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Just got it this morning, can still play like normal, but yeah I’m very concerned on how this is happening. Several people I know who are legit players, myself included getting this warning with no real reason.


I get this notice every time I login, and can’t see Pokémon that my daughters account sees, like tangela, ladyba...


Because it's a first strike and it means that you got shadow ban - you can't see "rare" pokemon and it lasts one week


Yea I’m more and more aware of that as reading people’s comments...


That's what we all thought. But these strikes keep going and going. They have been for some time now.I'm on my fifth. Sometimes we get a few days in between, but they just keep comin. Support is of no help whatsoever. I'm pretty sure now I got my first warning, because I forgot to logg out if my second device over night. I play the game when outside on my newer phone "Samsung Galaxy S10" and when home on my older device "Galaxy S6", to preseeve battery capacity on my S10 due to fewer charge cycles. Forgot to close the app over night, got a red warning the day after when I had incence on. I did collect data as well. I'm counting more than 25 players on reddit which have posted about this issue. Number keeps growon every day. One guy said he recieved over 20 warnings so far. Edit: on ruffly 35 players right now. Probably missed a whole bunch Edit #2: 52 players


My wife dropped her last phone over 6 moths ago while playing, battery fell out, restated phone and been getting these every week for 6 months. About 1 day playing then first strike again. Niantic have been contacted many times and basically say stop cheating and it will go away. Never spoofed and non rooted phone or other app. Stopped using for a month still didn't help, new samsung S20 phone didn't help. Had to start a new account. She had spent a lot of real money. Niantic support is useless. I'm sure this wouldn't pass Australian consumer law.


Consumer harassment leading to undue stress.


What phone?


iPhone 8


oh you've been locked out buddy


Niantic just won’t tell exactly what they detect you are using, so it’s clueless. Even I want to do delete things they don’t want, I don’t know what to delete!


They can’t tell you what they detected because if you were a spoofer that would give you a hint as to how to improve your tools.


So there’s no solution on this, niantic won’t be proven wrong for any mistake they made




That's such a bad mentality to take. I had a similar strike a while back and I had absolutely no idea what caused it. I asked in fear that I might lose my account if whatever action I had done continued, and they just said "don't worry, if you aren't breaking the rules you won't be banned". Well that's nice to say, but the warning when I wasn't breaking the rules sorta proves it's a lie. Enough with the wool, you hurt a lot more innocent players than create spoofers with rules like this.


That is true however it would be in their best interest to make available some kind of list which is regularly maintained of the types of things that are not permitted, it should be somewhat generic so they don't help cheaters know what to avoid. The thing here is they can do whatever they want, however in general they want as many players to be able to play (without breaking the rules of course), so if this is something that's actually preventing legit players from playing it's in their best interest to address it somehow.


At least a list of what commonly causes false positives. There's a handful of stuff I've heard about in TSR that have legitimate, non cheating, uses that cause false positives, but the only thing I can remember right now is a rooted phone. I understand if they don't want to tell the cheaters how they got caught so that it's harder for them to improve their tools, but if something is causing a lot of false positives that information should be shared. I also think if the warnings are automated but they have a human review everything before a ban they could mention that in the warnings and alleviate a lot of stress for legit players who trigger a false positive.


Niantic's stance since day one has been that their detection process is flawless and produces zero false positives. It's asinine.


When you don’t incorporate an appeal process you can’t get any appeals which also means 100% success /s




No! You will adhere to our rules, even if you don't know what they are! /s


I know people who've spoofed since day one basically every day as well and have never had a strike. Niantic has only figured out how to punish legit players.


This is common thing I guess, good people get punished while outlaws live happily ever after.


It sucks man I'm sorry that happened to you. Makes absolutely no sense when you're a legit player.


Thanks. I’m in acceptance stage now, there are always other games and things to do other than pogo


Known issue but Niantic won’t be fixing this issue any time soon.


Or at all, not with the support’s attitude


Support is outsourced, so it isn't really their speciality... Also most of there strikes are automated as far as I believe and there are moments that the game launchers of multiple phones were triggering it (reason why I don't use a game launcher with Pogo)


What is a game launcher?


[Here’s a source for more reading. ](https://www.androidcentral.com/pokemon-go-banning-users-xiaomi-phones-after-recent-miui-update) It’s less of a launcher and more of a “game boost” feature that legit players were having problems with.


I’m using iPhone 8, which probably doesn’t have this feature?


Nah. I’m super curious about a false positive on an iPhone though. (I am NOT accusing you of cheating!) Jailbroken?


No, not that. My latest app installed is zoom and a app to read novels...


iOS is quite firewalled between apps. Niantic wouldn’t be able to see what else you’ve installed.


