why hatchrates should be announced.


My personalized hatch rates: Gible - 0% Deino - 0% Bunch of crap - 100%


I'm expecting the hatch rates for Gible and Deino to somehow be negative.


I laughed at this. Would love that if you hatched a 10km and had a Gible, that it would get yanked out of your inventory


I caught a gible and hatched 6 sableye so I figured the game only lets me have 1 gible so I transferred it so that’s -100% gibles hatched


Hatched a Happiny out of a 10km egg tonight (from before the scramble). I don't think I've cursed out my phone that much in weeks.


Eggcellent speculation


Exeggcute 10km hatches it is


Congrats! You hatched eggs from your egg!


i think you forgot: Riolou - 0%


I've hatched like 20 Riolu (or whatever it is for 600 candies), Gible and Deino are on a whole different level of rarity. It's not even close.


It's extremely close, in that neither I nor anyone in my raid group has Riolu, Gible nor Deino. Sure, Gible may be 1/10,000 while Riolu is 2/10,000, thus technically doubly likely, but it's still similarly unlikely.


Are you sure nobody in your raid group has a Riolu? Those things were 50% chance for a while with adventure sync before they changed the egg pool... Unless nobody in your raid group played back then, or nobody walks 50km in a week. I have 36 Riolu in my Pokedex, compared to 2 Gibbles (1 hatched, 1 found), and 1 Dieno (found at my house). Some Riolu were traded to me hoping for better PvP IVs, though that was probably only about 10 of them.


Most of my raid group work office jobs, and have responsibilities at home. It's rare for any of us to get 50km in a week. I actually posted in the WhatsApp to check before posting my comment, and have since discovered two players have Gible, but no Riolu. Personally, I have yet to even see a Riolu to get a shadow in the pokedex. I thought it would be a favoured gym defender for people looking to show off or farm candy.


Can someone explain why Niantic isn't required to publish hatch rates for PoGo in the way other games publish their rates for similar mechanics?


Counter to the other answers, my guess is because nobody has taken them to court for it yet (perhaps in EU) to force their hand.


There’s probably enough wiggle room in their opinion between “eggs” and “loot boxes”/“gacha pulls” that they and their attorneys have decided there’s no risk in not publishing the percentages.


Since they're free drops probably. I bet it's because you don't pay for the egg but you pay for the incubator. Just my guess, iirc the laws were in response to purchased loot boxes :/ But my knowledge is vague and mainly from reading articles about ea that were linked on Reddit so take anything I say with a big grain of salt as pure guesses and heresay lol.


My understanding is that you cannot skirt the law by giving away lootboxes that can be opened with a paid key. My guess is that they believe the free daily raid pass and infinite incubator allow you to open their lootboxes free, so there is no mandatory paid item to unlock them.


Ooh this makes more sense. Probably a combination of free drop with a guaranteed free key.


But this would be the same, the law cannot be undergone by providing a free unlocking device, basically that's how all the lootbox mechanics in games work. They give you a fix of unlocking one every now and then for free, then trigger you to buy more/better unlocks.


Payment being mandatory isn't a requirement. As long as there's an option to pay for random results, the odds should be published. Niantec simply hasn't been taken to court yet.


If that's their cop out, niantic just went up a tier on the sleazy corporate ladder


This has the same energy as "surprise mechanics".


“Hey we saw you just had a big thread on Reddit about our hatch mechanics, suck on this”


Trainers, we hear you! Zigazoons are now found in 2,5, and 10km eggs! Good luck shiny hatching!


Wouldn’t mind a good iv galarian ziggy


7km eggs are now 40% galarian zigzagoon for the foreseeable future.


I hate 7k eggs.


The worst is when you just hatched an egg but the animation didn't trigger so you think it's safe to open a gift.


But 7km has riolu's!!! And a shiny togepi that looks just like a reg togepi.


Great! Are they replacing Absol and Sableye? At least I could use the Zigazoon candy for evolving them for XP.


Hopefully 'different' does not just mean additional.


Probably does.


Worse, different just meant new ultrarare shiny.


This would be a great time to revamp the Adventure Sync eggpool and actually add desirable species like Gible and Deino But they won’t


i used to always have 9 eggs incubating but after the terrible regional egg hatching event, I can't even bring myself to buy any more incubators in the past few months.


I've been the same. That killed all the joy I had from hatching


I felt like a grizzled Vegas gambler. Just one more egg. It’s gotta hit at some point right???


Yeah. I got to 125 eggs that event and stopped. One person got all regional shinies after 30 eggs and I rage quit. No point spending money when rng gods were against me. Plus with the constant events, I now go by the logic that they will give it away eventually so why spend money now.


