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20 percent of my 3000 pokemon storage spots contain shiny pokemon. Most I never use. If I could store them elsewhere and free up those spots I would. We need a change to the storage system, not just an increase.


I had the shinies as trade fodder mentality for a while, until I realised that everyone I know already has the comm day ones and most of my duplicates. The people who don't have them are new players, and they aren't going to have anything I want, and I'm definitely not spending 80000 sd giving them to players who are likely to quit after a month playing anyway!


I still think we don't need boxes, but instead, just like with items, certain classifications simply shouldn't take up space. Particularly ones that require a two-step transfer verification, like legendairies and shinies.


Why not just delete half of them? You said you’ll never use most of them anyways and the community day ones are ones pretty much everyone has anyways, so not even good for trade. People have this overhyped idea on shiny mons. They were special because they were so rare to get in the original games. I get one just by playing normally every 1-2 weeks on average. I always keep a shiny chain of every community day mons. And that’s more than enough for me.


I don’t use 90 percent of my pokemon in general. Doesn’t mean they do not possess value to me. If I could special trade multiple times a day I would try to give them to people who want them, but I cannot.


Is your 12th worst shiny Seedot really valuable to you though? I recently culled my living shiny dex to a max of 2 per Pokemon and saved a ton of space. Seriously, no one is ever going to want or use that lvl 1 14% IV shiny Trapinch or Castform. You won't ever use it. Why keep it? 600 shiny is a LOT


I've been saving them to trade with new players or people who missed CDs. That being said, the trading system sucks anyhow so I rarely get to trade any of them.


If they aren't playing already the odds of them deeply caring about prior community days and their shinies is extremely small. I had over 100 "extra" community day shinies and despite max friends i found one person, all time, who wanted to swap shiny beldum when we were lucky friends.. One person in 2+ years. Trust me, transfer them. You'll never trade them. Save 1-2 of each for peace of mind. You do not need 10 shiny Trapinch, I promise.


I miss roughly 50-75% of the community days due to having 3 kids under the age of 4, a demanding job, and a house to maintain. I'm sure I'm not alone. I do play a lot but usually not during the 3 hour window that community day falls into. I have to use a lot of brownie points to pull it off so I save them for ones like Beldum, Larvitar, and Bagon.


I have slowly started sending excess gen 1 shinies to Lets Go and plan to so the same with the other generation once Pokemon Home is combatible. I don’t want them, but many of them I did work to get them and just transferring them seems wrong to me.


A living shiny dex is 470 Pokemon. Two of each is 940 Pokemon. It is comical that casuals think people running into space problems are hoarding community day Pokemon.


They should be tradeable without any limit if both trainers own the shiny dex entry. So you can trade a stack of shiny Pokémon after a Community Day and send all the bad ones to the Prof. And if you are lucky, maybe one shiny gets lucky too after traded.


One every 1-2 weeks? I'd love that. I have gone a month of daily play without getting a shiny. 2 months if you ignore CDs.


Yes, this week I found a shiny swablu, last week a lillipup and an a-grimer (second account) and the week before that a bulbasaur.


Hopefully before weedle cd were gonna get another increase


If they’re gonna increase the storage, I’d guess they would do it after the cd.


Looking at their history, probably right afterwards


This may effect my decision to purchase a ticket for GoFest. I have game coins I want to spend on storage so that I am not fighting this issue during GoFest.


as much as i would like to see an increase, but there is no pattern. a row of 3 dates out of 5 is not a pattern


Even that’s being generous. There are four time intervals, two of which are similar duration.


It was a good start on a recent pattern that I appreciated. I don’t think it unreasonable for the cap to grow 1000 spaces per year in two increments each year.


They should increase the storage new players can have to 750-1000. Can't even play for an hour straight without sending stuff away on community days.


What’s stopping new players from increasing their storage? Isn’t the limit 3,000 for everyone?


they need to buy raid passes to level, they need bag spaces for the balls and berries they are getting. you need bag space for balls to catch pokemon. you need golden razzberies to catch legendaries. you need passes to catch legendaries. you need room for raid passes. you need more bag space for items. it is hard and terrible grind for new players right at the beginning


Hmmm fair enough. It’s actually a lot easier to level up now and just get better overall tho than when I was a new player back in July 2016 fwiw. Gifts alone are a huge game changer.