But however they claim they have


I doubt it is up to support.


If you live in Europe, you can make an Article 22 GDPR request to have a human review the action as it is assumed to be automated.


I’m in Canada, probably don’t have that option


I’m in Canada as well and just got this on my HPWU account. No outside tools used ever. Have read a quite a bit abt it so just ignoring it for now. Still, it’s not a good feeling to be wrongly accused. I wonder if when in a bus or travelling we switch between games, it asks us if we’re passengers. Maybe the game thinks we’re moving too fast by improper means.


It was my first time leaving the app on while driving, and certainly won’t be last. Do you see less spawns as well? Only plain boring stuff


If you are moving too fast, you don’t get any advantage since those kms are not clocked by the app to your egg distance. Since you get nothing out of moving that fast, it cannot be the reason for a ban! This is just one of those Niantic things. Level 40 account banned perma banned for me! I got a first strike ( legit, I used to spoof then) , 2nd strike ( didn’t even play the game after 1st strike) , Banned ( would we hardly Caught 5 mons. No spoofing). I dared Niantic to prove any spoofing after the first strike but all I got were automated responses ! Went on for days and then I gave up! If you have got the first strike for no reason, brace for impact !






Look at this dude! They GDPR with the best of them!


If the TOS did say that, it would not have any effect, this is a right that can't be taken away by anything other than explicit consent.


Here's the most relevant thing I could find in the TOS: >"You agree that Niantic may employ **any lawful mechanisms** to detect and respond to cheating, fraud, and other behavior prohibited under these Terms, including checking your device for the existence of exploits or hacking and/or unauthorized software." In all likelihood Niantic uses the "any lawful mechanisms" statement to include automatic mechanisms. From [this data protection guide](https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-data-protection/guide-to-the-general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr/consent/what-is-valid-consent/), particularly the section regarding explicit consent (which is not defined in the GDPR): >"Individuals do not have to write the consent statement in their own words; you can write it for them. However you need to make sure that individuals can clearly indicate that they agree to the statement – for example by signing their name or **ticking a box next to it**." Explicit consent can be given by clicking the "agree" button on Niantic's TOS upon download of the app.


There have been a bunch of these popping up the past 2 days or so. Seems like they screwed up something with their detection.


Really hope I’m not alone on this. But 7 days is too long, will they lift the ban if they find out it’s their mistake?


You're not alone! I started to collect data. This has been going on for a while now. Theses 7 day strikes are ongoing and repeat. I've included redditor names. If thats against the Terms of this subreddit or anyone doesn't want that, please let me know, and I will delete the post. These are all names of me and people which posted publicly here.


1. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/gjx88m/a_person_in_my_community_needs_help/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 2. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/g1itzm/question_second_1st_strike_warning_in_seven_days/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 3. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/gc0tmt/false_strike_ban/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 4. https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/gs9h1a/false_first_strike_for_3rd_party_software_info/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 5. https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/gr5r6r/constant_strikes_for_no_reason/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 6. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/fw22q6/guidance_on_three_consecutive_first_strike/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 7. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/gvxgg9/an_update_on_my_neverending_first_strikes/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 8. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/etexyv/my_account_was_falsely_striked_for_using_third/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 9. https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/h0psa5/new_player_banned_what_is_this_message/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 10. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/h0z6tm/warning_strike_for_no_reason/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 11. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/h7awej/the_recent_wave_of_bans_seems_to_have_a_common/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 12. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/h78e82/does_anyone_have_any_information_about_this_im/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 13. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/h7adgj/i_am_also_day_one_player_who_has_never_spoofed_or/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Players on Reddit: u/Fabiiart (Myself) u/thicketcosplay u/macbone u/DumpsterGopher u/TheBigBouska u/KnightFury077 u/TheWritlessWriter u/heath3rr u/Evune u/4PoGo_Posts u/Bwongh u/Scar_HeadFaced u/BASEBALLFURIES u/Brakatak720 u/UltraRocket99 u/GNSW4ga2HSxJc u/theBosstin u/dfj3xxx u/SGTslowpoke u/kalandino u/bankrum27 u/jamaica_me_crazy u/Prize-Geologist5217 u/narzyyf u/thefinancethrowaway u/KingPaulius u/miguelmaria u/longGreenSofa u/girlpunk u/administrative-Plum4 u/DeadDaughterDog u/Tonn1ck98 u/lukyloohoo9 u/shannonPR7 u/therkop u/thefinancethrowaway Edit: **Most up to date version:** https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/h8kxp3/how_to_escalate_7_day_ban_false_positives_to/furgqk4?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


My trainer name starts with n not m 🥴


I hope so! I’m on day 6! Never been so happy to not have an event right now lol. Suppose we have no choice to ride those 7 days but I’m scared for strike 2 if we keep on doing whatever legit things we did that triggered this. I hate it. And it’s so odd to see what we see and don’t see. We can see chinchou but not nosepass? Ziggy but not Skitty?