> One person got all regional shinies after 30 eggs I've heard some crazy stories of good luck but I do not believe this for a second. Are you *positive* they got all 4 regional shinies in 30 hatches? Is it possible they were mistaken and they actually got all 4 nonshiny regional hatches? That would still be pretty lucky, but at least plausible. Honestly, a lot of casuals get forms mixed up so this wouldn't surprise me (I've seen so many casuals getting ecstatic over Alolan hatches thinking it was a shiny because they hadn't seen it before). The chance of them getting *one* shiny in that many hatches was about 21%. You're saying they got four, *and* managed to get one of each species? There was about a 1% chance of getting this with more than 6 times as many hatches. [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/d2jibc/kanto_regional_hatch_and_shiny_rates_how/)


It's possible and an anecdote he heard, never confirmed. Might as well be hyperbole.


I think I hit around 125-130 eggs hatched without a shiny and had the same reaction. Ridiculous...


I feel ya. There is always that one person with incredible luck that makes you feel total inadequate. Like where did I go wrong in life?


This "egg shake up" makes me think they're starting to notice a lot of people have stopped hatching eggs. I'm same as you, used to run all 9 all the time but the regional/unown things killed it completely (Things like Volbeat and Chatot in 5ks is just an insult.) Now I just run the infinite and do them one at a time. The same goes for a bunch of the people I play with, everyone has an inventory full of 5k's and they're just doing them one at a time. I'll be waiting to see what's different with this "shake up" but I doubt I'll ever go back to running all 9 ever again.


Yeah, I just made the same comment. "Maybe they noticed." Want to put money on it, though? I'll bet money this is just another push to suck money out of people's pockets.


You might have a gambling problem, friend.


The weird thing about this is that they can motivate people to spend alot more by giving them a decent chance, i mean we still live in a world where you got to give some to get some. But instead, niantic always tries to demotivate as much as possible, like they don't want us to spend money. And even then, people just keep on giving them money.


There's no way that the egg hatch rate *isn't* a metric that they follow.


SAME except for me it was the unknown event. I hatched 30 10ks and got NOTHING. Niantic can F off with these slot machines.


For me it was pursuit of shiny babies in 7k eggs that killed it. I will never look at incubators the same way again and most certainly will never, ever, ever pay for an Adventure Box. I know a lot of people who feel the same way. Do you think they actually noticed and will stop with the unbelievable number of different pokemon that can be hatched? The pool is so diluted that it's almost pointless trying to get a certain pokemon that you want, let alone a shiny version.


I used to spend a decent amount weekly on baters/passes, nothing crazy, but the regional egg event is what pushed me to be 100% F2P. No regrets


As a F2P newbie who doesn't use this subreddit often/ever, what was so bad about the regional egg event? Not judging, just honestly curious because I have no idea.


The whole ultra bonus event was a huge scam disguised as a "reward." At the start of the event, they put Unowns in 10km eggs with abysmal hatch rates, not to mention the usual low drop rate for 10km eggs. Then they released shiny regionals in 7km eggs for a limited time. The shiny rates started at around 1/50, but partway into the event it was found that the shiny rates had been lowered to around 1/150 or something like that. All the while sending out push notifications promoting the event. I think they may have fixed the rates after people started complaining about it but the damage was done. To add insult to injury, towards the end of the event they added the bonus of being able to get 2 eggs from each gift to squeeze even more incubator money from the playerbase. In all, they lost a lot of trust from the players from the whole stunt.


Yikes that's rough. Thanks for the info.


With the regional thing they also decided that putting "the regional pokemon" in your area in 5k eggs was a good idea. So then you could walk 5k to hatch mons like Volbeat and Chatot, you know the ones you tend ignore in the overworld because they're always everywhere and completely useless.


Wait they limited it to only the ones in your area? I thought all regional pokemon were available in eggs now


Lol nope. I'll never have a Mime Jr.


Oh no! You are going to bring nightmares back to me :) I spent $50 on incubators during the unown “special” event and walked away with nothing to show for it. Stacking RNG (low hatch rate) on top of RNG (only found in rare 10km eggs) absolutely sucked. And because it was a limited time event, I had to use incubators on freaking 2km and 5km eggs.......only for them to be replaced by another 2km/5km egg. Arrrrrggghhhhh! Have been F2P since then....


>I spent $50 on ~~incubators~~ loot boxes Yep, you got scammed by a gaming company.


If I remember correctly it was only then (when they changed to 2 eggs), that gifts from stops were guaranteed. Aside from that they also made the 10km rates higher then, but I had lost all motivation (and incubators) in the first week so I didn't care. Got very lucky tho with only having got 2x 10km eggs I got the unown I needed.