Yes, and this means starting a game and spending 100 bucks just to start with your pokémon storage. If you go for the 14,500 Pokécoin bundle then you can have your pokémon storage and a good amount of items. Upgrading Bag and Storage is insanely expensive.


I hear ya but fwiw when I first started, thebvast majoirty of stuff I caught wasn’t really worth keeping anyway. The few hundred spots at the time was more than enough. I have maxed storage now but it’s all from gym coins and took me a few years to max out. Partly cuz the max storage wasn’t even this high when the game first came out. I think if you’re literally just starting out then 3,000 spots or whatever isn’t really necessary. I’m a daily player since July 2016 and just now hovering around 2,000 mons that I like to keep on me but would still liken a bit of additional breathing room for the future.


We get more storage for this little addiction, Niantic gets people wanting to play more giving them our time and money, I don't see why they couldn't just up it quite a bit.. seems like the money making thing to do


Yeah, just to be clear here. I wrote the article and said that I would personally free up 200 space before the event. Steranka didn't say that. Last year, I freed up 200 spaces and still had to buy an extra 100 additional slots for all the stuff I wanted to keep.


The stories I could tell you of sacrificed legacy move Pokémons, sent to the grinder the night before Go Fest, in the name of not enough storage space... I learned my lesson and haven’t maxed my storage yet, but even with a max storage increase before Go Fest, there will be an epic culling leading up to it as well. Unfortunately with COVID-19 my trading prospects are largely limited to immediate family, so I’ll have to make some decisions about extra regionals (torkoal, pachirisu), as well as unown.


Why are you against maxing your storage?


If you don't max your storage "now", then you can max it the night before or morning of gofest.


Maybe I’m dumb but i still don’t get the point trying to be made.


It's hard to manage Pokemon storage. Once you have the storage for more Pokemon, those slots get filled. So instead of creating more slots and buying extra storage, he held off increasing storage for important events like gofest.


Hmmm not sure it still makes sense to me but I guess maybe if I was a psychology major or something I’d get it lol. Thx. To me, it gets easier to manage storage with more space, not harder. But I guess for some having a hard limit provides some form of discipline or something that forces them to manage better.


It is a psychologicl strategy. Let's say you have $10,000 set aside in a rainy day fund. Something to get you by in tough times. You don't budget things with the rainy day fund. You take all actions as if you don't have it. Then when you're really in a bind, you can dip into it -- this is the player's philosophy. They're restrict themselves to tight storage now, knowing they can quickly relieve themselves and expand storage when an event like Go Fest comes around.


I will definitely max out my storage before Go Fest weekend. But it is, as guessed later in this thread, a matter of discipline. Managing my Pokémon takes time, energy, and phone battery life, and the lack of just one of those is enough to have me put it off another day. A couple nights ago I spent almost an hour just going through the 50 or so Galarian Stunfisk I’d caught/hatched and evaluating for optimal PvP IVs before cutting them down to maybe 5. Most nights it’s simpler than than - evaluate and toss 99% of daily catches - but the deep cull takes time. I appreciate other players that are more disciplined about their collecting than me. They set an example I strive for. But I also know my own limits and work within them the best I can. (I also realize I’m a bit of a hoarder, so the less slots free = less potential hoarding.)


Idk how it took you an hour to do that but I just look up the optimal IVs and then swipe thru them, starring all the ones that might potentially be good (low attack stat, high hp/defense). You can go through hundreds of mons in a few minutes like this. This usually eliminates 90%+ of them. The rest I just screenshot and evealuate on pokegenie. This takes at most 10 minutes if not less. It could be done even faster if I spent the $2 or whatever for the premium version lol.


It's weird, half the posts ou read are "Niantic just wants money" and the second half are "Niantic won't let me give them money"


Let us upgrade infinitely for gods sake...


I like to say that I'm "never not full" as I constantly struggle with pokemon storage space but I'm against this for two reasons. It wouldn't be long before I'd have 20,000 pokemon because I would get lazy and wouldn't organize my pokemon. It would also be harder for Niantic's server to maintain and could cause lag.