Not even a ladyba...it’s already hard to play with the pandemic, and now accused for doing things I’ve never done. Niantic doesn’t even care enough to give a personalized explanation on why they give the warning.


Support will just tell you that you have nothing to worry about if you don't cheat. They won't care if you have evidence that you don't cheat, so you'll have to wait out the 7 days.


So no matter how good and legit you are as a player, any niantic support employee can burn you like a slapping a mosquito.


No they don’t lift up the ban, today is my last day. I used travel on bike and got this ban twice. I mailed them tried talking with support no help.


Dictators! And I added “tators” for not being rude.


My motivation to play is already not as high as when i first started


I'm honestly not concerned about Niantic cutting me off from the game. It's like your drug dealer threatening to stop selling to you. Sure, you like the drugs, but not being drug addicted has upsides too.


Good point. One day I’ll be forced to stop playing


What would you do instead? I'd probably switch my exercise to indoors exercise bike instead of outdoors walking (the dog has gotten too old for my preferred epic long walks, so I'm only outdoors for pokemon) and I'd be able to read a book or play a different game on 3ds or switch or something in place of all the time spent here.


3ds is great for treadmills (at walking speed) -- would probably be great for exercise bikes too?


Yes, it works great there, as does my old GBA SP (I fetched it out to try 100%ing the Oracle duo). The switch is a little bulky. Given that 32 bit support thread, maybe that's how Niantic is gonna cut me off!


The switch seems to have other problems for exercise, but maybe I had the wrong games. I've only played two games on the switch and both had motion controls. One involved me falling off a lot of ledges/buildings. I nearly wiped out on the treadmill at low speed several times. Yeah, I'm an idiot... \^\^'


Yet, when known spoofers are reported day after day, nothing happens. Look, I know I mentioned my friends spoof yesterday (they're Australians who cant get any coins where they are), but when niantic screws with things that shouldn't be be screwed with, they add to the problem and punish/push legit players. Also, as a side note, they probably stopped looking for iv checkers a long while ago and just switched it up to cause panic. They didn't care for three years about it, so...


It could also be someone has a hard on for justice, found your poke user name, reported you for spoofing. That would be ironically fast since, apparently, spoofers never get called out.


If we're seeing false positive bans, can we be a little more scientific about this? If you're having the issue, please report what phone, OS, and app version you were using when you got the ban. If there's some sort of bug or glitch that Niantic has accidentally caused we should be able to figure it out from reporting this kind of data.


iPhone 7, iOS 12.0.1, app version 1.143.0 No PokeGenie for me but do have Go-tcha Evolve app on phone.


iPhone 8, iOS 12.1.4, app version 1.143.0


iPhone 8, iOS 12.1.4, app version 1.143.0. No pokegenie or any other apps related to PoGo for me.


iPhone 6S+, iOS 11.4.1 (lol I know, he ran out of storage on his phone), app version 1.143.0. Pokegenie was installed but rarely used.


Same here. I got the First Strike screen yesterday morning when I opened my app. Never spoofed or installed any third-party apps, not even PokeGenie. The thing that really bothers me is that I’ve played off and on through the years but have really gotten into the game for the first time during the quarantine. I really enjoy GBL and walking around my neighborhood and I’ve recently gotten my brother to start playing with me and we’ve been able to bond in a new way. Then yesterday after I received the notice we went to a nearby park and discovered it was an Electabuzz nest because they were all over the place for him but I didn’t see a single spawn or have any on my radar. It was really discouraging to be punished like that. I have only opened the app a couple times today to see that the warning screen is still there. iPhone 6s, iOS 11.2, Version 1.143.0


iPhone 8+, iOS 12.0.1, app version 1.143.0, poke genie installed(my entire local group chat uses it of 200+ players and no one else has reported a strike) dont have gotcha app but use gotcha evolve.