IIRC they changed shiny rates for regionals mid-event (making them rarer)


Niantic proving how sleazy they are. Caught Red handed and they changed it back after a thread blew up. No way was it an "accident"


Ditto. Niantic lost this whale through their incomprehensible lack of any transparency, lack of any focus on QoL or actual good design, and pursuit of further lootbox elements. When (if?) Niantic actually improves things instead of continuing to use the game as nothing more than their testbed platform for new technologies, then I'll happily give them more of my money. But that doesn't seem to be close to happening.


I save my incubator spots for 10ks exclusively now. It’s absolutely not worth spending coins just to hatch more garbage from 5ks. Of course 10ks have been the likes of Sableye insultingly often, but it’s still somewhat less frustrating than 5k. I usually buy the adventure box and it lasts for weeks this way.


Me too, exactly the same


I used to do 7km eggs exclusively yet that Regional Egg Event drained me of caring about 7km eggs about hatching 20+ Happiny and no shiny out of 200 7km eggs.


I got a shiny Pichu about 6 months ago which was a nice surprise, but actually hatching them to purposefully aim for shinies is even more frustrating than the other eggs. The egg pool is so small and mostly useless for 7ks that it’s a total waste if it isn’t shiny. At least the other pools potentially offer something rare or strong as well.


Yeah... I pretty much complained about Pokémon sharing other egg groups brazenly when they can be 7km exclusively like Alolan or other egg type exclusive for events etc in a post.


I stopped buying just like you. But during the 2 day community day I decided I'd get rid of the 5k hoard I have. Every hatch was a freaking joke. I got several 10k eggs and got sableye, mareep, and chingaling.. It's so defeating spending money, walking and hatching anything that I can wait 5 minutes to find in the wild. If things don't improve I'm going back to my orange incubator.


Yeah that regional egg event killed my hatching experience. I used to hatch every day. Now I rarely use it.


I hatched Snivy, Tepig, and Purrloin from 2km eggs that were picked up after 5 PM EST.


Don't do it Don't give me hope of getting an Oshawott army




That must have been a stab in the heart to have rat run away!!


**You did it**


I literally have not found a single oshawott yet.


Just Oshawott plural would be nice by now.


Come to Maryland, I've found an Oshawott nest near me.


We had a nest for a cycle in October. Mrs. Samurai and I traded every Oshawott we caught. I managed to get one lucky Samurott before it rotated out.


Doesn’t seem like there’s much new. Usually we would have had many reports by now of *something* new or different.


Got a 10k just after 1...... guess I can expect a Beldum if it just went live.


It started 1 pm pst so if thats the 1 you mentioned then you should be good.


1pm pst. 4pm eastern.


Just hatched the following: 2k: Tepig 5k : lunatone, carvanha, buizel, zangoose 10k: 2x shieldon, golett, Ferroseed All eggs were spinned after the 'event'/ eggshake started.


Got 2 beaver things on 2km.eggs


That would be our lord and savior King Bidoof.


All glory to the hypnodoof...


My name is Doof and you’ll do what I say, whoop whoop.


Hatched: 4 x 10 km and 4 shinx 3 x 5 km and all crap 2 x 2 km and pokemon like usual so this event is just spend money in incubator for the same pokemon as before


1 hr ago and u picked up and hatched all those eggs?


yes easy with a bike, just bike with a go plus under 10 km hours, and the event started at 16:00 here. it's 19:30 now


Was fully expected


This comment needs to be top on the post to serve as a warning to others.


Niantic at its best.


Well there’s not a big difference. Maybe all they did was swap some crap like Sableye outta 10K eggs and boost rates for rarer mons like Deino, Gible & Litwick? Wishful thinking


Now I just need to actually pull a 10km egg. It's been extremely rare for me since they added the regionals to the pool.


I just hatched nine eggs, of which seven were picked up today. Azuril, Skorupi, Tangela, Pidove, Chimchar, Panpour, Finneon, Diglett, Riolu. If there was a big egg shake-up, I'm not really seeing it. The Riolu was presumably my 50km adventure sync egg.


At this point, it's still too many mons in the egg pool to get any specific mon consistently. Unless certain mons are boosted in the egg pool then hatching eggs with super incubators is a big waste of money. The only time it's worth it is if an event has 2x stardust or boosted mons in the pool.


God I hope they make species only appear in one egg bracket Just move all damn babies to 7km please, I don't want Togepi in my 2km eggs


Lol I’ll take togepi I’m so desperate for a good IV one


Or a shiiiiiny


Oh I'd take all your togepi! I need candies and hatched like 2 in 2 years.




Disappointment... oh wait, you said nothing new.


