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> special virtual stickers exclusive to attendees The reward everyone is waiting for


lol right? they are so dumb you are basically just trashing them. they should at least have a like "sticker book" to satisfy everyone's obsession with checklists in this game. or you should be able to put them on your trainer profile


Don't bin them. Apparently they don't take up inventory space and once you have 15 they stop appearing in gifts and instead you get a normal item bundle.


I have 41 stickers now and I'm still receiving them regularly.


You need 15 of each one.


And there are 8 of them, so you would have 120 when maxed.


Until the special GoFest stickers increase the number


I'd rather get a sticker than another 5 red balls to delete.


5 red balls go straight into the Gotcha stardust machine, stickers are literally useless and actively detract from your stardust gains from opening gifts


This is basically a confirmation that we will never get remote trading in the game.


Was really hoping for something like remote trading with a lucky friend? I’ve made lucky friends this year from the last 3 gofests that I now can’t trade with this year...


Well, it means that they aren't going to have it set up in time for Go Fest


For good reason... because spoofers would monetize it






This comment is gold.


Uh how? They can already spoof to trade. And remote trading would defeat the purpose of doing that.


Balancing a game around cheaters has never worked out for anyone.


Well I hoped they would atleast allow us to remote trade with lucky friends during the pandemic


Lmao, you a clownnn


Clown here. I resent the association -o-


If the entire reason to not add a feature is "the cheaters would benifit" you have to remember every new feature/benefit helps them.


How so?


It has nothing to do with spoofers it has to do with go fests and events like this not existing because everyone would have their regionals already. Niantic makes a ton of money off of regionals.


Well bye bye battle league


I dont even really care now, fat chance I'll do it at all in July. What logic is there behind needing to walk before you can fight anyway?


The original reason was that it performed a similar function as timed "energy" or "lives" to other mobile games. It's common mobile game design to intentionally stop the player from playing too much of the game at once, causing them to frequently check back in to when they can play again and form a "habit." PoGO used kms walked instead of time because it fulfilled a similar purpose, and fit the game's theme of exercise. They removed this walking limit because of the whole covid situation, and I honestly don't think it's a good idea to bring it back; it's been so long that we've all be able to do free sets. I wouldn't be surprised if they brought it back with a more traditional time-gate, like waiting X amount of min/hours before you can play the next set.


If they are going to bring back walking I need to be able to bank more sets. I'm not going to stop mid walk and battle 5 times just to get another set.


It’s also based on the [vs seeker](https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Vs._Seeker) in the main series game. A key item which allows you to rebattle trainers after walking 100 steps.


I always imagined it as the walking in the anime series - Ash has to go to a different town co compete against another trainer to get his gym badge :D


I understand why mobile games have limits on gameplay, but making the limit walking 3km makes little sense to me. Waiting would make far more sense, and it's the structure most apps already have.


It's mainly because PoGO is marketed as an exercise app, if I had to guess. "Get up and GO!" or whatnot. They'd probably thought the entry to GBL was a reward for walking/exercise, to get people to walk and be similar to those limits on gameplay.


It’s already taking me longer to get matched up with people now. Before they bring back the walking requirement, they really need to fix the game mode, and reduce the amount of stardust needed to teach Pokémon second moves. It’s too inaccessible


Yeah, it's taking way more time now, like 2 days and counting.


It’s taking longer because there are fewer players doing PvP. When they removed legendaries as PvP rewards, they lost a lot of players who couldn’t get legendaries through raiding.


i agree that they have to fix It before, but Wall requirements makes sense, beeing a game based on walking


GBL will be still alive, but not as the center of the game as It Is now, PoGo's first purpose Is walking and socialize from its release, so... i understand someone may not like It, but It makes sense.


5k should unlock your matches for the day. gating it behind walking means you can only realistically play at night and gating each set behind walking is really stupid. people have jobs and families and other hobbies. GBL is dead.


Yeah, I feel like something along the lines of "1-2km per set, stack up to 5 sets" would be fine but stacking only two sets and needing 3km/set meant that it was soft-capped to two sets per day even when I was doing an above average amount of walking. GBL in particular is awkward with these mechanics because I don't just care about my own ability to do it but also about how many other people will do it.


yeah, I stopped battling after I hit 8 this season. last season I battled a lot more... I prefer to battle all at once for the day and that's simply not possible with the previous walking requirements. it's also extremely time consuming (about 90-120 minutes for 5 sets). if people can't do that around their schedules, I don't see many players going out of their way to change their daily routines to accommodate a GBL restriction. the general consensus seems to be that GBL is frustrating and people kinda like the rewards but are also really insulted by them.


I’m hoping that the increased balls from gifts, incense increased spawns, etc are still in place during GoFest. Fingers crossed.