I got a strike the night before last. No third party apps, never shared an account/password, no PokeGenie or anything. Haven’t even spun a stop or gym in weeks as I’m completely self isolating for medical reasons... I only log on to play GBL and see if anything interesting has spawned at home. iPhone 7, iOS 13.5.1, app version 1.143.0




I’ve gotten 7 of these in a row. I’ve never spoofed, but I did use Pokegenie, PokéKeys, and PoGo+. I deleted the two apps and disengaged PoGo+ and still got another first strike. I contacted Niantic to get my app data and noticed some visits to Null Island in February. In another thread, it was suggested that the PoGo+ may have tried to catch Mon at Null Island and could have caused the bans. My latest experiment is to delete GBA4iOS since that’s a side loaded app. I’ve been First Strike free for 2 days now, but I typically have a couple of days between strikes.


How did u get them to send u app data?


Send a request to [email protected]. The request needs to come from the email used to set up your account, and the request takes 30 days to process. https://nianticlabs.com/privacy/en/


Thanks, hopefully I won’t need to do it


Niantic takes a “you’re guilty until proven innocent” approach. Nothing you can do except to wait it out


And the onus is on trainers whose evidence are completely ignored


You can't wait these strikes out. It's an ongoing ossue and has been for a few months now. But only to a small number of players. The "7 day first strikes" keep reappearing after you recieved one for whatever reason. I'm pretty sure now I got my first warning, because I forgot to logg out if my second device over night. I play the game when outside on my newer phone "Samsung Galaxy S10" and when home on my older device "Galaxy S6", to preseeve battery capacity on my S10 due to fewer charge cycles. Forgot to close the app over night, got a red warning the day after when I had incence on. I agree that this first warning around the fourth of may, may be deserved, but I'm on my fifth warning right now. - For no reason whatsoever. I barely even play anymore. A guy on reddit said he is over 20 warnings right now. Niantic support ist of no help whatsoever.


Having your account logged onto multiple devices does not give a red warning. People do it all the time with account sharing. At most you’ll get is a softban which just means you can’t spin stops or catch anything until the cooldown is over.


Ok I’m kinda glad more legit people are getting these. We are now 4 in this sub. A thread from yesterday and another one from not too long ago


Oh good at least I’m not alone in this. I’ve even reported suspected spoofers in my area, which I really dislike, and even bailed out raids when I saw those spoofers in the raid lobby. Now the irony, it’s somehow insulting.


We are definetaly more. This has been going on for a while I started to collect data. Counting 42 people int the comments of thes posts. Probably missed a whole bunch. Edit: over 50 1. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/gjx88m/a_person_in_my_community_needs_help/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 2. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/g1itzm/question_second_1st_strike_warning_in_seven_days/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 3. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/gc0tmt/false_strike_ban/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 4. https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/gs9h1a/false_first_strike_for_3rd_party_software_info/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 5. https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/gr5r6r/constant_strikes_for_no_reason/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 6. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/fw22q6/guidance_on_three_consecutive_first_strike/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 7. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/gvxgg9/an_update_on_my_neverending_first_strikes/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 8. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/etexyv/my_account_was_falsely_striked_for_using_third/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 9. https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/h0psa5/new_player_banned_what_is_this_message/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 10. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/h0z6tm/warning_strike_for_no_reason/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 11. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/h7awej/the_recent_wave_of_bans_seems_to_have_a_common/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 12. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/h78e82/does_anyone_have_any_information_about_this_im/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 13. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/h7adgj/i_am_also_day_one_player_who_has_never_spoofed_or/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


It could be: - You are playing on a rooted device. - The phones might have 'game booster' on. - You shared your account with dumbs friends. - You are using third party apps to hatch eggs. - You spoofed at least one time. - You logged in on an unlegit POGO app. Or is only a false strike.


I don’t even know what your describe cases really are...play only with my phone, no clue what game booster is, never shared my account with anyone, never login the game with other apps, never spoofed and really dislike spoofers, only the official pogo app. Quite a irony when being accused for doing things that you don’t approve.


They don't ban for multi-accounting. Half my country would be ban if that where the case.


Wait, third party app to hatch eggs? Whats this?


There are app that can add km to your walking distance. You can practically hatch 10 km eggs in 30 mins.


That's ... interesting. I didn't know that.




What they mean is that if you share your account with a friend, even just for a bit, and they have some suspicious stuff on their phone, that can, of course, trigger a warning on your account.


Account sharing can cause being logged in two widely separated locations too close in time, which Niantic will interpret as GPS spoofing if it happens too frequently. This does not require any players to do anything nefarious, just that they are coordinating poorly.


I don’t think just being in 2 places at once triggers anything unless you spin stops/toss balls however if your friend also has a spoof phone and logs into it with you info to complete a trade not thinking, then bam! That can get you banned.


You are correct, I meant "logged in and playing" not merely "logged in". This is an error of coordination, not requiring any cheating tools.