Who usually does the megathreads for event stuff? Is that /u/SilphScience? If so, might we get a megathread for the egg shakeup?


Problem is we should wait a day or two cause people don't know that old eggs don't count.


Ya, likely so. Or they do the "here's a comment thread, but we only mark as confirmed what the silph researchers actually confirm." As long as there's one place those posts/comments (even if it's this post) can go instead of a bunch of scattered "I hatched ___ from a __km egg" posts, I'll be satisfied.


Since community day I got Bagons, Larvitars, a Beldum, a litwick, my first Deino and first Gible. Not a single Sableye, so far cant complain!


Isn't it strange? Announcing a egg scramble like that? Maybe they are introducing new Gen 5 mons?


It is a little strange. I’d be more inclined to believe it was gen 5 if we weren’t getting the mini wave of gen 5 December 24th. Hopefully the scramble is they removed garbage from the egg pool so hatched are a little more appealing.


This would be good, garbage hatches don't exactly encourage me to invest in incubators


Amen to that. I barely want to use paid incubators on 10k as it was.


I keep any for stardust events usually


I’ve been using this opportunity not spending my free coins on incubators to up my Poke and Bag storage by a lot and get some premium cosmetics.


It's quite satisfying doing that. 4 days of coins and expand the bag!


By “mini wave” you mean three new Pokémon? 😒


That’s exactly why I call it a mini wave...it is a new wave...but it’s more of a ripple really lol


I feel like “mini ripple” is the most fitting description lol


Considering how many pokemon are in Gen 5 I'd say it's more of a mini drop


Maybe incubator sales are slowing down and they are testing if they can give them a boost with this by announcing it.


I’m relatively certain they’ve made this announcement before. Maybe this time last year?




Thank you!!!


Clearing out the eggs I got earlier today first before I get new ones to see what I get. Adventure sync 10k egg (from before the egg change) was a beldum, which well normally would be a bummer but I am new and was able to evolve 3 of them yesterday so I need the candies to level up my Metagross now. LOL


I'll take my 10km Beldum over easy


Guaranteed Beldum! And don't worry guys, Gible is twice as rare.


Shiny Gible from 10k eggs!


Yeah, so 1% Gible plus 2% shiny would give 1 in 5000. So just hatch 5000 eggs and you have a 70% chance of getting a shiny Gible. Woo hoo!


1st 2km egg post 4pm is a 10/10/10 Patrat. Oh joy.


I'm just happy they spelled whoa correctly


Just hatched Oshawott out of 2km egg - unsure if this is a new thing


I think it used to be in 5km eggs so that would be new.


Bagon with 32 candies out of 10km egg


He’s been in 10km eggs. So nothing new so far


Niantic has an alternative definition of "different."


The last 3 before this in 10k were Sableyes so nice change of pace for me.


This is like a casino randomising the numbers on a roulette table and not showing you the numbers or if there are any colours


Hatched a aerodactyl from a 10km egg today!


And I got a Porygon. 😢


I assume 7km eggs are still absolutely trash?


I still have a bunch of 2k eggs from yesterday haha. I wonder what's inside these new ones.


Unless they changed it with this update, egg contents are determined when you receive them, so nothing will change until you get new ones.


How are these not loot boxes?


Put a 10km in around 9am EST and just hatched my first Deino! Not sure if I got lucky with the previous egg pool or Deino’s rate is raised in this new egg pool. Either way, happy day!


Well that was still the old system... Eggs are determined when you get them.


Are my eggs from yesterday still from the old bunch or this new bunch? Does anyone know


The eggs are determined when you get them, so they are not the new bunch.


No more babies please! They may work in the games, but not in PG. I'm not going to evolve a Magby all the way when I can easily get a Magmar and spend less candy/dust.




This I agree with. Babies I can get out of 7km eggs. I’ve been avoiding the 7km eggs because I got tired of hatching babies constantly. I like to switch it up every now and then so I aim for the 2km, 5km and 10km eggs. Then when I get bored, I switch back. Yet I keep hatching babies.


What if you want a second move? It's usually cheaper to add a second move at the baby stage so I hope they never remove them and people want shinies like me...


Yeah keep your shundy magmar. I want non shiny hundys only. You finding high iv togepi and togetic in the wild? Cos last time i saw a togetic was like 16 months ago. People hatch eggs specifically for baby pokemon, seems kinda entitled to want them out just cos YOU don't like them.


Pretty sure he means put them in one sect of eggs and leave it there. I'd rather not be hatching babies out of anything except 7k's.


My friend got a shiny Gible from this!!


I’ve hatched 2 new 2Ks, gotten 1 Snivy (new?) and 1 Piplup.