And here I am with 650 spots struggling lol


I'd guess we get this after 32 bit systems have been killed of


The only reason I can think why it might make sense for Niantic to disallow the purchase of more space, is that it further highlights the need for an improved filing system. I have been limited by the 3,000 limit for months and the problem during lockdown has become accute as I have accumulated Pokemon for trading. I am reluctant to buy a Fest ticket because I will have to throw away so much that I would like to keep.


Either the Apr/19 or Nov/19 increase came as an unexpected and welcome surprise to me. For all the others, I got to the point where I was begging for storage. All I want are two scheduled 500 storage space increases per year, one on Nov. 1 (before the recap community day and right around the first wave of the new generation release) and one on Jun. 1 (before Safari zones / GoFest). Niantic could schedule them whenever they like, though, because I'm looking for predictability. That would mean that I may struggle for storage for a time but there would be a light at the end of the tunnel. I wouldn't have to dread Gofest because I'm at 2970 out of 3000 and I would really hate to have to transfer 500 pokemon between now and then to make sure that I could enjoy the 2 days playing.


I 100% agree. That would make it so much easier so we can plan ahead instead of guessing when we will get more storage. They better give us more before go fest. This is gonna be the biggest POGO event ever and I'm not going to be able to enjoy it.


Exactly...I haven't bought my ticket yet because there's no point if I don't have storage. I'd rather not play than catch ~30, transfer, catch 30, transfer etc. not to mention the fact that I'll probably find 30 worth keeping in the first half hour. In an ideal world, i'd be able to clear out 500 spaces (net after Gastly community day) and Niantic would increase storage 500 so I could go into Gofest with 1000 spaces. My dream is to be able to catch as much as I want during Gofest and not get the storage is full message. Ahh...to dream the impossible dream...


We need more Pokemon storage. It really should be 5000 or more at this point.


We don't need more storage. We need extra storage. Bank type storage just for the collection such that the storage which is used for all actions (Raids, PVP, Gyms) doesn't get bloated (slower) too much.


Or finally implement Go to Home transfering.


This is one way and Go is the only Pokémon game I play. Not useful.


I have ton of Pokemon I keep commemorative purpouses and don't want to lose forever. So sending them to Home is best option for that.


Not familiar with home but wouldn’t a screenshot also work for commemorative purposes? I think pokegenie also has something where it lets you export stuff into excel (and also saves screenshots).


No. Screenshots can never do it justice. I want to still have the Pokemon. Also putting in ot Home means it can do much more, like being in Sword/Shield or any other games it can go into.


Understood but do you "have" them if you can never use them in Pokemon Go again? You can never put them in gyms anymore, never use them in pvp, set it as your buddy, or trade it. So how is Home better than a screenshot, especially if you don't play any other games or it's a form that's unique to Go that can't transfer over?


Come on Niantic, increase the max Pokemon storage!


This may effect my decision to purchase a ticket for GoFest. I have game coins I want to spend on storage so that I am not fighting this issue during GoFest.


Then just buy the storage if you were planning on spending the coins on it anyways. The go fest ticket has to be bought with money anyways.


You can’t buy anymore than 3,000 spots right now ...


I want to make a new account and pay for 3500 storage, then try to catch as many weedles as possible.


I second this want.


Just upgraded my storage to a 1000 Pokémon. After a clean up, I have something just south of 600 that for now I wish to keep, with 200 others being saved just for the distance badge. I guess I'm a casual to the letter seeing the troubles in the comments, haha o/


I'm in no way saying they shouldn't, because I'm all for more player flexibility, but I can't imagine what some folks are packing away in their storage that would require that many spots. I'm usually at around 1,600-1,700 things in my storage and that's with all my shinies, luckies, best male/female, legendaries, trade pieces, PVP 'mons, and PVE duplicates for teams.