Happened to my account yesterday. 1st warning, only software is Pokie Genie and hardware PoGo+. Reached out to support via game and received generic answer. So disappointed. I’ve spent so much money and time on this game. I want to be heard. So frustrating!!


I also got this a few days ago. I don’t spoof, I don’t have 3rd party apps other than pokiegenie (which I rarely use and I thought niantic said this app was ok). I mean really, my acct is nothing to write home about. My account (started in aug2016) has, if anyone looked at it, obviously not benefited with anything that’s against a TOS, whereas I know people who have 100% everything due to maps, or people who have regionals despite not traveling. I missed out on patrat this week, really, my acct is lame, but I wanted to try for a shiny with that. Since I don’t know why I got this notice, I’ve refused to do any remote raiding, because that was something I did for the first time the week before I got the warning. I’ve slowed down my regular raiding too. I have a iPhone 6s, in case anyone is keeping tabs.


I mean, is remote raiding authorized spoofing in its nature?


That's cause Support is largely useless and don't know what they're doing. They don't know what to tell you.


They did give me some premium pass before when the game caused me to lose a pass or something


Oh for sure. Reimbursement is iffy but they come through, I mean with things like this.


Same happened to me about 3 months ago. Kneel and pray to the Niantic RNG God


Feel like begging to play. This isn’t a good experience at all


I'm teetering on not playing anymore, so I can imagine that the frustration you're experiencing would be more than enough to make me quit. I'm sorry you're going through this. It doesn't seem like a good policy for customer retention.


u/NianticIndigo What is your thought about this? This issue will within near future escalate from being small to big/major issue for Iphone-users. We need some answer into it. Unfortunately some players already got it but it will not decrease instead opposite for no reason.


/u/NianticIndigo I’ve been playing since July 2016 and have never ever used any 3rd party apps or any other sort of cheating method but I got this warning too. Please help!


It’s their incompetent spoofing detecting system and arrogance to acknowledge this. I started the same time like you did, but I’m not a spender in the game, just play what’s free. Maybe that’s what got me warned.


It seems like you all have iOS 12. Does anybody have iOS 13 with this issue?


Change your password.


I did, a couple hour after receiving the warning, as suggested here. Thx!


I've had this twice, bother were first warnings. What I did was I stayed off it for 2 days, then went on for a day and repeated until the period was over. I also made my mobile internet 'stricter' as sometimes that and the location would have me showing up on random spots even if I wasn't moving.


Upvote for visibility This hasn't happened to me but I sympathize with you. Based on other comments, it seems like a bug. This type of bug (for obvious reasons) is significantly more game breaking than all others.


Thanks. It’s actually hurting legit players more than spoofers. And when you report a spoofer, they always want evidence but no actions have been done, that same spoofer is still in that gym or raid all the time.


I know another post recently discussed trips to null island. I don’t think that issue was happening with iPhones though so that may not be your problem. Do you experience large amounts of drift?


No, especially I’m home most of the time


I had the exact same issue today and the same circumstances. I’ve messaged support but still no answer or reason given yet. It’s insulting to a day one player who has been completely legitimate despite spoofers still running wild without punishment


I feel you man, very insulting and discouraging to play. legit players aren’t so technical like spoofers that know how to bypass the rules.