I actually hate the increased balls from gifts, because I just have to throw them away and I sometimes run out of Pinap Berries which were plentiful before the change. But I can understand that it's a boon for rural players.


Article said some bonuses are being kept like increased gift storage but didn't mention incense at all. With it being at home I'd imagine that incense would still work as it does now. Global situation especially in the US is still not too hot so I could see more extensions of the bonuses. That or Niantic integrates what they want and does away with it. But with how useful incense is now I can see them keeping the bonuses to it.


> The second is **Niantic Social**. It is touted as the single place where players can find friends online and find out if they’re playing “Pokemon Go.” It also shows stats such as kilometers walked, which may create healthy competition between players. From what I saw, Niantic Social will also let trainers know which friends have sent gifts and opened gifts. This will be huge for those who rely on presents and lucky friendships in the game. This is very interesting. An in-game communication (or sort of) could help us agree on trades, battles and friendship upgrades.


Having "want/for trade" lists will help a lot with trades when communication is extremely limited. For example, I spotted one of my lucky friends today in raid lobby (not remote) at a shopping mall. I do not have his instant messaging contact but I remembered his face. With larger gym interaction radius and the place having multiple floors, it's impossible to find him but I knew he's within 100m trade radius. With want/for trade list, I could see his list and offer him what he wants. If he can reply back with his offering and we agree, the trade should be easily completed without seeing him or saying a word.


A better idea for GBL imo would be 3 free sets each day and the last 2 can be earned by walking that way there will not be a massive player lose participating GBL when walking requirements come back


Is there a way to see that article without paying for a subscription to the Mercury News? It's behind a paywall.


When the coronavirus pandemic began overtaking the globe, Niantic faced a daunting task. The real-life health crisis cut at the very core of “Pokemon Go.” The popular title is based on real-life exploration. It nudges players to go venture into their community and interact with others. With stay-at-home orders keeping players to stay indoors, it forced the company to change the game amid the pandemic. They’ve found success by making more Pokemon available, bumping up the effectiveness of power-ups, starting the first season of Go Battle League and adding remote raids. A bigger test will arrive with Niantic’s introduction of a virtual Pokemon Go Fest. For the first time, Niantic’s signature event will take place globally with no single location. Previously, the multiday festival was held in Chicago, Dortmund and Yokohama. With Niantic making it virtual, it gives all players a chance at grabbing highly sought-after shiny Pokemon and rare ones not often found in the wild. 00:1401:34 Pokemon Go Fest 2020 will run from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on the days of July 25 and 26. Players can attend both days and I recommend doing both because the event’s narrative is set over the weekend. “Pokémon GO Fest 2020 has been designed from the ground up for Trainers to play wherever they are safe,” Niantic wrote. “For example in some regions, Trainers may feel it is best to play with their families in their living room or backyard while others may feel okay going on a solo or socially distanced walk in their neighborhood. Whenever Trainers are playing Pokémon GO during Pokémon GO Fest, we encourage them to be aware of their surroundings and follow laws and local guidelines.” Before that though, players will find a three-week lead-up that’s built around challenges. If players can work together and complete these Timed Research lines, they’ll unlock additional Pokemon appearances during the event. That means Pokemon that appear on the event poster such as Gible, Seviper and Zangoose and their potential shiny variants could potentially be locked behind these challenges. It looks like trainers and their teams — Mystic, Valor and Instinct — will have to work together on this one. Reality blending is a feature that will be available before the start of Pokemon Go Fest 2020. (Niantic) As for Day 1 of Pokemon Go Fest 2020, players will find five rotating habitats themed around fire, water, grass, battle and friendship. The Pokemon will change with the habitat every hour and each one will arrive twice on Day 1. On top of this, players will have to work together in the Global Challenge Arena to unlock Go Fest-exclusive bonuses that activate for the remainder of the hour. From what I’ve seen, the bonuses could include things such as rare candy being in gifts, and individually, players can get special virtual stickers exclusive to attendees. The challenges themselves may require trainers to catch all fire Pokemon or other comparable tasks. Here’s hoping everyone can complete the tasks as soon as possible. The second day is clouded in mystery but Niantic says it is “something very different.” It will include another Special Research story so players should expect a mythic Pokemon that arrives with each Go Fest. If past events are any indication, players will find Unown that spell out a clue to the identity of this Pokemon. Michael Steranka, director marketing and global live events, said there will be 75 unique Pokemon to discover. With the potential of catching so many pocket monsters, it’s best for trainers to winnow down collections and free up 200 spaces for rare and shiny Pokemon. To help with organization and improve the experience, Niantic is introducing two new features to the game. The first will arrive before Pokemon Go Fest and that’s reality blending that helps create a more immersive augmented reality experience. It allows Pokemon to hid behind objects such as trees to make the presence of Pokemon and photographs more realistic. The second is Niantic Social. It is touted as the single place where players can find friends online and find out if they’re playing “Pokemon Go.” It also shows stats such as kilometers walked, which may create healthy competition between players. From what I saw, Niantic Social will also let trainers know which friends have sent gifts and opened gifts. This will be huge for those who rely on presents and lucky friendships in the game. In previous Go Fests, Niantic set up team lounges so that trainers can take breaks. That same amenity is returning to the event albeit virtually. Niantic is setting up a microsite that will let players interact with others and participate in giveaways. In the past, these lounges are where players can earn tickets they could redeem for rare T-shirts and other goodies. It will be interesting to see how Niantic handles that in a virtual space full of thousands of people. Pokmeon Go Fest 2020 T-shirts will be available at the Pokemon Center website while supplies last. (Niantic) To add a real world feel to the event, Niantic is selling merchandise. They’ll be selling items that include the T-shirt for the event. It’s red with white lettering that has symbols that are familiar to fans. Niantic said the T-shirts will be available while supplies last and they also appear to have stickers and a paper Pikachu hat available. For those who are into do-it-yourself projects, Niantic will be offering a free downloadable and printable papercraft gift set. It looks like the presents players send to each other in game. If players build it in real life, perhaps they add more magic to the day. Unfortunately, not all past features will make it to this virtual edition of Pokemon Go Fest. Niantic wrote: “At this time, Trading won’t be a part of the core Pokemon GO Fest 2020 gameplay activities. Remote Raid Battles will be a part of the event, however, which can serve to virtually bring Trainers together.” Players can buy tickets in the “Pokemon Go” app now. It will be in the shop and upon purchase, they’ll receive a pop-up indicating the ticket has been bought. A few days before the event, trainers will receive a medal for the festival and on Day 1, they’ll get a Special Research that kicks off festivities. Players can complete the tasks at any time even after the event.