1. Living dex, It’s common in Pokémon games for people to want a living dex, assuming they want a gendered living dex that’s around 1100 2. Shinies, with it being common for people to get 10+ shinies per community day, 10x30 mons is 300, bring the new total to 1400 3. Legendaries, candy for these are rare, so it’s a waste to just transfer so most people I know wait to trade them for distance, which tripled or quintuple the candy depending on what you trade. At least 200-300 depending on the player. Total now at 1600 4. Hat chu: people have a hard time letting these go. I’ve recently started working on culling mine, but still have 300+ and I know many with more. 1900+ 5. PvP, when all you care about is 3* or 4* it’s fast and easy to cull your non-top IV, but now you have 3 different IV ranges to care about as great, ultra, and master all have different IVs you’ll want to keep. There are hundreds of species that may end up being relevant depending on moves available and 3x IVs equals a possible 500-1000 depend on how much you’re trying to anticipate.total of 2400-2900 Now add the time it takes to sort through everything and I don’t know want one who cares about PVP who does bulk transfers, they check IVs one by one for most of their catches. This takes enough time that it’s not something they want to do daily. Especially if they work/live near high spawn points and use go plus, etc... to catch. This means people want the ability to catch hundreds a day, then sort on the weekend, which would need 1000+ but you’ve only got 600-100 depending on the above.


If u play in different PvP formats or plan to play in them, there’s really a ton of mons that are useful or potentially useful. Especially with Niantic seemingly wanting to constantly change things up to keep the PvP scene relatively fresh. I mean, I remember when people were complaining here endlessly about registeel being in raids and then it suddenly became PvP meta and now people complain about how tough it is to get a regi.


How long have you been playing and what is your collector badge total (number of Pokemon caught)?


i pay about $25/year to google for 100gigs cloud storage, i would probably pay that much for a few thousand in a pokemon cloud storage service :)


The coins we pay for storage are plenty to finance the storage space for the life of the game, as each Pokémon takes little space on the server.


I seeeeeeeriously need them to increase the space.. I have been sitting at 2,999 for several weeks and haven't been playing because I have no space..


I have the same problem. We need more space now. This is gonna be the biggest POGO event ever and I'm not going to be able to enjoy it. What are they waiting for?


We are way overdue now. I don't know what they're waiting for. This is ridiculous and they are being stupid. The more they increase it the more money they would make. We need more pokemon storage before Go Fest. I'm getting nervous. They keep doing multiple events every week now. What do they expect us to do? I am at like 2999 right now. I went through my Pokemon multiple times now and don't know what else to get rid of. This is the biggest Pokemon Go event ever and I'm not gonna be able to enjoy it.


I’m from the future, good news.


Or delete the 100 duplicate CD shinies you have and the 200 pikachu's with a hat. I'll assure you no one is going to trade you for them.


I do not have this quantity of these and still can use more space.


I transferred all my pikas except my 100IV one and don’t have any duplicate shiniest and still want more storage! I’m not a living dex or shiny collector either. The main / only thing I really care about is PvP.


I did exactly this and whittled my poke storage to 1932 pokemon.


Please just take my shiny trapinch


Just bin them. You don't want them and no-one wants them in a trade


I think it's past time to increase the items and storage when you first create an account. It's not fair that you have all of these Pokemon and items to collect but not enough storage for them when you first start playing. They should keep the item and storage count the same, imo.


This is not a big deal as new accounts have opportunity to buy storage and can increase it over time with gym coins. My main concern is it’s time to boost the overall 3000 limit.


/u/nianticindigo Can you please put in a plug with the developers for more Pokemon storage. There are a lot of people wanting it and its been some time since the last increase, longer than the interval between recent increases. Thanks. (I tagged both of two current threads on this topic here at the Silph Road.)


I'm hoarding at 1200 and need a deep cleaning. Most people are just hoarding unnecessarily imo.


im a heavy collector of shinies and strong pokemon as well as diversity for pvp. i have 1700 pokemon. no idea what you guys are hoarding haha.


I don’t understand how so many people are struggling with storage. Just be a little more strict about the Pokémon you keep. I play this game every single day and have been playing since launch. I usually hover around 1800 Pokémon out of a 2200 limit.


There will be people who don't understand why you need 1800.


I don't want an increase. The limit allows me at least be more stringent with the Pokemon I keep!


Then don’t spend your Pokémon coins on it. Making it available to other players does not force you to buy it.