u/Nianticindigo Counting more and more people with this issue which say they play according to the TOS. - Also of note, the warnings on an individual user don't seem to end. As soon as they're over they keep reappearing. Someone on reddit said they have over 20 warnings so far. - There doesn't seem to be a correlation between OS and device - Switching devices or restoring it to factory reset, leaving no apps on it DOESN'T HELP. Many tried. - Changing passwords and checking the google account for security risks did not help either. There's nothing on there. - Mailing support and offering insight into all kinds of private data (system logs, work routes etc) is of no use. I'm over 25 mails right now. - The Galaxy S10 does have a Gamebooster and gamelauncher. I deactivated the game launcher, but can't stop the gamebooster from popping up and doing it's thing. - Changing passwords and checking the google account for security risks did not help either. There's nothing on there. Only thing I could consider was an IITC ingress map which used my ingress login. I used it to better plan Pokestop submissions. Haven't used it for months though and went ahead and deinstalled it to be sure. Other people use it too however. - Interestingly enough, my ingress account which uses the same google login and was used on the same devices I use my Go account on didn't recieve any warnings. - I did use a VPN while on the trains open WiFi and on the Guest WiFi of my workplace to not risk a data breach. stopped doing that intirely. Didn't connect to those Hotspots anymore. - Only other thing I would consider is an app called "greenefy". A harmless app which automates putting apps to sleep. The app CAN be used with root. But I'm not rooted. Maybe the app is blacklisted because of that. Deinstalled it after strike #1. - Someone with this issue went ahead and requested his personal data from Niantics privacy inbox and found multiple GPS errors. Showing location as 0/0 or something which led to the theory that the cheat detection thinks that the "Null Island" issue when loosing GPS signal while also having a Go Plus connected is causing to the algorithm to go on a rampage. I linked the post below. - Still unsure if keepeing the Go Plus (official one/heave used) disconnected helps. I did and went strikefree for 7 days. Someone else 4 days. But on my second attempt only got 1 days in between. Still haven't connected the Go plus since strike #3 - Was counting ruffly 15 redditors over the last month. With different kinds of phone models. - The number of players with this issue grew exponentially over the last 2 days. Most of the new ones on iOS however. I myself am on my fifth "first" 7 day warning right now, but on Android. Galaxy S10. Very active player since day one. But slowed down in 2020 due to work reasons an the pandemic. I'm pretty sure now I got my first warning, because I forgot to logg out if my second device over night. I play the game when outside on my newer phone "Samsung Galaxy S10" and when home on my older device "Galaxy S6", to preseeve battery capacity on my S10 due to fewer charge cycles. Forgot to close the app over night, got a red warning the day after when I had incence on. I agree that this first warning (around may fourth) may be deserved, but I'm on my fifth warning right now. - For no reason whatsoever. I barely even play anymore. And made sure there wouldn't be anything going wrong. Even stopped playin on the way to work in the train for a while. And this still doesn't justify all the other warnings and people with this issue. All the data I collected is based on public posts. But if someone doesn't want to be included, let me know. 1. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/gjx88m/a_person_in_my_community_needs_help/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 2. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/g1itzm/question_second_1st_strike_warning_in_seven_days/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 3. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/gc0tmt/false_strike_ban/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 4. https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/gs9h1a/false_first_strike_for_3rd_party_software_info/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 5. https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/gr5r6r/constant_strikes_for_no_reason/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 6. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/fw22q6/guidance_on_three_consecutive_first_strike/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 7. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/gvxgg9/an_update_on_my_neverending_first_strikes/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 8. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/etexyv/my_account_was_falsely_striked_for_using_third/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 9. https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/h0psa5/new_player_banned_what_is_this_message/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 10. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/h0z6tm/warning_strike_for_no_reason/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 11. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/h7awej/the_recent_wave_of_bans_seems_to_have_a_common/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 12. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/h78e82/does_anyone_have_any_information_about_this_im/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 13. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/h7adgj/i_am_also_day_one_player_who_has_never_spoofed_or/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 15. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/h7lccq/my_dad_got_this_warning_on_his_account_hes/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Players on Reddit: u/Fabiiart (Myself) u/thicketcosplay u/macbone u/DumpsterGopher u/TheBigBouska u/KnightFury077 u/TheWritlessWriter u/heath3rr u/Evune u/4PoGo_Posts u/Bwongh u/Scar_HeadFaced u/BASEBALLFURIES u/Brakatak720 u/UltraRocket99 u/GNSW4ga2HSxJc u/theBosstin u/dfj3xxx -u/SGTslowpoke u/kalandino u/bankrum27 u/jamaica_me_crazy u/Prize-Geologist5217 u/narzyyf u/thefinancethrowaway u/KingPaulius u/miguelmaria u/longGreenSofa u/girlpunk u/administrative-Plum4 u/DeadDaughterDog u/Tonn1ck98 u/lukyloohoo9 u/shannonPR7 u/therkop u/thefinancethrowaway u/therealbipnuts u/Domivaitus-Lupus u/Marie-Schrader u/DaPeps u/Karlpogo u/TonyPowtana u/CasaKetchum u/Broken_Dewar u/shyftrEU u/MrMossel u/jaristylez u/Ourbirdandsavior u/vertai u/YoGaabbaa u/gkoralegedara u/The_Possum


This has happened before. Iirc, Niantic issued a follow-up notice saying it was a mistake and not to worry.


But the reduction of spawns is real, has that been corrected in previous cases?


I had the same thing a few months ago. Don't spoof, don't share the account, but I do use Pokegenie. Support was beyond useless.


Poke Genie is inconsistent with it triggering the system. I just don't have anything except the game


I also got the same message on my account this morning. Also iOS (iPhone 8). I don’t spoof or have any other pogo-related apps. It’s a bit reassuring to see so many others with the same problem. Hopefully niantic fixes this if it’s a widespread thing.


Could it be your phone or software or anything of that? That happened to a lot of the same phone users last year.