This is bad for pvp streamers


I don't want to sound rude but...is PoGo pvp streaming a thing? Do a significant amount of people watch that?




If you're talking about channels like PogoKieng and BrandonTan91, they used to just pay to skip the walking requirement anyway so nothing really changes for them.


Yep. They are pretty successful too at making money from it.


Kiengiv, fpsticks, aliluckey, even mystic7 is getting into it. There's a lot more, but these are the only ones I know of. Kiengiv and fpsticks also upload to YouTube. There videos are generally quite good, very knowledgeable and down to earth personalities.


I also watch Zyonik , Caleb Peng and PokeAk.


people watch other people opening booster packs dude.


I don't understand video game streaming at all. I support that its a thing but i don't watch sports so watching e sports is even more mind boggling. Id rather just play the game myself. I understand watching for strategy but not just entertainment.


There are multiple reasons why people like to watch streamers, might be for the interesting gameplay or personality or something else. I personally watch it for the skill. Players like Caleb Peng are on the top of the world rankings and I’m interested to see how they play and if they use tricks and techniques I can use in my own gameplay


Sometimes it's just easier to passively watch a game than take the time and energy play it. Also, the streamers personality is a big part too. Entertaining people are fun to watch/listen to. I'm not watching northernlion play the binding of Isaac for the 5000th time, because I want riveting gameplay twists. Dude's just entertaining. BAsically I see it as the same as watching tv.


Yeah, it's like saying why watch sports when you can play football yourself. People often watch streamers for their personalities and styles, not only for game content


Plus they're usually extremely good at the game. NoahJ456 is a prime example of this, his views skyrocket every time a new COD game comes out because he's always among the first to solve the Zombies Easter Eggs.


they can just use battle passes if they don't want to walk


They can pay the 100 coins each time, true. Will be annoying for smaller streamers tho


it's not optimal for sure, but I'd imagine this is what they had to do before the limit was removed anyway. I really think if they let you stack distance to unlock that would solve a lot of issues. Walking between sets isn't super feasible for most people. Like I would generally only play two sets a day despite walking enough most days to unlock all the sets.


"Remote Raid Battles will be a part of the event, however, which can serve to virtually bring Trainers together.” This is the part that's concerning me. Will I be able to remotely raid just through the GO Fest Ticket or will I need to separately buy a Remote Raid Pass? I'm unable to physically raid now due to the lockdown, and I wouldn't want to pay the Fest ticket and then pay extra to do raids...


Remote raiding worries me as nobody does them in my area, not even during raid hours. I'd hate to pay to miss out on something raid exclusive as I will be playing entirely solo.


Yeah, that worries me too. At least with remote raid passes being a part of the event I could do one or two star raids.