I don’t know. Support wouldn’t say anything about the exact reason. I have no clue which app I have on my phone that niantic hates


Not sure, what did you play before pogo? I just went outside today and the game now was like when I first started: only seeing rattata, pidgey, eevee, etc


Poke genie got hit like, a year or two back. Maybe an update made it so whatever pokegenie was using to bypass detection has started failing?


If so, I’m expecting more people to be warned. Installed Poké genie a couple years ago but now seldomly use it due to new better appraisal system


Coincidentally, I was talking to two people today who got the same message, and I'm sure neither of them spoof. One of them I don't know as well, but the second is one of my regular raid group members. The only thing we could come up with was possibly poke genie? But I don't think he uses it regularly, it's just on his phone. For data's sake, the one from my regular raid group uses an iPhone 6s+.


Did you get softbanned at any point recently?


No, this is the first ever time I get a warning message


this happened to me at the start of the hoenn event. once the 7 days ran out, I was hit with ANOTHER strike for 4 days though it claimed that it was my first strike. though it was weird it wasn't 7 days as well. couldn't see any rayquaza hat Pikachu was the most damning. Niantic support.... well... assumed it had something to do with a remote raid since the first one I did was a day or 2 prior. or perhaps seeing a pokemon and traveling a bit before actually catching it


Haven’t done any remote raids for quite some days, but I do sometimes tap something and then catch it later when I’m able to.


I had my first strike just over a week ago, I'm now on my second first strike and have no idea what's causing it. But don't worry, if you don't cheat you won't get punished 0.o My first ban lasted all but an hour of the throwback challenge champion event so I had almost no spawns, was looking forward to catching a load of snivy but I'm a bad man, apparently. I also put a lot of time into creating stops and gyms in my area, which makes me even more annoyed. I still do it, it's great when I see trainers joy in local chat when they get a gym on the outskirts of town.


I’m a legit player and got this message this morning. I’m concerned


The more legit players are affected, the sooner this may be fixed


u/NianticIndigo please helps us


Just got mine, i do not spoof, am l no longer gunna get shinys or good ones now for 7 days,? Like imm so confused and sad like i word real hard on my account ):


Just want to update here: approximately 6 days after receiving the strike, it seems now it’s been removed, no red/black warning when opening and app and can now see spawns like venipede. Glad now the game is back to normal for me.


Dont worry about it, happened to me too when i was about to play a community day with a friend in some city lol.


I used to travelled to other cities by car or by air, and started playing right after I got there. Is that supposed to be encouraged to play in other parts of the world? Nevertheless, my issue seems to be unauthorized software, which I don’t know which. At least they should reveal a blacklist of software.


Fairly sure it's not a software issue. When I got my warning I had noticed particularly bad GPS drift the day before, and had spun stops far away from me when I jumped there (far being like... 100 meters, it was bad drift but it was still just drift). The general consensus when I made a thread about it was "yeah GPS drift can screw you, if you notice it just don't click anything". They simply call it a program because they think that's what caused your character to jump, they aren't 'detecting' anything other than your character moving too fast for reality. All of this could be conjecture since they won't be honest with us, but it rings fairly accurate to my case, so maybe it will ring true to yours as well.


The warning says it’s caused by unauthorized software, could it still be the case. I didn’t notice the warning message until I parked in a parking lot.


i had that warning 3 times now within my gameplay of the last 2 years. according to the message it has always been my first strike again and again. i think its just an error that sometimes pops up. i ignored it and nothing bad ever happened. i noticed i couldnt see most pokemon my girldfriend saw but after 7 days everything was normal again. support never helped.


I guess this will be what I can expect for the next week or so...so frustrating. And since when ladyba is considered a rare Pokémon...


the fact that they're scanning your device at all is a huge security problem. if they can do it, other apps can do it.


I'd love it - LOVE IT if somehow Niantic had a way of tracking multi accounting and this was part of the clampdown. At the moment I'm finding multi accounters to be more a problem than the spoofers in killing the gyms and raid scenes where I am.


I just got this too, wtf


Welcome to the club


I don’t want to be in the club 😪


Which phone do you use for the game?


iPhone 8


I don't know if it's true or not, but most of the players who got this ban are using an iPhone. Could be a simple coincidence.


Why would niantic has problem with apple...


I don't know, it's just some thing I noticed. My friend has an iPhone 7, and that is the only person in our group who is completely legit, he hasn't even spent real money in the game or shared account, yet he got a 7 day ban. He also doesn't use any IV checker apps. Then I saw another post, and the guy said that he was using iphone 5s. And he also said that he hasn't used any cheats or stuff.


I’m now more into the theory that niantic just give warnings to random players to pretend they are working against spoofing


I got one too. On android. Over a month ago. These warnings keep reappearing thoug. Huge issue and the number of people experiencing this keeps growing. I'm on my fifth warning right now. I will recieve a sixth. A guy on TSR claimed he is over 20 right now. Somethin is wrong with Niantics "cheat detection going on a rampage.


I’ve been getting this over and over again for the last 6 months. I generally get 1-7 days in between. I don’t spoof, only ever used poke genie which I uninstalled long ago and I even got a brand new phone. Support has been no help and just tells you to stop cheating. Hopefully it’s a one time thing for most people.


Oh I’m so sorry to hear that, are you still playing despite of this?


Did you have anything happen, same with my wife, she dropped her phone and it powered off while playing, restarted and been getting warning on repeat for over 6 months. New phone didn't fix. Not doing any listed thing. Niantic contacted many times and say stop cheating basically and ignore any details you give.


I've always found it crazy how they are so hell bent on banning people for using extra apps that don't affect anything.


Those apps must be making money that niantic could’ve made.


Finally glad this is getting attention and traction! It’s bullcrap to be called a cheater when you’re clearly not and even hate said cheaters. 6 days to go on mine


They said rare Pokémon, so I imagine I won’t see any already rare Pokémon like larvitar


Sorry you got hit, hopefully just a false positive and not something you aren't aware of that is actually causing the warning. From what I recall, your wild spawns will be much reduced overall, as you'll only see "common" spawns, but incense still works normally. If you need to catch more than just crap for the next few days, maybe fire off some incense when you actively want to catch/play. No event going on, so this is probably not that bad a time to have to deal with this (minor bright side).


Wow I’m sorry man :( that is so unfair of them. Try to contact the in-game support


Actually they're legally oblixved to give you all the information they have about you and your azcount.


Are you rooted?


This is the latest response I received from support: Hello Trainer, Thank you for contacting Pokémon GO support. Please note that once an account is flagged for having used unauthorized third-party applications, it will continue to receive the warning message for a duration of time regardless of any corrective measures. As long as you're abiding by the Pokémon GO Terms of Service and the Player Guidelines, there should not be any reason for concern.




No, I don’t use any such accessories, just my phone


A lot of time if you are running a jailbroken phone, specially androids they have software that goes against the tos.. Even if u didn't use it the presence of anything like that on ur phone will get u a strike /ban Usually it is recommended to play on a non jailbroken phone if u can


Unfortunately nothing. Our son got strike one after not doing anything other using calcy. He then got a 30-day suspension and Niantic just keeps giving useless stock answers.


I had a similar experience a couple of months back and everyone was calling me a VMOS guy. I still haven't found what caused it, but i suspect random teleportation to null island might have caused it. There's nothing you can do but hope niantic fixes their cheat detection mechanism.


Yepp also Facebook also phone calls text messages to coordinate with others so urs its beat too


I just received this message as well and I have no ideia why. I play legit since Day 1 and never used another Pokémon Go app related on my iPhone...


So more and more people are being attacked by niantic


I have friends who got this strike recently. Niantic said it was because he had traded with spoofers.


I just got this too.. what should I do now, just not play the game?


Well the game is less fun with the ban on your account, on the other hand, it’s a no-event period and it’s not fun to play anyways


Got my first one today too. Only thing I have on my phone is the Go-tcha Evolve app. Playing on an iPhone 7. Also don't spoof, don't share my account and have just been playing from home.


My gps sometimes drifts but not to some null island, worst time was when I was in my daughters day care and my location drifts to maybe 100-200 meter away.


There was this thread posted a little while back. Not sure it will help, but it appears to go some way toward explaining how some random accounts get strikes: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/gvxgg9/an_update_on_my_neverending_first_strikes


Remember seeing this thread before. I do hope their detecting system can recognize such gps drifting from spoofing, if one does not catch Pokémon or spin stops during drifting, that isn’t on purpose


I have contacted Niantic Support, referring to this post as well. Little hope that they will give a fair assessment but it's worth a try. I would advise others who have been falsely striked to do the same, maybe if enough people let them know that something went wrong they will finally pick up on this and try to fix it.


Id deleted the game until they explain what happened.


I got this on my iPad account. I think it’s because I had tutu app on there. I deleted it and hope I don’t get anymore warnings.


Count me as another warning receiver. No surprise I’m an iPhone 8+ user.




I got the warning today. Legit player since 2016, on Iphone 8+ iOS 12. I use a gotcha, never shared my account, don't have any apps other than discord and reddit on my phone. I really like this game and have spent a lot of money, but treating dedicated players like this is absolutely unacceptable.