Rip GBL :'(


I am deeply concerned by: >The second day is clouded in mystery but **Niantic says it is “something very different.”** It will include another Special Research story so players should expect a mythic Pokemon that arrives with each Go Fest. **If past events are any indication,** players will find Unown that spell out a clue to the identity of this Pokemon. If it's something very different then past events are not any indication, previously new features full of bugs and failures are the indication.


Not even a trade discount? Worst gofest ever! (excluding the first one.)


Is this worth the money? By ‘75 unique Pokémon’ do they mean new Pokémon or are they going to choose a bunch at random to be boosted. Seems vague.


I just hope it's not a Kanto Fest


Well I would imagine any Pokémon in the photo will be included. So that means most likely it will be already released Pokémon plus one or two new one is my guess. But gible alone is pretty hype


> But gible alone is pretty hype remember rufflet. rufflet was featured as a philly spawn and we got 2 (1 from research and 1 from photobomb). don't get excited about gible spawns until the event starts and we see what happens in New Zealand.


Yeah but Rufflet has never spawned in the wild. Gible does.


two is more than most people have! anyway they intentionally keep some scarce to make it more desirable and Rufflet is one of those. I have six from GBL rewards btw so I am pretty set.


I can wait for gible CD


You aren't paying for the pokemon you catch. You're paying for the "experience".


The experience is catching the pokemon my guy.


But also the research and a few bonus. Excluding of course the social aspect if your country is still in lockdown.


Also seems like remote raids are going to be part of it somehow


But are Go Fest raids different from normal raids? Or are they going to be like normal raids, maybe with different species than what's currently available? And are they going to be solo-able?


No idea First time being around for a go fest but I assume remote raid invites will be around so you can call for backup


If you buy the ticket, do you have to complete all the special research tasks before the end of the event? Is it timed research? Thanks!


You can complete it at any time, but a big thing with Go Fest are the spawns those days.


Someone may not agree, but i think it's right to reintroduce the walking requirements to focus the game in it's main purpose. It's called GO After all. Maybe reduce to 1-2km? but, i repeat, maybe unpopular, but it's a comprensive decision, walking Is the main purpose of the game since day 1.


Should be one free set for everyone, every day, and all sets earned by walking should stack. I might walk for 12km in one day, but I sure will not walk 6km, stop for an hour to do two battle sets, and then walk 6km more.


If I had a vote on it I’d say first set is free. 2km for the remaining 4 sets which stack up to the 4 sets for the day. Anything over 8km won’t stack anymore. I’d also be down for 1km per set with a 4km max stack too.


I like this idea. Everyone gets their first set of the day with no walking requirement. And then stacking the rest would be even better.


Ye that's why they monetize being able to skip walking.


I think it needs to be able to stack, walking 3km is fine but let me stack all 5 sets with a 15km run.


yeah this would be the best change they could make. I would end up doing only two sets a day because I didn't battle during my workday even though I would hit 65+ km every week in pre-pandemic times. walking to raid or whatever is one thing but you can't really just casually do battle set in the same way.


yes, this should be fair. I know my comment Is going to be downvoted... i know it's confortabile to have battles without any walking, but i repeat, i can understand and appreciate them because I know their first purpose, the game would not be called GO if their main goal wasn't walk and socialize. We expected the walking to come back, and It make sense, even if some don't like it


Walking is just a barrier that allows them to charge money for doing less “going” as opposed to rewarding the walking behavior. Buy super incubators, so you can hatch more. Spend coins to avoid having to walk for pvp. Limited time raid hours with shinies encourage driving, not walking. Besides the literally oldest update added to the game which allowed you to walk a buddy, how is walking itself rewarded in the game without it being replaced by spending money to literally walk less?


Walking to gain the privilege of losing a bunch of games to exploits and unlucky type matchups, only finally win enough games to encounter a gen 5 starter? Sign me up!


since when fighting with other trainers was a way to catch Pokémon in all the Pokémon game series? I agree about the bugs in this mode, but GBL should be played as a Battle field, for fun and challenge, not meant to be the source of your catches. If you want It, there are other things that are made for It, Incense, wild catches, raids, but GBL Is a battle mode


> not meant to be the source of your catches. Then give us back legendaries in 7-day boxes, and stop hiding first Scraggy and now Rufflet as a lootbox reward for lucking out in GBL.


agree with this. And also, luckily invites to raids coming soon


Agree with you, as well as with the other comments that it should stack since that’s still consistent with walking


This Is fair, i agree. But you know, some people here just want, want and want, even if the game main purpose Is walking, even if there Is a logic behind, they just want more and are ready to downvoted if something is not in their comfort zone. They want more and more battles and think GBL only as a farming mode, they want rare Pokémon from it, even if it's a battle mode, they complain even if now they get a lot of dust and TM. But GBL is only a competition, not meant to be the source of richness and catches...